188 resultados para Influência da mídia
Introduction: Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a chronic disease of the nervous system, characterized by degeneration of neurons in the mesencephalic substantia nigra, leading to a clinical state of rest tremor, bradykinesia, muscular rigidity and postural instability. Physical therapy seeks to act by slowing the progression of the disease and when done in a group and maintain and / or improving the motor skills of the individual, can provide psychosocial benefi ts. Objective: examine the infl uence of the physical therapy group in balance, functional mobility and quality of life of individuals with PD. Method: participated in this study 04 subjects were female, mean age 67.75 (± 9.5) years, with medical diagnosis of PD, stages 1 to 3 of the Hoehn & Yahr. Before starting treatment, subjects underwent an assessment of the balance (BBS), functional mobility (TUG) and the quality of life (PDQ-39).The treatment was performed in groups, for a period of 10 weeks, lasting 60 minutes each session twice a week, totaling 20 sessions of physiotherapy. Upon completion of the treatment period the subjects were again assessed for balance, functional mobility and quality of life. The data were analyzed using the Student t-test, with signifi cance level of 5% (p ≤ 0.05). Results: statistical analysis showed signifi cant differences in three variables: equilibrium (p = 0.010), functional mobility (p = 0.029) and quality of life (p = 0.004), after physiotherapy intervention. Conclusion: physiotherapy treatment was group provides better balance, functional mobility and quality of life of patients with PD.
With the growing aging population will be an increase of chronic degenerative diseases such as dementia. Among the various forms of dementia Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is the most prevalent. In individuals with AD, there is a loss in the processing of sensory information, which may aggravate the imbalance and falls. As the disease progresses, the individual lose the ability to function independently, becoming dependent on a caregiver. This study aimed to analyze the balance of the mental state and quality of life of individuals with AD, to determine whether a correlation exists between these variables and analyze the influence on quality of life of caregivers. This study was conducted with thirty individuals (82.86 ± 9.07 years) with AD, both sexes, and their caregivers. The evaluation of the balance was accomplished by the Scale of Functional Balance of Berg (EEFB), the cognitive function for the Mini-exam of the Mental State (MEEM), and the quality of life (QV) for the scale “life Quality - Disease of Alzheimer “ (QdV - DA) that is composed for three versions: patient, caregiver and family The data were analyzed by coefficient of correlation of Spearman. The balance analyses (EEFB=32,17 ± 13,26 points) shows increased in the risk of falls in the elderly and negative correlation (R = - 0,55, p <0,01) with age and good correlation with MEEM (R=0,63 p <0,01). Already in relation of the MEEM and QV, can observed correlation between the familiar version and the MEEM ((R=0,40 p=0,02). In Relation the versions of the QV questionnaire, found significant correlation among: QdV-DA patient X caregiver (R=0,41 p=0,02), QdV-DA patient X family (R=0,40 p=0,03). In this way we can conclude that the individuals with DA, appraised in this study, present a deficit in the balance, so much related with the age as with to the cognitive decline, and the greater the cognitive decline worse the impression of caring about the QOL of their family, and still, that the worsening in the quality of the patient’s life contemplates in a worsening in the quality of your caregiver’s life.
