228 resultados para soil hydraulic properties


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A soil sample was taken from the top 0-20cm at Jaboticabal county, São Paulo State, Brazil, air dried, sieved to 5mm, and placed into pots (2700g per pot). Sewage sludge was air-dried, ground to 2mm, and thoroughly mixed to the top 0-10cm soil of each pot, which were irrigated with distilled water in a total volume equivalent to the last 30years average rainfall in the region. Sorghum was sowed 120days after sewage sludge incorporation and then the irrigation was made according to the plants' requirement. When the plants were about 10 cm high, they were thinned to two per pot. Soil samples (0-10, 10-20, and 20-30 cm depth) were obtained immediately after the incorporation of sewage sludge and at 30, 60, 120, and 170 days after, air dried, sieved to 2 mm and analyzed for organic matter (OM), pH (0,01 mol L-1 CaCl2), extractable P (resin), potassium (K), calcium (Ca), and magnesium (Mg), amylase and cellulase activity. Sewage sludge increased soil OM, pH, extractable phosphorus (P), K. Ca. amylase and cellulase activity, especially at the rate 16 t ha(-1). Organic matter, extractable P, K, Ca, Mg. and amylase activity were higher in the top 0-10cm, while pH was higher in the 20-30cm layer. Amylase activity was not affected by sampling depth. Organic matter, pH, extractable P. K, Ca, and Mg decreased during the experimental period. Amylase activity decreased until sorghum was sowed and increased afterwards. Cellulase activity increased until 90 days after sewage sludge application and then decreased. Sewage sludge used in the experiment should already contain some amylase activity or a substance that was a soil enzyme activator and also a substance that was an inhibitor of soil cellulase inhibitor. Sonic of the plant nutrients contained in sewage sludge, mainly P, did not migrate down the soil column. an indication that sewage sludge should be incorporated into the soil to improve nutrient bioavailability. Sorghum roots increased amylase activity but did not affect cellulase activity.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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A técnica de agricultura de precisão e a relação solo-paisagem permitem delimitar áreas para o manejo localizado, o que permite a aplicação localizada de insumos agrícolas e, consequentemente, pode contribuir para a preservação de recursos naturais. Portanto, o objetivo deste trabalho foi caracterizar a variabilidade espacial das propriedades químicas e do teor de argila, no contexto da relação solo-paisagem, em um Latossolo sob cultivo de citros. Amostras de solo foram coletadas na profundidade de 0,0-0,2 m, em uma área de 83,5 ha cultivada com citros, na forma de malha, com intervalos regulares de 50 m, com 129 pontos na forma de relevo côncava e 206 pontos na forma plana, totalizando 335 pontos. Os valores obtidos para as variáveis que expressam as propriedades químicas e para o teor de argila do solo foram submetidos à análise estatística descritiva e geoestatística com a modelagem de semivariogramas para a confecção de mapas de krigagem. Os valores de alcance e mapas de krigagem indicaram maiores variabilidades na forma de relevo côncava (segmento topo), quando comparada com a forma plana (segmentos meia encosta e encosta inferior). A identificação de diferentes formas de relevo mostrou-se eficiente no entendimento da variabilidade espacial das propriedades químicas e do teor de argila do solo sob cultivo de citros.


