205 resultados para Educação e movimentos sociais
This study proposes some thinking under a different perspective about the Event Organization Activity. As a directed communication instrument, Events are planned actions, aiming at gathering people with common objectives, for a specific goal, usually under the view of organizations. In this study, some questioning on the relevance of Events at the social movement context is proposed, as they organize themselves through these actions in order to claim and pressure the Government for citizenship rights.
The paper studies the mobilization occurred in June 2013 in Brazil, initially under the banner of the Movement Free Pass, but without the existence of a lead, but multiple voices that alternate in search of social and economic change. The object of study is the communication made through social networks and their realization, or realization, the streets of major cities. The rallies demonstrate the power of communications media and a new phenomenon of talk, the use of social networks, now as uniting factor and not just a showcase of everyday life. The internet has become a new means of communication easy and free access, in addition to its fast dissipation data. Thus, the youth was used such technology to an uprising in the pursuit of social improvement of the cities where marches happened. Such a move still without an academic and social needs to be discussed so that, in addition to understood, can expand contributions to society, helping it in its claims. Was chosen as the site for the #causabrasil study and understanding of issues in which the public expresses dissatisfaction. The site performs an analysis with the combination of hastags a list of pre-registered and a list of terms used by different users of Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Youtube and Google, through monitoring tool Seekr, and an infographic presents the main political demands of the population.
The paper studies the mobilization occurred in June 2013 in Brazil, initially under the banner of the Movement Free Pass, but without the existence of a lead, but multiple voices that alternate in search of social and economic change. The object of study is the communication made through social networks and their realization, or realization, the streets of major cities. The rallies demonstrate the power of communications media and a new phenomenon of talk, the use of social networks, now as uniting factor and not just a showcase of everyday life. The internet has become a new means of communication easy and free access, in addition to its fast dissipation data. Thus, the youth was used such technology to an uprising in the pursuit of social improvement of the cities where marches happened. Such a move still without an academic and social needs to be discussed so that, in addition to understood, can expand contributions to society, helping it in its claims. Was chosen as the site for the #causabrasil study and understanding of issues in which the public expresses dissatisfaction. The site performs an analysis with the combination of hastags a list of pre-registered and a list of terms used by different users of Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Youtube and Google, through monitoring tool Seekr, and an infographic presents the main political demands of the population.
The Participatório: Observatório Participativo da Juventude (Participatory: Observatory on the Youth Participation) is an online platform created in August 2013 as part of the response of the General Secretariat of the Presidency of the Republic of Brazil to the protests which took Brazilian streets in the middle of that year. This paper analyses the Participatório against the theoretical context brought by studies of digital activism and social movements. We revise relevant theories and present results of an empirical study indicating parameters to assess whether the apparent goals of the platform would have been reached. The data suggest that the initiative could achieve its purposes as long as it secures the efficacy of future improvements.
This article analyzes how the Brazilian feminist movements utilize online social networks to expand their sphere of action and mobilization in society through understanding how is the activity of the collective Marcha das Vadias of Rio de Janeiro on your Facebook page and as this group is mobilized in the online environment to organize its annual march, here, specifically the 4th Marcha das Vadias of Rio de Janeiro. Through exploratory, descriptive and analytical qualitative research methodology and analysis of social networks on the Internet, it is concluded that the network generated by the topic "4th Marcha das Vadias of Rio de Janeiro" was central dynamic between a public clear feminist, but weak and little to comprehensive dialogue with society in general positions.
Essa monografia tem por objetivo verificar se a cobertura jornalística impressa do jornal O Estado de S. Paulo atuou como instrumento de criminalização das manifestações de junho de 2013, observada a precária atuação da mídia tradicional que ora desmoralizou os protestos, ora deslocou o eixo das discussões das demandas sociais e fatores políticos para o modo de agir dos manifestantes. Busca-se compreender, mais amplamente, a criminalização dos movimentos sociais pela mídia, fenômeno já notado por autores como Batista (2014), Bortolozzi Júnior (2008), Adissi (2011), Martins (2007) e Foscarini (2014), bem como sumarizar os mecanismos e conceitos que podem contribuir para o entendimento do assunto
Pós-graduação em Comunicação - FAAC
Pós-graduação em Psicologia - FCLAS
Pós-graduação em Televisão Digital: Informação e Conhecimento - FAAC
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
A tese do fim das metanarrativas defendida pelo pós-modernismo implica a negação da universalidade da cultura. Não se trata apenas do fato de que a cultura humana ainda não tenha alcançado um estágio de verdadeira universalidade nem mesmo se trata do fato de que a classe dominante tenha até hoje submetido a cultura humana a seus interesses particulares de classe e, para tanto, tenha sufocado e destruído muito da riqueza contida nas culturas locais. Para o pós-modernismo, o problema não reside na visão burguesa de cultura humana, mas sim na própria idéia de que possa haver uma cultura universal. Os pós-modernos afirmam que qualquer projeto educacional pautado na idéia da existência ou da possibilidade de uma cultura universal é um projeto conservador, autoritário e etnocêntrico. O texto defende a tese de que a concepção marxiana acerca do processo histórico de constituição da riqueza humana universal contém os elementos teóricos necessários para a superação da falsa opção, postulada pelas diversas correntes do pós-modernismo, entre o etnocentrismo e o relativismo cultural. em Marx, a universalização da cultura humana ocorre, na sociedade capitalista, por meio da universalização do valor de troca das mercadorias como mediação fundamental das relações sociais. Trata-se, portanto, de um processo dialético no qual ocorrem ao mesmo tempo a humanização e a alienação do gênero humano e dos indivíduos. O texto conclui com a apresentação dos desafios que, a partir dessa concepção marxiana sobre a riqueza universal, devem ser enfrentados no processo de construção de uma pedagogia marxista.
Este artigo analisa a persistência da marginalização e da exclusão social apesar da pretensa democratização da informação que estaria sendo viabilizada pela introdução de novas tecnologias nos meios de comunicação de massa, nas escolas e nos currículos escolares. Essas novas tecnologias (TV, vídeos, computadores conectados à Internet), tendo sido apropriadas pela Indústria Cultural, continuam produzindo analfabetos e os chamados analfabetos funcionais bem como, mais recentemente, os analfabetos ponto com. Tais recursos não vêm resultando em maior conhecimento e participação dos indivíduos nas decisões políticas e nos bens socio-culturais que ficam restritos a uma pequena minoria, a qual se poderia chamar pelo substantivo cidadão. A tentativa de superação dos modismos pedagógicos, buscando uma educação crítica e criativa em direção a objetivos emancipadores, é tarefa ainda a ser realizada.
Excessive specialization and the fascinating advances of technology and the sciences, particularly of mathematics, cause a false dichotomy between the sciences and technology and the arts and humanities. The survival of civilization is threatened. Clearly, the fragility of the current social organization allows for the exclusion of the larger part of the population from the benefits of progress. We need to revert this scenario, moving into a civilization without inequity, without uncontrolled consumerism and with respect for social and environmental conditions. In this paper, we discuss these issues and we illustrate with some examples how this can be achieved. We discuss the development of mathematics in Brazil, environmental crimes and its prevention through mathematical education, and a proposal for alternative educational models, using as an example the Waldorf Educational System.
Pós-graduação em Educação Escolar - FCLAR
Pós-graduação em Educação Escolar - FCLAR