302 resultados para Diet of Worms (1521)


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Com o objetivo de verificar o efeito da adição de níveis crescentes de óleo no concentrado sobre a atividade plasmática das enzimas creatina quinase (CK), aspartato aminotransferase (AST) e lactato desidrogenase (LDH) como indicativo de metabolismo energético, foram fornecidas dietas experimentais compostas de cinco níveis de óleo (controle, 6, 12, 18 e 24% do concentrado). Utilizaram-se 20 equinos da raça Árabe, peso médio de 400 kg, submetidos a prova de enduro de 80 km em esteira rolante. O enduro foi dividido em quatro anéis de 20 km, com duração média de 1 hora e dez minutos. A adição de óleo e a distância percorrida tiveram efeitos sobre as variáveis AST, CK e LDH, que apresentaram as respectivas expressões: AST (7,045-0,2292x+0,007991x2+0,008517z- 0,0003282xz), CK (8,06-,07020x+0,05546x2-0,001262x3+0,01204z+0,0006207xz) e LDH (6,624-0,3522x+0,03448x2-0,0008382x3+0,02401z-0,0007489xz) . O óleo é uma importante e bem aproveitada fonte de energia para equinos em exercício, pois sua adição na dieta de animais submetidos a prova de enduro promoveu alteração metabólica que favorece a produção de energia. O metabolismo animal poupou suas reservas energéticas oriundas da glicose, favorecendo a utilização do óleo. A menor atividade plasmática das enzimas AST, CK e LDH com a adição de óleo nas dietas indica direcionamento do metabolismo energético para a β-oxidação. Como apresentam várias isoenzimas, as enzimas estudadas atuam amplamente no metabolismo energético, favorecendo a constante reposição de ATP ao longo do exercício.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Organic selenium in the diet of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) broodstock. The aim of this study to test the effect of organic selenium supplementation in the diets of Nile tilapia broodstock. Growth, reproductive performance and performance of fingerlings were evaluated. Eighty adult fish were used, with average weight of 121.7 g and divided into groups of four animals (3 female and 1 male) stocked in 20 tanks with 1.5 cubic meters. The fish were fed five diets containing different levels of organic selenium (0.0, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, and 1.0 mg kg-1 ration). In the experimental period, females from all tanks were captured and the eggs collected. The experimental design was entirely randomized, with five treatments and four replicates. To evaluate progeny performance, the fingerlings were shared in four aquariums and fed during 30 days with commercial diet (45% CP). The supplementation with organic selenium did not affect the productive performance as with the reproductive parameters of the broodstock (p > 0.05). on the other hand, the broodstock fed with 0.50 mg of organic selenium produced fingerlings that presented improved weight gain (p < 0.05) compared to fish fed the control diet.


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Reproduction and feeding aspects of Neoplecostomus microps (Loricariidae, Neoplecostominae) in the Ribeirao Grande system, eastern Serra da Mantiqueira (São Paulo State). The Ribeirao Grande system is located in the slope of the Serra da Mantiqueira and is surrounded by Atlantic forest. Eight sites were surveyed in the Ribeirao Grande system, during the winter (July 2001), spring (October 2001), summer (February 2002) and fall (April 2002). Samples were made with an electrofishing device. Gonad maturation, levels of stomach fullness and fat content were analyzed and their distributions reported in an annual cycle. Neoplecostomus microps has a spawning in the spring through to summer. The size at sexual maturity is about 5.9 cm total length for males and 6.9 cm for females. The high values in October and February by the gonadosomatic index and the relative condition factor coincided with the spawning period. In the diet of N. microps were found Diptera larvae (Simulium, Chironomus), Plecoptera nymphs and Coleoptera aquatic Larvae (Psephenus). The increased feeding from summer to fall provided fat accumulation. During subsequent seasons, fish may utilize visceral fat reserves for maintenance and reproduction. The reproductive pattern and feeding are interpreted as being an adaptation with respect to temporal and spatial variation and food availability.


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The objective of this work was to evaluate the herbage availability, nutritive value, dry matter intake and grass and legume percentage in diet of crossbred Holstein-Zebu cows, in pasture with Brachiaria decumbens cv. Basilisk, Stylosanthes guianensis var. vulgaris cv. Mineirão and tree legumes. To estimate the fecal output, it was used 10 g cow -1 day -1 of chromium oxide during ten consecutive days. Extrusa samples were used to determine the chemical composition and in vitro dry matter digestibility. B. decumbens availability varied with climatic conditions, while S. guianensis availability decreased linearly along the experimental period. Dry matter intake was higher in May/2001 (1.9% body weight) and did not differ among other months (1.5% body weight). Low dry matter intake values were related to low in vitro dry matter digestibility coefficients (42.1 % to 48.0%) and high neutral detergent fiber content (70.2% to 79.4%). Dry matter intake was directly related to legume percentage in the pasture. This observation could indicate the potential of mixed pasture for improving nutritive value in dairy cattle diet.


