184 resultados para Cocaína (crack)


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Objectives: To investigate the adhesive potential of novel zirconia primers and universal adhesives to surface-treated zirconia substrates.Methods: Zirconia bars were manufactured (3.0 mm x 3.0 mm x 9.0 mm) and treated as follows: no treatment (C); air abrasion with 35 mu m alumina particles (S); air abrasion with 30 mu m silica particles using one of two systems (Rocatec or SilJet) and; glazing (G). Groups C and S were subsequentially treated with one of the following primers or adhesives: ZP (Z-Prime Plus), AZ (AZ Primer); MP (Monobond Plus); SU (ScotchBond Universal) and; EA (an Experimental Adhesive). Groups Rocatec and SilJet were silanized prior to cementation. Samples form group G were further etched and silanized. Bars were cemented (Multilink) onto bars of a silicate-based ceramic (3.0 mm x 3.0 mm x 9.0 mm) at 90 degrees angle, thermocycled (2.500 cycles, 5-55 degrees C, 30 s dwell time), and tested in tensile strength test. Failure analysis was performed on fractured specimens to measure the bonding area and crack origin.Results: Specimens from group C did not survive thermocycling, while CMP, CSU and CEA groups survived thermocycling but rendered low values of bond strength. All primers presented a better bond performance after air abrasion with Al2O3 particles. SilJet was similar to Rocatec, both presenting the best bond strength results, along with SMP, SSU and CEA. G promoted intermediate bond strength values. Failure mode was predominately adhesive on zirconia surface combined to cohesive of the luting agent.Conclusions: Universal adhesives (MP, SU, EA) may be a considerable alternative for bonding to zirconia, but air abrasion is still previously required. Air abrasion with silica particles followed by silane application also presented high bond strength values. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Structural component failures due to cyclic loading are associated to surface damage of materials and its interaction with environment. Fatigue failure occurs with stresses below the yield strength of each material and is a result of crack initiation and propagation. In aeronautical components is an important parameter to be considered in project, as well as the corrosion and wear resistance. Thermally sprayed HVOF coatings have been considered to replace galvanic chromium deposits with comparable performance for wear and corrosion resistance. The aim of present research is to study the influence of WC-13Co-4Cr applied by HVOF, on the axial fatigue strength of 15-5 PH stainless steel. The shot peening treatment was used to restore fatigue performance.


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEG


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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This paper presents a new technique to model interfaces by means of degenerated solid finite elements, i.e., elements with a very high aspect ratio, with the smallest dimension corresponding to the thickness of the interfaces. It is shown that, as the aspect ratio increases, the element strains also increase, approaching the kinematics of the strong discontinuity. A tensile damage constitutive relation between strains and stresses is proposed to describe the nonlinear behavior of the interfaces associated with crack opening. To represent crack propagation, couples of triangular interface elements are introduced in between all regular (bulk) elements of the original mesh. With this technique the analyses can be performed integrally in the context of the continuum mechanics and complex crack patterns involving multiple cracks can be simulated without the need of tracking algorithms. Numerical tests are performed to show the applicability of the proposed technique, studding also aspects related to mesh objectivity.


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The fracture surfaces express the sequence of events of energy release due to crack propagation by linking the relief of the fracture to the loading stresses. This study aims to evaluate the heterogeneity of the critical zone for the advancement of the crack along its entire length in a thermoset composite carbon fiber and epoxy matrix, fractured in DCB testing (Double Cantilever Beam) and ENF (End-Notched Flexure). Investigations were made from image stacks obtained by optical reflection of extended depth from focus reconstruction. The program NIH Image J was used to obtain elevation map and fully focused images of the fracture surface, whose topographies were quantitatively analyzed. The monofractal behavior for DCB samples was assessed as being heterogeneous along the crack front and along the crack for all the conditionings. For the samples fractured in ENF test, there was a strong positive correlation to the natural condition, considering the fibers at 0° for the monofractal dimension and structural dimension (Df and Ds). For fibers at 90° to crack propagation, there was a moderate positive correlation for the textural dimension of natural condition. However, for the samples under ultraviolet condition and those subjected to thermal cycles, there was no correlation between the fractal dimension and fracture toughness in mode II


