370 resultados para Gertrude Stein


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Neste trabalho aplicamos um método óptico sensível e de baixo custo denominado Schlieren para visualização e caracterização de feixes ultra-sônicos em solução aquosa. Esta caracterização assume papel importante na Medicina para diagnóstico não invasivo via método ultra-sônico.


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Avaliou-se a resistência (e antibiose) de genótipos de batata, comerciais e em fase de melhoramento, ao pulgão Myzus persicae, em ensaios efetuados com plantas em vasos, sem chance de escolha, em Jaboticabal (SP). Foram efetuados seis experimentos, utilizando-se um total de 16 genótipos, a saber: 'Achat', 'Apuã', 'Aracy', 'Aracy Ruiva', 'Bintje', 'Ibitu Açu', 'Itararé', 'N 140-201', 'NYL 235-4', '288.719-13', '288.764-26', '288.776-3', '288.776-6', '288.794-19', '288.801-6' e '288.814-7'. em cada experimento foram utilizadas combinações variadas dos mesmos. Nos dois primeiros experimentos as plantas foram infestadas com 30 pulgões adultos por planta, distribuídos em três folhas, com três avaliações realizadas em semanas subseqüentes à infestação, contando-se o número de indivíduos por planta. O terceiro experimento foi conduzido aprisionando-se duas fêmeas adultas no interior de pequenas gaiolas fixadas na face abaxial dos folíolos, em número de dez por planta, avaliando-se a reprodução do pulgão após sete dias, em dois plantios. No quarto experimento efetuou-se a infestação da planta com 15 pulgões, avaliando-se o crescimento da população na planta toda durante três semanas consecutivas. No quinto experimento foi avaliada a descendência de uma única fêmea adulta por folíolo e no sexto experimento avaliou-se o peso dos pulgões aos sete dias de vida. Os tricomas glandulares presentes nos folíolos e a funcionalidade dos mesmos também foram avaliados. A cultivar 'Ibitu Açu' apresentou elevado grau de antibiose a M. persicae; os genótipos '288.776-3' e '288.794-19' também apresentaram esse tipo de resistência, em grau moderado; '288.719-13' e '288.764-26' foram resistentes ao pulgão, provavelmente devido à presença de tricomas glandulares funcionais, dos tipos A e B, em seus folíolos (antixenose); entre os mais suscetíveis destacaram-se 'Bintje' e '288.801-6'.


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Foi avaliada a qualidade de melancias minimamente processadas, tratadas com cloreto de cálcio, durante o armazenamento sob refrigeração. Utilizaram-se melancias 'Crimson Sweet', maduras, adquiridas no comércio de Piracicaba, SP, oriundas do Rio Grande do Sul. Os frutos foram lavados e desinfetados com água clorada (200 mg L-1). A polpa foi cortada em cubos (2,5 cm de aresta), os quais foram imersos, por 3 min nas soluções que corresponderam aos tratamentos, imersão em água pura (controle), solução de cloreto de cálcio a 1%. em seguida foram escorridos por 3 min, acondicionados em copos de tereftalato de polietileno (PET) transparente de 450 mL de capacidade, com tampa, e armazenados sob refrigeração a 10,0 ± 3,2°C e 79% UR. A cada dois dias, os pedaços foram avaliados sensorialmente e quanto à perda de massa fresca, aparência, coloração interna, textura, teores de sólidos solúveis (SS) e de acidez titulável (AT), pH, relação SS/AT e conteúdos de ácido ascórbico e de pectinas, solúvel e total. O uso da solução de cloreto de cálcio promoveu maior firmeza na textura de melancias minimamente processadas, porém não se mostrou efetivo no prolongamento da vida útil, que foi de 2 dias do ponto de vista sensorial.


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Na região de Rio Claro (SP), localiza-se o Pólo Cerâmico de Santa Gertrudes, responsável por cerca de 50% da produção nacional de revestimentos. Durante o beneficiamento da argila e preparação da massa, cerca de 2 a 3% argila fina é colocada em suspensão no ar, sendo quase toda retida nos filtros de manga. Esse material fino, por problemas de homogeneização ou tecnológico, representa perda de material e se constitui em um potencial agente de contaminação do ar e da água, necessitando ser armazenado. A presente pesquisa buscou viabilizar o aproveitamento do pó retido nos filtros, no próprio processo, através da granulação da massa por aspersão de barbotina preparada com o pó. Investigaram-se a composição ideal da barbotina e a influência dessa metodologia no produto final, comparando a massa granulada por aspersão com a massa-padrão.


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The electrochemical oxidation of (benzylideneacetone)dicarbonyl(phosphine)iron(0) and benzylideneacetone)dicarbonyl(phosphite)iron(0) complexes was studied by cyclic voltammetry and controlled potential electrolysis in 0.5 M NaClO4 (dimethyl formamide). The results suggest that the electrode process involves a complicated mechanism, the species formed in the first oxidation step being highly unstable and its decomposition producing free benzylideneacetone, free phosphine or phosphite, solvated iron(II) species and carbon monoxide which adsorbs on the platinum electrode. A linear relationship between E(p/2)ox and the ligand parameter P(L) was obtained with E(s) = 0.41 V and beta = 0.964, where E(s) and beta-denote electron-richness and polarizability of the metal centre, respectively.


