293 resultados para Bone and bones


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Purpose: This study tested the hypothesis that early integration of plateau root form endosseous implants is significantly affected by surgical drilling technique.Materials and Methods: Sixty-four implants were bilaterally placed in the diaphysial radius of 8 beagles and remained 2 and 4 weeks in vivo. Half the implants had an alumina-blasted/acid-etched surface and the other half a surface coated with calcium phosphate. Half the implants with the 2 surface types were drilled at 50 rpm without saline irrigation and the other half were drilled at 900 rpm under abundant irrigation. After euthanasia, the implants in bone were nondecalcified and referred for histologic analysis. Bone-to-implant contact, bone area fraction occupancy, and the distance from the tip of the plateau to pristine cortical bone were measured. Statistical analyses were performed by analysis of variance at a 95% level of significance considering implant surface, time in vivo, and drilling speed as independent variables and bone-to-implant contact, bone area fraction occupancy, and distance from the tip of the plateau to pristine cortical bone as dependent variables.Results: The results showed that both techniques led to implant integration and intimate contact between bone and the 2 implant surfaces. A significant increase in bone-to-implant contact and bone area fraction occupancy was observed as time elapsed at 2 and 4 weeks and for the calcium phosphate-coated implant surface compared with the alumina-blasted/acid-etched surface.Conclusions: Because the surgical drilling technique did not affect the early integration of plateau root form implants, the hypothesis was refuted. (C) 2011 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons J Oral Maxillofac Surg 69: 2158-2163, 2011


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Bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis of the jaw (BRONJ) is not completely understood and difficult to treat. Even though the occurrence of BRONJ is mainly related to the therapy with intravenous bisphosphonates (BPs), this article reports a case of long-term oral BP use and BRONJ occurrence. In addition, a literature review provides some additional information about BPs, BRONJ, and also a guideline for the prevention and treatment of BRONJ stages. A 79-year-old patient presented intense and persistent pain, purulent secretion, and exposed bone at the right side of the lower jaw. Thus, she was submitted to anamnesis, radiologic and tomographic examinations, and bacterial culture and sensitivity tests. These procedures were followed by surgical debridement of the bone and surrounding tissues/cyst and antibiotic prescription and histopathologic analysis of the fragments. Together, the examinations performed showed the occurrence of stage 2 BRONJ. Moreover, the antibiotic prescription, discontinuation of oral BP, and surgical procedures ensure that the patient had no more symptoms. Therefore, considering the presented case, we believe that an accurate approach is promising to diagnose and treat stage 2 BRONJ and other associated pathologic findings.


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Biocerâmicas porosas tem aplicações biomédicas importantes como preenchimento de defeitos ósseos e scaffolds na engenharia de tecidos. A hidroxiapatita (HA, Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2) que apresenta semelhança química e estrutural com a fase mineral dos ossos e dos dentes, é biocompatível e osteocondutiva, e tem excelente afinidade química e biológica com os tecidos ósseos. Este trabalho teve como objetivo desenvolver biocerâmicas porosas HA para utilização como scaffold para regeneração óssea empregando-se a técnica de réplica da esponja polimérica. A pasta biocerâmica de HA foi obtida por via úmida utilizando hidróxido de cálcio [Ca(OH)2] e ácido fosfórico (H3PO4) e impregnada em esponjas de poliuretano com diferentes densidades. Tratamento térmico a 600°C por 1h foi realizado para eliminação da esponja seguido da sinterização a 1100°C por 2 horas. Os scaffolds apresentaram a HA como fase majoritária, elevada porosidade (> 70%) e poros com tamanhos variando na ordem de macro (>100μm) e microporosidade (1-20μm), sendo estes fatores adequados para a aplicação como scaffolds para regeneração óssea.


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A vitamina C é essencial para dietas de peixe porque muitas espécies não conseguem sintetizá-la. Esta vitamina é necessária par a formação de cartilagem e matriz óssea. Além disso, age como antioxidante e melhora as resposta do sistema imunológico. O presente trabalho investigou os efeitos da suplementação de vitamina C em dietas para alevinos de pintado (Pseudoplatystoma corruscans) pela incidência de deformidades na estrutura óssea e cartilaginosa. O ascorbil polifosfato (AP) foi utilizado como fonte de vitamina C em dietas para alevinos de pintado durante o período de três meses. Seis dietas foram formuladas: uma dieta controle (0 mg de vitamina C / kg) e cinco dietas 500, 1.000, 1.500, 2.000 e 2.500 mg de AP / kg. Os peixes alimentados sem suplementação de vitamina C apresentaram deformidades óssea na cabeça e mandíbula e fragilidade de nadadeiras. Assim, a dieta de 500 mg de AP/kg foi suficiente para prevenir a ocorrência de deformidades, e a ausência desta vitamina prejudica o desenvolvimento ósseo de juvenis de pintados.


