170 resultados para Processamento digital de imagem


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The maxillary lateral incisor has a very peculiar and internal morphology that can be influenced by the its external anatomy such as supernumerary roots and ruts deep root, which often hinders an effective endodontic treatment. Generally, this tooth have a single root with one root canal, but teeth with two to four channels can be found. The main canal can present ramifications such as accessory canals, laterals, collaterals, recorrents and apical deltas. All this factors interfere directally on endodonthics treatment. The objective of this work is a study of the internal anatomy of the maxillary lateral incisors by digital and conventional radiographics methods, comparing the results obteined by each method Six hundred upper lateral incisor were used in this study teeth of the collection of the Department of Anatomy ICT – UNESP. All the teeth were radiographed by vestibular face, using a digital radiographic unit(Dabi Atlante). After this step, all the teeth underwent by conventional radiographic technique(Kodak 2200) so that the results obtained were compared. To classify the channel system, it was adopted the classification of Pucci and Reig. All data obtained by digital technique were compared with those obtained in the conventional technique and were subjected to statistical analysis


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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This paper considers a study of the anatomical features of the cardiac system and a three-dimensional model of the different tunics that comprise the heart wall, for processing and quality control of radiological images. The structures are built by the layer overlapping method, where a layer can be understood as a slice of the three-dimensional object. The pericardium, myocardium and endocardium were represented with three-dimensional cylinders and hexagons. The spatial arrangement of the cardiac system is determined by an background image of a real model, which values are defined according to the shape of the region and on the anatomical patients characteristics. The results are significant, considering the anatomical structures details, as well as the representation of the thicknesses of the regions of the heart wall. The validation of the anatomical model was accomplished through comparisons with dimensions obtained from a real model and allows verifying that the model is appropriate. The degree of representation will allow the verification of the influence of radiological parameters, morphometric peculiarities and stage of the diseases on the quality of the images, as well as on the performance of the Computer-Aided Diagnosis (CAD).


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Pós-graduação em Ciência da Informação - FFC


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Elétrica - FEIS


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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A comparação visual com escalas de cor, universalmente empregada para avaliar o resultado das diferentes substâncias, técnicas e aparelhos utilizados no clareamento dental, tem se mostrado um método limitado, questionável, subjetivo e pouco confiável. Os métodos instrumentais, que utilizam espectroscópios ou imagens digitais, têm se mostrado mais adequados por oferecerem avaliações objetivas, maior reprodutibilidade e confiabilidade. Neste artigo, serão apresentados e discutidos os resultados obtidos com a utilização do ScanWhite© ? software para avaliação objetiva do nível de clareamento dental e apoio à decisão clínica, que baseia sua avaliação no processamento computacional de imagens digitais. Esse tem como principais diferenciais: (1) algoritmo calibrador para compensar as variações de luminosidade do ambiente, (2) apresentação dos resultados em valores numéricos e através do gráfico de evolução do clareamento dental, (3) interface intuitiva e facilidade de uso, (4) determinação dos índices de apoio à decisão (IPS ? índice de possibilidade de sucesso, e IRS ? índice de risco de sensibilidade antes do início do tratamento) e (5) emissão de relatório geral, autorizações e recomendações pós-clareamento.


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The technology, through the advent of new equipments that allow imaging exams, has helped very much in the diagnosis and prognosis of diseases in Dentistry. The use of informatics, in general, in the manufacture of clinical reports is increasingly present in the dental offices. The legal validity of these systems is questioned, and is matter of discussion. This work makes considerations about Imageology or Diagnostic by image, a new area that is appearing on Dentistry. Among other exams, there are: digital radiography, tomography, computed tomography, artomography, magnetic resonance, computed cefalometry and ultra-sonography. It permits the professional to obtain a better diagnostic, and to the patient, the visualization of his problem and treatment. A survey on the possibilities of using informatics in Dentistry, particularly in Radiology, was also carried out, as well as the legal aspects, which are in accordance with the Law 8.935/94, what guarantees its practicability. Digital Certification is a mechanism that provides legal validity to documents and, as such, to radiographic images and others. It is a procedure that the dentist should take to ensure that he/she has safeguarded the judicial proofs that may be necessary in an eventual demand.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Pós-graduação em Televisão Digital: Informação e Conhecimento - FAAC


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Pós-graduação em Ciência da Computação - IBILCE


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Em 2003, quando da publicação do decreto nº 4.901, que institui o Sistema Brasileiro de Televisão Digital SBTVD , o panorama vislumbrado era imenso e inspirador: o que despontava era a possibilidade de se ter acesso à internet e todas as vantagens decorrentes dela em cada aparelho de TV do país. Com as discussões sobre qual sistema adotar e posteriormente com as indefinições sobre o middleware, houve tempo suficiente para a internet se afirmar como mídia essencialmente interativa, deixando, por hora, para a TV Digital a qualidade de imagem . O que vemos agora é a qualidade da imagem que alcança em banda larga a tela do computador, seduzindo ainda mais os usuários de TV. Com o Plano Nacional de Banda Larga que visa à popularização da internet de alta velocidade no Brasil, prometido pelo Governo Lula, a TV Digital pode de um lado garantir o canal de retorno necessário para a interatividade plena e, de outro lado, perder uma importante batalha para a internet, que se firmará de vez como mídia interativa.


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The incipient but quickly expansion action on the Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) in Africa it is now just having different impact on these societies. One of these relates bear on how users are identified with these tools. Just like that we find individuals identify as bloggers, twitter followers or cyber activist. This contribution analyzes the Senegal’s fact where a successful use of social nets and web 2.0 tools experience (at least in repercussion) as social and political involvement while presidential elections in 2012 is tied to come back an identity: Cyber activist. Senegalese circumstance shows us how this identity has a personal and assertiveness dimension as well collective aspects of belonging to a community. One as much as the other, show us personal traits in contrast to previous beliefs, basically because it fuse and confuse virtual and reality. Due to dynamics from expanding technology, this identity is youthful and urban, but not only. This situation creates new dynamics at least in this affected group. For this reason, besides knowing emergence and evolution of this fact, it raises some of the involvement in social and political involvement from groups traditionally “invisible”. Beyond the new social behavior there are new changes in the rules of the game in order to start new social revolution.


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Elétrica - FEIS