226 resultados para sedimentation basin sludge


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The partitioning of Mn, Al, Zn, Cu and Ti ions in municipal sewage sludge was investigated before and after bioleaching processes effectuated by Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans and Acidithiobacillus thiooxidans. Oxidation reduction potential increase and pH decrease were obtained as a result of bacterial activity. A less pronounced and constant decrease was obtained with A. ferrooxidans, whereas A. thiooxidans presented a lag phase before a steep pH decrease. Metal solubilization was accomplished in experimental systems supplemented with energy source, Fe2+ for A. ferrooxidans and S-0 for A. thiooxidans. Solubilization efficiency differed for each metal except for Al, and was relatively similar for either organism. Metal partitioning was conducted using five-step sequential extraction procedure before and after the bioleaching. The results indicated that Zn and Mn ions were mostly associated with the organic fraction, whereas Cu, Al and Ti ions with the sulphide/ residue fraction. The bioleaching process caused prompt solubilization of metals mostly associated with the more labile fractions (exchangeable, adsorbed and organically bound metals), whereas those associated to the less labile ones (EDTA and sulphide/residue fractions) were exchanged towards more labile fractions.


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This paper describes the results of a regional study involving the sampling of 60 pumped tubular wells drilled at the Parana sedimentary basin, Brazil, which was carried out with the purpose of evaluating the U speciation in the Botucatu-Piramboia aquifer. Uranium proved to be intensively dissolved even under the enhanced reducing conditions occurring at the most confined zones of the aquifer, and Eh-pH diagrams were utilized to evaluate the influence of temperature and pressure on the migration of the U-species within the aquifer.


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The effects of anaerobic digestion and initial pH on the bioleaching of metals from sewage sludge were investigated in shake flask experiments. A strain of Acidithiobacillus thiooxidans was employed in the assays using secondary and anaerobic sludges, which resulted in similar solubilization yields of the metals chromium, copper, lead, nickel, and zinc for both the sludges investigated. The effect of initial pH (7.0 and 4.0) on metal bioleaching was assayed by using the anaerobic sludge inoculated with indigenous sulfur-oxidizing thiobacilli. Although the time required to reach the end of the experiment (final pH close to 1.0) was shortened at initial pH of 4.0, final metal solubilization was not significantly different for both initial pH values, resulting in higher solubilization yields for copper, nickel, and zinc (higher than 80%). Chromium and lead presented solubilization yields close to 50%. The results obtained in this work showed that the metal bioleaching process can be applied to sewage sludge regardless of the type of sludge and without the requirement of pH adjustment.


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The chemical fractionation and bioleaching of Mn, At, Zn, Cu and Ti in municipal sewage sludge were investigated using Thiobacillus ferrooxidans as leaching microorganism. As a result of the bacterial activity, ORP increase and pH reduction were observed. Metal solubilization was accomplished only in experimental systems supplemented with energy source (Fe(II)). The solubilization efficiency approached similar to80% for Mn and Zn, 24% for Cu, 10% for At and 0.2% for Ti. The chemical fractionation of Mn, At, Zn, Cu and Ti was investigated using a five-step sequential extraction procedure employing KNO3. KF, Na4P2O7, EDTA and HNO3. The results show that the bioleaching process affected the partitioning of Mn and Zn, increasing its percentage of elution in the KNO3 fraction while reducing it in the KF, Na4P2O7 and EDTA fractions. No significant effect was detected on the partitioning of Cu and Al. However, quantitatively the metals Mn, Zn, Cu and At were extracted with higher efficiency after the bacterial activity. Titanium was unaffected by the bioleaching process in both qualitative and quantitative aspects. (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Distribution and seasonal dynamics of freshwater Rhodophyta were investigated in the Preto River basin, located in northwestern São Paulo State, southeastern Brazil. Twenty-two sites were sampled, six monthly during one year, four bimonthly during two years, and 12 twice (hot-rainy and cool-dry seasons) during the study period (May 1989 through March 1991). Red algal representatives were found in 19 sites (86.4%). Four species occurred in the basin with varying frequencies: Batrachospermum delicatulum (54.5%), Compsopogon coeruleus (36.4%), B. bicudoi (13.6%) and B. virgatum (4.5%). In addition, 'Chantransia' stage of the batrachospermalean species was found in 17 sites (77.3%). B. bicudoi, B. virgatum and C. coeruleus occurred only in large stream segments (greater-than-or-equal-to 3-order), generally in the main river, whereas B. delicatulum was more frequent in small streams (less-than-or-equal-to 3-order). The stream variables most closely related to the species distribution in the basin were specific conductance, pH and oxygen. B. bicudoi and B. delicatulum showed a marked seasonality: gametophytes were observed from late fall to early spring, while the 'Chantransia' stage generally occurred throughout the year. C. coeruleus was observed throughout the year in most sites, but the populations were generally more abundant from late fall to early spring. The combination of lower temperature and reduced turbidity resulting in increased illumination to the benthic algae during the dry winter months promotes the gametophytic growth of the batrachospermalean species, whereas current velocity was found to be the most influential stream variable for C. coeruleus. The persistance of the 'Chantransia' stage throughout the year as well as its tolerance to wider environmental conditions are key factors in the efficiency of the batrachospermalean life history strategy in lotic ecosystems.


