197 resultados para symmetrized Hamiltonian


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The construction of two classes of exact solutions for the most general time-dependent Dirac Hamiltonian in 1+1 dimensions was discussed. The extension of solutions by introduction of a time-dependent mass was elaborated. The possibility of existence of a generalized Lewis-Riesenfeld invariant connected with such solutions was also analyzed.


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In the context of the hamiltonian formulation of the teleparallel equivalent of general relativity we compute the gravitational energy of Kerr and Kerr Anti-de Sitter (Kerr-AdS) space-times. The present calculation is carried out by means of an expression for the energy of the gravitational field that naturally arises from the integral form of the constraint equations of the formalism. In each case, the energy is exactly computed for finite and arbitrary spacelike two-spheres, without any restriction on the metric parameters. In particular, we evaluate the energy at the outer event horizon of the black holes. © SISSA/ISAS 2003.


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The most general quantum mechanical wave equation for a massive scalar particle in a metric generated by a spherically symmetric mass distribution is considered within the framework of higher derivative gravity (HDG). The exact effective Hamiltonian is constructed and the significance of the various terms is discussed using the linearized version of the above-mentioned theory. Not only does this analysis shed new light on the long standing problem of quantum gravity concerning the exact nature of the coupling between a massive scalar field and the background geometry, it also greatly improves our understanding of the role of HDG's coupling parameters in semiclassical calculations.


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A generalized relativistic harmonic oscillator for spin 1/2 particles is studied. The Dirac Hamiltonian contains a scalar S and a vector V quadratic potentials in the radial coordinate, as well as a tensor potential U linear in r. Setting either or both combinations Σ=5+V and δ=V-S to zero, analytical solutions for bound states of the corresponding Dirac equations are found. The eigenenergies and wave functions are presented and particular cases are discussed, devoting a special attention to the nonrelativistic limit and the case Σ=0, for which pseudospin symmetry is exact. We also show that the case U=δ=0 is the most natural generalization of the nonrelativistic harmonic oscillator. The radial node structure of the Dirac spinor is studied for several combinations of harmonic-oscillator potentials, and that study allows us to explain why nuclear intruder levels cannot be described in the framework of the relativistic harmonic oscillator in the pseudospin limit.


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We present general explicit expressions for a shell-model calculation of the vector hypernuclear parameter in nonmesonic weak decay. We use a widely accepted effective coupling Hamiltonian involving the exchange of the complete pseudoscalar and vector meson octets (π, η, K, ρ, ω, K*). In contrast to the approximated formula widely used in the literature, we correctly treat the contribution of transitions originated from single-proton states beyond the s-shell. Exact and simple analytical expressions are obtained for the particular cases of Λ 5He and Λ 12C, within the one-pion-exchange model. Numerical computations of the asymmetry parameter, aΛ, are presented. Our results show a qualitative agreement with other theoretical estimates but also a contradiction with recent experimental determinations. Our simple analytical formulas provide a guide in searching the origin of such discrepancies, and they will be useful for helping to solve the hypernuclear weak decay puzzle.


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The scattering of charmed mesons on nucleons is investigated within a chiral quark model inspired on the QCD Hamiltonian in Coulomb gauge. The microscopic model incorporates a longitudinal Coulomb confining interaction derived from a self-consistent quasi-particle approximation to the QCD vacuum, and a traverse hyperfine interaction motivated from lattice simulations of QCD in Coulomb gauge. From the microscopic interactions at the quark level, effective meson-baryon interactions are derived using a mapping formalism that leads to quark-Born diagrams. As an application, the total cross-section of heavy-light D-mesons scattering on nucleons is estimated.


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We study the Schwinger Model on the null-plane using the Dirac method for constrained systems. The fermion field is analyzed using the natural null-plane projections coming from the γ-algebra and it is shown that the fermionic sector of the Schwinger Model has only second class constraints. However, the first class constraints are exclusively of the bosonic sector. Finally, we establish the graded Lie algebra between the dynamical variables, via generalized Dirac bracket in the null-plane gauge, which is consistent with every constraint of the theory. © World Scientific Publishing Company.


