230 resultados para Ovarian tumor


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Chronic sclerosing sialadenitis is an uncommon cause of salivary gland enlargement mainly occurring in the fifth and seventh decade of life. In the Western population, chronic sclerosing sialadenitis has been characterized as an IgG4-related disease. Although rare, this lesion occurs in children. To increase awareness about this entity in the pediatric age group, we report the case of an 11-year-old boy with a hard, 4.0-cm circumscribed mass in the right submandibular gland. Histologically there was marked distortion of the gland architecture by a dense lymphocytic infiltrate and extensive fibrosis with septa that crossed and distorted the gland, leaving atrophic acini and dilated, irregular ducts. The lymphoid infiltrate formed multiple follicles with active germinal centers, numerous plasma cells, and areas with diffuse arrangement. Immunophenotyping showed abundant CD20- and CD3-positive lymphocytes; cytokeratin AE1/AE3 highlighted the distorted architectural pattern; IgG staining showed large numbers of positive cells infiltrating the interstitium and surrounding the atrophic acini and ducts. IgG4 staining revealed a large proportion of positive infiltrating elements. Kuttner tumor belongs to the group of IgG4-related sclerosing diseases. The differential diagnosis includes pleomorphic adenoma and other salivary gland neoplasms. Its recognition in children is important clinically because this entity is amenable to steroid treatment, and additional work up and follow up is warranted to stave off other IgG4-related diseases/complications.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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In vitro embryo production is an important technique for facilitating the reproduction of animals with high genetic merit. The greatest challenge for the reproducibility of this technique is the quality of the oocyte that is submitted for in vitro maturation. The aim of this work was to evaluate the ultrastructural characteristics of oocytes from follicles of different diameters using transmission electron microscopy. The animals were divided into 2 groups and were given a single i.m. injection of 250 IU FSH (Pluset, Serono, Italy). To synchronize the follicular growth, all follicles > 2 mm were aspirated during the estrous cycle, which was considered day zero (D0). Group 1 (G1; n = 4) received FSH on day 1 (D1), and the 2- to 5-mm follicles were aspirated on day 2 (D2). The animals in group 2 (G2; n = 5) received FSH on day 2 (D2), and their 10- to 15-mm follicles were aspirated on day 5 (D5). After aspiration, the oocytes from both groups were fixed and prepared for ultrastructural analysis. The oocytes analyzed from both groups had similar ultrastructural characteristics. The presence and distribution of organelles in the cytoplasm of the oocytes did not differ between groups, suggesting that, in relation to the ultrastructural characteristics, oocytes from 2 to 5 mm and 10 to 15 mm follicles are similar.


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Walker's 256 carcinoma changes its behaviour as a consequence of various factors. In this paper the authors compare the evolution of 2 lines of the tumor: WM 16 (muscular) and Christ Hospital (ascitic) both inoculated intramuscularly. Animals receiving line WM 16 had a severe rapidly progressive evolution dying around day 14 after inoculation with diffuse metastases to lymph nodes (65% of animals), kidneys (53%), spleen (50%), lungs (46.5%), liver (45%), bone marrow (44.8%), in 56% of the animals there were circulating tumoral cells. Animals receiving the Christ Hospital line survived up to 40 days, metastases were limited to lungs (48.7%) and lymph nodes (31.7%) and only in 2 of 45 animals circulating tumoral cells were observed.


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Superovulation was induced in 15 Nelore cows with porcine follicle stimulating hormone (FSH-P) or pregnant mare serum gonadotropin (PMSG), and embryos were collected to compare the response of this breed of cattle to these hormones. FSH-P was given in 30-and 40-mg doses for 5 d as a single daily injection or fractionated into two daily injections. PMSG was given in doses of 1000 and 2000 IU. The animals were killed immediately after embryo collection and the ovaries and genitalia were examined clinically. PMSG proved to be more effective in inducing superovulation than FSH-P, probably because PMSG caused no stress since it was administered as a single dose. No differences were observed between the 30-and 40-mg dose of FSH-P or between the application as a single or fractionated dose. Differences did occur, however, between the number of ovulations and embryos obtained at each collection. On the basis of postmortem analysis, we concluded that lack of egg uptake by the infundibulum had occurred in cases of increased ovulation, with excessive increase in volume of the ovary. We also recommend using smaller doses of FSH-P and suggest that avoiding stress in handling is essential for a good response to hormonal stimulation by Zebu cattle. © 1986.


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To study the histogenesis of spindle and epithelioid cell tumors of gastrointestinal tract we evaluated ten cases of gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GIST) previously classified as leiomyomas (6 cases) and leiomyosarcomas (4 cases). The cases were studied by morphological and immunohistochemistry procedures with search of three markers: muscle specific actin (HHF-35), vimentin and S-100 protein. All tumors showed vimentin positivity. Muscle differentiation was demonstrated in three cases (33.3%), all of them benign. One tumor, in small intestine, displayed S-100 protein positivity. The results showed that the GIST represent a heterogeneous group of tumors, most of which consist of primitive mesenchymal cells.