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Topography has been reported to be the major factor ruling the spatial distribution of Acrisols, Plinthosols and Gleysols on the seasonally flooded, low elevation plateaux of the upper Amazon basin occupied by Tertiary (Ica & Solimoes) sediments. In this study, detailed morphological and mineralogical investigations conducted in a representative 25-ha site were combined with hydro-geochemical data to relate the vertical and lateral soil differentiations observed to the hydro-geological history of that part of the basin. As a result of the uplift of the Andes, several cuts in the extensive Tertiary marshlands have formed, at first, slightly incised plateaux of low elevation. There, weathering under hot and humid climates would have generated a reddish, freely drained and bioturbated topsoil layer and the vertical differentiation in subsoil sediments of a plinthite over an iron-depleted mottled clay. The second episode of soil differentiation is linked to the replacement of the forest by a savannah under the drier climates of the late Pleistocene, which favours surface runoff and the infill of the incisions by fine particles. This infill, combined with the return to the present humid climate, has then enabled the local groundwater to rise on the plateaux and to generate episaturation at the topsoil/subsoil transition close to the depressions. Nowadays, ferrous iron is released from the partly iron-depleted topsoil weathering front at high water levels during the rainy seasons. It moves from footslope to low-lying positions and from top to bottom in the soil profile according to the groundwater dynamics. The present general trend is thus to the lateral export of iron at high water levels due to subsurface and overland flows, its vertical transfer during the recession of the groundwater and accumulation in a nodular plinthite. In the latter, ferrous iron is adsorbed onto its softest iron masses where it feeds the neoformation of ferrihydrite that rapidly dehydrates into haematite.


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Hemiodus jatuarana, a new species of the Hemiodontidae from Oriximina, rio Trombetas, Amazon Basin, Brazil, is described. The new species can be readily distinguished from its congeners by the presence of a horizontally elongated dark spot on the caudal peduncle, and by the absence of any other dark pigmentation pattern on the body. Hemiodus jatuarana is readily separated from H. immaculatus, another species without dark pigmentation on the body, by having 25 - 27 epibranchial and 36 - 37 ceratobranchial gill rakers on the first branchial arch, and caudal-fin lobes without longitudinal stripes, vs. 14 - 16 and 21 - 25 gill rakers, and a conspicuous longitudinal stripe on each caudalfin lobe in H. immaculatus. The new species is only known from its type-locality, where it cooccurs with H. immaculatus.


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The population structure of 147 marsh deer (Blastocerus dichotomus) from three areas in the Parana River basin, Brazil, was studied by observing protein polymorphism at 17 loci. Six loci were polymorphic and 11 monomorphic. The proportion of polymorphic loci (P) was 35.29% and the average heterozygosity (H) was 6.31%. Wright's F-ST indicated that only 4.9% of the total variation in allelic frequencies was due to genetic differences between the three groups. The high value of F-IS (0.246) indicated inbreeding in the marsh deer. Genetic distance values (D = 0.014-0.051) showed little divergence between the three areas. We suggest that probable mechanisms accounting for the genetic structure are female phylopatry and polygyny and also that inbreeding has resulted from decreasing areas of wetland leading to isolation, overhunting, and diseases transmitted by cattle.