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The indiscriminate management and use of soils without moisture control has changed the structure of it due to the increment of the traffic by agricultural machines through the years, causing in consequence, a soil compaction and yield reduction in the areas of intensive traffic. The purpose of this work was to estimate and to evaluate the performance of preconsolidation pressure of the soil and shear stress as indicators of changes on soil structure in fields cropped with sugarcane, as well as the impact of management processes in an Eutrorthox soil structure located in São Paulo State. The experimental field was located in Piracicaba's rural area (São Paulo State, Brazil) and has been cropped with sugarcane, in the second harvest cycle. The soil was classified by Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (EMBRAPA) [Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (EMBRAPA), 1999. Centro Nacional de Pesquisa de Solos. Sistema Brasileiro de Classificao de Solos, Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (EMBRAPA), Brasilia, 412 pp.] as an Eutrorthox. Undisturbed samples were collected and georeferenced in a grid of 60 m x 60 m from two depths: 0-0.10 m (superficial layer - SL) and in the layer of greatest mechanical resistance (LGMR), previously identified by cone index (CI). The investigated variables were pressure preconsolidation (sigma(p)), apparent cohesion (c) and internal friction angle (phi). The conclusions from the results were that the SLSC was predicted satisfactorily from up as a function of soil moisture; thus, decisions about machinery size and loading (contact pressures) can be taken. Apparent cohesion (c), internal friction angle (phi) and the Coulomb equation were significantly altered by traffic intensity. The sigma(p), c and phi maps were shown to be important tools to localize and visualize soil compaction and mechanical resistance zones. They constitute a valuable resource to evaluate the traffic impact in areas cropped with sugarcane in State of São Paulo, Brazil. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This study examined a new conservation tillage tool, the rotary paraplow. Emphasis was placed on evaluating the tool's conservation potential using dimensionless graph analysis. The dynamic conditions of the soil were investigated in terms of physical soil properties. Having determined the variables to be measured, dimensional analysis was used to plan the experiments. Two variations were considered for each dependent variable (linear speed, working depth, and rotation velocity), totaling eight treatments, allotting in each an experimental strip with five data collection points. This arrangement totaled 16 experimental strips, with 80 data collection points for all variables. The rotary paraplow generates a trapezoidal furrow for planting with a very wide bottom and narrower at the top. The volumetric subsoiling action generates cracks on the sides of the band. Because of their specific geometry the blades of rotary paraplow generate a soil failure according to its natural crack angle, optimizing the energy use, while preserving the natural soil properties. Results showed the conservation character of the rotary paraplow, capable of breaking up clods for planting without changing the original physical soil properties.


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Pasture degradation is one of the greatest problems related to land use in the Amazon region, forcing farmers to open new forest areas. Many studies have identified the causes and the factors involved in this degradation process, in an attempt to reverse the situation. The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between pasture degradation and some soil properties, to try to identify the most significant soil features in the degradation process. A cattle raising farm in the eastern Amazon region, with pastures of different ages and degrees of degradation, was used as the site for this study: a primary forest area, PN; three Guinea grass (Panicum maximum Jacq.) pastures in an increasingly degraded sequence-P1, P2 and P3; one Gamba grass (Andropogon gayanus Kunth) pasture following an extremely degraded Guinea grass pasture, P4. Aboveground phytomass data showed differences between the pastures, reflecting initially observed degradation levels. Grass biomass decreased sharply from P1 to P2 and disappeared at P3. Pasture recovery with Gamba grass at P4 was very successful, with grass biomass higher than P1 and weed biomass smaller than P2 and P3. Root biomass also decreased with pasture degradation. Soil bulk density increased with pasture decrease at the topsoil layer. Results from the soil chemical analysis showed that there were no signs of decrease in organic carbon and total nitrogen after the forest was transformed into pasture. In all pastures, degraded or not, the soil pH, the sum of bases and the saturation degree were higher than in the forest soil. The extractable phosphorus content, lower in forest soil, remained quite stable in pasture soils, but it could become a limiting factor for the maintenance of Guinea grass. Results indicated that pasture degradation does not seem to be directly related to the modification of the chemical features of soils. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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During the building of a hydroelectrical power plant at Ilha Solteira in the Parana River (Brazil), materials of a highly weathered soil Oxisol were extracted from a depth between 5 and 8 m for engineering works. This resulted in an abandoned depression area. The topsoil was not salvaged and the open pit was not backfilled, and as result vegetation hardly or not at all recovered. on the residual saprolite materials, an experimental field was established to assess different soil rehabilitation treatments. Field experiments were initiated in 1992. After soil tillage, two different crops and three different liming strategies were compared, giving six combinations. In addition, two uncropped control treatments, tilled and no-tilled, were established so that a total of eight treatments were assessed. The experimental design consisted of four randomized experimental blocks, which included a total of 32 plots with a plot area of 100 m(2). This experiment was used to study the effectiveness of the soil-reclamation treatments after a 9-year period. Soil samples were taken at three different depths (0-10, 10-20, and 20-40 cm), and they were analyzed routinely for pH, organic-matter content, and cation exchange capacity (CEC). Revegetation of the abandoned saprolite material increased soil organic-matter content and cation exchange capacity (CEC), and to some extent small differences between treatments were evidenced. Exchangeable calcium (Ca) and magnesium (Mg) recovered faster than organic-matter content. A significant linear relationship was found between organic-matter content and CEC, suggesting continued addition of organic material will further approach the value of these parameters to those levels corresponding to natural soils under "Cerrado" vegetation.


