240 resultados para meat and bone meal


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Background: Chemical modification of implant surface is typically associated with surface topographic alterations that may affect early osseointegration. This study investigates the effects of controlled surface alterations in early osseointegration in an animal model.Methods: Five implant surfaces were evaluated: 1) alumina-blasting, 2) biologic blasting, 3) plasma, 4) microblasted resorbable blasting media (microblasted RBM), and 5) alumina-blasting/acid-etched (AB/AE). Surface topography was characterized by scanning electron microscopy and optical interferometry, and chemical assessment by x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. The implants were placed in the radius of six dogs, remaining 2 and 4 weeks in vivo. After euthanization, specimens were torqued-to-interface failure and non-decalcified - processed for histomorphologic bone-implant contact, and bone area fraction-occupied evaluation. Statistical evaluation was performed by one-way analysis of variance (P < 0.05) and post hoc testing by the Tukey test.Results: The alumina-blasting surface presented the highest average surface roughness and mean root square of the surface values, the biologic blasting the lowest, and AB/AE an intermediate value. The remaining surfaces presented intermediate values between the biologic blasting and AB/AE. The x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy spectra revealed calcium and phosphorus for the biologic blasting and microblasted RBM surfaces, and the highest oxygen levels for the plasma, microblasted RBM, and AB/AE surfaces. Significantly higher torque was observed at 2 weeks for the microblasted RBM surface (P < 0.04), but no differences existed between surfaces at 4 weeks (P > 0.74). No significant differences in bone-implant contact and bone area fraction-occupied values were observed at 2 and 4 weeks.Conclusion: The five surfaces were osteoconductive and resulted in high degrees of osseointegration and biomechanical fixation. J Periodontol 2011;82:742-750.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The biological response following subcutaneous and bone implantation of beta-wollastonite(beta-W)-doped alpha-tricalcium phosphate bioceramics in rats was evaluated. Tested materials were: tricalciurn phosphate (TCP), consisting of a mixture of alpha- and beta-polymorphs; TCP doped with 5 wt. % of beta-W (TCP5W), composed of alpha-TCP as only crystalline phase; and TCP doped with 15 wt. % of beta-W (TCP15), containing crystalline alpha-TCP and beta-W. Cylinders of 2x1 mm were implanted in tibiae and backs of adult male Rattus norvegicus, Holtzman rats. After 7, 30 and 120 days, animals were sacrificed and the tissue blocks containing the implants were excised, fixed and processed for histological examination. TCP, TCP5W and TCP15W implants were biocompatible but neither bioactive nor biodegradable in rat subcutaneous tissue. They were not osteoinductive in connective tissue either. However, in rat bone tissue beta-W-doped alpha-TCP implants (TCP5W and TCP15W) were bioactive, biodegradable and osteoconductive. The rates of biodegradation and new bone formation observed for TCP5W and TCP15W implants in rat bone tissue were greater than for non-doped TCP.


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The buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) not only is a useful source of milk, it also provides meat and works as a natural source of labor and biogas. To establish a project for buffalo genome mapping a 5,000-rad whole genome radiation hybrid panel was constructed for river buffalo and used to build preliminary RH maps from two chromosomes (BBU 3 and BBU10). The preliminary maps contain 66 markers, including coding genes, cattle ESTs and microsatellite loci. The RH maps presented here are the starting point for mapping additional loci, in particular, genes and expressed sequence tags that will allow detailed comparative maps between buffalo, cattle and other species to be constructed. A large quantity of DNA has been prepared from the cell lines forming the RH panel reported here and will be made publicly available to the international community both for the study of chromosome evolution and for the improvement of traits important to the role of buffalo in animal agriculture.


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The buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) is a source of milk and meat, and also serves as a draft animal. In this study, a 5000-rad whole-genome radiation hybrid (RH) panel for river buffalo was constructed and used to build preliminary RH maps for BBU3 and BBU10 chromosomes. The preliminary maps contain 66 markers, including coding genes, cattle expressed sequence tags (ESTs) and microsatellite loci. The RH maps presented here are the starting point for mapping additional loci that will allow detailed comparative maps between buffalo, cattle and other species whose genomes may be mapped in the future. A large quantity of DNA has been prepared from the cell lines forming the river buffalo RH panel and will be made publicly available to the international community both for the study of chromosome evolution and for the improvement of traits important to the role of buffalo in animal agriculture.


