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A Anfotericina B é o fármaco antifúngico referência desde a sua descoberta na década de 50 até os dias atuais para o tratamento de infecções fúngicas sistêmicas. O objetivo do trabalho é realizar uma revisão bibliográfica que forneça os sistemas de liberação comercializados e os que estão em estudo, focando estratégias tecnológicas que possam servir para resolver os problemas da baixa solubilidade em água e da alta nefrotoxicidade da Anfotericina B. A AmB é um fármaco que apresenta inexpressiva solubilidade em meio-aquoso, principalmente na região de pH dos fluídos biológicos (7,4–8,0), sendo administrado atualmente por via endovenosa. Justificando a importância desse estudo para a área farmacêutica, novos sistemas de liberação que usem a via oral, aumentarão a adesão por crianças e idosos, além de aumentar o arsenal terapêutico e diminuir os gastos com hospitalizações. Por ter a sua utilidade clínica limitada em razão de sua alta toxicidade, tem-se buscado direcionar a AmB especificamente para o fungo ou pelo menos para o local da infecção, mantendo-se longe o fármaco das células hospedeiras. Para isso, se busca diferentes veículos que não o desoxicolato (Fungizone). Por fim, as formulações lipídicas mostram-se com maior eficácia e com menor toxicidade comparadas a Anfotericina B-desoxicolato, mas não fazem parte da rotina hospitalar em razão do seu alto custo
The search for materials with higher properties and characteristics (wear resistance, oxidation, corrosion, etc.) has driven research of various materials. Among the materials that are being studied with such properties and characteristics are super alloys based on nickel which has an important role in the aeronautical, automotive, marine, production of gas turbines and now in space vehicles, rocket engineering , experimental aircraft, nuclear reactors, steam-powered plants, petrochemical and many other applications because besides having all the characteristics and properties mentioned above also have an excellent performance at high temperatures. The super alloy based on nickel studied in this work is the super alloy Pyromet 31v normally used in the manufacture of exhaust valves in common engines and diesel engines of high power by cater requirements such as mechanical strength and corrosion resistance at temperatures of approximately 815 ° C. The objective of this work is to produce results to demonstrate more specific information about the real influence of coatings on cutting tools and cutting fluids in turning and thus promote the optimization of the machining of these alloys. The super alloy Pyromet 31v was processed through turning, being performed with various machining parameters such as cutting speed, feed rate, depth in conditions of Minimum Amount of Fluid (MAF), abundant fluid, cutting tools with coating and without coating in early in his work life and with wear. After turning were obtained several samples of chips and the part generated during the machining process, was measured roughness of the material, subsequently made macrostructural analysis of the tools used order to detect possible wear and microstructural analysis of samples collected being that the latter was used for Optical Microscopy, Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and ... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)
The objective of this paper is to discuss the construction of the image of São Paulo state public schools teachers in the public sphere, by the media and the trade union press, and see how that image is formed in both of them, without making any comparisons, from the covering of 2010 strikes by newspapers Folha de S. Paulo and Jornal da Apeoesp. This paper uses as theoretical basis the study of Media Hegemony, the concept of Radical Media and Public Sphere, as well as the relationship between them and social movements. It also considers the observation of the history and characteristics of trade union press and the Standards of Manipulation by the Press, proposed by Perseu Abramo. The chosen method was the identification, selection and organization of stories about education published by Folha de S. Paulo during the period; the application of Abramo’s proposed manipulation standards on the stories about the strike; research, selection and observation of print publications (Jornal da Apeoesp and newsletters Apeoesp Urgente) about the strike, published by Apeoesp during the same period
Through a detailed study of each component, the structural part and various technologies for highway weighing scales, a project was developed in order to implement a modern system of axle weighing in a company pursuing to expand its cargo door capacity, which was restricted to weighing and inspection of the maximum load of each vehicle, and especially to extinguish the number of notifications that the company has been suffering, by having their transportation logistics vehicles caught traveling with poorly distributed load per axle, what it caused damage to roads and vehicles and denigrated the company image in terms of marketing. To achieve these results, the project went through a study of all relevant national legislation, seeking to put the company always in agreement. Moreover, it had investments and its physical space available for its implementation. The payback of such investments would be about less than three years
Currently the world is under an energy revolution, every day more technologies are developed in order to better use the energy for having better energy efficiency of equipment and processes with minimal environmental degradation. Taking into account that thousands of people live in built environments in the context of cities and that the energy flow to this location is significant, it is important to study the built environment as a potential source of savings, energy recovery and regeneration, because cities are the major bottlenecks energetic. Therefore, this study aimed to examine and to list the most important and promising technologies to be used in the built environment to collect or save energy that would be wasted, such as clothes that generate energy through movement or solar incidence, facades of buildings that generate energy due to solar radiation, fitness centers that produce electricity due to the rotation used in fitness equipment for athletes, elevators that take advantage of the potential energy or use it more rationally, generators that take advantage of energy vibrational, and finally more sustainable vehicles with higher performance and less degrading the environment. The information and results obtained from this study show that the technologies used to harness energy before lost are increasingly evident and also is increased the progress relative to the energy use in a urban context. In the closure, a comparison of energy expenditure between a city that uses some of these sustainable technologies and another of the same size with conventional habits is presented
