187 resultados para Grau de escolaridade


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Pós-graduação em Biopatologia Bucal - ICT


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The present study had as the main purpose to verify the teacher’s formation who update in the child education institutions of the Irati city (Parana State – Brazil), throughout the years of 2005, 2006 and 2007, and their implications for the pedagogical actions. Seven institutions they had participated of the study. The data collection was made by means of documents of the institutions. A predominance of secondary school in the formation of the teachers was verified, even so had still one high index of professionals with formation level below of this requirement to the legislation. We conclude that it has urgency to the implementation of public politics directed toward the child education, with focus for the formation’s teachers.


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Objective. To compare, pre- and post-swallowing therapy, the level of oral intake scale, and the degree of severity of neurogenic oropharyngeal dysphagia. Method. 19 patients with oropharyngeal dysphagia: 10 Post-Stroke adults, aged from 44 years to 76 years (group 1 – G1), and nine children with Cerebral Palsy, aged from two years and five months to 15 years (group 2 – G2). We excluded individuals in the process of spontaneous recovery. We held retrospective analysis of clinical protocols for clinical speech therapy evaluation with classification of the degree of dysphagia severity, applied before and after swallowing therapy. We used the Functional Oral Intake Scale - FOIS to assess the level of oral ingestion, pre and post-swallowing therapy. Results. The degree of commitment of dysphagia was favorable change only in adults, and in FOIS these changes occurred in both groups. Conclusion. There were favorable changes in the degree of impairment of oropharyngeal dysphagia and levels of FOIS, pre and post - speech therapy in stroke, but in ECINP markers used showed no favorable changes should even be reviewed for application in this population. Future studies are needed to investigate the variables in this sample.


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Children with cerebral palsy due to movement and posture disorders might have an injured nutritional state. This study's objective was to classify the body mass index of children with cerebral palsy and verify its relation with the injury level of gross motor function. Twenty children, male and female sex, with cerebral palsy with ages between 2 and 14 years participated in the study. They were chosen from a rehabilitation center with physiotherapy, occupational and speech therapy accompaniment. Children were classified according to the gross motor function classification scale. The anthropometric measures of each child weight, heel-knee length, estimated stature and body mass index were gauged. The body mass index was classified according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention's body mass index percentile calculator for children and teenagers. The obtained data didn't show any relation between the gross motor function and body mass index. The reduced number of participants and the fact of all children be accompanied in dysphagia clinics and, when necessary, nutrition clinics, might have influenced these results.


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INTRODUCTION: Temporomandibular disorders (TMD) have association with psychological manifestations. OBJECTIVE: The aims of this study were to correlate the severity of TMD and the level of self-esteem, and to investigate sex‑related differences. MATERIAL AND METHOD: We evaluated 57 subjects of both gender, with mean age of 20.28 ± 2.07 years, through the Fonseca Anamnesis Index (FAI) and Rosenberg Self-esteem Scale (RSS). Correlations between variables were performed using the Spearman correlation coefficient; comparisons between the genders were performed using the Mann-Whitney test. It was considered a significance level of 5%. RESULT: No differences were found for the comparisons between the gender in the FAI (p = 0.79) and the RSS (p = 0.90). RSS correlates with the FAI in women (p = 0.01), but in men this result does not occur (p = 0.07). CONCLUSION: We concluded that women are more likely to have emotional disturbances resulting from changes in the temporomandibular joint than men.


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PurposeTo characterize and compare the performance of malnourished children and normal children in auditory processing. MethodThe sample comprised 30 children from five to ten years old, both genders, being 15 malnourished children (G1) and 15 children with adequate nutritional status, as a control group (G2). The groups were paired according to gender, age and grade level. Both groups underwent peripheral and central auditory assessment, noting that malnourished children had higher changes in the skill of sequencing score for verbal and nonverbal when compared to normal children, and the same occurred in closing skills and background figure. ResultRegarding the degree of auditory processing disorder, it was more severe in malnourished children. ConclusionChildren with malnutrition have higher frequency alterations in auditory abilities when compared to normal children, being the temporal ordering skills, auditory memory, selective attention, figure-ground and closing the most affected skills.


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In engineering, for correct designing the structural components required for cyclical stresses, it is necessary to determine a limit of resistance to fatigue, which is the maximum amplitude of the applied tension under which the fatigue failure does not occurs after a certain number cycles. The marine environment is hostile, not only by the high pressure, corrosion, but also by low temperatures. Petrol Production units, composed of the risers (pipelines connecting the oil well to the ship), are dimensioned to remain installed for periods of 20 up to 30 years, and must therefore be prepared to support various efforts, such as tidal, wind currents and everything that is related. This paper focuses on a study on the fatigue behavior of microalloyed steel, API 5L Grade X70, used to transport oil and gas by pipelines. For analysis, we obtained the curves S-N (stress vs. number of cycles) using laboratory data collected from cylindrical longitudinal and transverse specimens used in axial fatigue test in accordance with ASTM E466. The tensile tests and microhardness were performed to characterize the mechanical properties of the samples, and it was found that the values meet the specifications of the standard API 5L. To characterize microstructurally the material, it was also made a metallographic analysis of the steel under study, and the origin of the fatigue crack was investigated with the support of a scanning electron microscope (SEM).


