208 resultados para redução fenomenológica


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In today's competitive environment of automakers, it is essential to obtain the highest efficiency of the production process. This paper presents a study in a pre-assembly of brake pipes and fuel of a vehicle where the value stream maps and information (VSM – Value Stream Mapping) were designed in order to improve the process by reducing the Lead Time Production of a product, reducing waste and decrease time between processes. This work can be divided into three stages, the first building the VSM of the initial state, the second VSM of the proposed state and finally the VSM than was actually performed and to present the gains were achieved effectively. The proposed VSM would lead to a gain of 54% in lead time and 61% in processing time, since the VSM implemented had gains of 47% in lead time and 48% in processing time even without major investments as originally proposed. Concluding that even without big investment, using the techniques of lean manufacturing is possible to achieve high levels of process efficiency


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Continuous improvement of industrial processes is one way to become companies more competitive in the market. For this, a fairly widespread use is the methodology of lean production systems, by eliminating waste. One of the tools of these systems is the method of rapid exchange of die or also called SMED, which will be applied in this study. The study aims to develop proposals for reducing the time of set up of two machines in two machining lines, watching also the ergonomics and safety conditions in this operations. The set up time reduction is justified among others, due to increase the machine productivity. In applying the connecting rod machining line, there were two types of exchange. Reductions in time to set up proposals reached values of 47% to one of them, and 55% to the other. It is important to underline that to reach this result, there was no need for large investments. In the application in block machining line, was developed an improvement in the ergonomic area. It was placed a pulley block that came to increase the time of tool change. Aiming to improve the security of the exchange, without productivity loss, the method was applied to reduce this time. It was developed two proposals.: the first would reduce that time by 19%, and does not require many resources of the company. The second involves the parallelization of the exchange, so that the reduction is 48%. However, this proposal requires one more manpower at the time of exchange and it is not always possible


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Currently the market requires companies to adapt for they can have the lowest possible cost in their manufacturing, be it a good or service, thus obtaining a greater profit. For this profit the Toyota Production System applies lean manufacturing practices actions with reduced spending, smaller lots and stocks, generated by market demand. The technique allows SMED with few actions, changes and investments that time does not exceed one digit on your total time. This case study shows that only with standardization and use of inexpensive improvements, could reduce setup time on a machine for 70 minutes to time of approximately 48 minutes with little investment, demonstrating the viability of the tool presented


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This research presents an investigation on the subject: Quantities and Measurements. The research is dedicated to this subject due to its importance in the school curriculum, and adopts the use of history of mathematics and investigative duties in a manner that will enable the production of knowledge by the student. Following a phenomenological orientation, we conducted field work in a public school in Guaratinguetá, with students from the 6 th grade. The analyze of data of the research, undertaken in accordance with the understanding of the texts FINI (1994), MACHADO (1994), BICUDO (1993, 2000, 2011), understanding how students construct knowledge measures. The data from field work were obtained from images recorded on video, the researcher's field diary and notes of the students. The descriptions of the data, transformed into text, had been detached the strechs most revealing for what it searchs to understand. The understood meaning through the analysis, indicates two categories: measure is to express values and measure is to compare quantities. When interpreting the open categories we understand that the student builds knowledge of measurement making comparisons


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In this graduate work we will perform the dimensional reduction of particles of spin s=0, s=1 and s=2 via Kaluza Klein mechanism. The method of Kaluza-Klein dimensional reduction is introduced by the dimensional reduction from D to D


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We have studied the physical content of the following models: Maxwell, Proca, Self-Dual and Maxwell-Chern-Simons. One method we have used is the decomposition in the so called helicity variables, which can be done in the Lagrangian formalism. It leads to the correct counting of degrees of freedom without choosing a gauge condition. The method separates the propagating modes from the non-propagating ones. The Hamiltonian of the MCS and the AD is calculated. The second method used here is the analysis of the sign of the imaginary part of the residues of the two-point amplitude of the theory, showing that the models analyzed are free of ghosts. We also carry the dimensional reduction of the Maxwell-Chern-Simons and Self-Dual models from D = 2+1 to D = 1 + 1 dimensions. Next, we show that the dimensional reduction of those equivalent models also leads to equivalent models in D=1+1. Even more interesting is the fact, demonstrated here, that those reduced models can also be connected via gauge embedding. So the gauge embedding of the Self-Dual model into the Maxwell-Chern-Simons theory is preserved by the dimensional reduction