In the second half of the last century the automobile industries suffered from the petroleum crisis caused mainly by the wars in the Middle East. These crises led the automakers rethink their vehicles. One of the most important events after that was the adoption of new steels by the industry. One example is the TRIP steels (Transformationinduced plasticity). It is known that the macroscopic behavior of a material is strongly dependent on its microstructure and therefore the quantitative metallography is important to understand and relate the material properties to its microstructure. In this work, different specimens of TRIP steels were etched using LePera reagent. The obtained images were analyzed using digital processing. Using the ImageJ software the methods threshold and watershed were studied as well as a comparison with the ASTM E562 standard. The methods were compared and finally the morphological characteristics and volumetric fraction of the retained austenite and martensite phases were analyzed. The results showed that the threshold led to a higher number of identified grains with lower mean area and total area fraction than the watershed method and ASTM standard
The State of São Paulo is responsible for the largest sugar cane production in Brazil, as well as the largest production of ethanol made of this raw material – which is widely used as fuel for automobiles. This utilization began in the 1970’s, with the institution by the Brazilian government of the National Alcohol Program (PRO-ÁLCOOL), as a consequence of the petroleum crisis, rising again five years ago, with the development of flex fuel cars. The obtaining process of ethanol originates residues; amongst them, vinasse is the one that’s generated in the largest amount (an average of 10 to 13 litres/litre of ethanol produced). The disposal of this residue in waters was only forbidden in 1978, but before that, researchers had already been investigating its utilization as raw material. This paper had the objective of accompany the biodegradation of vinasse by evaluating the oxygen comsumption during it until the ultimate Biochemical Oxygen Demand (uBOD), performed in twenty days; another objective was to analyse the biomass production of Saccharomyces cerevisae in this residue. Physical and chemical analyses of the residue were also performed, as well as acute toxicity essays using Daphnia similis and Dugesia tigrina, before and after its biodegradation. The physical and chemical analyses pointed elevated acidness (pH = 3,98), conductivity (8,30 mS/cm) and COD (25.693,43 mg O2/L) and mean quantity of suspended solids (5.246 mg/L). The toxicity essays indicated absence of toxic potential in vinasse after biodegradation for both species. The uBOD degradated until 88,22% of the COD, demonstrating the possibility of biodegradation of most of the residue’s organic load in a relatively short period of time. S. cerevisae caused a 37,03% COD diminution in vinasse, diminished its conductivity and promoted a slight elevation of the pH; it obtained low biomass...(Complete abstract click electronic access below)
In this paper we study the process of manufacture of wire drawn steel bars 9254, from rolled wire rod. These bars are used in the automotive industry for the manufacture of coil springs, which make up the system damping of several vehicles. The wire drawing process consists of the steps of pre-straightening, shot peening, drawing, cutting and polishing. The study aims to search for the configuration of process variables, which present the best result with respect to bending. To this were maintained settings prestraightening and mechanical stripping and varied angles and stringer polish being studied to replace the spinneret with a working angle, for a string with two working angles. To assist in the analysis of the results was the tool used DOE Software Minitab, which assesses the variation in results according to each parameter and the interaction parameters. It was thus possible to determine the best condition for wire drawing
With the passage of time, the variety of companies from each branch has gradually grown throughout the country. As a consequence, the logistics to attend to such demand has grown in the same proportion. One factor to highlight about this rapid growth is the increase of freight vehicles roaming the roads, often carrying loads over the limit established by law. At first it may seem that this would not bring any problem, however, note that an excessive number of overloads ends up deteriorating the asphalt, causing ondulations, potholes and other imperfections on the roads, which can cause accidents. In addition, the money spent for the maintenance of the roads is high. Thinking about it, it was established by law a regulation that restricts the weight limit for these vehicles, through axle weighing, subject to a fine. With this control the road floor is preserved for longer, requiring less maintenance expenses. The weighing stations use load cells to display the inferred weight, these cells use strain gages in its construction. The following work presents a methodology to dimension a binocular load cell, its main elements and its dimensioning. Showing how different materials can affect the dimensioning, so that can work satisfactorily. It also presents an overview of how are the parameters for weighing, and fines
The growing demand for quality at competitive prices and fast production process put to the test function in the industrial Maintenance. The need for equipment with high availability to fit this fierce competitiveness makes maintenance becomes essentially reliable. Despite this current context, many companies still have an old view of maintenance, focused only on corrective services, and proposals for change are often neglected due to the sense of urgency day to day. Thus, this study aims to demonstrate through theoretical applicability of simple tool, but of great value in increasing reliability within the maintenance sector of an industry, applying the concepts of Reliability Centered Maintenance – RCM and Analysis tool Failure Modes and Effects – FMEA in equipment of a chemical company directly involved in the manufacturing process of the brake fluid, which this product is used in vehicles around the country. That way, you can identify the types, occurrence and criticality of each failure and evaluate assertively decision making for each device, avoiding unnecessary downtime and potential failures of the same