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Dental fluorosis is a developmental disturbance of dental enamel, caused by successive exposures to high concentrations of fluoride during tooth development, leading to enamel with lower mineral content and increased porosity. The severity of dental fluorosis depends on when and for how long the overexposure to fluoride occurs, the individual response, weight, degree of physical activity, nutritional factors and bone growth. The risk period for esthetic changes in permanent teeth is between 20 and 30 months of age. The recommended level for daily fluoride intake is 0.05 - 0.07 mg F/Kg/day, which is considered of great help in preventing dental caries, acting in remineralization. A daily intake above this safe level leads to an increased risk of dental fluorosis. Currently recommended procedures for diagnosis of fluorosis should discriminate between symmetrical and asymmetrical and/or discrete patterns of opaque defects. Fluorosis can be prevented by having an adequate knowledge of the fluoride sources, knowing how to manage this issue and therefore, avoid overexposure.


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OBJETIVO: Avaliar a capacidade osteo-regenerativa de dois biomateriais utilizando um modelo de defeito segmentar efetuado nas diáfises do rádio de coelhos. MÉTODOS: O defeito direito foi preenchido com pool de proteínas morfogenéticas ósseas (pBMPs) e hidroxiapatita em pó ultrafina absorvível (HA) combinada com matriz óssea inorgânica desmineralizada e colágeno, derivados do osso bovino (Grupo A). O defeito esquerdo foi preenchido com matriz óssea desmineralizada bovina com pBMPs e hidroxiapatita em pó ultrafina absorvível (Grupo B). em ambos os defeitos utilizou-se membrana reabsorvível de cortical bovina desmineralizada para reter os biomateriais no defeito ósseo e guiar a regeneração tecidual. Os coelhos foram submetidos à eutanásia aos 30, 90 e 150 dias após a cirurgia. Foram efetuados exames radiográficos, tomográficos e histológicos em todos os espécimes. RESULTADOS: Aos 30 dias de pós-cirúrgico, o osso cortical desmineralizado foi totalmente reabsorvido em ambos os grupos. A HA tinha reabsorvido nos defeitos do Grupo A, mas persistiu nos do Grupo B. Uma reação de corpo estranho foi evidente com ambos os produtos, porém mais pronunciada no Grupo B. Aos 90 dias os defeitos do grupo B tinham mais formação óssea que os do Grupo A. Entretanto, aos 150 dias após a cirurgia, nenhum tratamento havia promovido o completo reparo do defeito. CONCLUSÃO: Os biomateriais testados contribuíram pouco ou quase nada para a reconstituição do defeito segmentar.


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Avaliaram-se as respostas da tilápia do Nilo à atratividade e palatabilidade de 14 ingredientes. O método utilizado foi de dupla escolha, comparando-se cada ingrediente peletizado à uma ração controle. Foram empregados quatro aquários (750 litros) contendo, cada um, três alevinos e dois comedouros instalados nos cantos direito e esquerdo, sendo registrados tempo decorrido entre colocação do ingrediente e chegada dos animais aos comedouros, freqüência de visitas aos comedouros, número de grânulos ingeridos e freqüência de ejeções. Os tratamentos foram comparados pela prova não-paramétrica de Kruskal-Wallis e a comparação dos ingredientes para o conjunto de variáveis, por intermédio da Análise de Agrupamento e Análise de Componentes Principais. Os ingredientes foram assim classificados: a) baixa atrato-palatabilidade = farelos de trigo, soja e algodão, farinha e raspa de mandioca, farinha de girassol e fubá de milho, b) média atrato-palatabilidade = levedura de cana-de-açúcar e glúten de milho e c) alta atrato-palatabilidade = ovo integral liofilizado, farinhas de crisálidas, peixes, carne e camarão. Ingestão de grânulos (manhã e tarde) e freqüência de visitas aos comedouros (tarde) foram consideradas as variáveis mais discriminatórias e freqüência de ejeção de grânulos e tempo gasto para aproximação dos comedouros (manhã e tarde), as menos discriminatórias. As respostas comportamentais dos peixes variaram de acordo com o ingrediente apresentado. A avaliação do grau de atrato-palatabilidade deve ser realizada considerando-se uma combinação de parâmetros.