OBJETIVO: O objetivo deste estudo foi comparar o comportamento oscilatório de cada membro inferior na tarefa de alcance frontal. Além disso, verificar a influência da informação visual nestas tarefas, em pacientes com doença de Parkinson. MÉTODO: Participaram deste estudo 8 pacientes com doença de Parkinson idiopática, de ambos os sexos, classificados entre os estágios 1 a 3 da escala de Hoehn e Yahr e 8 sujeitos controle. Para avaliar o comportamento oscilatório, foi aplicada a tarefa de alcance frontal que consistiu em elevar os braços a 90º, posicionar uma mão sobre a outra, estender os dedos e tentar alcançar à frente o mais longe possível sem retirar ou mover os pés da posição inicial. Os pés foram posicionados sobre duas plataformas de força, próximas uma da outra. Para aquisição dos dados de comportamento oscilatório foi utilizado o software AMTI Net Force, com freqüência de coleta de 100 Hz. Foram realizadas 3 tentativas para cada condição (com e sem informação visual), totalizando 6 tentativas com duração de 30 segundos cada. As avaliações clínica e postural foram realizadas no estado on do medicamento. Variáveis do COP analisadas: Trajetória, Velocidades Ântero-posterior e Médio-lateral e Limite de Estabilidade. RESULTADOS: Plataforma 1- MANOVA revelou apenas efeito de momento, Wilk’s Lambda= 0,04, F(8,6)=18,74, p≤0,01. Testes univariados apontaram diferença significativa para as variáveis Trajetória (F=31,62, p<0,001), Velocidade média médio-lateral (F=83,24, p<0,001) e para Limite de estabilidade (F=27,36, p<0,001). Plataforma 2- MANOVA revelou apenas efeito de momento, Wilk’s Lambda=0,026, F(8,6)=28,23, p<0,01. Análises univariadas apontaram diferenças no Momento para trajetória F(2,26)=104,07, p<0,01, velocidade média ântero-posterior...(Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)
Introdução: A prevenção e o controle das DCNT’s adquiridas com a prática regular de atividade física podem contribuir para a melhora da saúde dos indivíduos, e consequentemente, pode colaborar na redução do uso dos serviços de saúde e nos gastos referentes a esse serviço além de refletir uma melhor qualidade de vida do indivíduo. Objetivo: 1) Descrever as consultas realizadas pelos participantes do programa e 2)Analisar a influência da atividade física na utilização dos serviços de saúde. Metodologia: Esse trabalho é de caráter retrospectivo e transversal, e foi desenvolvido em Unidades de Saúde da Família no município de Rio Claro, SP. Dentre as 250 mulheres participantes do Programa de exercícios físicos em unidades Básicas de Saúde e Unidades Saúde da Família (USF), com faixa etária acima de 20 anos, foram selecionados dentre essesparticipantes aqueles que possuam prontuários nas sete Unidades Saúde da Família, totalizando 48 prontuários. Foram analisados 1350visitas às unidades no total. Foi analisado o uso dos serviços de saúde através do número de visitas ás unidades de saúde comparando os dados encontrados no ano anterior e no ano posterior do início do programa. Foi utilizado o Termo de Consentimento Livre e Esclarecido para os participantes da pesquisa. Foi realizada análise descritiva dos dados, utilizando-se frequência, média, desvio-padrão máximo e mínimo. Foi realizada análise de comparação dos dados contínuos. Resultados: O grupo participante do Programa Saúde Ativa Rio Claro eram em sua maioria idosos, com alto número de doenças crônicas, principalmente hipertensão (60,4%) e diabetes (37,5%), no entanto, menos da metade com uso de medicamentos para essas doenças. A maioria das consultas eram agendadas (61,7%) ou eram realizadas para triagem/acolhimento (23,0%), com uma menor frequência para controle de pressão arterial ou glicose (5,2%). Os sujeitos analisados...
A hipertensão arterial atinge uma média de 20% a 25% da população brasileira. Estudos apontam que a prática regular de atividade física além de combater o sedentarismo pode ser utilizada como meio não farmacológico de tratamento e prevenção da hipertensão. Objetivo: Verificar os efeitos do estado de ânimo gerado por exercícios não sistematizados e sistematizados na pressão arterial. Metodologia: Participaram do estudo 30 alunas que participam há mais de seis meses do Programa Saúde Ativa Rio Claro. Elas receberam treinamento duas semanas, para utilizarem o aparelho de pressão digital de pulso Fuzzy LOGIC. As participantes foram submetidas a 3 sessões de aulas (aeróbio, lúdico e força) em dias diferentes. As aulas do aeróbio contavam com 40 min de caminhada moderada, a aula de força constou 3 séries de 1 minuto, com intervalo entre as séries de 30 segundos para membros superiores e inferiores e a aula lúdica com brincadeiras não padronizadas. As aulas foram constituídas de alongamento (10 min), parte principal (40 min) e volta à calma (10 min). A pressão arterial sistólica (PAS) e diastólica (PAD) foram aferidas nos momentos: repouso (M1), término (M2), 30 minutos após a sessão (M3), 4 horas após (M4) e 8 horas após a sessão dos exercícios (M5). A análise estatística utilizada foi a Anova para medidas repetidas com 2 fatores (Momentos e Tipo de aula) com significância de p<0.05. Resultados: A PAS no M3 foi menor do que no M1 e M2 para todos os protocolos (p<0.05); para a PAD o M3 apresentou valores menores do que o M1 e M2 para todos os protocolos. Conclusão: O efeito hipotensor teve resultados mais significativos quando relacionado a prática dos exercícios do que aos estados de ânimo gerados pelos mesmos. A prática da atividade física foi capaz de alterar positivamente os estados de ânimo dos indivíduos... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)
