276 resultados para Fluoretos Efeitos colaterais


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Permanent teeth impaction is highly prevalent among brazilian people. Its etiology is related to local and general factors association. Permanent teeth retention compromises dental occlusion and when anterior teeth are involved, it also brings esthetics impairments which lead to psychological disturbance. Early diagnosis and adequate treatment are extremely important to solve not only occlusal problems but also psychological aspects. Orthodontic traction of impacted teeth can be conducted by using fixed or removable appliances. Although it depends on patient compliance the use of removable appliances provides an anchorage based on the teeth and the palate reducing undesirable side effects. This paper describes the case of a fourteen years old female patient whose right maxillary central incisor was adequately tractioned with a removable orthodontic appliance. Removable orthodontic devices were used at first to reposition teeth in maxillary anterior area what provided adequate space to allow the placement of the impacted incisor and after were also used to traction and position this tooth. The procedure described seemed to be effective, non expensive and a viable treatment to be performed even on the scope of public health services, extending orthodontic treatment to a higher number of patients.


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Gingival recession lesions are characterized by apical migration of gingival margin with consequent exposure of the root surface, which constitutes an aesthetic problem for the patient. Several surgical techniques have been used for the root coverage, and the technique of subepithelial connective gingival graft has greater predictability of root coverage and best aesthetic results with fewer postoperative side effects in relation to the epithelial free gingival graft. The goal of this case repot is to describe the technique of subepithelial connective tissue graft and demonstrates its result in a coverage Miller class I root recessions. After two years we can see excellent root coverage with significant aesthetic improvement of the case. The free subepithelial connective tissue graft technique was effective in coverage Miller class I root recession presented in this clinical case.


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The expansion of psychiatric labeling does not reach only the adult population, but also the problematic related to childhood have been captured by the speeches and practices of the medical-psychiatric knowledge and turned into psychopathologies which tend to be treated with the main resource made available by psychiatrics in the present times: the psychotropic drugs. This work presents a critical thinking on the expansion of the diagnoses of attention deficit disorder and hyperactivity (ADHD) both in children and teenagers and on the conduction of drug therapies. It follows that the processes of childhood psycho-pathologization and the trivializing of psychotropic drug prescription are related to the overvaluation of the biological conception of psychic suffering and to the economic interests of the great pharmaceutical laboratories which by means of several strategies influence the medical practices, factors that lead to exposure of these patients to possible side effects and the risks of stigmatization that must be considered.


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Ps-graduao em Cirurgia Veterinria - FCAV


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Fundao de Amparo Pesquisa do Estado de So Paulo (FAPESP)


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The prophylactic effect of ondansetron on subarachnoid morphine-induced pruritus is controversial, while evidence suggests that droperidol prevents pruritus. The aim of this study is to compare the effects of droperidol and ondansetron on subarachnoid morphine-induced pruritus. 180 ASA I or II patients scheduled to undergo cesarean sections under subarachnoid anesthesia combined with morphine 0.2mg were randomized to receive, after the child's birth, metoclopramide 10mg (Group I - control), droperidol 2.5mg (Group II) or ondansetron 8mg (Group III). Postoperatively, the patients were assessed for pruritus (absent, mild, moderate or severe) or other side effects by blinded investigators. Patients were also blinded to their group allocation. The tendency to present more severe forms of pruritus was compared between groups. NNT was also determined. Patients assigned to receive droperidol [Proportional odds ratio: 0.45 (95% confidence interval 0.23-0.88)] reported less pruritus than those who received metoclopramide. Ondansetron effect was similar to metoclopramide [Proportional odds ratio: 0.95 (95% confidence interval 0.49-1.83)]. The NNT for droperidol and ondansetron was 4.0 and 14.7, respectively. Ondansetron does not inhibit subarachnoid morphine-induced pruritus.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientfico e Tecnolgico (CNPq)


