280 resultados para Metodologia de Pesquisa


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This study was developed from a extension project between the years of 2006 -2009 in a Middle School in the city of Bauru with the goals to support the construction of citizenship in teenagers and to strengthen their self esteem, their self knowledge and the achievement of their rights and duties in order to ease their insertion into the collective, as they realize themselves as social transformation agents. It is an adaptation of a project developed by the ODEBRECHT foundation in Bahia focusing on the transverse themes: Ethics, Sexual Education, Cultural Plurality, Work and Consumption, and Health and Environment. These themes, in addition to others that each school needs to prioritize due to the vicissitudes that experiences, must permeate across the curriculum to create, transform and favor their development by means of the daily living. The survey methodology was based in the research-action. We considered the activities developed in groups and the result of Defining Issues Test (DIT-1) applied before and after Project for data collection. The result indicates change in the moral development of the teenagers and new perceptions about the problems that are presented in the reality, providing the construction of values present in the transverse themes proposal. Greater participation of students in the school activities, like student guild and fanfare, was also observed.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Pós-graduação em Estudos Linguísticos - IBILCE


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Pós-graduação em Educação Matemática - IGCE


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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A educação cristã na atualidade tem gerado novas vertentes e abordagens de ensino, entre elas a Educação por Princípios. Com origem nos Estados Unidos, essa abordagem chegou ao Brasil em 1988, e já possui um número considerável de escolas que aderem a essa perspectiva, porém, ainda não é conhecida no contexto educativo. A partir deste pressuposto, o seguinte trabalho tem como objetivo ampliar a compreensão da Educação Cristã por Princípios, seu histórico, sua filosofia, seus métodos de ensino e a aplicabilidade dos princípios no currículo escolar. Para isso foi desenvolvida uma pesquisa qualitativa seguindo a metodologia de pesquisa bibliográfica e análise documental. Concluiu-se que alguns dos pontos da abordagem apresentada dificilmente poderiam ser inseridos na escola regular, por esta ser laica. Entretanto, os sete princípios básicos que caracterizam a Educação por Princípios trariam grandes contribuições, principalmente por resgatar valores de convivência social


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O presente trabalho de conclusão de curso, intitulado Charges um olhar estereotipado dos professores, é o resultado de um interesse sobre esse tipo de arte gráfica desde a adolescência atrelada à curiosidade sobre a imagem construída historicamente sobre os professores e sobre sua vida profissional. Este trabalho tem por objetivo analisar os estereótipos que são atribuídos aos professores nas charges procurando observar características de gênero, de vestuário e de caráter psicológico. Para atingir esse objetivo, teve-se o intuito de utilizar como material de pesquisa as charges do autor italiano Francesco Tonucci que publicou mais de mil charges na Itália e na Espanha. Esse autor procura abordar em seus desenhos temas que mostram a educação formal e informal em seu país, criticando à forma como a educação é tratada, essas realidades se encaixam com a do Brasil em muitos aspectos, e são estes aspectos que forneceram dados para analise. Para desenvolver essa pesquisa se utilizara a abordagem qualitativa, seguindo a metodologia de pesquisa documental e bibliográfica. Neste trabalho foram observados os estereótipos atribuídos aos professores e discutiu-se que imagem é transmitida desse profissional por esse suporte de leitura tão popular. Para aprofundar a questão dos estereótipos se realizou leituras de artigos que abordaram a questão dos estereótipos no contexto educacional, além de fontes que forneceram explicações sobre o fundamento histórico que deram razões para que esses estereótipos acontecessem. Quanto às charges se realizou um breve apanhado histórico de como esse tipo de arte gráfica surgiu e porque faz tanto sucesso nos meios de comunicação


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Pós-graduação em Educação - FCT


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Docência para a Educação Básica - FC


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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This study was performed in two kindergarten classes of the public network education (Botucatu, São Paulo, Brazil). The major aim of the present work was to realize an environmental mapping with the children, inspired on the research-action-participative methodology, which is guided by the evolved group organization about the search of the problems solutions lived by the group. For that, from the mapping, environmental problems more significant were selected, identified at the school and in the surroundings to realize cooperative actions in this environment as a means to deepen our comprehension about then and also problematize their solutions.


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The relationship between human beings and between them and nature are the result of a historical and social context in which they are inserted. The man is a natural living being who can only survive by the exchange with nature’s metabolism, but over time and human’s decisions this relation was interrupted, which strengthened by capitalism logic resulted as a civilization crisis. With these concerns, it’s necessary to overcome the context in which the crisis was generated, transforming the relationship between men and nature. This study, based on Critical Environmental Education and qualitative research methodology, occurred on a seashore community on Guarujá, investigated the the involvement of its population on social activities already developed on Prainha Branca: how they exercise their community citizenship, which factors limit these processes, and how responsible the residents feel about their own reality, in order to elucidate the aspects that involve that dynamics and population’s potential to build their own history.


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Nowadays it is increasingly required insertion History of Science on content to be worked in education, which raises many doubts and difficulties on the teachers did not have that content in their initial training. This work results from a qualitative empirical study aimed to investigate how a teacher of Biology and Science in a public school in the city of Bauru - SP was not in their initial training courses relating to the History of Science, mobilizes their knowledge to enter such an approach in their teaching practice. In the research methodology used as its theme the history of DNA present in the materials and also conduct open interviews and field notes to identify the knowledge involved in teaching practice and was adopted as the theoretical framework of Maurice Tardif’s Docent Knowledge. The results showed that even with difficulties arising from gaps in initial training, the teacher resorted to their experiential knowledge to meet these needs in addition to appropriate knowledge from the programs and textbooks, but its shortcomings make it difficult to analyze more critically. Thus, these data lead us to a reflection on the role of textbooks for these teachers is the process by which the consolidation of the knowledge they constructed.