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We present a simple model for the doped compound Nd2-yCevCuO4, in order to explain some recent experimental results on the latter. Within a Hartree-Fock context, we start from an impurity Anderson-like model and consider the magnetic splitting of the Nd-4f ground state Kramers doublet due to exchange interactions with the ordered Cu moments. Our results are in very good agreement with the experimental data, yielding a Schottky anomaly peak for the specific heat that reduces its amplitude, broadens and shifts to lower temperatures, upon Ce doping. For overdoped compounds at low temperatures, the specific heat behaves linearly and the magnetic susceptibility is constant. A smooth transition from this Fermi liquid-like behavior occurs as temperature is increased and, at high temperatures, the susceptibility exhibits a Curie-like behavior. Finally, we discuss some improvements our model is amenable to incorporate, (C) 1998 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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Difficulties in reproducing the citrus variegated chlorosis (CVC) disease symptoms in expertmental plants have delayed implementation of studies to better understand the essential aspects of this important disease. In an extensive Study, cultivars of sweet orange (Citrus sinensis) were inoculated with Xylella fastidiosa using procedures that included root immersion, and stein absorption, pricking, or infiltration of the inoculum into plants of different ages. Inoculum consisted of 5-day-old cultures or cell suspensions of CVC strain 9a5c diluted in phosphate-buffered saline. Inoculated plants and controls were grown, or transferred just after inoculation, to 5-liter pots or 72-cell foam trays. Approximately 4, 5, 9, and 12 months after inoculation, leaves were collected and processed for polymerase chain reaction analysis or X. fastidiosa isolation on BCYE agar medium. Root immersion and stem inoculation of 4- and 6-month-old plants resulted in low percentages of symptomatic (0 to 7%) and plants positive by isolation (0 to 9%). Pinpricked or injected stems of I-month-old seedlings resulted in high percentages of plants symptomatic (29 and 90% in Pera Rio, 75, 59, and 83% in Valencia, and 77% in Natal) or positive by isolation (26 and 93% in Pera Rio, 98, 96, and 83% in Valencia, and 77% in Natal), In foam trays, the seedlings grew less, the incubation period was shorter. and disease severity was higher than in pots. This system allows testing of higher numbers of plants in a reduced space with a more precise reproduction of the experimental conditions.


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The present study aimed to estimate the prevalence of elderly using potentially inappropriate medications (PIM) and with occurrence of potentially hazardous drug interactions (PHDI), to identify the risk factors for the prescription of PIM and to evaluate the impact of pharmaceutical intervention (PI) for the prescription of safer therapeutic alternatives. Therefore, a cross-sectional study was performed in a long-term care facility in São Paulo State, between December/2010 and January/2011. The medical records of the patients >= 60 years old who took any drugs were consulted to assess the pharmacotherapeutic safety of the medical prescriptions, in order to identify PIM and PHDI, according to the Beers (2003) and World Health Organization criteria, respectively. PI consisted of a guidance letter to the physician responsible for the institution, with the suggestions of safer equivalent therapeutics. Approximately 88% of the elderly took at least one drug, and for 30% of them the PIM had been prescribed. Most of the PIM identified (53.4%) act on the central nervous system. Among the 13 different DI detected, 6 are considered PHDI. Polypharmacy was detected as a risk factor for PIM prescription. After the PI there was no change in medical prescriptions of patients who had been prescribed PIM or PHDI. The data suggests that PI performed by letter, as the only interventional, method was ineffective. To contribute it a wide dissemination of PIM and PHDI among prescriber professionals is necessary for the selection of safer treatment for elderly. Additionally, a pharmacist should be part of the health care team in order to help promote rational use of medicines.


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The objective of this work was to evaluate the nutritional composition (raw protein, ether extract, raw fiber, FDA, FDN and ash) of the POS 09/100 strain of Pleurotus ostreatus grown in three combinations of residues (pseudo-stem, leave and pseudo-stem + leaf) and four banana tree cultivars (Thap maeo, Prata ana, Pelipita and Caipira). The basidiomata harvested were submitted to dehydration in a forced ventilation stove with temperature adjusted to 40 degrees C until reaching constant weight, being then grinded in a knife mill. The method proposed by Kjeldahl (1883) was used to determine total nitrogen. The Weende method (AOAC, 1997) was employed to determine crude fiber, acid-detergent fiber (ADF) and neutral detergent fiber (NDF). According to the results obtained, crude protein, ash, ADF and NDF contents varied with the kind of residue and banana tree cultivar; the substrate prepared with leaves of banana tree (Prata Ana cultivar) yielded the highest crude protein (35.4%) and ash (6.7%) contents in the basidiomata of P. streams; the substrate prepared with pseudo-stein of banana tree (Prata Ana cultivar) provided the highest ADF (31.6%) and NDF (41.9%) contents in the basidiomata of P. ostreatus. Ether extract and crude fiber contents of P. ostreatus didn't vary in function of the treatments, with averages of 2.45 and 11.27%, respectively.