The web has emerged as an important media. For the first time, people are highly connected, and users start to have lots of possibilities for expression and collaboration. Internet users contribute more and more to influence the preferences of your contact network. Organizations are beginning to discover that the power of influence networks is becoming more efficient than traditional marketing: people believe in what other people say, peers believe in peers. There is a new actor who builds preferences, who is constantly active in communication: the customer who narrates, on social networks, his experiences with a product, and makes his contacts become loyal customers or the most ardent critics of an organization. Transforming followers into disseminators is one of the biggest challenges of organizations in social media. Because of this, more and more companies have to plan communication strategies based in what customers think, desire, understand and discuss in these new places
Este trabalho tem como objetivo Identificar a forma pela qual o atletismo é divulgado pela mídia impressa. Para tanto, foram coletadas reportagens referentes a esta modalidade esportiva na mídia impressa durante o período dos Jogos Pan-Americanos do Rio de Janeiro, em 2007. Mais especificamente, foram analisadas as reportagens referentes ao atletismo, do jornal “Folha de São Paulo”, coletadas 13 dias antes dos Jogos Pan-Americanos, durante os Jogos Pan-Americanos e 13 dias após o seu término. Com base na Análise de conteúdo de Bardin (1979), foram identificadas 6 categorias de análise, quais sejam: “Quadro de resultados/críticas”; “Análise crítica da competição”; “Expectativa de resultados” “Reportagens poliesportivas”; “Lesões” e “História de vida e incentivo”. Os resultados demonstraram que a mídia, por meio de suas reportagens, exerce influência no modo e na forma com que o leitor interpreta o atletismo, já que registra críticas aos atletas; cria rivalidades entre eles; gera expectativas por resultados positivos e enaltece os melhores atletas em detrimento dos menos conhecidos do público. Por meio dessa pesquisa constatamos particularidades da relação entre o atletismo e a mídia, as quais certamente influenciam no conhecimento que se tem acerca dessa modalidade esportiva.
The aim of this experiment was evaluate the effect of the bioestimulant administered in grafted and non-grafted japanese cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) plants, under greenhouse conditions, in gas exchanges during the development of the plant and in the increase of yield. The experiment was carried out in the experimental area of Agronomic Sciences University of UNESP, Campus of Botucatu, São Paulo State, Brazil. The experiment design was completely randomized, in a factorial arrangement of 2x5, grafted and non-grafted plants and 5 treatments with bioestimulant: control, indolbutyric acid 0,0005% + citocinine 0,0009% + gibberelic acid 0,005% 250 mL ha-1; indolbutyric acid 0,0005% + citocinine 0,0009% + gibberelic acid 0,005% 375 mL ha-1; indolbutyric acid 0,0005% + citocinine 0,0009% + gibberelic acid 0,005% 500 mL ha-1; Yuca extract (Yucca elephantipes) + manganese + iron + copper + sulfur 375 mL ha-1 applied 15 days after the transplant, in intervals of 7 days between the applications, via leaf. The effect of the treatments were evaluated through the observations of the following characteristics: production of fruits (number and mass), average mass of the fruit and measures of gas exchanges. It can be concluded that indolbutyric acid 0,0005% + citocinine 0,0009% + gibberelic acid 0,005% 250 mL ha-1 increased CO2 assimilation rate and the water efficiency, influencing in addition to increase the quantity of the fruits
The objective of this study was to investigate the influence of previous active static stretch on the isometric peak torque (PT) and rate of force development (RFD) measured from different time intervals from the beginning of muscle contraction. Participated of this study 15 male individuals, apparently healthy, with ages between 18 and 25 years, without regular physical activity practice. The individuals were submitted in different days to the following tests: 1) Familiarization session to the isokinetic dynamometer; 2) Two maximal isometric concentric contractions for knee extensors in isokinetic dynamometer to determine PT and RFD (Control), and; 3) Two active static stretching exercises for the dominant leg extensors (10 x 30 s for each exercise, with 20 s of rest). After the stretching, the isokinetic test was repeated (Post-Stretching). The conditions 2 and 3 were performed in random order. The RFD was considered as the mean slope of the moment-time curve at time intervals of 0-30, 0-50 and 0-100ms relative to the beginning of muscle contraction. It was verified significant reduction for both maximal RFD and PT after the stretching (p < 0.05). At intervals of 0- 30ms, 0-50ms and 0-100ms, the RFD at the conditions with stretching was similar to the RFD without stretching (p > 0.05). At intervals of 0-150ms and 0-200ms, the RFD obtained at the contraction without stretching was significantly higher that that obtained at the contraction with stretching (p < 0.05). It can be concluded that the static stretching, performed with duration of 600 s diminish isometric PT, maximal RFD and RFD measured at late phase (> 100 ms) of muscle contraction.