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O objetivo deste experimento foi comparar as características qualitativas de carcaças de 36 cordeiros terminados em pastagem de coastcross, sendo 13 Corriedale, 14 Bergamácia x Corriedale e 9 Hampshire Down x Corriedale, e 29 cordeiros terminados em confinamento, sendo 10 Corriedale, 11 Bergamácia x Corriedale e 8 Hampshire Down x Corriedale. As médias das variáveis (escala de 1 a 5) condição corporal: 2,70 e 3,13; conformação: 2,65 e 3,35; e cobertura de gordura: 2,43 e 2,95; foram superiores para os cordeiros do confinamento que para cordeiros em pastagem. Na escala de 1 a 3, foram avaliadas a cor da gordura: 1,66 e 1,94; cor da carne: 1,66 e 1,72; e consistência de gordura: 1,62 e 1,83, respectivamente, para os cordeiros em pastagem e em confinamento. A área de olho de lombo foi significativamente (10,21 vs. 9,03 cm²), bem como a espessura de gordura de cobertura: 1,10 vs. 1,70 mm, foi superior para os cordeiros confinados. As médias das porcentagens de músculo no lombo foram de 54,92 e 57,94%; para gordura, 9,29 e 12,95%; e osso, 35,78 e 29,10%, respectivamente, para cordeiros em pastagem e confinamento. Entre os sistemas de terminação, não houve diferenças para porcentagem de proteína (19,71 e 19,10%, respectivamente), mas houve diferença para teor de lipídios, com 5,43% para cordeiros em pastejo e 11,54% para cordeiros confinados. Para as variáveis analisadas não houve diferenças significativas entre os cruzamentos.


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Digestibility of diets based on corn and soybean meal or soybeans treated by roasting or extrusion, with or without an enzyme supplementation, was measured by true (Sibbald) methods, by analysis of excreta, and by analysis of ileal digesta. Only analysis of ileal digesta was able to consistently measure differences between soybean and enzyme treatments in the digestibility of CP, starch, fat, and ME. The amino acid (AA) digestibility of the diets was measured by analysis of the ileal contents. Whereas enzyme supplementation improved overall CP digestibility by 2.9%, this improvement was not equal for all AA. of the AA most important for broilers fed corn-soybean diets, the digestibilities of Lys, Met, and Arg were not improved or not improved significantly by the enzyme supplementation; however, that of Val was improved by 2.3% and that of Thr was improved by 3.0%. A performance trial demonstrated that enzyme supplementation with equal diet formulation improved BW and the feed conversion ratio by 1.9 and 2.2%, respectively. A second performance trial compared standard diet formulations with formulations using enzyme supplementation and energy levels that were reduced by the amount of improvement provided by the inclusion of enzyme in the first performance trial. No difference was seen between treatments, showing that the improvement of nutrient utilization brought about by enzyme supplementation completely compensated for the reduced energy content. Whereas enzyme supplementation should allow a reduction in CP formulation as well, individual AA were not improved equally by supplementation and should also be balanced.


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Aim To evaluate the effect of biomechanical preparation with different irrigating solutions and calcium hydroxide dressing in dog root canals containing bacterial endotoxin (lipopolysaccharides; LPS).Methodology One hundred and forty premolar roots from seven dogs were filled with Escherichia coli LPS for 10 days (three roots were lost during histological processing). The following irrigating solutions were used for biomechanical preparation: 1% (group I, n = 20), 2.5% (group II, n = 19) and 5% sodium hypochlorite (group III, n = 19), 2% chlorhexidine digluconate (group IV, n = 20) and physiological saline solution (group V, n = 19). In group VI (n = 20), the LPS solution was maintained in the root canal during the entire experiment and in group VII (n = 20), after biomechanical preparation with saline solution, the root canals were filled with a calcium hydroxide dressing (Calen; control). After 60 days, the animals were sacrificed and the following parameters of periapical disease were evaluated: (a) inflammatory infiltrate, (b) periodontal ligament thickness, (c) cementum resorption and (d) bone resorption. Scores were given and data were analysed statistically with the Kruskal-Wallis and Dunn tests (P < 0.05).Results Histopathological evaluation showed that groups I-VI had more inflammatory infiltrate, greater periodontal ligament thickening and greater cementum and bone resorption (P < 0.05) compared to group VII, which received the calcium hydroxide intracanal dressing.Conclusions Biomechanical preparation with the irrigating solutions did not inactivate the effects of the endotoxin but the calcium hydroxide intracanal dressing did appear to inactivate the effects induced by the endotoxin in vivo.


