171 resultados para DROGA


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Pós-graduação em Ciência e Tecnologia Animal - FEIS


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Is it possible to encapsulate in a pill the benefits of an analytical treatment? Quickly suspending the symptoms? Since the nineteenth century psychiatry has offered to the so called mentally ill "medieval forms" of treatment, as is the case of institutional admissions, the straightjacket, lobotomies, shock treatments, etc. What has changed since the mid-twentieth century advent of chlorpromazine, the first psychoactive drug, and the "psychopharmacological revolution"? Today with the Psychiatric Reform mental institutions admissions are being gradually abandoned, yet we see the rise of psychoactive drugs as protagonists in mental health treatment. This theoretical essay is an extension of a master's thesis in progress on the long-term use of psychotropic drugs. It falls within the field of mental health, specifically in the debate on the medicalization of society in contemporary processes of subjectivation of the psychiatric clinics and the treatment modalities currently offered to individuals in their suffering-existence. Thus, we seek to problematize this degrading psychiatric clinics, which produces what we call the pill-subject.


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The general purpose of this study was a reflexive-theoretical analysis, based on the authors of Psycho-Sociology, seeking to understand how to establish working relationships in organizations considered strategic in the contemporary world. To do so, we identify the strategies that these organizations use to hold the individual in theirs meshes of power, emphasizing the effects of the psychological dynamics and the illusion of “drug organization”. Finally, we elucidated some of the major diseases related to working in organizations with strategic management model, which reflect the violence imposed by managerial policy that promotes a moral harassment and naturalization of suffering at work.


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This paper aims to present a reflection on the contemporary way of life substantiated by its pillars -consumption, individualism, competitiveness, fluid relationship - aiming to assimilate it to an administrative management model that is widely distributed in monopolistic-financial capitalism - strategic management model - guided by the question: Why does this management model find such a fertile field for development in the contemporary scenario? Thus, the study was theoretically and methodologically based on the approach of psychosociology and was developed from a theoretical review. We have conducted a contextualization and definition of contemporaneity in which a market society that celebrates the spectacle lies, analyzing, from this point, the strategic organizational management model that has been working as a drug in the subjective constitution of the individuals producing the striking resonances in the psychosocial field. The assimilation performed in this paper allowed us to clarify some possible causes of social pathologies arising from the increasingly cruel world we face in professional life.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Dexamethasone is a synthetic glucocorticoid widely used to treat allergic and inflammatory processes. This drug is used in three main situations, are used to contain acute or chronic inflammatory processes, or like immunosuppressive drug's. In these cases the patient will receive high doses for a chronic period and, therefore, has a much greater chance of adverse side effects, such as hypertension, diabetes and dyslipidemia. Dexamethasone promotes deleterious effects on the arachidonic acid pathway, when administered in high doses, because it is a potent anti-inflammatory drug. We recently demonstrated that dexamethasone significantly reduces the protein expression of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) in both skeletal muscle and heart, but the mechanisms involved remain unclear. Meanwhile, exercise has been shown to be effective against high blood pressure, diabetes and dyslipidemia, promoting, among other factors, the increase in VEGF and angiogenesis. One possible explanation for these effects would be the creation of new vessels mediated by inflammation, or by the stimulation of the formation of products of the metabolism of arachidonic acid (AA), such as prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) and VEGF, by increasing the stimulation of the enzymes cyclooxygenase 1 and 2 (COX-1 and COX-2). Little is known about the preventive effects of training on the action of dexamethasone in the arachidonic acid pathway. Therefore, the aim of this study was to determine whether aerobic exercise training, performed before and concomitant treatment with dexamethasone, was able to prevent the effects of the dexamethasone in the protein expression of COX-2 and VEGF. For this, we used young Wistar rats (n = 40) which were randomly divided into 4 groups: sedentary control (SC), sedentary and treated with dexamethasone (SD), trained control (TC) and trained and treated with dexamethasone (TD). These rats performed aerobic exercise training, 60% of maximum capacity, 5