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OBJECTIVE: To investigate the usefulness of assessing the immunoreactivity of cytokeratins 7 (CK7) and 20 (CK20) as well as several cytomorphologic parameters in effusions with metastatic adenocarcinomas in the search for the primary site of the tumor. STUDY DESIGN: From the files of the Pathology Department, A. C. Camargo Hospital, we studied cytologic smears from 73 metastatic adenocarcinomas originally from the breast, 63 from the ovary, 40 from the lung and 32 from the stomach, looking for morphologic parameters that could have discriminant potential in suggesting the primary site in a routine situation, including intranuclear inclusions, prominent nucleoli, mitosis, signet-ring cells, psammoma bodies, nuclear crease, binucleation and multinucleation, papillary features, acinar profile (including ball cells) and single cells. Immunoreactions were performed with monoclonal antibodies to CK7 (OV-TL 12/30 and CK20 (Ks 20.8) and included morphologic analysis. Both analyses were studied in a blind fashion regarding the primary site of the tumors. RESULTS: Positivity ratios for breast, ovary, stomach and lung cases were 67.6%, 63.5%, 29.7% and 45.5%, respectively, for CK7 and 17.2%, 15.8%, 13.5% and 32.2%, respectively, for CK20. Discriminant analysis of morphologic and immunocytochemical parameters had an error rate of 42.9% in recognizing the primary site and a Wilk's lambda of .7290. CONCLUSION: The more efficient parameter with discriminant function was the papillary appearance showed by CK7, which should be used in further studies with a similar scope. The set of parameters used in this study were insufficient to discriminate the primary site of female adenocarcinomas in effusions with significant accuracy.


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To evaluate the relationship between carotenoid concentrations in serum and breast tissue, we measured serum carotenoid concentrations and endogenous carotenoid levels in breast adipose tissue of women with benign breast tumor (n = 46) or breast cancer (n = 44). Before extraction, serum was digested with lipase and cholesterol esterase, and breast adipose tissue was saponified. Serum and tissue carotenoids were extracted with ether/hexane and measured by using HPLC with a C30 column. Serum retinoic acid was extracted with chloroform/methanol and measured using HPLC with a C18 column. There were no significant differences in serum carotenoids [lutein, zeaxanthin, cryptoxanthin (both α- and β-), α-carotene, all-trans β-carotene, 13-cis β-carotene and lycopene], retinoids (retinol, all-trans and 13-cis retinoic acids), and α- and -γ- tocopherol concentrations between benign breast tumor patients and breast cancer patients. A substantial amount of 9-cis β- carotene was present in adipose tissue and was the only carotenoid that had a significantly lower level in benign breast tumor patients than in breast cancer patients. Correlations between carotenoid concentrations in serum and in breast adipose tissue were determined by combining the data of the two groups. Concentrations of the major serum carotenoids except cryptoxanthin showed significant correlations with breast adipose tissue carotenoid levels. When the concentrations of serum carotenoids were adjusted for serum triglycerides or LDL, correlations between serum carotenoid concentrations and breast adipose tissue carotenoid levels markedly increased, including that of cryptoxanthin (P <0.001). The strong correlation between serum carotenoid concentrations and endogenous breast adipose tissue carotenoid levels indicate that dietary intake influences adipose tissue carotenoid levels as well as serum concentrations, and that adipose tissue is a dynamic reservoir of fat-soluble nutrients.


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Objective and Design: To determine the alpha-2-macroglobulin (alpha2M) levels in mice during acute and chronic inflammatory responses. Materials and Methods: Inflammation was induced by one of the following stimuli: carrageenin, zymosan, lipopolysacharide, thioglycollate, bacilli Calmette Guerin, PPD (in pre-immunized and non-immunized animals) and tumor cells. The concentration of alpha2M was determined in plasma or peritoneal liquid by electroimmunoassay. Results: In all the treatments employed, the plasma levels of alpha2M were higher than in untreated animals. This increase varied from 9%, 24 h after injection up a maximum of 66% 72 h post-injection. When compared to animals injected only with saline, the increases were significant 48 h after treatment with either zymosan or LPS, and 72 h after treatment with either thioglycollate or carrageenin. Treatment with BCG triggers an increase in alpha2M levels after 24 h (18.60%) and 48 h (27.90%). Immunized mice presented higher levels of this protein than non-immunized animals after challenge with PPD. The growth of Ehrlich tumor cells in the peritoneal cavity was directly correlated with the local levels of alpha2M which increased 3.5 fold, 10 days after injection. Conclusions: These results strongly indicate that in mice, the concentration of alpha2M can increase during acute and chronic inflammatory reactions with kinetics dependent on the particular kind of inflammatory agent.


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There is controversy over how hormonal conditions influence cerebral physiology. We studied pattern-shift visual evoked potentials (PS-VEP), brain stem auditory evoked potentials (BAEP) and short-latency somatosensory evoked potentials (SSEV) in 20 female volunteers at different phases of the menstrual cycle (estrogen phase, ovulatory day and progesterone phase). Statistical analysis showed decreased latencies for P 100 (PS-VEP), N 19and P 22 (SSEV) waves in the progesterone phase compared with the estrogen phase. There was no significant difference between the estrogen and the ovulation day values. Comparing the three above stages, there were no significant differences in the brainstem auditory evoked potentials. The reduction of the latencies of the potentials generated in multisynaptic circuits provides the first consistent neurophysiological basis for a tentative comprehension of human pre-menstrual syndrome.