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Bothrops pubescens is a member of the neuwiedi complex that occurs in southern Brazil and Uruguay. We studied the ecology of B. pubescens from a field site (at Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil) and based on preserved specimens from the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. In Santa Maria, individuals were collected during visual encounter surveys (VES), in pitfall traps with drift fences and during incidental encounters. Most snakes found in the field were on the ground, mainly on leaf litter, in mosaics of light and shadow or in completely shaded areas. In disturbed areas, snakes were usually associated with country houses and agricultural fields. Snakes were found much more frequently in forests and forest edges than in open habitats. The diet of B. pubescens comprised small mammals (56.2% of individual prey found), anurans (21.2%), lizards (7.5%), snakes (7.5%), birds (5.0%), and centipedes (2.5%). Prey predator mass ratios ranged from 0.002-0.627, and larger snakes tended to consume larger prey. Bothrops pubescens seems to be able to survive in disturbed areas, mainly those close to forests, and this ability may be facilitated by its generalized feeding habits. Copyright 2005 Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles.


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Ornithochorous fruits make up an important part of the diet of birds and many studies have related the different morphological types of fruits with the choice by birds. We analyzed the intrinsic characteristics of plants and how human impact can affect this choice. Through analyses of covariance we related the degree of human pressure in each study site (high or low) and the morphological characteristics of 57 ornithochorous species with visiting rates and consumption of fruits by birds. We did not find any intrinsic plant characteristic (life form, size and type of diaspore) that explains the rates of consumption and visit by birds. On the other hand, the degree of human impact affected directly the mutualism between plants and birds. Plant species located in areas that suffer high human pressure had number of visits and consumption rates 3,3 and 3,5 lower than plants located in pristine areas, respectively. The negative consequences of the reduction of consumption of fruits in areas with high human pressures may directly affects the interactions between birds and plants and the regeneration of the ornithochorous species.


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The presente study was carried out to evaluate the performance of 40 lambs 7/8 Ile de France 1/8 Ideal (20 not castrated males and 20 females) raised with access to creep feeding, until get 17 kg of corporeal weight. The animals were divided in treatments, receiving isoproteic and isoenergetic diets, with diferent levels of probiotics (D1=0%, D2=0,8% e D3=12%). They were analysed in regart to born weight, weight at 30 days and weight gain at maternal independent (from 1th to 4th weeks) and maternal independent (from 5th to 8th week), the age of wean and daily weight gain. The average intake of dry matter by the lambs at D1, D2 and D3 was 0,27, 0,26 and 0,27 kg/day, respectively. On maternal dependent phase, there was no interaction and differences between diet and sex in the born weight (3.30 kg), weight at 30 days of age (11.79 kg) and in the average daily weight gain (0.28 kg). On maternal independent phase, there were no differences in the age of weam (53 days) and daily weight gain (0,26 kg) between diet and sex. It was concluded that probiotics inclusion in the diet of the suckling lambs (males not castrated and females) didn't improve their performance.


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The aim of this study was to discuss aspects of the diet of Serrasalmus maculatus. Fish were collected using gill nets, whose lengths measured 100 m and mesh diameters varied from 3 to 8 cm. A total of 107 individuals were collected. Their length varied from 62 to 210 mm. They were mainly represented by female and immature individuals. No individual was caught in temperatures below 21°C. Four feeding item categories were observed: fish muscle pieces, parts of fish fins, plant fragments, and insects. Comparisons made among individual length classes revealed some significant differences within stomach consumed contents. Individuals whose length exceeded 165 mm consumed only parts of fish muscles and plants. The food availability in the environment and the class lengths amplitude may, however, have influenced the results, in which ontogenetic differences should not be precisely observed.


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This paper proposes a method to determine iron in samples of fish feed and feces using ultrasound in the extraction of the analyte and in subsequent quantification by flame atomic absorption spectrometry. Using HCl 0.10 mol L -1 as the extraction solution, the optimal conditions of extraction were found to be: granulometry of the sample <60 μm; a sonication time of five cycles of 10 s and sonication power of 136 W. The method was applied in studies of the availability of iron in four food sources used in the diet of Nile Tilapia. The results obtained with the proposed extraction method allowed us to calculate the coefficients of apparent digestibility of iron in the food sources, which was not possible when using results obtained from samples mineralized by acid digestion. © Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2008.


