194 resultados para Photosynthesis


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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An adequate supply of boron (B) is required for the optimal growth and development of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) plants, but the low phloem mobility of B limits the possibilities of correcting B deficiency. There are indications that different cotton cultivars could have different responses to B deficiency. The differences in responses of cotton cultivars to B regarding photoassimilate production and transport were studied in a greenhouse experiment with nutrient solution. Treatments consisted of three cotton cultivars (FMT 701, DP 604BG and FMX 993) and five concentrations of B (0.0, 2.5, 5.0, 10.0 and 20.0 mu mol L-1). Sampling began at the phenological stage B1 (first square) and continued for four weeks. The leaf area and the number of reproductive branches and structures decreased due to B deficiency. A higher level of abortion of reproductive structures was observed under B deficiency. Boron deficiency increased the internal CO2 concentration but decreased the transpiration rate, stomatal conductance and photosynthesis. Despite the decrease in photosynthesis, nonstructural carbohydrates accumulated in the leaves due to decreased export to bolls in B-deficient plants. The response to B deficiency is similar among cotton cultivars, which shows that the variability for this trait is low even for cultivars with different genetic backgrounds.


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Even the element silicon being the most uptake by rice plant, many benefit effect like: increase of pest and disease tolerance, decrease of lost of water by transpiration and better the leaf architecture becoming the leafs more erect, resulting as well at the better photosynthesis efficacy. There is not too much knowledge about the uptake march in upland rice plants. This study aimed to evaluate the content of silicon in two upland rice cultivars by the influence of the application of silicate and limestone at the soil. The experiment was carried in Hapludox soil in a completely randomized experimental design in 2x2x7 factorial scheme in four replications. The treatments were consisted of calcium silicate fertilizer and limestone in interaction with seven period of physiological stage, using the upland rice cultivars Caiapo and Maravilha. At the cultivar Maravilha Si accumulation begin from tillering and achieve it better value at the microsporogenesis, while the Caiapo cultivar, occurs between tillering until the mily grain. Caiapo shows efficient Si accumulation when it was supplied to the soil. Plant organs that more accumulated silicon in both upland rice cultivars followed decreased order: stem > leaf > panicle.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The effects of municipal-treated wastewater on growth and gas exchange characteristics were studied in eucalyptus plants cultivated in a greenhouse under continuous sub irrigation with 70 % Long Ashton solution as a control, 100 % treated wastewater, and treated wastewater diluted 50 % with tap water. Irrigation with wastewater resulted in a reduction of total dry matter per plant and the shoot-to-root ratio and increased specific leaf mass, irrespective of the dilution. The gas exchange characteristics were adversely affected by the irrigation with wastewater, with photosynthetic rates been negatively affected. Total chlorophyll and carotenoids content were reduced in plants grown under treated wastewater. The results demonstrated that when the eucalyptus plants were grown under treated wastewater as the only source of mineral nutrients they were able to produce nearly 50 % of the dry matter produced by the plants grown under appropriate mineral nutrient supply, irrespective of the dilution. Therefore, the contribution of mineral nutrients and organic matter from the treated wastewater used as agricultural irrigation will be significant in lower the fertilizer rates without reducing dry matter production per plant.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The objective of this study was to evaluate gas exchange and photochemical efficiency of cotton cultivars under leaf application of silicon. Therefore, the experiment was conducted in a completely randomized in a factorial 3 x 5, three cotton cultivars ('BRS Topazio', 'BRS Safira' and 'BRS Rubi'), five silicon concentrations (0, 50, 100, 150, 200 mg L-1) and four replications. Gas exchange and photochemical efficiency were determined by measuring the rate of CO2 assimilation, transpiration, stomatal conductance, internal CO2 concentration, instantaneous efficiency in water use, instantaneous carboxylation efficiency, initial fluorescence, maximum quantum efficiency of the variable and photosystem II (PSII). The data variables were subjected to analysis of variance and regression test comparison of means. There were significant differences in gas exchange and photochemical efficiency in response to concentrations of silicon. There were also significant differences among cotton cultivars evaluated. In cultivar 'BRS Top zio', the application of silicon increased CO2 assimilation rate and quantum efficiency of PSII. In 'BRS Safira' silicon reduced the rate of assimilation and internal CO2 concentration. In 'BRS Rubi' element increased the fluorescence of chlorophyll 'a' and quantum efficiency of photosystem II, and reduced the rate of assimilation and internal CO2 concentration and stomatal conductance. Silicate fertilization provided 'BRS Topazio' to express better photosynthetic rate in relation to 'BRS Safira' and 'BRS Rubi'. No damage occurred in PSII when 'BRS Top zio', 'BRS Safira' and 'BRS Rubi' cultivars received silicon as supplementary nutrition.


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The industrial development has created many environmental problems that can be observed through the changes in air, soil and water. The pollution of water bodies with compounds present in textile effluents cause beyond the visual pollution, changes in biological cycles, mainly by changing the process of photosynthesis. Due to these environmental implications it is necessary a treatment of livestock manure. The process of adsorption of the dye is a technique that has been successfully employed for effective removal of the color of the effluent. The purpose of this study was to investigate the application of a polyurethane foam plant of castor oil as an alternative adsorbent for removal of dyes in textile effluents. The study was conducted with the dye “luganil azul”, as adsorbent and the foam in a flexible manner and sprayed. It also investigated the influence of pH on the adsorption dye. The kinetic data were obtained, noting that the pH influence on adsorption. Adsorption isotherms of the dye in aqueous solution using the foam in a flexible manner also were determined experimentally.


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The aim of this experiment was to study the influence of transparent, blue and red tree shelters on gas exchanges of canafístula’s (Peltophorum dubium (Spreng.) Taub.) seedlings. This study was carried out in Department of Botany, Institute of Biosciences, U ESP, Botucatu, São Paulo State, Brazil. The experiment design was randomized blocks, with 5 replications, each one containing 6 units of each treatment (nonsheltered, transparent tree shelters, blue tree shelters and red tree shelters). The evaluations of gas exchanges were made through an infrared gas analyzer. It follows that the tree shelters use may limit the photosynthesis, increase the transpiration and stomatal opening, besides reducing the water use efficiency. The colored tree shelters use created unfavorable conditions for the development, reducing the photosynthesis, because they reflected the blue and red wavelengths, allowing only the passage of the other components of the white light or of the photosynthetically active radiation


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The traditional model of teaching little is modernized in recent decades. When in contact with this system, it is normal that the new-generation students feel unmo tivated in carrying out the proposed activities in the classroom. Considers Prensky (2001) these students, called Digital Natives, born with a modern way of thinking and learn and feel encouraged and motivated with activities that invite to interact. For this reason, it has been proposed the development of an object of learning in the form of application for Android tablets, exploring the internal sensors available in them, with the purpose of offering an interactive activity to students on the physical concepts involved in the process of photosynthesis in plants. For the construction, informational texts written in didactic language and easy to understand, illustrative images and animations were employed. In addition, we used the light sensor in the interactive activity on the process of photosynthesis so that the student could observe and understand how the environment is able to interfere with this process


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Water is one of the main inputs in agribusiness and is traded indirectly through the sale of agricultural products such as orange (juice or fresh) and cane sugar (ethanol and refined sugar). This study aims to estimate the proportional mass of water present in the products exported in the form of agricultural commodities considering the amount of water incorporated into the product in its genesis by plant photosynthesis, reinforcing a reflection on virtual and real water export, as well to indicate subsidies to management, planning and taxing of water resources