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Avaliou-se o efeito da relação volumoso:concentrado e do tipo de volumoso nos rendimentos de carcaça e dos cortes comerciais, e sobre a composição dos tecidos e musculosidade da perna de 32 cordeiros Ile de France, terminados em confinamento, alimentados com silagem de milho ou cana-de-açúcar, em duas relações volumoso:concentrado: de 60:40 ou 40:60. Os cordeiros foram abatidos aos 32kg de peso corporal; calcularam-se o peso e o rendimento da carcaça quente (PCQ e RCQ). Após 24 horas de refrigeração, obtiveram-se o peso e o rendimento da carcaça fria (PCF e RCF), o rendimento verdadeiro e as perdas por resfriamento. As carcaças foram divididas em cinco cortes comerciais, paleta, lombo, perna, costelas e pescoço, e a perna foi dissecada em músculo, osso e gordura, calculando-se as relações músculo:osso e músculo:gordura, além do índice de musculosidade da perna. Os cordeiros alimentados com silagem de milho apresentaram maiores PCQ (16,05kg), PCF (15,61kg), RCQ (50,4%) e RCF (49,0%). O rendimento de lombo foi menor nos cordeiros alimentados com cana-de-açúcar (9,1%). A cana-de-açúcar e a silagem de milho nas duas relações volumoso:concentrado estudadas não afetaram as proporções de osso, músculo e gordura e musculosidade da perna, e podem constituir a dieta desses animais sem diminuir as proporções desses tecidos, responsáveis pela qualidade da carne.


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O cisto nasolabial é classificado como um cisto fissural, localizado externamente ao tecido ósseo, na região correspondente ao sulco nasolabial e asa do nariz. Estes cistos são freqüentemente assintomáticos e geralmente promovem a elevação da asa do nariz. Apesar da sua difícil ocorrência, é importante reconhecermos as características desta lesão. O objetivo deste artigo é o de revisar a literatura e de discutir aspectos histológicos e etiológicos desta condição, bem como o tratamento por meio da excisão cirúrgica.


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Neste experimento, avaliou-se o efeito de sexo (macho e fêmea) e de quatro distintos pesos de abate (28, 32, 36, e 40 kg) sobre a morfometria da carcaça, os pesos dos cortes, a composição tecidual e os componentes não constituintes da carcaça, em cordeiros mestiços Ile de France x Corriedale, terminados em confinamento. Utilizaram-se 40 animais (20 machos e 20 fêmeas), desmamados aos 60 dias e alimentados, à vontade, com uma ração com 16,46% de PB e 67,63% de NDT. Foram divididos em quatro grupos de machos (G1M, G2M, G3M e G4M), sacrificados, respectivamente, com os pesos supracitados, e, da mesma forma, quatro grupos de fêmeas (G1F, G2F, G3F e G4F). Determinaram-se as medidas da carcaça e, de forma subjetiva, a condição corporal, o grau de conformação e o grau de gordura de cobertura. Calcularam-se os índices de compacidade da carcaça e da perna. Foram registrados os pesos e as porcentagens de sete cortes da meia carcaça, bem como as porcentagens de osso, músculo e tecido adiposo, avaliadas por meio de dissecção do lombo. A espessura da gordura de cobertura foi determinada na região lombar. O estudo morfométrico confirmou maior alongamento ósseo dos machos. de maneira geral, as carcaças apresentaram-se com bom acabamento, segundo os índices de compacidade verificados. Os cortes das carcaças das fêmeas foram mais pesados que os dos machos (exceto para o peso de 28 kg ao abate), principalmente em função dos maiores teores de gordura. Destaca-se a representabilidade dos pesos da pele e do conteúdo gastrintestinal na determinação do rendimento da carcaça. Pelos resultados obtidos, recomenda-se 28 kg como peso referência para sacrifício.


