165 resultados para microrganismos solubilizadores de fosfato


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The objective of this study was to evaluate the microbial susceptibility to metronidazole from microorganisms isolated from patients with chronic or aggressive periodontitis. The samples were obtained from 50 patients with periodontitis and microorganisms were isolated onto selective and nonselective culture media, identified by biochemical methods and tested for susceptibility to metronidazole. The results evidenced the susceptibility to metronidazole among gram-negative anaerobes and some intermediate susceptibility and resistance among Grampositive anaerobes and facultatives.


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Nowadays the studies of different methodologies to interfere in the growing and spread of serious infections and systemic status in institutionalized patients those kept on intensive therapy units are relevant to understanding these complex systems and bring benefits to several health areas, particularly public health. In this study, it was analyzed the clinical and microbiological data from patients hospitalized in intensive therapy units. The interaction between patients and caregivers was modeled and analyzed using dynamic system model and complex network theory, identifying outbreaks values of microorganisms of Enterobacteriaceae Family.


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When implants are installed immediately after tooth extraction may occur anchoring primary decreased, delay or failure of osseointegration process. This occurs because of the large interface between the surrounding walls of the socket and the surface of the implant. For reconstruction, replacement or filling of bone defects the solution can be obtained with the use of autogenous, heterogenous or allogeneic bone grafts. However, these grafts suffer certain drawbacks, particularly a high rate of donor site morbidity, limited amounts of available bone, and the additional operative time required for harvest. For these reasons, intensive efforts have been directed toward developing alternative substances for to either augment or substitute. In this paper, we will examine some of the commonly used materials : fibrin and calcium phosphate.


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The diagnosis of head and neck infections constitutes relevant step in their treatment. However, in spite of the fact that most of diseases in head and neck region are infectious in nature, several reasons collaborated for dentists do not ask laboratory tests in order to help clinical diagnosis. By mean of this review literature, based on research articles about the newest and most reliable methods of diagnosis for clinical laboratories, the authors discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each selected method and the relevant aspects in transportation of the specimens to the laboratory. Saliva, biofilm, pus, and blood are the most frequent specimens for microbial diagnosis, being that the most used methods are culture and those based on detection of deoxyribonucleic acid by polymerase chain reaction method. Whereas, the culture depends on cellular viability, and has reduced sensitivity, as well as needs favorable conditions in the sample collection and transportation, PCR shows high sensitivity and specificity, but it does not allow the determination of antibiogram, what reduces its usefulness. In addition, few laboratories possess conditions to perform cultivation of obligate anaerobes or have experience in the molecular detection of these microorganisms.


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A utilização de compostos naturais na medicina de populações tradicionais é uma realidade em todo o mundo e o cerrado brasileiro apresenta grande diversidade de vegetais com uso potencial no tratamento de infecções por microrganismos oportunistas. Esse estudo avaliou a atividade antimicrobiana dos extratos vegetais do cerrado brasileiro sobre microrganismos oportunistas e superinfectantes. Nos testes foram preparados extratos hidroalcoólicos e aquosos de 22 espécies de plantas utilizadas nas regiões Norte, Nordeste e Centro-Oeste como parte da medicina popular. Esses extratos foram testados sobre Enterococcus faecalis ATCC 19433 e Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC 10145 e dez isolados clínicos de cada uma dessas espécies microbianas. Inicialmente foi realizada uma triagem para se determinar a atividade antimicrobiana dos extratos. Em seguida, foram realizados testes para avaliar a maior diluição inibitória dos extratos por meio do método de diluição em caldo e testes de atividade inibitória em biofilme. Os resultados demonstraram que embora aproximadamente 20% de todos os extratos mostraram atividade inibitória sobre algum dos microrganismos alvo, os mais ativos foram os extratos aquosos e hidroalcoólicos de araçá e aroeira, se mostrando ativos frente a todos os microrganismos.


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Drug addiction won dramatic aspects in terms of its dimensions and the effects that it imposes. These chemical agents are able to reduce the immune reactivity and tissue repair, and enhance microbial aggression, aggravating the destruction of the periodontium and other side effects. This study aimed to evaluate the presence of key periodontal pathogens in the mouth of drug addiction patients, comparing it with individuals who do not exhibit this dependence, as well as assess the influence of oral conditions on the occurrence of such microorganisms. For this purpose, data on systemic health conditions, socioeconomic, patterns of licit or illicit drug consumption of 100 patients with chemical dependency kept in rehabilitation clinics and an equal number of non-dependent patients, who formed the control group were obtained. Intra and extraoral clinical examinations were performed and samples of supragingival and subgingival biofilm, saliva and mucous membranes were collected. The presence of the targeted microorganism was assessed by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). It was found that Porphyromonas gingivalis, Tannerella forsythia, and Treponema denticola showed close correlation with bone loss and gingival bleeding in drug addiction dependents and control group, but the oral mucous membranes and saliva of addicts showed higher occurrence of these pathogens.


