248 resultados para Sustentabilidade agrícola


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Produzida a partir da sacarose cristalizada, proveniente da cana de açúcar ou de outras fontes vegetais, e ácidos graxos saturados e insaturados, obtidos de glicerídeos presentes em óleos vegetais como algodão, oliva, soja, amendoim, babaçu, palma, dendê, linhaça e milho, podendo ainda ser obtido a partir de gordura animal de bovinos, suínos e caprinos, onde após processo de transesterificação com uma mistura catalisadora cáustica é formado um produto de ação biológica pesticida, agindo sobre pragas agrícolas tais como ácaros, insetos, entre outros, possuindo diversas vantagens e benefícios como por exemplo, o fato de não deixar resíduos tóxicos no meio ambiente e rios alimentos após sua aplicação, a alta biodegradabilidade e a produção a partir de fontes renováveis.


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Pós-graduação em Relações Internacionais (UNESP - UNICAMP - PUC-SP) - FFC


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O trabalho tenta discutir a relação entre crescimento urbano e sustentabilidade a partir da experiência de Maringá, cidade de porte médio do norte do Paraná com características únicas. Concebida por um engenheiro urbanista para ser uma espécie de cidade-jardim inglesa em solo brasileiro, a cidade teve seu projeto implantado por uma companhia colonizadora privada (cuja antecessora era britânica), o qual foi relativamente preservado pelos vários planos urbanísticos subsequentes. Desse modo, apesar do inexorável empobrecimento da qualidade urbana e ambiental - condição comum às cidades brasileiras - Maringá continua próxima, urbanisticamente, de um equilíbrio dinâmico entre crescimento e sustentabilidade, que ainda pode ser plenamente atingido. Sobrepondo fatos a teorias, o autor discute as razões que levaram à curva descendente de qualidade urbana e a consequente desigualdade no acesso à tão almejada cidade verde em Maringá, os perigos que rondam esta quase utopia e os possíveis caminhos para alcançá-la. Muito oportuno, o texto pode servir de referência para novos estudos sobre a paisagem urbana brasileira, ampliando o debate entre disciplinas e áreas de atuação e possibilitando novas abordagens para a questão da sustentabilidade


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There is a huge debate surrounding the sustainability issues, especially urban sustainability. This article seeks to establish a critique of models of sustainable cities and postmodern city structured by dispersed city model produced by the logic of capital, it is an effort to confront methodological theoretical models of two cities, the capitalist model of production space and model sustainable city, the dispersed city model against a model of the compact city. For example it was used as environmental certifications for building a label denoting sustainable building when actually articulate a series of symbols that mask and reaffirm their production processes from the perspective of capital cities


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The application of conservation practices in production systems is essential to the sustainability of the agricultural production capacity. The use of different cover crops can reduce the need of topdressing nitrogen fertilizers in wheat crops. This study aimed at evaluating the influence of cover crops residues (millet, sunn hemp, pigeon pea, millet + sunn hemp, millet + pigeon pea and fallow ground), grown previously to the summer crop (rice), and topdressing nitrogen doses (0 kg ha-1, 25 kg ha-1, 50 kg ha-1, 75 kg ha-1, 100 kg ha-1 and 125 kg ha-1), in the development and yield of wheat under no-tillage system. The experiment was carried out in Selvíria, Mato Grosso do Sul State, Brazil, in a Red Oxisol, in 2009/2010 and 2010/2011. The experimental design was randomized blocks, in a 6x6 factorial scheme. The cover crops developed during August/October (2009/2010) and September/November (2010/2011), previously to the summer crop, with the chemical desiccation performed respectively at 73 and 55 days after sowing. The wheat (winter) was sown in May, in both periods, and harvested at 113 (2009/2010) and 106 (2010/2011) days after emergence. The cover crops residues of pigeon pea, sunn hemp and millet + sunn hemp, preceding wheat, provided higher wheat yields, relatively to the fallow ground. The wheat yield showed a quadratic response to the increase in the nitrogen availability, reaching higher yields with the nitrogen doses estimated in 113 kg ha-1 (2010) and 98 kg ha-1 (2011).


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This paper analyzes agricultural education as proposed and developed by the National Campaign for Rural Education (1952-1963) in Training Centers for Rural Teachers and Assistants. It analyzes the curricula of such courses published by the campaign in special issue, number 10 in 1961/1962. Agricultural education was a part of rural education and aimed to train rural teachers and expand the knowledge of rural men to make them remain in their environment. This training aimed to address the shortage of rural teachers, of agricultural knowledge, rural hygiene, strongly guided by the education of manners, of how to behave at the table and by the appreciation of rational leisure, together with campaigns for civil and marriage registration, a campaign for trees, encouragement to elect representatives to boards as a means of educating for citizenship. Such lack of rural teachers and the complaints about low wages disclose the practices of our current rulers who devalue the teaching profession.


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia de Produção - FEB


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Proteção de Plantas) - FCA


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Entomologia Agrícola) - FCAV


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEG


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The content of this article addresses two complex issues that concern contemporary society: Science of Human Functioning and Environmental Sustainability. On the one hand, the Science of Human Functioning, meeting the principles of the International Classification of Functioning (ICF) and Universal Design, aim the development of accessible projects, products and environments, used by everyone, at the greatest extent possible, free from adaptation or plans to remove architectural barriers. The Universal Design is a process for creating products that are accessible to everyone, regardless their personal characteristics, age, skills and needs. On the other hand, Environmental Sustainability, with principles already imbricated in the Science of Human Functioning, traverses towards the acquisition of realistic measures for the segments of human activities. Based on the emphasis of the sustainable development, it aims to meet current needs not compromising the possibility of future generations to meet their own needs. Thus, it seeks the balance in coexistence between men and the environment by taking care of environmental, social and economic aspects and seeking for alternatives to support life on Earth with no harm to the quality of the planet in the future. It is argued that the combination of the issues contains relevant potential for interdisciplinary action, bringing together professionals from several fields of knowledge that, by socializing their experiences aiming at improving the human functioning and quality of life of people and environment, will be able to innovate and reinvent the knowledge for benefiting welfare, thus contributing effectively to society.