196 resultados para Interacionismo linguístico


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento em Pesquisa (CNPq)


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The main purpose of this article is to investigate the social and linguistic behaviors (the habitus) of a translator in face of cultural barriers in translation, analyzing the use of explicitation aspects in the translational process into English of the terminological Brazilianisms developed by Darcy Ribeiro. With this aim, we used a parallel corpus composed by the work O povo brasileiro (1995) and by its respective translation, performed by Rabassa. The methodology used is that of Corpus-Based Translation Studies (BAKER, 1993, 1995, 1996, 2000; CAMARGO, 2005, 2007), Corpus Linguistics (BERBER SARDINHA, 2004) and Terminology (BARROS, 2004). For data analysis, we adopted Sociology of Translation theories (SIMEONI, 1998, 2007; GOUANVIC, 1995, 1999), as well as the habitus conception, proposed by the sociologist Pierre Bourdieu (1980). We believe that, as pointed by Baker`s theories (1996), explicitation is a translator`s tendency or procedure, which explains, in the translated text, parts of the original text that have been left implicit by the author. Results show that this action may be found in Ribeiro’s translated texts, indicating the difficult of conceptualizing the Brazilian universe in English.


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This work aims on an approach concerning on Translation Theories, as well as the translational difficulties, the linguistic barriers with which the translator must know how to deal, the role of the translator as a conscious subject of his work while creating new texts and producing meanings. We will develop a discussion focused on the audiovisual translation practice which means the translation for subtitles and dubbings. It will be shown the translation process on both modalities and also the issue about the translation of humor in each of them, as the translator must use his translational skill, cultural and linguistic knowledge and creativity, not only to circumvent the rules imposed by the audiovisual translation market, but also to be able to create a new language for each character presented in the original material, so that the translation in Portuguese language may contain proper traces of humor from the Brazilian culture. Our main goal is an attempt to explain the reason for so many questions from the public who does not know the rules in the market for subtitling and dubbing translation and sometimes criticize the work of the translator if they realize any ‘loss of information’ or ‘a translation very poorly done’. Theories and arguments which prove that no translation is done badly, but it goes through recreations and modifications whenever it is necessary will be presented. By the explanation of this translation process, citation of translators who work in this area telling about their experiences and selected examples of translations from the ‘Everybody hates Chris’ sitcom, we hope to reflect and clarify such doubts.


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The objective of this paper is to reflect on the theoretical and methodological status of oral and written data as a source for investigating linguistic change phenomena. The per - spective we adopt here distances itself from a compartmentalized conception of oral and writ - ten texts writing since it is more closely associated with the writers’ relationship with historically and socially established practices of orality and literacy. We conducted an assessment of some of the specialized literature in order to gather arguments to defend the coexistence of written and oral enunciations, understood not as a form of interference, but as a constitutive blend, which, given its hybrid nature, enables the occurrence of the vernacular data, a locus of change also present in written records.


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Esse trabalho analisa as refrações do discurso pedagógico que, em diálogo com outros discursos, como os da mídia e da linguística, reflete-os, além de ressignificá-los. Mais especificamente, trata-se da ressignificação que os discursos pedagógicos, postos em diálogo com os discursos da mídia, fazem de conceitos da lingüística; para essa análise tem-se como foco os conceitos de coesão e coerência, esses conceitos são critérios de avaliação dos textos. Quando retirados de suas enunciações e reutilizados nos dias de hoje, esses conceitos são ressignificados de forma a se adaptarem a novas enunciações. Como abordagem metodológica para a realização deste trabalho, tem-se uma análise qualitativa dialógica do livro de Thaís Nicoleti de Camargo, Redação linha a linha (2010) (corpus desse trabalho, que representa o discurso pedagógico). No diálogo proposto sobre os conceitos de coesão e coerência textuais pode-se perceber a ressignificação causada pela nova enunciação em que esses enunciados são reutilizados. Esse trabalho, por valer-se da análise do discurso bakhtiniana, estará sempre voltado ao conceito de diálogo, colocando os discursos em contato; partindo desse ponto, busca-se entender quais discursos dialogam com a produção do discurso pedagógico no livro analisado. Pode-se perceber, na análise dos conceitos de coesão e coerência textuais, que alguns discursos que dialogam com esses enunciados são os discursos de normatização e padronização. É possível dizer que a enunciação em que esses enunciados se produzem remete aos discursos do capitalismo, dos vestibulares, da atribuição de notas


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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In the architecture of a natural language processing system based on linguistic knowledge, two types of component are important: the knowledge databases and the processing modules. One of the knowledge databases is the lexical database, which is responsible for providing the lexical unities and its properties to the processing modules. The systems that process two or more languages require bilingual and/or multilingual lexical databases. These databases can be constructed by aligning distinct monolingual databases. In this paper, we present the interlingua and the strategy of aligning the two monolingual databases in REBECA, which only stores concepts from the “wheeled vehicle” domain.


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Committed to a functionalist view of grammar, this study takes word classes as its object of analysis, aiming to show that categorical rigidity cannot be upheld in linguistic use. The analysis sample presented starts from the solutions of dictionaries in the registration of word classes parts and from the fluidity that these classes show in their use. Aspects of grammaticalization in Portuguese language are taken as evidence. It is argued that the grammatical organization of language has properties that support categorical shift processes, however singular they may seem to examination.


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O artigo avalia o descompasso entre a liberdade de expressão, que no Brasil é garantida por lei, e ações culturalmente orientadas de patrulhamento do uso linguístico, que proíbem referências a características ou comportamentos de determinados grupos sociais, especialmente minorias. O descompasso se transforma em equívoco grave quando tal policiamento se estende às atividades de natureza metalinguística, que, baseadas na reflexão sobre os usos existentes, equacionam os significados das entidades do léxico ativado. O estudo examina especificamente a tarefa lexicográfica e avalia sua natureza e seu papel, dentro do universo de construção do saber sobre a língua.


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The study of Latin is essentially focused on the receptive writing skills acquisition. For this reason, the teaching of this ancient language should have the readers’ training as its main objective. ! e e" ective understanding of ancient texts depends on a learning process that is based on three competence levels: the language level, the textual level and the intertextual level. As part of this teaching methodology, which seeks to narrow the cultural gap between the ancient and the contemporary world, avoiding anachronistic interpretation of Latin texts, this paper presents strategies that allow students to learn grammar from authentic texts.