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The objective of this work was to evaluated the infestion of the whitefly Bemisia tabaci (Genn.) B biotype and thrips Caliothrips phaseoli (Hood) in fifteen beans genotypes in field condition. The genotypes IAPAR 31, Rosinha G2, Jalo precoce, Perola, IAC Harmonia, Gen 99TGR110, Gen 99TG2868, Gen 99TGR3416, Gen 99TG3450, Gen 99TG823, Gen 99TGR609, IAC Jaragua, Gen 95A10061531, Gen 99TGR3114 e Gen 96A1473153V2 was used. The experiment was conducted from May to July 2006. The statistical design was randomized blocks, totalizing 15 treatments and four replications. Evaluation was realized weekly, totalizing seven samplings. The evaluations were accomplished on a weekly basis by counting B. tabaci biotype B eggs and nymphs and nymphs of C. phaseoli in 10 leaflets per plot. The less oviposition genotypes by B. tabaci biotype B were IAC Harmonia, Perola, Gen TG3114 e Gen 95A10061531, while the most oviposited were IAC Jaragua and Gen 99TG3450. The less presence of nymphs of whitefly were observed on Perola and IAC Harmonia and the most at IAC Jaragua. It was observed a negative and non significant linear correlation between average temperature versus number of silverleaf whitefly and temperature versus number of thrips was verified.


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The aim of the present study was to carry out the physical, chemical and nutritional analyses of the alternative substrates formulated from wood and agroindustrial residues of the Amazon for Pleurotus ostreatus (Jacq.:Fr.) Kummer cultivation. The determination of C, N, pH, humidity, soluble solids, protein, fat, total fiber ash, carbohydrates (total and available) and energy were carried out. The substrates were formulated from sawdust of Simarouba amara Aubl. (marupa), Ochroma piramidale Cav. ex. Lam. (pau de balsa) and from the stein of Bactris gasipaes Kunth (pupunheira palm tree), and from Saccharum officinarum L. (sugar cane bagasse). The results demonstrated that the nutritional composition of the substrate is variable and the improvement of the quality of the spent substrate (energy and protein increment) promoted by the metabolism of the fungus during the cultivation, contributed for a more nutritive substrate than the initial one, which could be used as a compost for Agaricus sp. cultivation, as organic fertilizer and for bioremediation for contaminated soils.


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Nowadays, one of the most important concerns for many companies is to maintain the operation of their systems without sudden equipment break down. Because of this, new techniques for fault detection and location in mechanical systems subject to dynamic loads have been developed. This paper studies of the influence of the decay rate in the design of state observers using LMI for fault detection in mechanical systems. This influence is analyzed by the performance index proposed by Huh and Stein for the condition of a state observer. An example is presented to illustrate the methodology discussed.


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We present a measurement of the ratio of positive to negative muon fluxes from cosmic ray interactions in the atmosphere, using data collected by the CMS detector both at ground level and in the underground experimental cavern at the CERN LHC. Muons were detected in the momentum range from 5 GeV/. c to 1 TeV/. c. The surface flux ratio is measured to be 1.2766±0.0032(stat.)±0.0032(syst.), independent of the muon momentum, below 100 GeV/. c. This is the most precise measurement to date. At higher momenta the data are consistent with an increase of the charge ratio, in agreement with cosmic ray shower models and compatible with previous measurements by deep-underground experiments. © 2010.


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A measurement of the underlying activity in scattering processes with pT scale in the GeV region is performed in proton-proton collisions at √ = 0.9 TeV, using data collected by the CMS experiment at the LHC. Charged particle production is studied with reference to the direction of a leading object, either a charged particle or a set of charged particles forming a jet. Predictions of several QCD-inspired models as implemented in PYTHIA are compared, after full detector simulation, to the data. The models generally predict too little production of charged particles with pseudorapidity {pipe}η{pipe} < 2, pT > 0.5 GeV/c, and azimuthal direction transverse to that of the leading object. © 2010 CERN for benefit of the CMS collaboration.


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The production of J/ψ mesons is studied in pp collisions at √s = 7 TeV with the CMS experiment at the LHC. The measurement is based on a dimuon sample corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 314 nb-1. The J/ψ differential cross section is determined, as a function of the J/ψ transverse momentum, in three rapidity ranges. A fit to the decay length distribution is used to separate the prompt from the non-prompt (b hadron to J/ψ) component. Integrated over J/ψ transverse momentum from 6.5 to 30 GeV/c and over rapidity in the range {pipe}y{pipe} < 2.4, the measured cross sections, times the dimuon decay branching fraction, are 70.9 ± 2.1(stat.) ± 3.0(syst.) ± 7.8(luminosity) nb for prompt J/ψ mesons assuming unpolarized production and 26.0 ± 1.4(stat.) ± 1.6(syst.) ± 2.9(luminosity) nb for J/ψ mesons from b-hadron decays. © CERN for the benefit of the CMS collaboration 2011.