227 resultados para metodologia feminista
Pós-graduação em Design - FAAC
Pós-graduação em Matematica Aplicada e Computacional - FCT
Introduction: In the digital environment, metadata influence both in data access and information retrieval and are used as search elements to facilitate locating resources on the Web. Objective: In this perspective, the aim is to present the methodology BEAM, developed in Biblioteca de Estudos e Aplicação de Metadados, of the Research Group “Novas Tecnologias em Informação” in Universidade Estadual Paulista and used to define the metadata for describing information resources. Methodology: The methodology used for the construction of the research is exploratory and bibliographic and was developed based on the theoretical method Chuttur (2011) and the life cycle of data from the DataOne (2012) and also the PDCA cycle and tool 5W1H . Results: The seven steps of the methodology are presented and also the necessary guidelines for their implementation. Conclusions: We conclude pointing BEAM methodology that can be adopted by libraries in the construction of catalogs aimed at meeting the needs of users.
Pós-graduação em Ciência e Tecnologia de Materiais - FC
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEB
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEG
There is a growing search for continuous improvement within the companies which creates an obligation of reducing and when it is possible eliminating waste. Production Planning and Control Department (PCP) is not out of this question, making necessary the application of methods and creation of tools that eliminate steps which do not add value to the planning process. This paper aims to develop a tool which concentrates in just one place all the necessary information to make the packaging material requirement planning (MRP) in a agribusiness company. Besides, it also aims, in a more visual way and using devices that prevent mistakes (Poka-Yoke), to reduce the number of reviews and mistakes made by analysts. As a result, an Excel spreadsheet was developed. This spreadsheet shows what happens with the status of planning and receiving of packaging, giving some advices when some critical situation happens. The use of Lean Manufacturing Method and the action research method helped to well define the problem and to reduce the number of steps, spreadsheets and time of process in 80%, 60% and 75%, respectively
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Obtaining accurate estimates of the volume of stacked wood is important in view of the increasing value of wood as raw material. Therefore, the forest companies have become increasingly concerned about the methods currently used to convert cubic meters for stereo. In this context, emerged the need of optimizing the measurement process and accuracy of the volume of stacked wood. For this, companies have been testing methods with greater efficiency, speed and low operating cost. Existing methods made through approximate equations, and also by determining the conversion factor, called the stacking factor (Fe), are questioned, due to errors and inaccuracies. The use of digital photographs is an alternative method that would minimize operator intervention, allowing greater control and speed the process, thus eliminating part of the imprecision of the traditional method. The use of the method is viable, due to present an error of about 10% while traditional methods showed an error of 17%
A análise termográfica é uma tecnologia proveniente da engenharia e utilizada na Segunda Guerra Mundial para detecção de forças armadas inimigas. Foi aplicada inicialmente na medicina para avaliação de articulações com artrites e hoje apresenta importante função no diagnóstico de câncer de mama em mulheres. Na medicina veterinária, há mais de trinta anos é técnica de diagnóstico auxiliar na clínica de equinos, para avaliação de processos inflamatórios tais como tendinites, desmites, artrites, miosites ou ainda no diagnóstico de fraturas, lesões na coluna ou em nervos periféricos. Por ser uma técnica com alta sensibilidade, exige que seu operador tenha treinamento e doutrinamento, não só para a execução dos exames, mas também para a análise de seus resultados. Diante disso, muitos pesquisadores afirmaram que os exames termográficos de aplicabilidade científica deveriam ser realizados em local com temperatura controlada, em torno de 23oC. Ao se trabalhar com equinos, torna-se difícil encontrar ambientes amplos o suficiente e com controle de temperatura para que os exames sejam feitos, o que praticamente inviabilizaria o uso da termografia na pesquisa com cavalos. Assim, este trabalho propôs um método de padronização das temperaturas que permite realizar termografias de extremidades de membros em ambientes variando entre 18 e 35oC. O método proposto, nomeado como PadTemp, foi validado em cavalos saudáveis e aplicado em experimentos de verificação de eficácia de fármacos e de acompanhamento de cirurgias ortopédicas.
