229 resultados para recuperação semântica
Na segunda metade do século passado iniciava-se um movimento revolucionário no cenário mundial da saúde mental: a Reforma Psiquiátrica. No mesmo momento nascia a proposta das Comunidades Terapêuticas, que mais tarde se tornaria um modelo consagrado de atendimento para a dependência do álcool e outras drogas. Por outro lado, com o alarmante crescimento deste problema no Brasil, assim como pela ausência de políticas públicas que dessem conta do problema, houve uma indiscriminada proliferação de locais de internação para dependentes químicos que, mesmo se autodenominando como Comunidades Terapêuticas, em nada se assemelham ao modelo inicial proposto. Estes locais apresentam práticas desumanas e iatrogênicas, muito semelhantes às criticadas pelo movimento da Reforma Psiquiátrica, o que tem provocado o descrédito para com o modelo das Comunidades Terapêuticas. Este artigo tem como objetivo demonstrar, através de pesquisa bibliográfica, como as bases conceituais e metodológicas da Reforma Psiquiátrica se assemelham profundamente as do movimento das Comunidades Terapêuticas, tendo surgido na mesma época e pelo mesmo motivo, e como a falta de regulamentação dos locais de internação para dependentes químicos no Brasil tem contribuído com o atual descrédito deste modelo.
Pós-graduação em Estudos Linguísticos - IBILCE
Candidose experimental e recuperação de candida albicans na cavidade bucal de ratas ovariectomizadas
Pós-graduação em Biopatologia Bucal - ICT
The research presents as its central theme the study of the bibliographic record conversion process. The object of study is framed by an understanding of analogic bibliographic record conversion to the Bibliograhpic MARC21 format, based on a syntactic and semantic analysis of records described according to descriptive metadata structure standards and content standards. The objective of this research the objective is to develop a theoretical-conceptual model of syntactic and semantic of bibliographic records, from Linguistic studies of Saussure and Hjelmslev of manifestations of human language, which subsidizes the development of a computacional interpreter, focused to the conversion of bibliographic records to MARC21 Bibliographic Format, which can be confirmed both the semantic value of the informational resource represented as the reliability of the representation. Given the aforementioned objectives, the methodological trajectory of the research is based on the qualitative approach, of an exploratory, descriptive and experimental nature, and with recourse to the literature. Contributions on the theoretical plane can be envisaged regarding the development of questions inherent to the syntactic and semantic aspects of bibliographic records, and by involving, at the same time, interdisciplinarity between Information Science, Computer Science and Linguistics. Contributions to the practical field are identified by the fact the study covers the development of the Scan for MARC, a computational interpreter that can be adopted by any institution that wishes to use the conversion procedure for bibliographic record databases to the MARC21 Bibliographic Format from description and visualization schemes of bibliographic records (AACR2r and ISBD), an aspect of the research which is considered innovative.
Explores the concept of interoperability as a means of cooperation, stressing the importance of promoting them from consistent information policies. Highlights the dependence of interoperability to the variations of language that account for sociocultural differences and associates its realization to common ontology construction as a means of enabling structures that can be integrated. Emphasizes the importance of using categories to provide the entire organization and to facilitate access by offering support the process of categorizing on concrete terminologies of specific domains and areas of activity, discourse communities references or of the speeches actually made.
Information retrieval is a recurrent subject in search of information science. This kind of study aim to improve results in both searches on the Web and in various other digital information environment. In this context, the Iterative Representation model suggested for digital repositories, appears as a differential that changes the paradigm of self-archiving of digital objects, creating a concept of relationship between terms that link the user thought the material deposited in the digital environment. The links effect by the Iterative Representation aided Assisted Folksonomy generate a shaped structure that connects networks, vertically and horizontally, the objects deposited, relying on some kind of structure for representing knowledge of specialty areas and therefore, creating an information network based on knowledge of users. The network of information created, called the network of tags is dynamic and effective a different model of information retrieval and study of digital information repositories.Keywords Digital Repositories; Iterative Representation; Folksonomy; Folksonomy Assisted; Semantic Web; Network Tags.
In the capital market the information are used as subsidies for the decision making of investors, among the main highlights are the economic, political, accounting and relating nature to the financial results of companies which have stocks traded at Stock Exchanges. In this perspective, it is essential that the agents involved especially brokerage companies establish management processes that contain a set of criteria for the organization and treatment of information collected in newspapers, news agencies and the companies that trade in stocks. Thus, it is essential to establish rigor in relation to recovery mechanisms of such information, which requires more than technology, because actions are necessary that will propitiate the informational content are made available with consistency, clarity and trustworthiness, so as that users can retrieve them in a timely manner. Furthermore, those processes should provide the efficient use of the information retrieved by users, so that they can use them aiming to subsidize the decisions of sale or purchase shares. Considering that the information systems are responsible for the information dissemination in the framework of capital market, it is necessary to present requisites that contemplate the set organization, treatment, retrieval and use of information. That way, we sought to evidence in this paper these issues, utilizing as a premise the elements proposed by Guimarães (2003) from the perspective of the information environment of a values brokerage companies reflecting through the model used, how these companies realize their work considering the dimensions of the documentary analysis, informational treatment, and the instruments for retrieval and use of information.