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Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a influência das formas do relevo na variabilidade espacial de atributos físicos e suas relações com a mineralogia da argila de um Latossolo Vermelho eutroférrico, utilizando a técnica da geoestatística. Os solos foram amostrados nos pontos de cruzamento de uma malha, com intervalos regulares de 10 m, nas profundidades de 0,0-0,2 m, 0,2-0,4 m e 0,4-0,6 m para os atributos físicos e 0,6-0,8 m para os atributos mineralógicos. Os valores médios para a densidade do solo e resistência do solo à penetração são maiores no compartimento I onde a relação Ct/Ct+Gb é relativamente maior, indicando a presença de maior teor de caulinita. No compartimento II a condutividade hidráulica e a macroporsidade são maiores, influenciados provavelmente pelo predomínio da gibbsita. Portanto, conclui-se que a identificação das pedoformas é muito eficiente para compreender a variabilidade espacial de propriedades do solo. Sendo que, as variações na forma da paisagem promovem variabilidade espacial diferenciada das propriedades físicas e mineralógicas do solo.


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A emissão de CO2 do solo apresenta alta variabilidade espacial, devido à grande dependência espacial observada nas propriedades do solo que a influenciam. Neste estudo, objetivou-se: caracterizar e relacionar a variabilidade espacial da respiração do solo e propriedades relacionadas; avaliar a acurácia dos resultados fornecidos pelo método da krigagem ordinária e simulação sequencial gaussiana; e avaliar a incerteza na predição da variabilidade espacial da emissão de CO2 do solo e demais propriedades utilizando a simulação sequencial gaussiana. O estudo foi conduzido em uma malha amostral irregular com 141 pontos, instalada sobre a cultura de cana-de-açúcar. Nesses pontos foram avaliados a emissão de CO2 do solo, a temperatura do solo, a porosidade livre de água, o teor de matéria orgânica e a densidade do solo. Todas as variáveis apresentaram estrutura de dependência espacial. A emissão de CO2 do solo mostrou correlações positivas com a matéria orgânica (r = 0,25, p < 0,05) e a porosidade livre de água (r = 0,27, p <0,01) e negativa com a densidade do solo (r = -0,41, p < 0,01). No entanto, quando os valores estimados espacialmente (N=8833) são considerados, a porosidade livre de água passa a ser a principal variável responsável pelas características espaciais da respiração do solo, apresentando correlação de 0,26 (p < 0,01). As simulações individuais propiciaram, para todas as variáveis analisadas, melhor reprodução das funções de distribuição acumuladas e dos variogramas, em comparação à krigagem e estimativa E-type. As maiores incertezas na predição da emissão de CO2 estiveram associadas às regiões da área estudada com maiores valores observados e estimados, produzindo estimativas, ao longo do período estudado, de 0,18 a 1,85 t CO2 ha-1, dependendo dos diferentes cenários simulados. O conhecimento das incertezas gerado por meio dos diferentes cenários de estimativa pode ser incluído em inventários de gases do efeito estufa, resultando em estimativas mais conservadoras do potencial de emissão desses gases.