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The most important role played by the enzyme Glucose- 6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase (G6PD) in erythrocyte metabolism is in generating energy and reducing power used to protect the cell against oxidative attack. G6PD deficiency is the erythroenzymopathy that most frequently causes hemolytic anemia, and more than 130 molecular variants have already been identified. The aim of this study was to analyze the genetic mutations in the G6PD-deficient adult males in the population of the region of Araraquara, São Paulo State. Out of 5087 male blood donors, 89 were deficient for G6PD, as confirmed by assaying the enzyme activity and electrophoresis on cellulose acetate. Thus, a frequency of 1.75% of G6PD-deficient patients was found, this value being similar to other investigations in São Paulo state. Molecular analysis was performed by amplification of genomic DNA with specific primers and digestion with restriction enzymes. In 96.6% of the patients, the G6PD A¯ variant was observed, with mutations at residues 376(A→G) and 202(G→A). Mean G6PD specific activity among the patients was 1.31 IU.g Hb-1.min-1 at 37ºC, that is 10.8% of the normal activity of the G6PD B enzyme. The variant forms G6PD A¯ 680(G→T) and 968(T→C) were not found. In 3.4% of the deficient individuals, the G6PD Mediterranean variant was found, with a mutation at 563(C→T). In these cases, mean enzymatic activity was 0.25 IU.g Hb-1.min-1 at 37ºC, or 2.1% of the enzymatic activity of G6PD B. The use of traditional techniques, allied to the identification of the different molecular variants, is important for the understanding of the structural and functional properties and hemolytic behavior of the red blood cells of the patient.


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One of the main challenges in the mining sector at present, related to the optimization of mineral assets, consists in to find the best proportion of each geological material to be mined and homogenized to ensure high productivity and stability in ore processing plants. The stability of a mineral processing plant is factor for achieving operational excellence, as a stable performance of the plants ensures economy and adherence to financial planning businesses. Is already well Know that the feed rate of the processing plants is dependent on the hardness and quality of the ore. Therefore, the ore behavior predictability is the solution to ensure the stability of mineral processing plants. This work was developed in Anglo American Phosphate Brazil Ltda., at the Fazenda Chapadão Phosphate Mine, located in the southeastern portion of the state of Goiás, in the municipalities of Catalão and Ouvidor. The phosphate ore is the result of supergene apatite concentration in the weathering profile of the alkaline ultramafic phlogopitized rocks, intruded by foscoritic and carbonatitic rocks series. The weathering profile has about 100 meters thick and is divided into three basic types, from top to bottom, coinciding with decreasing intensity of weathering: oxidized ore, micaceous ore and weathered rock. In each portion of this weathering profile, mainly near the contacts between these three divisions, are hard materials, cemented by minerals such as apatite, quartz, goethite, monazite and barite. The different features presented by these materials makes to be vital the correct identification, quantification and location of different hard materials in the mine area, to maximize its use. The main objective of this study was to define the type of cementation of hard materials which predominates in each portion of the weathering profile in the mine, as well as their relationship with the protolith. The work involved geological mapping, channel sampling...


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The objective of this work for evaluating the potential of biogas and methane productions and still and reductions in levels of total solids (TS), volatile solids (VS) and neutral detergent fiber (NDF) of the co-digestion anaerobic digestion in digesters fed with swine manure plus disposal of oil and lyophilized microorganisms. For assay development substrates were prepared containing 4% TS, consisting of swine manure, disposal oil (the proportions 8, 10 and 12% oil content in relation to the substrate TS), lyophilized microorganisms (Biol-2000 ® - concentrations of 10 g/m3 and 15 g/m3 ), water for dilution of this waste and inoculum for batch digesters supply. There was no significant difference with respect to reductions in TS, VS and NDF constituents, providing very significant reductions in average 54.14; 62.79 and 49.16% respectively. Regarding the potential of biogas production, the highest yields occurred in digesters supplied with 10% oil and 15 g/m3 of Biol®, being 0.43 and 0.54 L of biogas per kg of TS and VS added, respectively, similar results were found when assessed the potential for methane production, with higher values (0.22 and 0.27 L of methane per kg of TS added and VS, respectively) obitidos the same treatment. The inclusion of 15 g/m3 in Biol® substrate composition containing swine manure and 10% of oil improves the yields of biogas and methane.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Desde a antiguidade, enxertos e membranas são estudados para promoverem um reparo ósseo otimizado. O reparo ósseo consiste na reabsorção do tecido necrosado e de seu coágulo, juntamente com um processo inflamatório que libera fatores de crescimento que irão reparar o osso danificado. Em algumas situações, o osso lesionado não tem a capacidade de se auto reparar, portanto, são necessárias intervenções cirúrgicas para inserir um enxerto ósseo. Entretanto, há uma grande dificuldade em se encontrar um material que forneça os fatores necessários para o crescimento ósseo. Para isso, foram confeccionadas membranas à base de ácido polilático e poli-ε-caprolactona (PLC) (Purasorb: PLC 7015 - Purac, Holanda), com a incorporação de fosfato de lantânio (PLC/LaPO4) e oxiapatita dopada com 20% de lantânio (PLC/La20OAP) pelo Instituto de Química de Araraquara, UNESP. Assim, o objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar a citotoxicidade desses materiais por meio dos testes XTT e sobrevivência clonogênica. Os eluatos foram preparados com as membranas citadas de acordo com a ISO 10993-12. O cloridrato de doxorrubicina foi utilizado como controle positivo para ambos os testes. Como Controle Negativo (CN) foram utilizadas somente as células CHO-K1 (sem a ação de qualquer tratamento) por 24 horas. Os eluatos foram mantidos em contato com células CHO-K1 por 24 horas. Como os dados apresentaram aderência à curva normal, foi aplicada a análise de variância (ANOVA) one-way, seguido dos testes de Tukey e Dunnett (p<0,05). Verificou-se que os materiais testados não demonstraram absorbância estatisticamente diferente em relação ao CN (p>0,05; Dunnett - XTT) e também não causaram comprometimento na capacidade proliferativa das células (p>0,05; Dunnett - Sobrevivência clonogênica). Assim, pode-se concluir que as amostras de PLC, PLC/LaPO4 e PLC/La20OAP não apresentaram citotoxicidade em células CHO-K1.