The information retrieval process involves subjective, imprecise and vague concepts, such as "information need", "relevance", and the very concept of "information". The main information retrieval models treat these concepts accurately, represented by a single numerical value. The fuzzy logic, while operating with the uncertainty of natural phenomena in a systematic and rigorous manner, represents a promising alternative to solve some problems related to information retrieval. This paper presents the fuzzy logic and some examples of its use in information retrieval systems (IRS).
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Entomologia Agrícola) - FCAV
This work has the purpose of demonstrating how to build a Disaster Recovery Plan. In order to achieve such objective, an adaptation of the PDCA method was applied. This plan aims resuming the IT operations as fast as possible after some kind of incident which result the stop of the services or activities. Besides serving as insurance for the continued functioning of the company’s activities, indeed your non-existence brings up risks of financial loss and threatens the company’s image. As to illustrate the functionality and validity, the method was applied in an IT department of an energy company. It was concluded that the plan was well elaborated living up to the purposes described in the objective section of this work and validating the project developed so far, having a percentage of 85% of the overall success of the systems tested
The Paulista West region has suffered through the decades an intense process of deforestation when substituting native areas of Atlantic rainforest and Cerrado by agricultural cultivation, mainly coffee in the 20th century. This occupation process without planning and management of the soil resulted in serious erosion problems. Besides, the soil erosion promoted the reduction of agricultural production and the silting of rivers. This paper aims identify the factors of natural scope (geological, geomorphologic and pedologic characteristics) which participate in unleash of erosion process in two agricultural properties producers of coffee in order to apply mechanical techniques of recovery in erosive focuses of furrow and ravine kinds. One of the properties is at the city council of Getulina, located on the sandstones of Adamantina Formation; the other is at the city council of Vera Cruz, located on the sandstones of Marília Formation. However, taking into consideration the analysis of the natural dynamics, they are not enough to explain the complexity of the phenomena which are processed in the geographic space. It made indispensable the incorporation of socio-economic factors, such as the use and occupation process of the soil considering the society as landscape transformers. In order to better understand the importance of each one of the elements that contributes to the unleash of the studied erosions, it was collected soil samples in the areas, general descriptions and texture and morphologic analysis. Finally, it was elaborated the maps of the use and occupation of the soil and the vegetal coverage surrounding the properties studied. It was observed in the rural property of Getulina the substitution of the coffee by pasture that finds degraded. It, in addition to the cattle stomp, which changed the texture and density characteristics among the soil horizons, and the concentration of superficial water flow intensified the occurrence of ...
O aproveitamento da serapilheira e do banco de sementes de remanescentes florestais tem se mostrado uma técnica alternativa promissora na restauração de áreas degradadas. O objetivo desse projeto foi avaliar o potencial do banco de sementes e serapilheira de um fragmento Florestal localizado no Município de Guará, SP, visando à restauração de áreas degradadas. Parcelas de 0,5 X 0,5m foram alocadas ao acaso em 40 pontos amostrais, sendo 20 na faixa mais externa (primeiros 5m dos limites do fragmento) e 20 no interior do fragmento. Dentro dos limites de cada parcela (0,25m2) foram coletados a serapilheira e a camada superficial do solo, numa profundidade aproximada de 10 cm. Após a coleta, essa amostra foi transferida para um viveiro, onde o material de cada uma das 40 parcelas foi homogeneizado e dividido em duas porções. Uma porção foi disposta em canteiros expostos a pleno sol e a outra em canteiros sob sombreamento artificial de 70%. Após 8 meses de acompanhamento do projeto, em 5 avaliações, foram registrados 137 morfoespécies pertencentes a 35 famílias. A forma de vida herbácea foi a mais abundante com 61,31 % dos indivíduos, a arbustivo-arbórea representou 12,40%, as lianas 8,03% e as indeterminadas 18,24%. A espécie arbórea Cecropia pachystachya (Urticaceae) foi a mais abundante dentre todas as formas de vida, com 27,36% do total. Os tratamentos apresentaram diferenças sutis em relação à riqueza das diferentes formas de vida. No geral, o material das áreas de borda e interior não apresentaram diferenças significativas em relação ao número de indivíduos germinados. Porém, diferenciaram-se em relação as porcentagens de indivíduos germinados nas diferentes formas de vida, com destaque para gramíneas, ciperáceas e lianas nas parcelas de borda. É possível utilizar o banco de...(Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)
Brazil is nowadays the greatest bet of investors for the future due to its stable economy growth. The country has grown side by side with the greatest demand for electrical energy. The international appeal for renewable sources is causing a change in the Brazilian energetic matrix, raising the amount of energy generated by thermoelectric power plants. The construction of new power plants, running on biomass, requires a crescent number of capacitated personnel to run them. The Faculdade de Engenharia de Guaratinguetá – UNESP – has a steam laboratory; witch is deactivated, which has a thermoelectric plant of small capacity. The laboratory reactivation and the return of its activities can be an important tool in order to graduate engineer able to operate on such units. This paper proposes four new experiments to be simulated on the Collage’s Energy Dep. Steam Lab when it gets back to its educational activities