142 resultados para vernalization related gene
This study investigates the genetic association of the SNP present in the ACTA1 gene with performance traits, organs and carcass of broilers to help marker-assisted selection of a paternal broiler line (TT) from EMBRAPA Swine and Poultry, Brazil. Genetic and phenotypic data of 1,400 broilers for 68 traits related to body performance, organ weights, weight of carcass parts, and yields as a percentage of organs and carcass parts were used. The maximum likelihood method, considering 4 analytical models, was used to analyze the genetic association between the SNP and these important economic traits. The association analysis was performed using a mixed animal model including the random effect of the animal (polygenic), and the fixed effects of sex (2 levels), hatch (5 levels) and SNP (3 levels), besides the random error. The traits significantly associated (P < 0.05) with the SNP were analyzed, along with body weight at 42 days of age (BW42), by the restricted maximum likelihood method using the multi-trait animal model to estimate genetic parameters. The analysis included the residual and additive genetic random effects and the sex-hatch fixed effect. The additive effects of the SNP were associated with breast meat (BMY), liver yield (LIVY), body weight at 35 days of age (BW35); drumstick skin (DSW), drumstick (DW) and breast (BW) weights. The heritability estimates for these traits, in addition to BW42, ranged from 0.24 ± 0.06 to 0.45 ± 0.08 for LIVY and BW35, respectively. The genetic correlation ranged from 0.02 ± 0.18 for LIVY and BMY to 0.97 ± 0.01 for BW35 and BW42. Based on the results of this study, it can be concluded that ACTA1 gene is associated with performance traits BW35, LIV and BMY, DW, BW and DW adjusted for body weight at 42 days of age. Therefore, the ACTA1 gene is an important molecular marker that could be used together with others already described to increase the economically important traits in broilers.
Pós-graduação em Fisiopatologia em Clínica Médica - FMB
Considering the importance that the discussion of concepts related to genetics has on the society and the necessity to approach science as a dynamic and historical activity, it will be discussed an essential concept to the understanding of biological inheritance: the concept of gene. This way, the article aims to discuss the differents concepts of genes in the history of biology and the relevance of addressing in teaching context this concept in a systemic perception of phenomena. Also, the paper have an analyses of the ideas about the concept of the gene from teachers from two university. The results indicate the presence of different definitions of the gene in the discourse of university teachers, with the predominance of gene concept as a structural, functional and/or informational unit.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
This study aimed to identify the risks of staphylococcal food poisoning due to the consumption of raw milk. Fifty-one farms in Londrina (PR) and 50 in Pelotas (RS) were analyzed, to determine the population of coagulase-positive staphylococci (UFC/ mL), as well as to verify the ability of producing Staphylococcal Enterotoxin A (SEA) by immunodifusion (OSP), the presence of the gene for the production of SEA (PCR) in the cultures, and the research of enterotoxin (SEA to SEE) in milk samples using ELISA commercial kit. Considering the 101 farms analyzed, 19 (18.8%) presented coagulase-positive staphylococci count above 105 UFC/mL. For the evaluation of the enterotoxigenic ability (SEA) by the OSP technique, six cultures coagulase-positive (5.5%) were positive to the test and identified as S. aureus. From the coagualse-negative sample, one (5.5%) was OSP positive. For the evaluation of the presence of the gene for EEA synthesis, 51 cultures of staphylococci were tested. From this total, 14 (27.45%) presented the gene, and from that, only 5 (9.81%) cultures were capable of expressing it in the technique of the OSP. The morphologic characteristic of the evaluated cultures that had enterotoxigenic capacity, from the 14 (33,3%) cultures that presented the gene for EEA production, 05 (11.9%) were characterized as typical cultures of S.aureus in Baird Parker agar. All the 12 milk samples studied for the presence of EEA to EEE in milk were negative. Thus, it can be concluded that there is extensive contamination of raw milk for staphylococci coagulase, however, most of the isolated strains were not enterotoxigenic or did not express such a characteristic. Only 9.81% of the tested colonies expressed the gene and effectively produced SEA. None of the samples had sufficient counts to produce detectable amounts of SEA. The milk samples did not present risk to cause staphylococcal food poisoning if consumed in natura until the collection moment.
Background: Imbalance in bacterial species composition of the gut microbiota is one of the factors associated with the cause or complication of the symptoms of Crohn's disease (CD). This disequilibrium consists in the reduction of biodiversity, decrease of genus such as Bifidobacterium and elevation of species such as Escherichia coli. Human microbiota varies among subjects of a same population irrespective of their health condition and among individuals living in distinct geographic locations. In animal models, sex related differences could also be observed in gut bacterial species composition under some pathological conditions. Experiments conducted with mice have demonstrated that the manifestation of type 1 diabetes (T1D) could be under the influence of the animal sex and its serum level of testosterone, which in turn could be modulated by a particular gut microbiota. Considering the existence of similar features between T1D and CD, such as strong genetic component and malfunctioning of the immune system, we investigated whether differences could be observed in the gut microbiota dysbiosis of male and female CD patients. Methods: Fifty and 5 gut mucosal biopsies from 25 adult CD patients (11 males and 14 females) and 43 specimens of an equivalent clinical material from 22 control subjects (11 males and 11 females) were screened for bacterial biodiversity by analyzing sequences of 16SrDNA V6 region. A number of 2-3 samples each from distinct gut segments (from ileum to rectum) were taken from each subject. The 16SrDNA sequences were obtained by sequencing PCR amplicons of the corresponding gene in the Ion torrent PGM sequencer. Identification and classification of the bacterial groups followed the Ribosomal Database Project (RDP) website pipeline. The relationships of the bacterial taxa with each of the study parameters was performed by compiling the data in a MS Excel and the level of statistical significance determined by the Chi-square test. Results: A total of 3203 16SrDNA sequences were detected in the 98 biopsies samples, the majority of which matching Proteobacteria, Firmicutes, Bacterioidetes, and Actinobacteria. The percentage of DNA sequences for each of these phyla found in Male control subjects/Male CD patients was 40.5/33, 32.7/32.4, 20.8/24.5, and 4.4/4,4 for Proteobacteria, Firmicutes, Bacterioidetes, and Actinobacteria, respectively. In Female comparisons, these values were 35.6/42, 39.2/26.3, 19.8/23.3, 5.2/7. Both Male and Female CD patients presented higher numbers of sequences of Actinobacteria and Bacterioidetes than those of control subjects of the same gender. Case-control differences for Firmicutes could be observed only in female comparisons and, for Proteobacteria, although case-control differences were observed in both genders, the nature of difference was distinct, since while in CD female patients a higher number of sequences matching this phylum was detected, in males a reduced number was observed, in comparison with controls. The species responsible for the Proteobacteria variation in both gender was Escherichia coli. Conclusions: The data presented above suggest that any analysis of dysbiosis in CD must take in account the patient's gender, an observation particularly relevant for Escherichia coli, whose association with CD has been most intensively investigated and for which the present study shows a reverse quantitative variation regarding the patients' gender.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)