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Pós-graduação em Microbiologia Agropecuária - FCAV


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In this era of globalization, with fierce competition in the labor market, using the reduction cost strategy and resources optimization, has become a competitive advantage. In this graduation study, it will be exposed in form of case study the DMAIC project (Define Measure Analyze Improve Control) execution, using of Six Sigma's tools, statistical and quality knowledge, with intent of analyze, improve and control the processes of a selected problem, always demonstrating good practice of methodologies. In an auto parts multinational branch, It was identified a high scrap rate in one of his production lines. This work will study this problem to improve their processes and ensure that these improvements are perpetual. As a result, reached the stipulated goals, increasing Corporation's Intellectual, thereby providing a competitive advantage


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This study aims to verify the reduction phenomenon and/or disappearance of vowels, especially unstressed vowels in PE compared to the PB, obtained by analysis of the recording of an oral reading sample of the Mar Português poem, by Fernando Pessoa, made by informants of the two variants. The noticeable difference in pronunciation of the informants, with any possibility of reaching up to no understanding of European pronunciation by Brazilian speakers motivated the development of an experiment that allowed us to compare the duration of vowels produced in the two variants. By isolating and measuring the vowels at Praat audio analysis program, this study was to confirm the reduction and, in extreme cases, the disappearance of unstressed vowels in PE, a phenomenon described in Mateus and D'Andrade (2000)


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEIS


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O texto apresenta as principais características e controvérsias jurídicas sobre a declaração de inconstitucionalidade sem redução de texto e a interpretação conforme a Constituição. São analisadas as hipóteses de cabimento, seus efeitos processuais, assim como casos de sua aplicação jurisprudencial. Em paralelo, são analisadas criticamente divergências doutrinárias sobre a natureza desses institutos e seus efeitos processuais. O texto apresenta esclarecimentos conceituais acerca dos limites impostos na aplicação dessas técnicas e indica sua relevância para o exercício do controle judicial de constitucionalidade.


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Este trabalho pretende investigar a eficiência do Programa “Luz para Todos” - LPT, na alocação de recursos financeiros para os estados mais carentes da nação. Para tanto, utiliza-se o ferramental da Análise Exploratória de Dados Espaciais (AEDE). Inicialmente, elabora-se uma análise univariada para o PIB estadual per capita, verificando-se dois clusters significativos para essa variável: um, com valores elevados e outro, com valores reduzidos. Em seguida, utiliza-se a mesma metodologia para avaliar os recursos alocados pelo Programa LPT, detectando-se os estados com valores significativos para essa variável. Por fim, é realizada uma análise bivariada confrontando a renda per capita estadual contra os recursos alocados pelo Programa LPT em cada estado. Os resultados sugerem que o Programa LPT cumpre parcialmente sua função social, pois dois estados “ricos”, Minas Gerais e Goiás, possuem como vizinhos, estados que receberam quantias abaixo da média do referido Programa.


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Over the last few years, new technologies have been developed to making cavity preparations, among which the diamond burs CVDentus® (CVDentus, São José dos Campos, Brazil) are outstanding. These points are produced by chemical deposition from the vapor phase, forming a single diamond stone, with greater durability than the conventional diamond burs. Coupled to the ultrasound appliance, they have several clinical applications in Dentistry with advantages over conventional rotary instruments, such as lower pressure, noise, vibration and heat, as well as reducing the need to use local anesthesia, contributing to minimize patient’s fear and anxiety. The aim of this study was to present the complete restorative dental treatment performed with this system in a child patient with a prior history of non-cooperative behavior. The use of this new technology offered the patient greater comfort, making it possible recondition the patient’s attitude to dental treatment, in addition to favoring conservative cavity preparations to be made.