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In this work the relationship between CO2 emissions and the soil properties of a tropical Brazilian bare soil was investigated. Carbon dioxide emissions were measured on three different days at different soil temperature and the soil moisture conditions, and the soil properties were investigated at the same points that emissions were measured. The soil CO2 emissions were correlated to carbon content, cation exchange capacity and free iron content at the 65 points studied in an area of 100 x 100 m located in southern Brazil. (C) 2000 Elsevier B.V. Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Ferralsols have high structural stability, although structural degradation has been observed to result from forest to tillage or pasture conversion. An experimental series of forest skidder passes in an east Amazonian natural forest was performed for testing the effects of mechanical stress during selective logging operations on a clay-rich Ferralsol under both dry and wet soil conditions. Distinct ruts formed up to 25 cm depth only under wet conditions. After nine passes the initially very low surface bulk density of between 0.69 and 0.80 g cm(-3) increased to 1.05 g cm(-3) in the wet soil and 0.92 g cm(-3) in the dry soil. Saturated hydraulic conductivities, initially > 250 mm h(-1), declined to a minimum of around 10 mm h(-1) in the wet soil after the first pass, and in the dry soil more gradually after nine passes. The contrasting response of bulk density and saturated hydraulic conductivity is explained by exposure of subsoil material at the base of the ruts where macrostructure rapidly deteriorated under wet conditions. We attribute the resultant moderately high hydraulic conductivities to the formation of stable microaggregates with fine sand to coarse silt textures. We conclude that the topsoil macrostructure of Ferralsols is subject to similar deterioration to that of Luvisols in temperate zones. The stable microstructure prevents marked compaction and decrease in hydraulic conductivity under wetter and more plastic soil conditions. However, typical tropical storms may regularly exceed the infiltration capacity of the deformed soils. In the deeper ruts water may concentrate and cause surface run-off, even in gently sloping areas. To avoid soil erosion, logging operations in sloping areas should therefore be restricted to dry soil conditions when rut formation is minimal.


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In the study of physical, chemical, and mineralogical data related to the weathering of soils and the quantification of their properties, remote sensing constitutes an important technique that, in addition to conventional analyses, can contribute to soil survey. The objectives of this research were to characterize and differentiate soils developed from basaltic rocks that occur in the Parana state, Brazil and to quantify soil properties based on their spectral reflectance. These observations were used to verify the relationship between the soils and reflectance with regard to weathering, organic matter (OM), and forms of Fe. From the least to the most weathered soil, we used a Typic Argiudoll (Reddish Brunizem), Rhodudalf (Terra Roxa Estruturada), and Rhodic Hapludox (Very Dark Red Latosol). The spectral reflectances between 400 and 2500 nm were obtained in the laboratory from soil samples collected at two depth increments, 0- to 20- and 40- to 60-cm, using an Infra Red Intelligent Spectroradiometer (IRIS). Correlation, regression, and discriminant estimates were used in analyzing the soil and spectral data. Results of this study indicated that soils could be separated at the soil-type level based on reflectance intensity in various absorption bands. Soil collected in the 40- to 60-cm depth appeared to have higher reflectance intensities than those from the 0- to 20-cm depth. Removal of OM from soil samples promoted higher reflectance intensity in the entire spectrum. Amorphous and crystalline Fe influenced reflectance differently. Weathering of basaltic soils was correlated with alterations in the reflectance intensities and absorption features of the spectral curves. Multivariate analysis demonstrated that this technique was efficient in the estimation of clay, silt, kaolinite, crystalline Fe, amorphous Fe, and Mg through the use of reflected energy of the soils.


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The ash of rice rind is a pozzolanic material that reacts with the calcium hydroxide (Ca (OH)2) forming bonding composites, when finely worn out and in water presence. Considering this behavior, the objective of the present work was to evaluate the potential use of this residue in the enrichment of the content of pozzolanic materials of a tropical soil stabilized with a commercial hydrated lime. The laboratory testing program incorporated unconfined compression strength tests performed on the soil and on its mixtures with contents of 8% of lime enriched with 5 and 10% of ash of rice rind in relation to the soil dry mass. The results of the testing program supported that the use of the residue was effective in increasing the degree of reactivity of the soil that was also directly related with the increase in the ash content and the period of cure of the mixtures.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)