164 resultados para Protestos virtuais
Information and communication technologies (ICT) pervade the daily lives of people affecting relations and social subsystems. Education is not unrelated to this process and in this scenario the distance education (EaD). Considering as a starting point the information society and its characteristics, the objective of this paper was to analyze the relationship between the new information and communication technologies, teaching and learning in the virtual classroom, seeking to understand what is the design of teaching and learning inherent in the current generation of EaD. Thus, by means of analytical, descriptive and exploratory research, bibliographic and qualitative approach oriented, it was concluded that ICT has a very important role in the context of EaD, allowing the creation of interactive virtual learning environments that enable communication between teachers, tutors and students, making possible the Exchange and sharing of key information on the teaching and learning process.
This article purposes the ARBot, a system that has as main objective the presentation of concepts of logic for students of elementary and secondary education. The system was developed using the technology known as Augmented Reality (AR), which allows complement the actual environment where the user is, by adding virtual objects. In this scenario the RA created from a virtual game interface is used, through which cognitive challenges are presented. To solve these challenges, users must set up three-dimensional virtual characters using visual language. As a result it follows that, in a playful way, concepts of algorithms and programming are assimilated by users. In addition, the system enables two users to interact in a cooperative game mode. In cooperative mode, the system focuses on collaborative learning, since it allows users to jointly solve the cognitive challenge presented by the system.
The Participatório: Observatório Participativo da Juventude (Participatory: Observatory on the Youth Participation) is an online platform created in August 2013 as part of the response of the General Secretariat of the Presidency of the Republic of Brazil to the protests which took Brazilian streets in the middle of that year. This paper analyses the Participatório against the theoretical context brought by studies of digital activism and social movements. We revise relevant theories and present results of an empirical study indicating parameters to assess whether the apparent goals of the platform would have been reached. The data suggest that the initiative could achieve its purposes as long as it secures the efficacy of future improvements.
The work appeared before the process of articulation and curricular restructuring of Pedagogy courses conducted at the request of the Dean of undergraduate studies at UNESP. The documents surveyed pointed out that, although all courses obey the same laws, curriculum organization of each features singularities, where the course of pedagogy of Bauru (SP) is the only one which is distinguished by the presence of disciplines that work with the issue of technologies. Thus, we have as objectives: to analyze a proposal of curricular use of distance education; map of the curricula of pedagogy of UNESP with respect to technologies; Verify there is possibility of use of a virtual learning scenario in teachers ' initial formation. Thus, there was a didactic experience of use of distance education, which happened in 2010, 2011 and 2012, with students of the first and third year of the course. Were job steps: 1) literature review; 2) study of official documents of the courses of pedagogy of UNESP; 3) elaboration and execution of a didactic proposal of virtual learning environment; 4) description and categorization of data; 5) analysis and interpretation of results. We conclude that there is a need for reorganization of curriculum Pedagogy courses on the use of technologies and virtual learning environments are theoretical and practical articulation opportunities.
Essa monografia tem por objetivo verificar se a cobertura jornalística impressa do jornal O Estado de S. Paulo atuou como instrumento de criminalização das manifestações de junho de 2013, observada a precária atuação da mídia tradicional que ora desmoralizou os protestos, ora deslocou o eixo das discussões das demandas sociais e fatores políticos para o modo de agir dos manifestantes. Busca-se compreender, mais amplamente, a criminalização dos movimentos sociais pela mídia, fenômeno já notado por autores como Batista (2014), Bortolozzi Júnior (2008), Adissi (2011), Martins (2007) e Foscarini (2014), bem como sumarizar os mecanismos e conceitos que podem contribuir para o entendimento do assunto
A narrativa transmídia como proposta metodologia para a educação de ensino médio: um modelo aplicado
Pós-graduação em Televisão Digital: Informação e Conhecimento - FAAC
Nesta pesquisa apresentamos resultados de nossas análises das concepções de corpo e movimento presentes na experiência do Grupo Dzi Croquettes, Brasil, década de 1970. Ao estudar esta experiência perguntamos o que podemos compreender sobre o funcionamento de dispositivos de poder que operam na captura da capacidade de criação, bem como, o que podemos inventar como formas de resistência no contexto do capitalismo neoliberal. Delimitamos nosso objeto de estudo na experiência artística do Grupo Dzi Croquettes para analisar as implicações entre política e corpo, identificando aí um território estabelecido pelas fronteiras entre o desejo e o poder. Estudamos as relações entre corpo e cultura apoiados na hipótese de que os processos de subjetivação estão implicados, de um modo mais intenso, nos processos educacionais na sociedade contemporânea, e que ambos se produzem na materialidade da cultura. Através da cartografia desenhamos os territórios existenciais emergentes na experiência artística delimitada, em um contexto específico da sociedade brasileira, para ampliarmos nossas reflexões e compreendermos os dispositivos de captura e de controle impostos sobre nós. Apoiamos nossas análises em categorias estabelecidas a partir do pensamento de Nietzsche, bem como das elaborações de Michel Foucault sobre biopolítica e biopoder
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Educação Escolar - FCLAR
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Elétrica - FEIS
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)