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Because of the great metallurgical advances, the welded tubes by HF / ERW (High Frequency / Electrical Resistance Welding) have played a more active role in the oil and gas, gradually replacing tubes produced by other processes (UOE, SAW, and others) to deep water applications, in high and extremely low temperatures, highpressure conditions and in highly corrosive environments. However, studies have revealed that defects in the welded joints are in one of main causes of failures in pipelines. Associated with damage external and the stringent requirements of this sector, the welded joints become particularly critical for his toughness and the determination of this particular property is fundamental. This study aims to evaluate the toughness of the HF / ERW pipes in HSLA steel API X70 class, used in pipelines transport systems of gas and oil from data obtained with CTOD tests (Crack Tip Opening Displacement). The main objectives of this project are: mechanical and microstructural characterization of steels API X70 manufactured in Brazil; and evaluation of the toughness of weld process by HF / ERW steel API X70 national. After having the tests done, mechanical, chemical and metallurgical, we have the conclusion that those pipe are in agreement to API 5L 42ª edition for X70MO and the toughness behaves like the expected


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Studies about structural integrity are very important when it desires to prevent disasters associated with flaws inherent in materials used in structural components. The welded joints in steel pipes used to conduction and distribution of oil and gas correspond to the regions most susceptible to flaw. Aiming to contribute to this research line, the present study was designed to assess experimentally the structural integrity of welded joints in steel pipes API 5L X70 used in pipeline systems. This assessment is given from tests of CTOD, whose aim is simulate in laboratory the real behaviour of crack from of his propagation on the welded joint obtained by high frequency electric resistance welding. In this case, the analyses are performed from specimens SE(B) obtained directly of steel pipe API 5L X70. The proposed methodology involves tests of CTOD at lower temperature, in order to assess the toughness of material in critical operation conditions. From performance of CTOD tests, was possible assess the toughness of welded joints in terms of quantity through CTOD parameter and in terms of quality from behaviour of curve load versus CMOD. In this study, also, sought to compare CTOD’s results obtained through rules ASTM E1820 (2008) and BS 7448 (1991). Although the two standards cited previously have adopted different parameters to calculated the value of CTOD, concluded that the values of CTOD tend to converge for a common value


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In engineering, for correct designing the structural components required for cyclical stresses, it is necessary to determine a limit of resistance to fatigue, which is the maximum amplitude of the applied tension under which the fatigue failure does not occurs after a certain number cycles. The marine environment is hostile, not only by the high pressure, corrosion, but also by low temperatures. Petrol Production units, composed of the risers (pipelines connecting the oil well to the ship), are dimensioned to remain installed for periods of 20 up to 30 years, and must therefore be prepared to support various efforts, such as tidal, wind currents and everything that is related. This paper focuses on a study on the fatigue behavior of microalloyed steel, API 5L Grade X70, used to transport oil and gas by pipelines. For analysis, we obtained the curves S-N (stress vs. number of cycles) using laboratory data collected from cylindrical longitudinal and transverse specimens used in axial fatigue test in accordance with ASTM E466. The tensile tests and microhardness were performed to characterize the mechanical properties of the samples, and it was found that the values meet the specifications of the standard API 5L. To characterize microstructurally the material, it was also made a metallographic analysis of the steel under study, and the origin of the fatigue crack was investigated with the support of a scanning electron microscope (SEM).