This work is resulted of studies about the urban circulation in the modern cities. It was developed from two case studies: the city of São Paulo, specifically Santo Amaro's neighborhood and the city of Regensburg in Germany. The urban circulation of these places was analyzed starting from the premise that the daily of the inhabitants is a relevant factor to be considered. It was researched the types of transportation, the accessibility, and the clearance of public transportations. One of the main purposes of this work was to present general guidelines for the improvement urban circulation in the modern cities, as well as to supply didactic material that contribute to the reflection about urban circulation focusing priorly on the problems of traffic of driving force vehicles
The study and selection of an equipment of air conditioner for any type of environment, should be made without overestimate or undersizing the project. The undersizing does not provide an adequate comfort temperature if the environment is too hot because the air conditioner does not remove all the heat necessary in the environment. But if the project is oversized, energy consumption is higher and there is an unnecessary cost. To prevent these failures is necessary to make a calculation of the thermal load on the environment and choose the equipment that has a higher cooling capacity than the calculated heat load and closer to the calculated heat load. In this graduate work will be chosen an air-conditioned equipment for bus, showing the calculations made for the thermal load for various types of heat gain in this type of vehicle. The thermal load on vehicles is more complicated to calculate than in areas because there are several factors that vary with the movement of the vehicle. It will also explain the compression refrigeration cycle, which is the cooling system used in vehicles because it is weightless, compact and lower cost. From the calculated heat load, it will be chosen an air conditioner that best suits the project and, finally, a brief presentation of the selected equipment will be made
The Center squares of the middle cities many times don’t have adapted forms to the uses, which change time-to-time, then they turn abased. Through the study case of the Squares Monsenhor Sarrion and Nove de Julho, public squares on Presidente Prudente downtown, where many types of uses occur in the same space with function of organization and reception of several fluxes generated because the centrality caused from downtown. In this context, is necessary re-project the squares, with new purpose of an urban and landscape project, which generates harmonic spaces of passage and permanence, which values the public edifications in the around areas and re-qualified the form of the squares, adapting to the new uses: To organize the public transportation traffic, the urban terminal; to organize the vehicles traffic, the lowering of the Avenue Coronel Marcondes and, mainly, to organize the traffic of pedestrian, the continuity and the physic integration of the squares, through new forms, urban furniture and design to the downtown public spaces
The research aims to analyze the main changes in the concepts of the processes of production and consumption of news content information. The theoretical framework used will be the new consequent social, economic and technological paradigms of the current scenario of convergence of platforms, content and languages. The research aims to investigate the changes in the macro environment of journalistic production and, therefore, examine whether the local flow of news content meets the requirements of a new public consumption target set by the new Brazilian generations, composed of young people influenced by the cultures of computing, audiovisual communication and also by economic and cultural globalization. As expansion of the analyzes sought to verify the impact of these changes in the current models of traditional media, as well as the interference caused and trends in models of existing production. Also a case study is performed on this production flow in comparison with current market research of Jornal da Cidade (JC) of the city of Bauru (SP), the main media of the Grupo Comunicação. The intent of the approach will be to establish some preambles to assist in bringing the theory with the practical impacts on journalistic production, its agents, institutions and the workplace
As a result of the 20th-century industrial development, and particularly after World War II, cars have become an important consumer good, and this has led to a large number of circulating vehicles. To this day, the number of cars has increased exponentially worldwide, which results in a high number of traffic accidents (TAs) every day. TAs are responsible for 1.2 million deaths worldwide each year, and in Brazil, they are considered to be a public health problem, considering that its traffic is regarded as one of the worst and most dangerous in the world. In addition to temporary or permanent physical disabilities that bring great harm to individuals, accidents also cause psychological disorders, such as the post-traumatic stress disorder. Hence, considering the importance of TAs in the country and their outcomes, this study aimed at investigating the epidemiological aspects of car accidents occurring in 2010 who were assisted in the emergency room of a university hospital in São Paulo state. By means of records made by the nursing team and medical records analysis, it was possible to extract a stratified sample of 88 cases involving adults and eight cases involving children. The sample was analyzed by the SAS software for Windows, version 9.2. As regards the accidents involving adults, there was a predominance of males (67%), with an approximate 2:1 ratio in relation to females. The victims’ most frequent age range was 20-29 years (39%), and they were mostly single (56%). The month showing the largest number of occurrences was July, with 17%, and the weekday was Sunday, with 25%. Showing 32%, the time period when most accidents occurred was from 06:00 o’clock p.m. to 11:59 p.m. As regards vehicles types involved, motorcycles were in first place, with 47% of cases, and the most common accident type was crashing between vehicles, with 43%... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)