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Utilizaram-se 64 machos não-castrados das raças Gir, Guzerá, Mocho de Tabapuã e Nelore. em cada raça, os animais foram divididos, aleatoriamente, em cinco categorias. Uma categoria foi abatida imediatamente, três receberam, em baias individuais, ração contendo 50% de concentrado na MS ad libitum (I, II e III) e uma recebeu a mesma ração, em quantidade restrita, suprindo níveis de proteína e energia 15% acima da mantença. Os animais I, II e III foram abatidos ao atingirem pesos vivos individuais de 405, 450 e 500 kg, respectivamente. Adotou-se a equação de regressão do logaritmo da quantidade corporal de carcaça e de seus tecidos (muscular, adiposo e ósseo), em função do logaritmo do peso de corpo vazio. Na carcaça, o tecido adiposo, ósseo e muscular tiveram maior impulso para crescimento em idade mais tardia, precoce e intermediário, respectivamente. A carcaça apresentou alometria positiva, refletindo o seu desenvolvimento proporcionalmente maior que o do peso corporal vazio.


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The objective of this study was to establish equations to estimate the empty body chemical composition of Nellore steers using the following indirect techniques: 1) physical composition of the 9-10-11(th) rib cut;) physical composition of the 10(th) rib cut; and 3) chemical composition of the 10(th) rib cut. Thirty-one Nellore steers with weights ranging from 245 to 489 kg and ages from 20 to 29.7 months at slaughter were utilized. The empty body chemical composition was established through samples collected after grinding all animal tissues. The equations using the percentage of dissectable fat in the 9-10-11(th) rib cut shored a high precision for estimating the percentage of water (r(2) = 0.91; Syx = 1.168) and ether extract (r(2) = 0.94; Syx = 1.298) of the empty body; the same was observed when the percentage of dissectable fat in the 10(th) rib cut was used (r(2) = 0.82 and 0.85; Syx = 1.658 and 1.942, respectively, for water and ether extract). The equations using the percentage of ether extract in the 10(th) rib cut showed a high precision for estimating the percentage of water (r(2) = 0.89; Syx = 1.311) and the ether extract (r(2) = 0.89; Syx = 1.730) of the empty body, but there was no advantage over the physical composition of the 9-10-11(th) and 10(th) rib cut. Multiple regressions using carcass weight and the percentage of bones and kilograms of lean, fat, and bones dissectable in the 10(th) rib cut improved the coefficients of determination for water and ether extract to 0.87 and 0.91. The equations to estimate the percentages of protein and ach showed a low precision, indicating that those techniques are not recommended to estimate these components in the empty body of Nellore steers.


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In the tufted capuchin (Cebus apella) the main lacrimal gland is composed of 2 distinct portions with an intraorbital and extraorbital localisation, interconnected by a bridge of glandular tissue which crosses the lateral orbital wall through the lateral orbital fissure located in the sphenozygomatic suture. The intraorbital lacrimal gland is flattened and extremely thin, with a variable outline. It lies on the upper and outer third of the globe of the eye, and the aponeurosis and the belly of the lateral rectus muscle, extending antero-posteriorly from the upper lateral angle of the orbit midway along the orbital cavity. The extraorbital lacrimal gland is compact, halfmoon-shaped, with 3 surfaces, 3 borders and 2 extremities. It lies in the temporal fossa between the temporalis muscle and the temporal surface of the zygomatic bone, fitting into a depression in this bone, and totally surrounded by adipose tissue. The secretory cells have a flocculent appearance and either low or high density. They possess a basal region containing the nucleus and rich in granular endoplasmic reticulum, and an apical region filled with secretory granules varying in size, form and density.


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Zinc is known to play a relevant role in growth and development. The basic mechanisms of action of this trace element are intimately linked to the structure and action of countless enzymes involved in many different metabolic processes. In this respect, when zinc specifically acts on cartilage growth it is involved in multiple enzymatic reactions which make this a multifactorial event. Thus, we may divide the actions of zinc into three distinct types: 1) action on taste and smell acuity, appetite regulation, and food consumption and regulation; 2) action on DNA and RNA synthesis stimulating a) cell replication and differentiation of chondrocytes, osteoblasts and fibroblasts; b) cell transcription culminating in the synthesis of somatomedin-C (liver), alkaline phosphatase, collagen and osteocalcin (bone), and c) protein, carbohydrate and lipid metabolism, that is intimately related to the mechanisms of smell, taste, appetite, and food consumption and utilization; 3) action on hormonal mediation by participating in a) GH synthesis and secretion in somatomammotroph cells, b) the action of GH on liver somatomedin-C production, and c) somatomedin-C activation in bone cartilage. In addition to these multiple functions, zinc also interacts with other hormones somehow related to bone growth such as testosterone, thyroid hormones, insulin, and vitamin D-3.On the basis of the above considerations, we conclude that the integration of these mechanisms contributes to the perfect physiological functioning of bone. Tn the presence of zinc deficiency, this homeostasis is impaired, causing the weight-height deficiency detected in several species studied, the human species in particular.


