434 resultados para LUTING CEMENTS


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Introduction and objective: Glass ionomer cement, which was first introduced in Dentistry in 1972, presents good qualities such as aesthetics, fluoride release and adhesion to dental tissues. Because of its preventive characteristics regarding to dental caries, glass ionomer cement has been used for Atraumatic Restorative Treatment (ART), as reported by Frencken and Holmgren [6], meeting the principles announced by the World Health Organization (WHO) for application to large population groups without regular access to dental care. Material and methods: In this present study, the abrasive wear strength of two glass-ionomer cements (Vidrion R® and ChemFlex®) was evaluated through toothbrushing machine. Classic® toothbrushes with soft bristles and Sorriso® dentifrice were also used for the study. Results: Student-t test showed significant difference between both groups, with tobs value = 9.4411 at p < 0.05. Conclusion: It can be concluded that the wear rate caused by toothbrush/dentifrice was higher for Vidrion R® (52.00 mg) than ChemFlex® (5.57 mg).


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OBJETIVO: Avaliar a biocompatibilidade do cimento de fosfato de cálcio, para verificar sua eficácia como possível substituto ósseo. MÉTODOS: No presente trabalho, foi utilizado cimento de fosfato de cálcio em rádio de 8 coelhos, separados em dois grupos (GI e GII), referentes aos tempos de observação de 12 e 26 semanas pós-operatórias, a fim de se observar as reações entre este biomaterial e o tecido ósseo do animal. Foram feitas análises radiográficas e de densitometria óptica, além de microscopia óptica e eletrônica de varredura. RESULTADOS: Observou-se, ao final do experimento, que o cimento à base de fosfato de cálcio foi parcialmente reabsorvido durante o tempo de observação de 26 semanas, apresentando biocompatibilidade, com ausência de reações indesejáveis que pudessem ser atribuídas aos implantes. CONCLUSÕES: O cimento à base de fosfato de cálcio foi biocompatível e parcialmente reabsorvido no período de 26 semanas de observação. Tempos maiores de observação são necessários para a avaliação da reabsorção.


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A semente de milho doce é leve e rugosa. A rugosidade torna difícil a classificação das sementes quanto à forma e ao tamanho e isso dificulta a semeadura. Uma solução para esse problema seria a utilização da técnica de revestimento. Assim, este trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar diferentes materiais de enchimento, cimentantes e corantes na peletização de sementes de milho superdoce e verificar quais combinações de materiais seriam eficientes na manutenção da qualidade fisiológica das sementes após o armazenamento e que permitissem vazão e distribuição uniformes durante a semeadura. Foram então testados doze materiais de enchimento (calcários 1 e 2, caulim, carvão vegetal ativado, areia, vermiculita, fubá de milho, farinha de trigo, polvilho de mandioca, amido de milho, celite e terra de diatomáceas), dois cimentantes (goma arábica e cascorez extra) e seis corantes (tintas guache, acrílica, plástica e para tecido, corante para alimento e gelatina). As avaliações da qualidade física e fisiológica das sementes revestidas e nuas foram efetuadas por meio dos testes: teor de água, fragmentação, peso de mil sementes, volume aparente e plantabilidade, germinação, primeira contagem da germinação e emergência de plântulas em campo. O revestimento de sementes de milho superdoce proporciona homogeneidade de forma e tamanho às sementes, melhora a vazão e a distribuição dos péletes na semeadura e não compromete a emergência de plântulas em campo depois de quatro meses de armazenamento.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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This study evaluated the effect of cycling various pH demineralizing solutions on the surface hardness, fluoride release and surface properties of restorative materials (Ketac-Fil Plus, Vitremer, Fuji II LC, Freedom and Fluorofil). Thirty specimens of each material were made and the surface hardness measured. The specimens were randomized into five groups according to the pH (4.3; 4.6; 5.0; 5.5 and 6.2) of the demineralizing solution. The specimens were submitted to pH-cycling for 15 days. The specimens remained in the demineralizing solution for six hours and in the remineralizing solution for 18 hours. Then, the surface hardness (SH) was remeasured and the surface properties were assessed. Fluoride release was determined daily. Data from SH and the percentage of alteration in surface hardness were analyzed by analysis of variance (p < 0.05); the Kruskal-Wallis test was performed for the fluoride release results. When hardness was compared, the variation in pH led to a positive correlation for glass ionomer cements and a negative correlation for fluoride release. For polyacid-modified resin composites, a negative correlation was found with regards to fluoride release; no significant correlation was observed for hardness. Surface properties were influenced: an acidic pH led to a greater alteration, except for polyacid-modified resin composites. The pH of the demineralizing solution influenced fluoride release from the tested materials. The pH variation altered hardness and surface properties of glass ionomer cements but did not influence polyacid-modified resin composites.