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O cncer um problema de sade pblica mundial, com destaque para a incidncia do cncer de cabea e pescoo, em funo da biologia das leses, custo do tratamento, acompanhamento e nus social. Seus tratamentos mais utilizados como a cirurgia e radioterapia, apresentam srios efeitos colaterais de curto e longo prazo, cujo so complexo. As principais orientaes e cuidados no tratamento do cncer de cabea e pescoo foram obtidos atravs de reviso de literatura sistemtica em bases de dados pblicas. O objetivo desta reviso de literatura foi mostrar os principais cuidados na preveno e tratamento das sequelas da radioterapia desse tipo de cncer. Nesse particular, observa-se a necessidade de um protocolo de enfermagem-odontologia, visto a complexidade e a falta de direcionamento das normas do Sistema nico de Sade, alm da responsabilidade dos cuidados desses pacientes, que ficam a cargo da equipe de sade, atendendo as suas reais necessidades, tanto pessoais, psicolgicas e fisiolgicas.


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Radioterapia uma das modalidades teraputicas mais utilizadas no tratamento de neoplasias de cabea e pescoo. Contudo apresenta severos efeitos colaterais, dentre os quais a mucosite uma das mais prevalentes e srias, ocasionando reas ulceradas com extremo desconforto para alimentao e possibilidades de infeces secundrias, muitas delas por microrganismos oportunistas. Esse estudo objetivou investigar a ocorrncia e grau de severidade da mucosite oral em pacientes com leses malignas de cabea e pescoo submetidos radioterapia, bem como relacionar com a interrupo do tratamento. 50 pacientes foram avaliados clinicamente e por meio de questionrio, durante e aps o tratamento, no Centro de Radioterapia de Megavoltagem em So Jos do Rio Preto-SP utilizando-se os critrios de mucosite da OMS. Pode-se verificar que a maioria dos pacientes apresentou algum grau de mucosite durante o tratamento e persiste em alguns pacientes mesmo aps a interrupo da radioterapia. A m higiene bucal e tratamentos odontolgicos prvios so fatores associados aos graus mais severos das leses.


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Lichenoid lesions are mucocutaneous disease of chronic inflammatory origin. Can produce side effects to drugs, dental materials, affecting 0.5 to 1% of the world population mainly in women in the fourth decade of life. The history and meticulous clinical servation may clarify the reactive nature, but the clinical diagnosis will only be conclusive when associated with tests such as histopathology. Therefore the objective of the study is to report a case of a woman of 55 years old, complaining of "white spots sore". Reported being allergic to metals, chocolate, acidic foods and certain types of clothes. From accurate intraoral clinical examination, white plaques were found in the dorsum of the tongue, hard palate and buccal mucosa, inaccurate and rough limits, and ulcerations throughout the labial edge and upper palate. Histopathology revealed a lichenoid reaction. Was instituted as pharmacological treatment, the use of systemic corticosteroids. Clinical follow-up of one year showed reduction of clinical symptoms, allowing to conclude that the clinical follow-up of this disease is necessary since its dubious malignant potential and diagnostic difficulty. Thus, early recognition of this disease allows instituting appropriate treatment with relief of anxiety of the patient and their family.


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Drug addiction won dramatic aspects in terms of its dimensions and the effects that it imposes. These chemical agents are able to reduce the immune reactivity and tissue repair, and enhance microbial aggression, aggravating the destruction of the periodontium and other side effects. This study aimed to evaluate the presence of key periodontal pathogens in the mouth of drug addiction patients, comparing it with individuals who do not exhibit this dependence, as well as assess the influence of oral conditions on the occurrence of such microorganisms. For this purpose, data on systemic health conditions, socioeconomic, patterns of licit or illicit drug consumption of 100 patients with chemical dependency kept in rehabilitation clinics and an equal number of non-dependent patients, who formed the control group were obtained. Intra and extraoral clinical examinations were performed and samples of supragingival and subgingival biofilm, saliva and mucous membranes were collected. The presence of the targeted microorganism was assessed by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). It was found that Porphyromonas gingivalis, Tannerella forsythia, and Treponema denticola showed close correlation with bone loss and gingival bleeding in drug addiction dependents and control group, but the oral mucous membranes and saliva of addicts showed higher occurrence of these pathogens.


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Coordenao de Aperfeioamento de Pessoal de Nvel Superior (CAPES)