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Com o aumento da população idosa, aumentou-se também a curiosidade dos pesquisadores em investigar sobre questões relacionadas ao envelhecimento. Este é um processo que acarreta alterações motoras, funcionais e/ou cognitivas nos idosos e se associadas a uma baixa escolaridade podem levar a uma dependência funcional dos mesmos e com isso evoluindo para uma possível institucionalização se combinada com outros fatores como por exemplo, disponibilidade dos familiares. Essa mudança de ambiente em que o idoso é submetido pode lhe trazer alguns danos como depressão, perda cognitva, diminuição dos níveis de atividade física além de uma perda ainda maior da funcionalidade. Diante disso a pesquisa teve como objetivo analisar possíveis relações da escolaridade, com funcionalidade, nível de atividade física, sintomas depressivos e cognição em idosos institucionalizados e não institucionalizados fisicamente ativos, bem como comparar tais variaveis entre os grupos. Participaram deste estudo dois grupos: um grupo de 53 idosos institucionalizados de Rio Claro-SP, distribuidos em oito instituições de longa permanência, representando 20% da referida população. O outro grupo possui 53 idosos ativos da comunidade, participantes de um programa de atividade física para a terceira idade (PROFIT) da Unesp de Rio Claro-SP. Foi utilizada uma ampla bateria de testes e questionários para avaliar funcionalidade, nível de atividade física, sintomas depressivos e cognição (estado cognitivo geral, funções executivas, memória, atenção). Os dados foram analisados estatisticamente com base na estatística descritiva (médias, os desvios-padrão, valores mínimos e máximos, as medianas e os quartis superior e inferior) visando uma descrição geral do estado de ambas as populações. Para a análise entre os grupos foram utilizados os testes t de Student e U de Mann-Whitney e para... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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This study was performed as a requirement of the final course in Nursing. The study is cross-cutting, in order to identify associations between socioeconomic factors, education, child hospitalization in the ICU or not, degree of depression and level of social support (material, affective, emotional, informational and positive social interaction) and how to identify subgroups of mother - child vulnerable. Constitute themselves as subjects, mothers of children 0 to 17 years, 11 months and 29 days in hospital after the second day of hospitalization in the pediatric unit of a State Hospital Interior Paulista. Data collection was initiated after obtaining the assent of the Research Ethics Committee, as well as signing the consent form. We used the following instruments to collect data: the data form for socioeconomic and hospitalization; Beck Depression Inventory and Medical Outcomes Study (MOS). We obtained the result that there is a strong association between availability and social support and income per capita and the degree of depression, but did not find an association between time and hospital stay and whether the child was admitted to the ICU or not. We conclude that it is necessary to establish treatment services from the patient’s family, plus an appropriate social service support to meet this big demand for mothers who need support


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The expansion and growth of towns affect the hydrology of watersheds included in the urban environment, impacting mainly the slopes and river channels. This interference can be in soil waterproofing, the runoff of rainwater, the extinction of surface drainage, the dynamics of flooding processes, etc. For studies concerning the hydrological behavior of watersheds, Remote Sensing techniques have been used to support the acquisition and analysis of data and also to generate new information from the integration of these data. In this context, the study aimed to characterize scenarios and conduct comparative analysis of urban occupation of parts of watershed the Córrego da Servidão, in Rio Claro (SP) and analyze the degree of waterproofing on the ground. With the support of the soil categories of waterproofing listed in Soil Conservation Service (S.C.S / USDA) this analysis was conducted, considering the scenarios of 1958 and 2006, through processes of interpretative analysis of panchromatic and color images aerofotogramétricas. The analysis, data integration and mapping of the watershed area were conducted in an environment of a Geographic Information System (GIS). Maps were obtained to characterize land cover in the watershed, showing the evolution of urban occupation, as well as indicating the densely built and waterproofed


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The searches for a health service it’s a part of a process, searches for a qualified evaluation can arise the perception, in form of irritating factors taking for an alert state. The personal expectation, it makes influence in its perceptions, too. The objective was to evaluate the satisfaction degree of the users of “Seção Técnica de Ambulatório Geral do Hospital das Clínicas de Botucatu”. The work is about a quantitative and transversal study, with calculated sample of 366 users, chosen randomly and invited to participate through a questionnaire. The population was compounded by a majority of women (64,5%), between 50 to 59 years old and average degree of education (38,3%). 25 specialties were cited. The evaluate about comfort, cleaning, reception, waiting time, medical attention and nursing vary between “very good” and “good”. Obtained significant “regular” assessment, the comfort in the waiting rooms (24%), silence (25%) and cleaning bathroom (63%). Others negative evaluation was the reception about the waiting time (26%), waiting time between arrival and the consultation (34%), waiting time between the request and consultation (27%). 30,6% report to know the place for complaints and 79,4% of these pointed to the ombudsman. 62% consider their problems solved, 84,4% would indicate the hospital, 57,4% would consider the hospital better than imagined. 42,62% used the opened area for thanking, critical for staff, suggestion infrastructure improvements, cleaning and waiting time. The biggest complaint was the staff turnover in the treatment. There was disharmony between the objective and subjective questions, but, all of them must be considered to propose improvements. The satisfaction evaluation makes the service more effective, bringing credibility to the health service and the patients adhere better to the treatment