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We evaluated the role of estradiol and progesterone in allergic lung inflammation. Rats were ovariectomized (Ovx) and, 7 days later, were sensitized with ovalbumin (OA) and challenged after 2 wk with inhaled OA; experiments were performed 1 day thereafter. Ovx-allergic rats showed reduced cell recruitment into the bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) fluid relative to sham-Ovx allergic rats, as was observed in intact allergic rats treated with ICI-182,780. Estradiol increased the number of cells in the BAL of Ovx-allergic rats, whereas progesterone induced an additional reduction. Cells of BAL and bone marrow (BM) of Ovx-allergic rats released elevated amounts of IL-10 and reduced IL-1 beta and TNF-alpha. BM cells of Ovx-allergic rats released increased amounts of IL-10 and lower amounts of IL-4. Estradiol treatment of Ovx-allergic rats decreased the release of IL-10 but increased that of IL-4 by BM cells. Estradiol also caused an increased release of IL-1 beta and TNF-alpha by BAL cells. Progesterone significantly increased the release of IL-10, IL-1 beta, and TNF-alpha by BAL cells and augmented that of IL-4 by BM cells. Degranulation of bronchial mast cells from Ovx rats was reduced after in vitro challenge, an effect reverted by estradiol but not by progesterone. We suggest that the serum estradiol-to-progesterone ratio might drive cellular recruitment, modulating the pulmonary allergy and profile of release of anti-inflammatory or inflammatory cytokines. The existence of such dual hormonal effects suggests that the hormone therapy of asthmatic postmenopausal women and of those suffering of premenstrual asthma should take into account the possibility of worsening the pulmonary conditions.


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1. The C-13 turnover rates of the liver and thoracic pectoral muscle of growing broilers were determined by feeding diets with varying C-13 content.2. Male chicks ( 1- d- old) were subjected to treatments based on free choice of 5 different mixes of energy and protein sources from plants with C-3 and C-4 photosynthetic pathways that had differing C-13 content. Rice bran ( R) and soybean meal ( S) were the C-3 sources, while maize ( C) and maize gluten meal ( G) were the C-4 sources. Choices were R + S, C + G, R + G, C + S or R + C +G + S. The 6th treatment was a complete feed ( CF) that was similar to a commercial broiler feed.3. The isotopic composition of the birds' tissues was representative of the isotopic composition of the diets. The assimilation was faster for C-3, in both liver and muscle, than for C-4 diets, and give the delta per mil difference between the diet and tissues.4. The liver is the most active metabolic tissue and gave more rapid isotope turnover than in muscle.


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Matrix metalloprotease-13 (MMP-13) or collagenase-3 is involved in a number of pathologic processes such as tumor metastasis and angiogenesis, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and periodontal diseases. These conditions are associated with extensive degradation of both connective tissue and bone. This report examines gene regulation mechanisms and signal transduction pathways involved in Mmp-13 expression induced by proinflammatory cytokines in periodontal ligament (PDL) fibroblasts. Mmp-13 mRNA expression was increased 10.7 and 9.5 fold after stimulation with IL-1 beta (5 ng/mL) and TNF-alpha (10 ng/mL), respectively. However, inhibition of p38 MAPKinase with SB203580 resulted in significant (p < 0.001) induction (23.2 and 18.1 fold, respectively) of Mmp-13 mRNA as assessed by real time PCR. Negative regulation of IL-1 induced Mmp-13 expression was confirmed by inhibiting p38 MAPK gene expression with siRNA. Transient transfection of dominant negative forms of MKK3 and MKK6 also resulted in increased levels of Mmp-13 mRNA after IL-1 beta stimulation. Mmp-13 mRNA expression induced by TNF-alpha was decreased by JNK and ERK inhibition. Western blot and zymogram analysis indicated that Mmp-13 protein expression induced by the proinflammatory cytokines were also upregulated by inhibition of p38 MAPK. Reporter gene experiments using stable cell lines harboring 660-bp sequence of the murine Mmp-13 proximal promoter indicated that transcriptional mechanisms were at least partially involved in this negative regulation of Mmp-13 expression by p38 MAPK and upstream MKK3/6. These results suggest a negative transcriptional regulatory mechanism mediated by p38 MAPK and upstream MKK3/6 on Mmp-13 expression induced by proinflammatory cytokines in PDL fibroblasts. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V./International Society of Matrix Biology. All rights reserved.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of calcitonin in promoting bone growth in surgical bone defects in rat mandibles. Fifty male rats were divided into two groups: bone defect (control) and bone defect with calcitonin (experimental). A circular bone defect 4 mm in diameter was made in the mandibular bone of the rats in the angle region, and covered with a polytetrafluoroethylene barrier. The experimental group received 2 IU/kg of synthetic salmon calcitonin intramuscularly three times a week, with treatment starting immediately after surgery. The animals were killed 3, 7, 14, 21 and 28 days after the surgical procedure. The bone defects were examined histologically and by histomorphometric analysis. The Student t-test was applied to the histomorphometric data, with the level of significance set at 5%. The animals of the experimental group showed a lower level of bone formation at almost all time points than the control group, but no difference between groups was observed 28 days after surgery. The volume of newly formed bone matrix was significantly greater in the control than the experimental group at 7, 14 and 21 days, as determined by both morphologic and histomorphometric analysis. Bone repair in the calcitonin-treated animals was delayed in comparison to controls, indicating the need for further studies on male rats.