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The use of the concept of guild can be useful for the functional trophic categorization of communities, because there is no requirement identification of organisms in the level of species and not to treat each species as a separate entity. The aim of this study was to analyze the functional feeding groups (collectors-gatherers, collectors-filterers, shredders, predators and grazer-scrapers) of the macroinvertebrate communities of two reservoirs in the Midwestern region of São Paulo State. Sampling was carried out in rainy (March/April - 2001) and dry (July/August - 2001) seasons and the data obtained indicate that 'collectors-gatherers' is the most frequent guild. This fact suggests a great importance of organic matter as a food source in the diet of the macroinvertebrates analyzed.


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The aim of this work was to evaluate the introduction of 8% grains and by-products (meal or cake) of canola in the diets of lambs. To evaluate quantitative carcass characteristics, 24 Santa Ines lambs were used in a completely randomized design. Diets with averages of 15.4% of CP in DM and 80.2% of TDN were composed for 40% Tifton hay and 60% concentrate based on corn grain, soybean meal, whole grain canola, canola meal, canola cake and mineral mixture. The use of whole grains and by-products of canola in the diet of lambs finished in feedlot did not influence (p > 0.05) quantitative carcass characteristics. For cut dressing in relation to the CCW, no effect was observed for the analyzed variables among treatments. It was concluded that the introduction of grains and by-products of canola allow for satisfactory results, and could be recommended in the formulations of lamb diets.


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In a study aiming to describe the diet of Micoureus paraguayanus in a southeastern Brazilian Cerrado (savannah-like) remnant, we found young didelphid remains in fecal samples from live-trapped adults. These findings uncovered either events of scavenging on dead young didelphids or infanticide adding to the knowledge on the dietary breadth and behavioral ecology of M. paraguayanus. © SAREM, 2010.


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Background: Excessive consumption of energy is a decisive factor of obesity, but a simple quantitative assessment of consumption between obese and eutrophic individuals not always explains the problem, raising questions about the importance of the qualitative aspects of food. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to evaluate the differences in nutrient composition and meal patterns between eutrophic and obese schoolchildren. Methods. The diet of 83 children (42 obese and 41 eutrophic), aged between 7 and 11 years of age, was assessed by two non-consecutive dietary recalls. After the software analysis of macro and micronutrients composition, the different types and amount of legumes, fruits and vegetables were analyzed to verify the dietary patterns. Results: No differences were verified in energy consumption between the groups (eutrophic = 1934.2 672.7 kcal, obese = 1835.8 621.2 kcal). In general, children showed consumption within the recommended ranges of carbohydrates, lipids and proteins. The average consumption of fiber was higher in the eutrophic group (20.7 g) when compared to the obese group (14.8 g). The dietary fiber was strongly correlated with the number of servings of beans (r = 0.77), when compared to fruits (r = 0.44) and leafy vegetables (r = 0.13). It was also observed that the higher the consumption of fiber and beans, the lower the proportion of dietary fat (r = -0.22) in the diet. Generally, there was a low consumption of fiber (20.7 g = eutrophic group/14.8 g = obese group), beans (1.1 portions in the eutrophic and obese groups), fruits (0.7 portions eutrophic group and 0.6 obese group) and vegetables (1.3 eutrophic group and 1.1 obese group). Conclusions: It is concluded that the obesity was more related to a dietary pattern of low intake of dietary fiber than excessive energy consumption and macronutrients imbalance. © 2011 de Oliveira et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.


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It was evaluated the effect of the addition of glutamine, polyunsaturated fatty acids or cellular wall of yeast to the diet of weaned pigs on the activity of the pancreatic enzymes (lipase, amylase and trypsin) and the intestinal mucous membrane (dipeptidase, sucrase and maltase) and on the performance. Forty-five weaned pigs were used and distributed in a randomized block design, in factorial outline, with four diets (T1 - basal diet (BD); T2 - BR + 1% glutamine; T3 - BD + 0,2% cellular wall of yeast; T4 - BD + 5% fish oil) and two slaughter ages (seven and 14 days post weaning). The performance was measured in the first two weeks post-weaning. The addition of 1% glutamine in the diet of pigs increased the specific and total activity of the amylase, and total activity of the trypsin in the second week post weaning. The others supplements not change the activity of the digestive enzymes in the pigs. Also an increase was observed in the total activity of the lipase, and specific activity of the trypsin and maltase in function of the age post-weaning. In general, the activities of the digestive enzymes were correlated positively, except for the dipeptidase that was not correlated with any other enzyme. Positive correlation was observed between weight gain and activity of the lipase and of the amylase. The supplements included in the diet not influence the performance of weaned pigs.