P.brasiliensis é o agente etiológico da Paracoccidioidomicose, micose sistêmica mais importante na América Latina. A fase saprofítica produtora dos propágulos infectantes e outros aspectos ecológicos deste patógeno são ainda pouco conhecidos, o que impede a adoção de medidas preventivas. Diversas evidências indicam que o fungo se desenvolve no solo, porém o seu isolamento a partir destes materiais é raro e apenas eventual. O presente projeto visou desenvolver uma metodologia para obtenção de amostras ambientais na forma de aerossóis em locais onde a ocorrência do fungo já foi evidenciada pelo seu isolamento em tatus Dasypus novemcinctus e avaliar a ocorrência do patógeno nestes materiais por cultura direta e por biologia molecular em reações de PCR com “primers” específicos, já desenvolvidos em nosso laboratório. Para tal, avaliamos o padrão de crescimento do P. brasiliensis em quatro diferentes meios ditos como seletivos. Entre estes meios, encontra-se o Meio Sólido de amônia que, por nunca ter sido testado em P. brasiliensis, necessitava de testes quanto à viabilidade de uso e ajuste de concentração. Depois de testado a funcionalidade dos meios e observado o padrão de crescimento que o fungo exibe nesses diferentes meios, partimos para a tentativa de isolamento ambiental do P. brasiliensis através de amostras de solo em forma de aerossóis com o auxílio deles. Tendo em vista os resultados obtidos, optamos, também, por realizar a coleta de teias de aranhas, devido a grande aderência que exerce sobre aerossóis ambientais. Os isolados de P. brasiliensis cultivados apresentaram desenvolvimento semelhante nos quatro meios utilizados, indicando a possibilidade de uso destes meios seletivos para estudos ambientais. P.brasiliensis não foi isolado nestas amostras ambientais... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)
The progressive increase in consumption and production of poultry meat in later years comes forth with an increase of the occurrence of foodborne diseases, including salmonellosis. Salmonellosis is caused by the ingestion of contaminated products, mainly by the consumption of poultry meat which processing and preparation for consumption were not effective to eliminate pathogens. Thus, there is a need for the development of faster more sensitive methods of detection of pathogens as a way to ensure the quality of the food offered to consumers. The goal of this essay was to evaluate the effect of enrichment broths on naturally contaminated poultry meat samples. A total of 65 samples was collected, these samples were rinsed with 370 mL of buffered peptone water (BPS) 1% according with the traditional methodology. All of the samples were enriched with both Tetrathionate (TT) and Rappaport-Vassiliadis (RV) and all were analyzed by the convencional identification method and polimerasis chain reaction (PCR). Of the 65 analized samples, 34 (52%) were positive when analized by the conventional method, while 45 (69%) were positive when analized by the PCR. Amongst the 45 positive PCR samples, 44 samples were positive when enriched with TT, while just 32 samples were positive when enriched by RV. Of the 34 positive conventional samples, 29 samples were positive when enriched by TT and 31 were positive when enriched by RV
The approach of the subject matter in this work relies on the fact that the reliability of methods for performance analysis of materials proves critical for the result. This work focused on the development and presentation of the methodology for lifting probability curves for fatigue test (SN) according to standard E739, this focus is justified by the fact that the results in fatigue test show considerable dispersion making it difficult to reading and interpretation of data, this dispersion arises because the phenomenon of rupture is strongly influenced by internal characteristics of the material, we can then have much data ranging from test to test. Thus we set out originally for a brief study of aluminum alloys in question, as well as the treatments to which they were subjected. We also studied the behavior of materials when subjected to cyclic loading, which configures process of fatigue failure, and even fatigue test method in question. This statistical analysis is based on the ASTM E739 standard, so its contents was studied in detail so that we could present in detail the methodology and raise SN curves for different aluminum alloy 7012 subjected to fatigue test. Data were collected from tests conducted in the department of materials from two samples of aluminum alloy 7012 solubilized and precipitated by different time intervals and assayed temperature fatigue-type traction-compression, these data were then analyzed and used to survey curves using the base as E739. After lifting the curve analyzed the characteristics of the test samples and their correlation with the test results. We confirmed the effectiveness of the method of statistical analysis by ASME E739, which allowed the reading of data without this method would be very difficult to have a reading and comparison of the results for the two types... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)
With the accelerated urbanization process of Brazil from the 50s, there was a disorderly occupation of spaces and consequent soil sealing. Unlike this growth, the support capacity of urban environments has not evolved in the same way, generating negative environmental impacts to the citizens. Among these impacts are the effects of flooding. In order to minimize the negative effects of extreme precipitation over cities, the government invests in corrective measures, like compensatory techniques on urban drainage, which have as a basic principle the retention and infiltration of the rainfall, dampening the peak flow and runoff. An example of applying these techniques in urban areas are the detention basins, commonly called large pools. The hydraulic design of these structures is dependent of complex data and variables, and projects involving small areas generally use simplified methods for defining the reservoirs volume of the storage (Tassi, 2005). One of these methods is presented in this study, which relates to the percentage of soil sealing to the specific storage volume (m³/ha) in combination by applying the hydrological model of the Rational Method and analyzing regional rainfall and soil occupation over the basin. Within this context, the basin of the Wenzel stream, which is located amidst the urban area of Rio Claro/SP, also presents the problems related to human occupation in its valley. Thus, by the method presented has been adjusted a curve correlating the percentage of impermeable area and the specific volume of a detention basin. For the current situation of Wenzel Basin with 82% of impermeable area, and return period of 10 years, the specific volume is 262.1 m³/ha. The presented method is consistent with the results of other studies in the area, and the expression obtained allows estimating the volume of storage required to match hydrograph pre and post-occupancy. It presents itself as a useful tool in the planning stage of...