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Os cimentos ionoméricos representam importante opção de material restaurador em Odontologia e sua adesão à estrutura dental, diminuindo a infiltração marginal, somada à liberação de flúor, inibindo o metabolismo de microrganismos acidogênicos e favorecendo a remineralização dental, podem diminuir a ocorrência de cárie secundária. A aplicação tópica de géis acidulados ou neutros contendo flúor tem sido largamente utilizada em Odontologia. No entanto, este procedimento pode afetar a integridade dos materiais restauradores, aumentando sua rugosidade e a retenção de placa bacteriana. Dessa forma, o presente estudo avaliou o período de tempo no qual o cimento ionomérico Vitremer mantém sua capacidade inibitória sobre Streptococcus mutans ATCC 25175 e a adesão dos mesmos sobre a superfície do material, bem como a influência da aplicação tópica de flúor acidulado e neutro sobre esses parâmetros microbiológicos e as características superficiais daquele material. Verificou-se que a atividade antimicrobiana do cimento ionomérico Vitremer se mantém por aproximadamente quatro dias e não é recuperada com o uso de flúor gel acidulado ou neutro. Observou-se, também, que Streptococcus mutans ATCC 25175 adere ao material restaurador testado sendo que a aplicação tópica de flúor não influenciou esta adesão. As características superficiais desses materiais não se alteraram com a aplicação dos géis.


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This in vitro study evaluated the effect of a prolonged erosive pH cycling on the superficial microhardness change (SMHC) and the erosive wear of different restorative materials. Eighty enamel specimens with prepared cavities of 1.5 x 1.5 mm were randomly divided into eight groups according to the restorative materials used for the fillings (RMGI - resin-modified glass-ionomer, CGI - conventional glass-ionomer, CR- composite resin, A - amalgam) and immersion media used (ERO - erosive medium or SAL - artificial saliva). During 35 days, half of the specimens were immersed in a cola drink (ERO), for 5 min, three times a day, and they remained in SAL between the erosive cycles. The other half of the specimens was immersed in SAL only, for the entire experimental period (control). Data were tested for significant differences by anova and Tukey's tests (P < 0.05). Scanning electron microscopy images were made to illustrate the enamel erosive wear and restorative materials alterations. The mean SMHC (%) and mean erosive wear (mu m) of the materials were: RMGI-ERO (30/0.5); CGI-ERO (37/0.5); CR-ERO (-0.3/0.3); A-ERO (-4/0.3); RMGI-SAL (4/0.4); CGI-SAL (-6/0.4); CR-SAL (-3/0.2) and A-SAL (2/0.4). Scanning electron microscopy images showed pronounced enamel erosive wear on groups submitted to erosive pH cycling when compared with groups maintained in saliva. In conclusion, the prolonged pH cycling promoted significantly higher alterations (SMHC and erosive wear) on the glass-ionomer cements than the CR and amalgam.


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Foi propósito deste estudo analisar a influência da infiltração marginal coronária no comportamento dos tecidos periapicais de dentes de cães após obturação de canal e preparo para pino. Quarenta canais de dentes de cães foram instrumentados e obturados pela técnica da condensação lateral com cones de guta percha e os cimentos Roth e Sealer 26. Após preparo para pino, o remanescente da obturação foi protegido ou não com um plug do cimento temporário Lumicon. Após exposição ao meio oral por 90 dias, os animais foram sacrificados e as peças preparadas para análise histomorfológica. A técnica de Brown e Brenn mostrou 70% de casos com infiltração de microrganismos para o cimento Roth e 20% com o Sealer 26. Quando um plug de Lumicon foi empregado ocorreu 30% de casos de infiltração de microrganismos com o cimento Roth e 0,0% com o cimento Sealer 26. Reação inflamatória crônica foi mais freqüentemente observada com o cimento Roth do que com o Sealer 26. Foi concluído que o plug de Lumicon é eficiente no controle da infiltração coronária (p=0.05) e que o Sealer 26 foi mais biocompatível e selou melhor os canais radiculares do que o cimento Roth (p=0.01).