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For engineering projects that require high reliability levels, is often not enough know only physical and chemical material properties. It’s necessary understand the failure mode of these materials in operation to ensure security level in the project and establish more stringent criteria in the analysis of structural integrity. Due to this need, aircraft industry has been using aluminum alloys in their designs and projects. “Currently more than 70% of aircraft structures are built of high strength aluminum alloys among which stand out 7075-T6 and 2024-T3 alloys, which are considered basics for being used in the new alloys development.” (PASTOUKHOV & VOORWALD, 1995). Some years ago ALCOA develops Al 2524 alloy that has emerged as refinement of Al 2024 (Al, Cu. Mg) alloy, with purpose of improve fracture toughness and fatigue resistance on structural components. The present research addresses testing of fatigue crack propagation under variable amplitude loading for Al 2024 alloy, observing the interaction effects from application of overhead blocks and plastic zone at the crack tip and makes an analysis of fracture surface images


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This work aims to analyze the toughness of a welded joint in the presence of a crack through the analysis of maximum tension the material can withstand the presence of this type of defect, since a discontinuity is likely to occur in this type of joint and its detection and its design is simple, using non-destructive testing techniques. The study will be conducted through the CTOD test - Crack-Tip Opening Displacement, with type specimens SE (B) - Single Edge Bend taken from a weld in the L-C position in relation to the length (longitudinal axis) of a test tube. The main idea is to simulate the welding conditions for the manufacture of industrial pipes, made in boiler shops (pipe-shop) within petrochemical plants. These pipes are often subject to operation with flammable and toxic subjected to high pressures and temperatures, where one can break the line can cause irreparable damage to the plant, the environment and the health of surrounding communities. With this study we evaluate whether the weld metal has the same properties as fracture toughness of the base material. This study shows the importance of using a qualified welding procedure for performing quality welds while maintaining the properties of the fracture toughness of the base metal. It was found from the results of tests using a welding procedure described for carrying out welding ensures mechanical properties very close to the base metal, which in terms of design is great, since one can ensure that the weld will the same characteristics of the base metal specified for the assembly of the pipe


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Fracture surfaces express sequences of events of energy release with crack propagation in metal alloys, the evolution of topographic features can indicate the lines of load action, failures during the use or processing. The quantitative fractography is an important tool in the study of fracture surfaces, because it allows their interpretation and characterization. In order to evaluate the effectiveness of the characterization of fracture surfaces grounded on concepts such as selfsimilarity and self-affinity, it used the 15-5PH steel that was characterized by metallographic and tensile tests. The metallography allows the microstructural characterization of this steel and proved the presence of the martensite phase in the slats form and a fine-grained, both in the radial and in the axial direction of the dowel. The tensile test (ASTM E8) of this material allowed the determination of the mechanical properties, so based on the obtained results it was possible to affirm that the 15-5PH steel has high mechanical properties and a good stretch. Besides, the specimens also underwent testing of crack propagation, standardized by ASTM E647-00, thus it was obtained the fracture surfaces for characterization under monofractal and multifractal approaches. In front of all the exposed it was possible to conclude that in all measurements the correlation between the crack tip position and the fractal dimension was established in accordance with changes in the thickness and in the fracture micromechanisms presents. Furthermore, the multifractal approach was more sensitive to these variations allowing a more detailed characterization of the morphology


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The present study evaluated the use of semicircular bending test (SCB) as an alternative to conventional bending test to examine the effect of thermal shock. Still, studies the behavior of fracture surfaces generated by monofractal behavior analysis, which allows us to evaluate the contributions of the microstructure and the mechanical context in forming reliefs during the crack propagation. The fractal analysis is made from elevation maps obtained by reconstruction method by extension of the focus stacks of digital images acquired in microscope. The specimens used were samples semicircular pressed TiO2 (rutile) with and without heat shock, prepared for testing mode I loading. Were also produced, specimens in the form of bars for Weibull statistical analysis. From the three-point bending test, we found the variation of fracture toughness between the samples after the heat shock and natural condition. The SCB test was feasible for the analysis of thermal shock resistance. The results showed that the value of the fracture toughness decreases as the heat shock treatment