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A infecção genital por Papilomavírus Humano (HPV) é uma das doenças sexualmente transmissíveis (DST), de origem viral, mais prevalente no mundo. As lesões intraepiteliais escamosas de baixo grau (LIEBG) e de alto grau (LIEAG), assim como carcinoma cervical invasor (CCI), estão associadas à presença do HPV. A resposta imune tem papel importante na infecção pelo HPV na cérvice uterina, sendo as citocinas importantes reguladoras da transcrição viral. Avaliar a concentração de IL-1β, IL-2, IL-4, IL-5, IL-6, IL-8, IL-10, IL-12, IFN-γ e TNF-α no soro de mulheres portadoras de LIEBG, LIEAG e CCI. Foram incluídas no estudo 40 mulheres com diagnóstico histopatológico de LIEBG (n=11), LIEAG (n=10), CCI (n=10) e 9 mulheres com suspeita de doença HPV induzida, mas sem alterações histopatológicas na biópsia do colo do útero (controle), atendidas no Ambulatório de Colposcopia da Faculdade de Medicina de Botucatu (UNESP) e no Ambulatório de Ginecologia Preventiva do Hospital Amaral Carvalho, Jaú, SP. O sangue periférico foi colhido por punção venosa e o soro armazenado até o processamento. A dosagem das citocinas no soro foi avaliada por ensaio imunoenzimático (ELISA). A pesquisa de HPV foi realizada empregando-se a técnica da reação em cadeia da polimerase (PCR). Os dados sócio-demográficos foram obtidos por entrevista no momento da consulta ginecológica. A mediana de idade das pacientes do grupo controle, LIEBG, LIEAG, e CCI foi de 38 (21-69), 32,5 (17-51), 39 (23-65) e 51,5 (29-72), respectivamente. Houve diferença estatisticamente significante de mediana de idade das pacientes do grupo CCI quando esta foi comparada com os demais grupos. Em relação às características das pacientes, 76% eram brancas, 68% relataram união estável, 31% concluíram o 2º grau, 42% eram fumantes, 37% das mulheres relataram 3 ou mais parceiros sexuais durante... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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This study focuses on metasedimentary rocks from the Passos Nappe in São Sebastião do Paraíso, southern Minas Gerais, Brazil. These rocks belong to the Internal Domain (Araxa Group) of the Southern Brasilia Belt, a Neproterozoic orogenic belt associated to the formation of the Gondwana Supercontinent. Rocks from the studied area are characterized by an inverted metamorphic gradient. Previously calculated metamorphic conditions show an increasing from geenschist facies at the base (450°C, 6 kbar), to upper amphibolite facies (750°C, 11 Kbar) at the top of the sequence. However, most of these estimates are based on Fe-Mg exchange thermometers and peak temperatures may be underestimated due to Fe-Mg exchange from cooling after peak metamorphism. In this study, we present new PT results for these rocks, based on metamorphic mineral assemblage LA-ICP-MS analyses. In the studied area, rocks from the top of the sequence have a typical granulite facies mineral assemblage: Grt+Ky+Kfs+/-Pl+liq. These rocks lack muscovite and have only minor amounts of Ti-rich, dark brown biotite. In a simplified NaKFMASH system the stability field for this mineral assemblage is bounded by the reactions Sil = Ky on the low pressure side, Ms+Ab = Ky+Kfs+liq on the low temperature side and for high-Mg bulk compositions Bt + Grt = Opx + Ky + liq on the high-temperature side. Minimum temperatures (considering post-peak reequilibration) of ca. 750°C are obtained by Fe/(Fe+Mg) values of 0.7 in garnets from a Grt+Ky+Kfs bearing sample. LA-ICP-MS results obtained for three samples show that rutiles included in garnets have up to 1847 ppm of Zr, which would translate into temperatures up to 830°C for a pressure between 12 to 15 kbar. Also for retroeclogite sample, the results indicate the contents of Zr in the garnet 537 ppm at a temperature of 708 ° C. It is noteworthy that several occurrences of retroeclogites occur in the upper part of the sequence and pressures...


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In order to study the mechanical properties of micro alloyed steel API 5L X70, a material used to manufacture pipes for pipeline transportation lines for use in oil and gas, a study was made of toughness, tensile strength, impact strength, hardness and microstructure steel. To perform these various tests were made where they can acquire the characteristics of the material. Were performed at the Faculty of Engineering in Guaratinguetá in the Department of Materials and Technology and the tensile tests, Charpy impact test, metallography and hardness testing of material API 5L X70, all tests were done with the help of technical laboratories. With these data can be an analysis of the material about his tenacity, his toughness and fragility, its hardness, its yield strength and its maximum voltage. After being asked the analyzes discussed the results showed that the micro alloyed steel API 5L X70 steel is a very tenacious, it absorbs impact energy of 300 Joules though without a break for the full body of evidence showing its tenacity