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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There are several studies about the cytotoxic effects of dental materials in contact with the pulp tissue, such as calcium hydroxide (CH), adhesive systems, resin composite and glass ionomer cements. The aim of this review article was to summarize and discuss the cytotoxicity and biocompatibility of materials used for protection of the dentin-pulp complex, some components of resin composites and adhesive systems when placed in direct or indirect contact with the pulp tissue. A large number of dental materials present cytotoxic effects when applied close or directly to the pulp, and the only material that seems to stimulate early pulp repair and dentin hard tissue barrier formation is CH.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Objective. The aim of this study was to evaluate the pH, calcium release, setting time, and solubility of two commercially available mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) cements (white MTA Angelus and MTA Bio), and of three experimental cements (light-cured MTA, Portland cement with 20% bismuth oxide and 5% calcium sulfate, and an epoxy resin-based cement).Study design. For evaluation of pH and calcium ion release, polyethylene tubes with 1.0 mm internal diameter and 10.0 mm length were filled with the cements and immediately immersed in flasks containing 10 mL deionized water. After 3, 24, 72, and 168 hours, the tubes were removed and the water from the previous container was measured for its pH and calcium content with a pH meter and an atomic absorption spectrophotometer. For analysis of the setting time, Gilmore needles weighing 100 g and 456.5 g were used, in accordance with the American Society for Testing and Materials specification no. C266-03. Solubility of each cement was also tested.Results. All the cements were alkaline and released calcium ions, with a declining trend over time. After 3 hours, Portland cement + bismuth oxide and MTA Bio had the highest pH and light-cured MTA the lowest. After 1 week, MTA Bio had the highest pH and light-cured MTA and epoxy resin-based cement the lowest. Regarding calcium ion release, after 3 hours, Portland cement + bismuth oxide showed the highest release. After 1 week, MTA Bio had the highest. Epoxy resin-based cement and light-cured MTA had the lowest calcium release in all evaluation periods. Regarding setting times, white MTA Angelus and MTA Bio had the shortest, Portland cement + bismuth oxide had an intermediate setting time, and the epoxy resin-based cement had the longest. The materials that showed the lowest solubility values were the epoxy resin-based cement, Portland cement + bismuth oxide, and light-cured MTA. The highest solubility values were presented in white MTA Angelus and MTA Bio.Conclusions. The white MTA Angelus and MTA Bio had the shortest setting times, higher pH and calcium ion release, and the highest solubility. In contrast, the epoxy resin-based cement and light-cured MTA showed lower values of solubility, pH, and calcium ion release. (Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 2010; 110: 250-256)


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This study evaluated the influence of addition of 10% calcium chloride (CaCl(2)) on the setting time, solubility, disintegration, and pH of white MTA (WMTA) and white Portland cement (WPC). A test of the setting time was performed following the #57 ADA specifications and a test of the final setting time according to the ASTM. For the solubility tests disintegration and pH, Teflon rings were filled with the cements and weighed after setting. After 24 h in a desiccator, they were once again weighed. Thereafter, they were immersed in MiliQ water for 24 and 72 h and 7, 14, and 28 days, with maintenance in the desiccator and weighing between periods. The pH of water in which the rings were immersed was measured immediately after contact with them and in the other periods. The addition of CaCl(2) provided a significant reduction (50%) in the initial setting time of cements. The final setting time of WMTA was reduced in 35.5% and the final setting time of WPC in 68.5%. The WMTA with CaCl(2) absorbed water and gained weight with time, except for in the 24-h period. The addition of CaCl(2) to the WPC reduced its solubility. The addition of CaCl(2) increased the pH of WMTA in the immediate period and at 24 and 72 h and for WPC in the immediate period and at 24 h. The addition of CaCl(2) to WMTA and WPC reduced the setting times and solubility of both and increased the pH of cements in the initial periods. (J Endod 2009;35:550-554)


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Purpose: To evaluate the effects of the elapsed time (ET) after nonvital bleaching (NVB) and sodium ascorbate application (10%) (SAA) on the shear bond strength of dentin to ceramic.Materials and Methods: Bovine incisors were selected, internally bleached (35% carbamide peroxide) for 9 days and submitted to the following treatments (n = 10): G1, G2, G3-luting after 1, 7, and 14 days; G4, G5, and G6-luting after SAA, 1, 7, and 14 days, respectively. G7 and G8 were not bleached: G7-luting 24 hours after access cavity sealing; G8-luting 24 hours after access cavity sealing after SAA. After NVB, the vestibular dentin was exposed and flattened. The SAA was applied to the dentin (G4, G5, G6, G8) for 10 minutes, and it was then washed and dried. The dentin was etched (37% phosphoric acid), and an adhesive system (Single Bond 2) was applied. Feldspathic ceramic discs (VM7; 4-mm diameter, 3-mm thick) were luted with a dual-resin agent (RelyX ARC, 3M ESPE Dental Products, St. Paul, MN). After 24 hours, specimens were submitted to shear test on a universal testing machine. The data (MPa) were submitted to ANOVA and Dunnet's test (5%).Results: The means (+/- SD) obtained were (MPa): G1 (14 +/- 4.5), G2 (14.6 +/- 3.1), G3 (14 +/- 3.7), G4 (15.5 +/- 4.6), G5 (19.87 +/- 4.5), G6 (16.5 +/- 3.7), G7 (22.8 +/- 6.2), and G8 (18.9 +/- 5.4). SAA had a significant effect on bond strength (p = 0.0054). The effect of ET was not significant (p = 0.1519). G5 and G6 presented higher values than the other bleached groups (p < 0.05) and similar to G7 and G8 (p > 0.05).Conclusions: After NVB, adhesive luting to dentin is recommended after 7 days if sodium ascorbate has been applied prior to dentin hybridization.