285 resultados para Tooth Diseases.


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In cases of delayed tooth replantation, non-vital periodontal ligament remnants have been removed with sodium hypochlorite in an attempt to control root resorption. Nevertheless, reports of its irritating potential in contact with the alveolar connective tissue have been described. Therefore, this study evaluated the healing process on delayed replantation of rat teeth, after periodontal ligament removal by different treatment modalities. Twenty-four rats, assigned to 3 groups (n=8), had their upper right incisor extracted and left on the workbench for desiccation during 60 min. Afterwards, the teeth in group I were immersed in saline for 2 min. In group II, root surfaces were scrubbed with gauze soaked in saline for 2 min; and in group III, scrubbing was done with gauze soaked in 1% sodium hypochlorite solution. Thereafter, root surfaces were etched with 37% phosphoric acid and immersed in 2% acidulate-phosphate sodium fluoride solution, at pH 5.5. Root canals were filled with a calcium hydroxide-based paste and the teeth were replanted. The animals were sacrificed 60 days postoperatively and the pieces containing the replanted teeth were processed and paraffin- embedded. Semi-serial transversally sections were obtained from the middle third of the root and stained with hematoxylin and eosin for histomorphometric analysis. Data were analyzed statistically using Kruskal-Wallis and Dunn's tests. The results showed that root structure and cementum extension were more affected by resorption in group III (p<0.05). All groups were affected by root resorption but the treatment performed in group III was the least effective for its control. The treatment accomplished in groups I and II yielded similar results to each other.


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The field of advertising has developed techniques of mass communication and rapid transmission of information. Among these techniques are slogans and iconographies. This work used such tools for educational purposes and was divided into three modules. Module 1 evaluated the use of simplified textual communication (slogans) about the subject Sexually Transmitted Diseases. It was applied to third-year medical students, which had not taken the course on this theme. To evaluate the impact of the textual communication form (slogans), long phrases were elaborated in scientific language containing 15 topics. From these long phrases, compact phrases were developed using techniques of the advertising area for elaboration of slogans. Three forms of didactic material about that theme were developed. The first form consisted of long phrases in descriptive topics, using scientific language. The second was constituted exclusively of compact phrases in the form of slogans, and the third was composed of the combination of the two previous forms. Then, 10 multiple-choice questions were elaborated and applied in two phases. In the first phase, application occurred immediately after the reading of didactic texts; in the second phase, it happened 60 days after the reading. For statistical analysis, Snedcor's F test was used for analysis of variance, at 5% significance level. There was an increase in memorization by students who read the material containing the association between long phrases and slogans, which indicates that the latter, when used as an auxiliary model of learning, can bring significant benefits for education. Module 2 consisted of analyzing the elaboration of educational videos produced in graphic computing (called iconographies) for development of dynamic communication means. The theme Hair Cycle was utilized. Viability of high quantities of information in few minutes of animation could be demonstrated together with the advantage of presenting the process in a dynamic form without wasting scientific details. Module 3 presented the inclusion of slogans in educational videos produced in graphic computing about the Hair Cycle, showing a new tool for rapid and efficient transference of data. Slogans and iconographies, when utilized in educational material, can bring significant benefits for the student's learning.


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Aim: To present an additional case of intraosseous schawannoma involving the apical area in the mandibular alveolar bone mimicking an inflammatory periapical lesion. Summary: This article describes a case of schwannoma periapically located mimicking an inflammatory periapical lesion in the mandible of a 34-year-old female. Diagnostic and therapeutic problems can occur when this lesion is misinterpreted as being endodontic in origin. The diagnosis, radiograph, immunohistochemical aspects and treatment are also discussed. Key learning points: • Intraosseous schwannoma is a rare unilocular radiolucency that when located periapically could be misdiagnosed as an endodontic lesion and result in unnecessary root canal treatment. • The vitality of the pulp is an important test to exclude lesions of inflammatory origin. • Histological examination is important to establish the diagnosis of lesions in the periradicular region. © 2007 International Endodontic Journal.


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The purpose of this study was to evaluate in vitro three adhesive systems: a total etching single-component system (G1 Prime & Bond 2.1), a self-etching primer (G2 Clearfil SE Bond), and a self-etching adhesive (G3 One Up Bond F), through shear bond strength to enamel of human teeth, evaluating the type of fracture through stereomicroscopy, following the ISO guidance on adhesive testing. Thirty sound premolars were bisected mesiodistally and the buccal and lingual surfaces were embedded in acrylic resin, polished up to 600-grit sandpapers, and randomly assigned to three experimental groups (n = 20). Composite resin cylinders were added to the tested surfaces. The specimens were kept in distilled water (37°C/24 h), thermocycled for 500 cycles (5°C-55°C) and submitted to shear testing at a crosshead speed of 0.5 mm/min. The type of fracture was analyzed under stereomicroscopy and the data were submitted to Anova, Tukey and Chi-squared (5%) statistical analyses. The mean adhesive strengths were G1: 18.13 ± 6.49 MPa, (55% of resin cohesive fractures); G2: 17.12 ± 5.80 MPa (90% of adhesive fractures); and G3: 10.47 ± 3.14 MPa (85% of adhesive fractures). In terms of bond strength, there were no significant differences between G1 and G2, and G3 was significantly different from the other groups. G1 presented a different type of fracture from that of G2 and G3. In conclusion, although the total etching and self-etching systems presented similar shear bond strength values, the types of fracture presented by them were different, which can have clinical implications.