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Surface modifications have been applied in endosteal bone devices in order to improve the osseointegration through direct contact between neoformed bone and the implant without an intervening soft tissue layer. Surface characteristics of titanium implants have been modified by addictive methods, such as metallic titanium, titanium oxide and hydroxyapatite powder plasma spray, as well as by subtractive methods, such as acid etching, acid etching associated with sandblasting by either AlO2 or TiO2, and recently by laser ablation. Surface modification for dental and medical implants can be obtained by using laser irradiation technique where its parameters like repetition rate, pulse energy, scanning speed and fluency must be taken into accounting to the appropriate surface topography. Surfaces of commercially pure Ti (cpTi) were modified by laser Nd:YVO4 in nine different parameters configurations, all under normal atmosphere. The samples were characterized by SEM and XRD refined by Rietveld method. The crystalline phases alpha Ti, beta Ti, Ti6O, Ti3O and TiO were formed by the melting and fast cooling processes during irradiation. The resulting phases on the irradiated surface were correlated with the laser beam parameters: the aim of the present work was to control titanium oxides formations in order to improve implants osseointegration by using a laser irradiation technique which is of great importance to biomaterial devices due to being a clean and reproducible process. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We have analyzed 16 missense mutations of the tissue-nonspecific AP (TNAP) gene found in patients with hypophosphatasia. These mutations span the phenotypic spectrum of the disease, from the lethal perinatal/infantile forms to the less severe adult and odontohypophosphatasia. Site-directed mutagenesis was used to introduce a sequence tag into the TNAP cDNA and eliminate the glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchor recognition sequence to produce a secreted epitope-tagged TNAP (setTNAP). The properties of GPI-anchored TNAP (gpiTNAP) and setTNAP were found comparable. After introducing each single hypophosphatasia mutation, the setTNAP and mutant TNAP cDNAs were expressed in COS-1 cells and the recombinant flagged enzymes were affinity purified. We characterized the kinetic behavior, inhibition, and heat stability properties of each mutant using the artificial substrate p-nitrophenylphosphate (pNPP) at pH 9.8. We also determined the ability of the mutants to metabolize two natural substrates of TNAP, that is, pyridoxal-5'-phosphate (PLP) and inorganic pyrophosphate (PPi), at physiological pH. Six of the mutant enzymes were completely devoid of catalytic activity (R54C, R54P, A94T, R206W, G317D, and V365I), and 10 others (A16V, A115V, A160T, A162T, E174K, E174G, D277A, E281K, D361V, and G439R) showed various levels of residual activity. The A160T substitution was found to decrease the catalytic efficiency of the mutant enzyme toward pNPP to retain normal activity toward PPi and to display increased activity toward PLP. The A162T substitution caused a considerable reduction in the pNPPase, PPiase, and PLPase activities of the mutant enzyme. The D277A mutant was found to maintain high catalytic efficiency toward pNPP as substrate but not against PLP or PPi. Three mutations ( E174G, E174K, and E281K) were found to retain normal or slightly subnormal catalytic efficiency toward pNPP and PPi but not against PLP. Because abnormalities in PLP metabolism have been shown to cause epileptic seizures in mice null for the TNAP gene, these kinetic data help explain the variable expressivity of epileptic seizures in hypophosphatasia patients.


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Osseointegration was an innovative treatment in dentistry during the last 3 decades. The success of osseointegration is related to factors such as material biocompatibility, adequate quality of bone tissue that allows implantation, surgical technique, and macrostructure and microstructure of implant. The osseointegrated implants are successfully applied in dental clinic including oral and facial rehabilitations mainly for patients submitted to mutilating surgeries. However, patients submitted to radiation therapy present risks to treatment with implants owing to adverse effects on bone tissue. Nowadays, the literature suggests different therapies to improve the success of osseointegration such as hyperbaric oxygen therapy that aims to prepare bone and adjacent tissues to receive the implant. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to present a literature review concerning indications, contraindications, successes, and difficulties with hyperbaric oxygen therapy associated to maxillofacial implants.