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Pós-graduação em Enfermagem - FMB


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Data shows that the use of the medicinal plants in industrialized countries represents around 20% of the total medical prescriptions. Considering the need to establish a safe phytotherapic practice, specially when the evidence based medicine is a current tendency, phytotherapic medicines can no longer justify any doubts regarding its safety and efficacy. So, proof of efficacy and safety must result preferably from properly conducted clinical trials, although the legislation exempts such studies for traditional or well established phytotherapics. In this article, benefits and advantages of standardized dry extracts used in phytotherapic medicines instead of powder drugs and dry extracts are analyzed and discussed. The study reveals as main conclusive remark, that adequate clinical trials are essential to promote this therapeutical practice.


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Pós-graduação em Saúde Coletiva - FMB


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Objective: To present a model for research and training in multivisceral transplantation in pigs. Methods: Eight Large White pigs (four donors and four recipients) were operated. The multivisceral transplant with stomach, duodenum, pancreas, liver and intestine was performed similarly to transplantation in humans with a few differences, described below. Anastomoses were performed as follows: end-to-end from the supra-hepatic vena cava of the graft to the recipient juxta diaphragmatic vena cava; end-to-end from the infra-hepatic vena cava of the graft to the inferior (suprarenal) vena cava of the recipient; and endto-side patch of the aorta of the graft to the infrarenal aorta of the recipient plus digestive reconstruction. Results: The performance of the multivisceral transplantion was possible in all four animals. Reperfusions of the multivisceral graft led to a severe ischemia-reperfusion syndrome, despite flushing of the graft. The animals presented with hypotension and the need for high doses of vasoactive drugs, and all of them were sacrificed after discontinuing these drugs. Conclusion: Some alternatives to minimize the ischemia-reperfusion syndrome, such as the use of another vasoactive drug, use of a third pig merely for blood transfusion, presence of an anesthesia team in the operating room, and reduction of the graft, will be the next steps to enable experimental studies.


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Contexto: É descrito caso clínico de farmacodermia grave e de alta letalidade, cujo reconhecimento imediato é fundamental. Relato decaso: Paciente do sexo masculino de três anos de idade, cuja mãe refere histórico de crises convulsivas, consultou-se com neurologistaparticular, que prescreveu ácido valproico. Uma semana depois, voltou a ter crise convulsiva, sendo então introduzida lamotrigina.Poucos dias depois, a criança começou apresentar tosse e coriza hialina. Procurou pronto-socorro de sua cidade e foi orientada a usarfluimucil. Iniciou, então, febre e exantema máculo-papular inicialmente na face, que depois se generalizou. Foi levantada a hipótesediagnóstica de farmacodermia secundária à associação de anticonvulsivante. Discussão: Síndrome de Stevens-Johnson e necróliseepidérmica tóxica são variantes do mesmo processo mucocutâneo agudo, raro e grave, causado principalmente por reação adversaa fármacos e caracterizado por erupção cutânea macular de padrão eritematoso, formação de bolhas de conteúdo sero-hemático edestacamento epidérmico. As afecções são diferenciadas pela porcentagem de superfície corpórea acometida, sendo menor que10% na síndrome de Stevens-Johnson, e maior que 30% na necrólise epidérmica tóxica. O prognóstico pode ser estimado através doescore Severity Illness Score for Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis (SCORTEN), que prevê mortalidade de até 90% para os casos mais graves.O tratamento consiste na interrupção imediata da droga, transferência do paciente para unidade de queimados ou unidade de terapiaintensiva, e medidas de suporte. Terapias adjuvantes, como imunoglobulinas intravenosas e corticosteroides, ainda não têm papelconsolidado na literatura. Conclusões: Relata-se afecção rara e extremamente grave cuja suspeição clínica é importante na conduçãodo tratamento.