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Tooth transpositions present at a relatively low incidence in the world population and primarily affect maxillary canines and premolars. Treatment of this disturbance should take into account aspects such as facial pattern, age, malocclusion, tooth-size discrepancy, stage of eruption, and magnitude of the transposition. Mechanics for correction should be entirely individualized, reducing the risks and adverse effects. Practitioners often select simpler options, indicating extraction of permanent teeth, which is an irreversible procedure that may bring about damages to the patient. This study presents a case report and treatment of unilateral transposition of maxillary canine and premolar with repositioning of affected teeth to their respective normal positions. © 2006 by The EH Angle Education and Research Foundation, Inc.


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The increase in incidence of infectious diseases worldwide, particularly in developing countries, is worrying. Each year, 14 million people are killed by infectious diseases, mainly HIV/AIDS, respiratory infections, malaria and tuberculosis. Despite the great burden in the poor countries, drug discovery to treat tropical diseases has come to a standstill. There is no interest by the pharmaceutical industry in drug development against the major diseases of the poor countries, since the financial return cannot be guaranteed. This has created an urgent need for new therapeutics to neglected diseases. A possible approach has been the exploitation of the inhibition of unique targets, vital to the pathogen such as the shikimate pathway enzymes, which are present in bacteria, fungi and apicomplexan parasites but are absent in mammals. The chorismate synthase (CS) catalyses the seventh step in this pathway, the conversion of 5-enolpyruvylshikimate-3-phosphate to chorismate. The strict requirement for a reduced flavin mononucleotide and the anti 1,4 elimination are both unusual aspects which make CS reaction unique among flavin-dependent enzymes, representing an important target for the chemotherapeutic agents development. In this review we present the main biochemical features of CS from bacterial and fungal sources and their difference from the apicomplexan CS. The CS mechanisms proposed are discussed and compared with structural data. The CS structures of some organisms are compared and their distinct features analyzed. Some known CS inhibitors are presented and the main characteristics are discussed. The structural and kinetics data reviewed here can be useful for the design of inhibitors. © 2007 Bentham Science Publishers Ltd.


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The aim of this study was to correlate the root trunk height from the furcation openings on the buccal, mesial and distal surfaces to the cemento-enamel junction in upper first permanent molars in human beings with risk for periodontal disease progression. One hundred extracted maxillary first molars were used. Reference points and demarcations were determined from the entrance of the buccal (F1), mesial (F2) and distal (F3) furcations to the cemento-enamel junction in millimeters. The mean distances found were 3.50 mm, 4.44 mm and 4.26 mm for the buccal, mesial and distal furcations, respectively, in relation to the cemento-enamel junction. The statistical analyses were Student's t-test and Chi-square (X2). With periodontal disease progression, the buccal furcation presents a greater compromising risk due to its proximity to the cemento-enamel junction, while the mesial furcation is the most distant, comprising a lesser risk.


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Amelogenesis imperfecta (AI) is a genetically heterogeneous group of diseases that result in defective development of tooth enamel. Mutations in several enamel proteins and proteinases have been associated with AI. The object of this study was to evaluate evidence of etiology for the six major candidate gene loci in two Brazilian families with AI. Genomic DMA was obtained from family members and all exons and exon-intron boundaries of the ENAM, AMBN, AMELX, MMP20, KLK4 and Amelotin gene were amplified and sequenced. Each family was also evaluated for linkage to chromosome regions known to contain genes important in enamel development. The present study indicates that the AI in these two families is not caused by any of the known loci for AI or any of the major candidate genes proposed in the literature. These findings indicate extensive genetic heterogeneity for non-syndromic AI.


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Given that tobacco smoking habit is a risk factor for periodontal diseases, the aim of this study was to compare clinical periodontal aspects between smokers and non-smokers. The clinical status were assessed in 55 patients, 29 smokers and 26 non-smokers, aged 30 to 50 years, with mean age of 40. The clinical parameters used were: probing depth (PD), plaque index (PI), gingival index (GI), clinical attachment level (CAL), gingival recession (GR) and gingival bleeding index (GBI) for arches (upper and lower ) and teeth (anterior and posterior). Tooth loss was also evaluated in both groups. Multiple regression analysis showed: tendency of greater probing depth and clinical attachment level means for smokers; greater amount of plaque in smokers in all regions; greater gingival index means for non-smokers with clinical significance (p<0.05) in all regions. Although, without statistical significance, the analysis showed greater gingival bleeding index means almost always for nonsmokers; similar gingival recession means in both groups and tendency of upper tooth loss in smokers and lower tooth loss in non-smokers. The findings of this study showed that clinical periodontal parameters may be different in smokers when compared to non-smokers and that masking of some periodontal signs can be a result of nicotine's vasoconstrictor effect.