Bamboo has one of the highest growth rates among plants, however, its lignifications (which confers resistance) takes around a few years and, therefore, certain physical characteristics and mechanical, that depend on this process will only be acquired between the three to six years old. In addition, bamboo also has significant density variations in different parts of the stem, both in the radial direction as the axial. In particular the radial direction, where the density found in the inner and outer (near the bark) of a single stem can range on average from 0.5 to 0.9 g/cm3. Thus, the application of bamboo as a floor, there to examine whether both sides of the bamboo (internal and external), provide resistance properties required for that purpose. In this study sought to characterize and quantify the influence of the concentration of fiber bundles in the inner and outer sides of rules or bamboo strips of bamboo flooring through testing service. Analyses performed were based on ASTM D 2394- 83 for wooden floors and derivatives. This was necessary because of the absence of a specific prohibition of the use and testing of floors made of bamboo and its products. The data were analyzed by ball indentation test shooting, test for resistance to abrasion, indentation test for stress / load treadmill test and by indentation loads applied to small areas - test the jump. The results of the tests were extremely friendly bamboo, even this presents considerable differences between the resistances obtained from assay of the cover of the inner and outer face, being comparable with those of many commonly used to manufacture wood flooring. This comparison was made possible by information from technical trials of several floors made with wood
Pós-graduação em Alimentos e Nutrição - FCFAR
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Odontologia Restauradora - ICT
This papper aims to discuss Ribeirão Preto as a switched-over intermediate city classification, contrastating with the concept of Metropolitan Region of Ribeirão Preto. The agribusiness sector will be analysed as the main responsible for the representation of Ribeirão Preto city as an Agribusiness Center. Due to this fact, Sertãozinho city example will be presented as Agribusiness City, where acctually concentrates the agro-industrial complex of sugarcane production, while Ribeirão Preto is in fact centralizes management activities. According to the balance of trade analysis, other elements showed up and fortifies the role of this cities. These elements unfolded the analysis of higher education guideline and shopping malls. We also analyzed the urban network of Ribeirão Preto under the concept of the Região de Influência das Cidades (REGIC) and the creation of the project Metropolitan Region of Ribeirão Preto in order to strengthen the central hypothesis as a switched-over medium sized city. In order to reach this point, besides the analysis of the data we had t literature review of the Medium Sized Cities and Urban Network concepts and Spatial Interactions and Switched- over terms
The work presented here aims to evaluate how aesthetic norm variations influence the perception of attractiveness of a smile according to dentists and laymen. Methods: The smiles in photographs of a man and a woman were digitally changed. Eleven smiles were created for each one: an ideal, control smile - an ideal smile according to accepted norms - and 10 smiles containing individual variations of each of the following norms: a) 2mm and 3mm deviations from the middle line; b) the contour of the smile - contour of a straight smile and contour of a reverse smile; c) the angle of the lateral incisors - a mesial angle of 10° and a distal angle of 10°; d) 0.5mm and 1mm diastema; and e) dental proportion - Alber’s Proportion and Plato’s Proportion. The photographs were evaluated by two specialists in cosmetic dentistry and two laymen using the visual analogue scale. Results: The ideal smile for both genders was well accepted by both the specialists and the laymen. The opinions on the smiles with aesthetic variations varied, some were more positive than others, some were in agreement and some were in disagreement. Conclusion: The absence of deviations favors the perceived beauty of a smile, but some aesthetic variations seem to be better accepted than others. The success of aesthetic treatments depends on the active participation of dentists and patients in the planning stage.