153 resultados para Urgência Psiquiátrica


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By the end of the 1970´s, begins the Psychiatric Reform Movement, whose development was the beginning of the construction of a new model, here termed Psychosocial Attention, to substitute the traditional psychiatric model. As such, aspires to be a process of paradigm shift and, therefore, requires transformations in the fields: theoretical-conceptual, technical-assistance, legal-political e sociocultural. This qualitative study composes a research which sought to ascertain the scientific production on the topic conducted by psychology, from the implementation of the Brazilian National Health System and the creation of new services to mental health care. In this sense, it proposed to investigate how the papers published in journals of psychology found in the database LILACS, since 1990, contribute to the process of building a new model that actually replace the so-called traditional psychiatric model.


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Is it possible to encapsulate in a pill the benefits of an analytical treatment? Quickly suspending the symptoms? Since the nineteenth century psychiatry has offered to the so called mentally ill "medieval forms" of treatment, as is the case of institutional admissions, the straightjacket, lobotomies, shock treatments, etc. What has changed since the mid-twentieth century advent of chlorpromazine, the first psychoactive drug, and the "psychopharmacological revolution"? Today with the Psychiatric Reform mental institutions admissions are being gradually abandoned, yet we see the rise of psychoactive drugs as protagonists in mental health treatment. This theoretical essay is an extension of a master's thesis in progress on the long-term use of psychotropic drugs. It falls within the field of mental health, specifically in the debate on the medicalization of society in contemporary processes of subjectivation of the psychiatric clinics and the treatment modalities currently offered to individuals in their suffering-existence. Thus, we seek to problematize this degrading psychiatric clinics, which produces what we call the pill-subject.


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Neste artigo, reflito sobre a minha experiência como psicóloga e docente-supervisora de estágio do curso de Psicologia de uma Universidade pública. Através de fragmentos de registros mnêmicos das produções registradas em relatórios, comunicações e artigos científicos, dissertação de mestrado, teses de doutorado e de livre docente, entre outros, procurei analisar a efetivação das políticas públicas e os desdobramentos na construção de um novo modelo de saúde mental, denominado de Atenção Psicossocial. Observei que atualmente as Políticas Públicas para Saúde Mental, construídas a partir do Movimento da Reforma Psiquiátrica, vêm propiciando mudanças significativas para o cuidado dos usuários. No entanto, o estado atual da assistência em saúde mental, no país, é marcado por muitos problemas e desafios. Entre eles se destaca a necessidade dos novos serviços oferecerem uma atenção integral ao usuário, norteada na interdisciplinariedade, interprofissionalidade e intersetorialidade.