188 resultados para Doentes oncológicos


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Photodynamic therapy is a method of healing skin lesions , in addition to radiotherapy and brachytherapy are commonly used in the treatment of skin cancers , but it is still little known in Brazil , consisting of the application to the skin of a drug in the form of cream or lotion ( photosensitizer ) . It is absorbed by tumor cells and subsequently activated by light device , that wavelength of light in the order of 630 nanometers , promoting the selective destruction of cancer cells while preserving healthy cells around the lesion . It can be considered highly effective for treatment of skin cancer types of non-melanoma ( basal cell carcinoma , 85-100 % success in curing [ 3 ] , and Bowen's disease), actinic keratoses , which are precancerous lesions and still no studies that prove also action in the treatment of acne and aging caused by the sun . And the advantage of this treatment is that , when indicated , replace the surgical procedure , selectively treating the diseased cells . Thus, it offers better cosmetic results, reducing the risk of scarring [ 4 ]


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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A cardiomiopatia arritmogênica do ventrículo direito (CAVD) é uma enfermidade de caráter hereditário na qual há uma lenta e progressiva degeneração do miocárdio. As apresentações clínicas podem variar desde um animal saudável, assintomático, a episódios de síncope, fraqueza, intolerância ao exercício, tosse e aumento de volume abdominal. Visto a dificuldade diagnóstica devido às variações na forma de apresentação da doença e os diferentes achados de exames complementares, esta revisão sistemática tem como objetivo definir o melhor critério diagnóstico para a CAVD. Um total de 24 artigos foi utilizado, sendo que 18 destes relatavam o critério diagnóstico utilizado. O melhor exame complementar encontrado foi o eletrocardiograma (Holter-24 horas), no qual animais que apresentam mais de 1000 contrações ventriculares prematuras (CVPs) em 24 horas são considerados doentes


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Periodontitis is an infectious disease characterized by the secretion of a variety of inflammatory mediators that lead to destruction of tooth supporting tissues, including the possible loss of alveolar bone, in association with infection with multiple species of bacteria. It is estimated that more than 400 species colonize the biofilm and some oral species related to periodontal disease is present in the subgingival including P. gingivalis, T. forsythia and T. denticola. However, other organisms may be related of this disease, as Filifactor allocis and Prevotella tannerae. These microorganisms and subproducts such as endotoxins released into the extracellular lead to the stimulation of metalloproteinase inducer glycoprotein (EMMPRIN, CD-147), which stimulates the release of MMPs by host cells, like fibroblasts and endothelial cells, thus leading to tissue destruction. The objective of this study was to detect F. allocis, P. tannerae, T. denticola and the glycoprotein EMMPRIN (CD-147) and its correlation with MMP-2 and MMP-9 in subgingival fluid samples of patients with chronic periodontitis. Fluids were collected from healthy and disease subgingival sites of 20 healthy individuals before basic periodontal treatment and after of 60 days of treatment. Their DNAs were extracted and portions of the 16S gene were amplified and performed conventional PCR. For immunological analysis and quantification of EMMPRIN (CD-147), MMP-2 and MMP-9 was used ELISA-Sandwich. Results demonstrated that the disease group showed significantly high amounts of T. denticola, F. alocis and P. tannerae when compared with health sites. MMP-2 and MMP-9 were detected in high concentrations with statistically significantly reduction after periodontal treatment to MMP-2, but without correlation with EMMPRIN.


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To calculate the estimated and actual height and weight measures in cancer patients, evaluate the correlation and concordance of these measures and to identify the malnutrition patients. 62 cancer patients, treated at the Amaral Carvalho Hospital (Jaú- SP). For classifi cation of nutritional status, the Patient-Generated Subjective Global Assessment, the Body Mass Index and the relationship with usual weight were used. For the estimated weight was used the algorithm Chumlea et al.7 and estimated height, the equation proposed by Chumlea et al.8 and Kwok & Whitelaw24. The Pearson Correlation Coeffi cient and the Intraclass Correlation Coeffi cient was calculated and simple linear regression was conducted. To compare the malnutrition detected by different methods, the Cochran’s Q test were performed. There was a strong and signifi cant correlation between the estimated and actual weight (r=0,95; CI95%=0,92-0,97; p<0,001) and excellent concordance (ρ=0,95). For height measurements, a signifi cant correlation was observed between the actual and estimated measurement the method Chumlea et al.8 (r=0,78; CI95%=0,66-0,86; p<0,001) and Kwok & Whitelaw24 (r=0,85; CI95%: 0,75-0,90; p<0,001). Concordance was “Good” (ρ=0,72) and “Moderate” (ρ=0,67) between the actual height and estimated by Chumlea et al.8 and Kwok & Whitelaw,24 respectively. There was a strong correlation between the actual and estimated weight and height measures. The reproducibility of the equation proposed by Chumlea et al.8 to calculate height was better. The nutritional status, the patients classifi ed as malnutrition was greater when using the Patient-Generated Subjective Global Assessment and the relationship with usual weight.


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Pós-graduação em Fisiopatologia em Clínica Médica - FMB


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Pós-graduação em Enfermagem - FMB


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Produção Vegetal) - FCAV


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Esta revisão avaliou a eficácia da utilização da vacina E. coli J5, na imunização de vacas e novilhas leiteiras no pós-parto, em relação à prevenção de novos casos de mastite clínica, redução na gravidade dos sinais clínicos dos animais acometidos pela enfermidade, assim como na contagem de células somáticas presentes no leite dos animais doentes. O experimento contou com a avaliação dos dados encontrados em seis trabalhos científicos, divididos em dois grupos, três com estudos em vacas e três com estudos em novilhas. A prevenção de casos de mastite clínica foi observada somente em vacas; no grupo das novilhas não houve diferença entre vacinados e não vacinados. Em relação à gravidade dos sinais clínicos dos animais acometidos com mastite, tanto no grupo das novilhas quanto no das vacas, a vacina mostrou-se eficaz, reduzindo custos com tratamentos, descarte de leite e de animais. Sobre a eficácia da vacina em reduzir contagem de células somáticas presentes no leite dos animais com mastite, a vacina não se mostrou eficaz em vacas e novilhas. Análise econômica indica que a vacina E. coli J5 é lucrativa para produtores de leite de grande, médio e pequeno porte, sendo recomendada tanto para vacas quanto para novilhas, por reduzir os custos de produção e facilitar o manejo das granjas leiteiras


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Is it possible to encapsulate in a pill the benefits of an analytical treatment? Quickly suspending the symptoms? Since the nineteenth century psychiatry has offered to the so called mentally ill "medieval forms" of treatment, as is the case of institutional admissions, the straightjacket, lobotomies, shock treatments, etc. What has changed since the mid-twentieth century advent of chlorpromazine, the first psychoactive drug, and the "psychopharmacological revolution"? Today with the Psychiatric Reform mental institutions admissions are being gradually abandoned, yet we see the rise of psychoactive drugs as protagonists in mental health treatment. This theoretical essay is an extension of a master's thesis in progress on the long-term use of psychotropic drugs. It falls within the field of mental health, specifically in the debate on the medicalization of society in contemporary processes of subjectivation of the psychiatric clinics and the treatment modalities currently offered to individuals in their suffering-existence. Thus, we seek to problematize this degrading psychiatric clinics, which produces what we call the pill-subject.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Medicina Veterinária - FCAV


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Pós-graduação em Educação - IBRC