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This study evaluated the transmission of Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans (Aa) in women with severe chronic periodontitis and their children. Thirty women (mean age = 36.1±6.0 years) who were mothers of at least one child aged 7 to 16 years were enrolled. In order to investigate mother-child transmission of Aa, the children were also evaluated when their mothers were colonized by the bacterium. Subgingival plaque samples of each woman were collected from 3 sites (mean probing depth of 7.3±1.2 mm and mean clinical attachment level of 7.9±1.5 mm) and pooled in reduced transport fluid (RTF). These samples were processed, inoculated onto TSBVagar selective medium and incubated at 37°C in microaerophilic atmosphere for 5 days. Aa was identified on the basis of colony morphology, Gram staining, catalase and oxidase reactions. Aa was found in 8 out of 30 women. Therefore, 8 children from these women (mean age= 12 ± 3.7 years) were evaluated, but Aa was found only in 2 of them. Aa strains of the two mother-child pairs were evaluated by arbitrarily-primed polymerase chain reaction (AP-PCR), although it was not found similarity between the amplitypes of each pair. No Aa transmission was found between Brazilian women with severe chronic periodontitis and their children.


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Background: Tacrolimus, an immunosuppressive drug used in organ transplantation, has been reported not to induce gingival overgrowth. However, prevalence studies are limited, and the methods used for assessing gingival overgrowth varies among studies. Objective: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of up to 240 days of tacrolimus therapy on gingival tissues of rats. Materials and methods: Rats were treated for 60, 120, 180 and 240 days with daily subcutaneous injections of 1 mg/kg body weight of tacrolimus. After histological processing, the oral and connective tissue, volume densities of fibroblasts (Vf), collagen fibers (Vcf) and other structures (Vo) were assessed in the region of the lower first molar. Results: After 60 and 120 days of treatment with tacrolimus, gingival overgrowth was not observed. The gingival epithelium, connective tissue, as well as the values for Vf, Vcf, and Vo were similar to those of the control rats (P > 0.05). After 180 and 240 days of the treatment, gingival overgrowth was associated with a significant increase in the gingival epithelium and connective tissue as well as an increase in the V f and Vcf (P < 0.05). Conclusions: Within the limits of the experimental study, it may be concluded that the deleterious side effects of tacrolimus on the gingival tissues of rats may be time-related. © 2007 Blackwell Munksgaard All rights reserved.


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A favorable prognosis after tooth avulsion depends on some variables, such as the extra-alveolar period and storage medium. Vitality of the periodontal ligament cells is considered a critical factor for a successful outcome without root resorption. The dental surgeon is provided with clinical information and radiographic findings to establish a diagnosis and may rely on current available guidelines. Once trauma has occurred, treatment must be quick and effective, and periodic follow-up must be performed. Clinical, radiographic, and histologic characteristics for each type of root resorption due to tooth replantation are presented, with the aim to provide information for the diagnosis and treatment of healing complications.


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AIM: Late tooth replantation is a worthy procedure, especially in growing patients, being the best option for tooth avulsion. This study evaluated the effects of root surface treatment with 2% acidulated phosphate sodium fluoride and effervescent vitamin C (Redoxon) in late replantation. METHODS: Twenty rat teeth (Rattus norvegicus, albinus, Wistar) were extracted and left on a table for 6 h. Then, the dental papilla and enamel organ were sectioned and the pulp was removed through the apex. After removal of the periodontal ligament with a blade, the animals were divided into 2 groups: Group I teeth were immersed in 2% acidulated phosphate sodium fluoride solution for 10 min and obturated with Ca(OH)(2) paste. Group II teeth were immersed in effervescent vitamin C solution (Redoxon 2 g) for 10 min and obturated as for Group I. After these procedures, teeth were replanted and animals were killed after 60 days. RESULTS: The study revealed a larger amount of replacement resorption in Group I and larger amount of ankylosis in Group II, with statistically significant difference and absence of inflammatory resorption. CONCLUSION: The substances used for root surface treatment were unable to prevent replacement resorption and ankylosis, which are expected when the periodontal ligament has been lost.


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The second main cause of death in Brazil is cancer, and according to statistics disclosed by National Cancer Institute from Brazil (INCA) 466,730 new cases of cancer are forecast for 2008. The analysis of tumour tissues of various types and patients' clinical data, genetic profiles, characteristics of diseases and epidemiological data may lead to more precise diagnoses, providing more effective treatments. In this work we present a clinical decision support system for cancer diseases, which manages a relational database containing information relating to the tumour tissue and their location in freezers, patients and medical forms. Furthermore, it is also discussed some problems encountered, as database integration and the adoption of a standard to describe topography and morphology. It is also discussed the dynamic report generation functionality, that shows data in table and graph format, according to the user's configuration. © ACM 2008.