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Dolostones of the upper Piaui Formation, Parnaiba Basin, northern Brazil, preserve a rich and diversified invertebrate fauna of Morrowan to Desmoinesian age. Among bivalves, Heteroconchia (15 species) is the most diversified, followed by Pteriomorphia (11 species), and rare endobenthic species of the Palaeotaxodonta. (three species). Eleven species of Pteriomorphia are described, including representatives of the genera Parallelodon?, Myalina?, Septimyalina, Caneyella?, Leptodesma (Leptodesma), L. (Leiopteria), Meekopinna?, Aviculopinna?, and Aviculopecten. A new combination, Etheripecten trichotomus, and the oldest member of the Anomiidae recorded, Pindorama nordestina n. gen. and sp., also are described. Details of muscle scars and hinge characters have been recovered for several taxa, thereby refining the knowledge for species diagnoses. Fossil beds in the Esperanca and Mucambo dolostones reveal episodic burial of bivalves in life position. These are internally complex, multistory fossil concentrations recording background and episodic processes. Hence, those fossil concentrations show high degrees of time-averaging and poor palcoecological resolution (except for the bivalves preserved in situ).


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We present a fast procedure for scanning electron microscopy (SEM) analysis in which hexamethyldisilazane (HMDS) solvent, instead of the critical point drying, is used to remove liquids from a microbiological specimen. The results indicate that the HMDS solvent is suitable for drying samples of anaerobic cells for examination by SEM and does not cause cell structure disruption.


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Macroalgal seasonality was analyzed in nine stream segments of the Preto River basin: five of these were sampled monthly for one year and four bimonthly during two years. Seasonal variation of macroalgae was correlated with stream variables (temperature, current velocity, specific conductance, turbidity, surface light, pH and oxygen). Multiple linear regression was applied to evaluate the macroalgal seasonal variability determined by a combination of temperature, current velocity and turbidity, the most influential environmental parameters on macroalgal seasonality. Most species revealed a clear seasonal trend, such that late fall through early spring was the period with highest macroalgal abundance in most sites. Temperature, current velocity and turbidity account for 24 to 83 % of macroalgal species number variation and 24 to 79 % of macroalgal abundance in the basin. The results suggest that the seasonal flow determined by the precipitation regime associated with turbidity and temperature were the major factors influencing the seasonal dynamics of macroalgal communities. The highest values of macroalgal species number and abundance were found under cooler temperatures, lower current velocities and lower values of turbidity.


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The effects of municipal sewage sludge solids concentration, leaching microorganisms (Thiobacillus thiooxidans or Thiobacillus ferrooxidans) and the addition of energy source (SO or Fe(II)) on the bioleaching of metals from sewage sludge has been investigated under laboratory conditions using shake flasks. The results show that metal solubilization was better accomplished if additional energy source is supplemented to the microorganisms and that T. thiooxidans furnishes, in general, more adequate conditions for the bioleaching than T. ferrooxidans. At a total solids concentration of 70 g L-1 (originally present in the sludge) pH drop and ORP increase are attenuated, so metal solubilization is negatively affected. Tt was also demonstrated that if lead (Pb) solubilization is to be achieved, than a special combination of microorganism/energy source must be applied.


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This paper evaluates the efficiency of geotextile filters for sludge from a compact water treatment plant (WTP). The key aspects required in the methodology of selection and designing geotextile filters for sludge from dewatering was investigated based on laboratory tests results. The analyses were supported by the measured filtrated volume of water and turbidity resulting from variable head permeability tests carried out in two geotextiles and using the conventional granular filter (sand and gravel). The results of the present study showed that more than 75% of the dewatering sludge can be filtrated with low turbidity, which permits that this water can return to the treatment plan in order to be reuse in another cycle. The reduced volume of sludge retained by the geotextile that is transferred to the drying pound increases its efficiency by reducing the drying time. The low volume of the dry waste can be removed and the geotextile can be easily cleaned or replaced when needed. These procedures significantly reduce the volume of water needed in dewatering and also avoids waste discharges in the environment.


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The effect of copper and zinc ions on sulphur oxidation by Acidithiobacillus thiooxidans, strain SFR01, isolated from anaerobic sewage sludge was assessed, resulting in tolerance levels up to 20 and 200 mmol l(-1) for copper and zinc, respectively. The tolerance levels obtained were higher than the concentration of copper and zinc usually found in the collected sewage sludge. The tolerance levels obtained indicate no constraints for sludge bioleaching of those metals due to their toxicities to the indigenous A. thiooxidans.