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We use the Ogg-McCombe Hamiltonian together with the Dresselhaus and Rashba spin-splitting terms to find the g factor of conduction electrons in GaAs-(Ga,Al)As semiconductor quantum wells (QWS) (either symmetric or asymmetric) under a magnetic field applied along the growth direction. The combined effects of non-parabolicity, anisotropy and spin-splitting terms are taken into account. Theoretical results are given as functions of the QW width and compared with available experimental data and previous theoretical works. © 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We discuss the thermal dependence of the zero-bias electrical conductance for a quantum dot embedded in a quantum wire, or side-coupled to it. In the Kondo regime, the temperature-dependent conductances map linearly onto the conductance for the symmetric Anderson Hamiltonian. The mapping fits accurately numerical renormalization-group results for the conductance in each geometry. In the side-coupled geometry, the conductance is markedly affected by a gate potential applied to the wire; in the embedded geometry, it is not. © 2010 IOP Publishing Ltd.


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Non-abelian gauge theories are super-renormalizable in 2+1 dimensions and suffer from infrared divergences. These divergences can be avoided by adding a Chern-Simons term, i.e., building a Topologically Massive Theory. In this sense, we are interested in the study of the Topologically Massive Yang-Mills theory on the Null-Plane. Since this is a gauge theory, we need to analyze its constraint structure which is done with the Hamilton-Jacobi formalism. We are able to find the complete set of Hamiltonian densities, and build the Generalized Brackets of the theory. With the GB we obtain a set of involutive Hamiltonian densities, generators of the evolution of the system. © 2010 American Institute of Physics.


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We present a non-linear symplectic map that describes the alterations of the magnetic field lines inside the tokamak plasma due to the presence of a robust torus (RT) at the plasma edge. This RT prevents the magnetic field lines from reaching the tokamak wall and reduces, in its vicinity, the islands and invariant curve destruction due to resonant perturbations. The map describes the equilibrium magnetic field lines perturbed by resonances created by ergodic magnetic limiters (EMLs). We present the results obtained for twist and non-twist mappings derived for monotonic and non-monotonic plasma current density radial profiles, respectively. Our results indicate that the RT implementation would decrease the field line transport at the tokamak plasma edge. © 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In non-extensive statistical mechanics [14], it is a nonsense statement to say that the entropy of a system is extensive (or not), without mentioning a law of composition of its elements. In this theory quantum correlations might be perceived through quantum information process. This article, that is an extension of recent work [4], is a comparative study between the entropies of Von Neumann and of Tsallis, with some implementations of the effect of entropy in quantum entanglement, important as a process for transmission of quantum information. We consider two factorized (Fock number) states, which interact through a beam splitter bilinear Hamiltonian with two entries. This comparison showed us that the entropies of Tsallis and Von Neumann behave differently depending on the reflectance of the beam splitter. © 2011 Academic Publications.


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We investigate the effect that the temperature dependence of the crystal structure of a two-dimensional organic charge-transfer salt has on the low-energy Hamiltonian representation of the electronic structure. For that, we determine the crystal structure of κ-(BEDT-TTF) 2Cu 2(CN) 3 for a series of temperatures between T=5 and 300 K by single crystal X-ray diffraction and analyze the evolution of the electronic structure with temperature by using density functional theory and tight binding methods. We find a considerable temperature dependence of the corresponding triangular lattice Hubbard Hamiltonian parameters. We conclude that even in the absence of a change of symmetry, the temperature dependence of quantities like frustration and interaction strength can be significant and should be taken into account. © 2012 American Physical Society.


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We investigate the low-energy elastic D̄N interaction using a quark model that confines color and realizes dynamical chiral symmetry breaking. The model is defined by a microscopic Hamiltonian inspired in the QCD Hamiltonian in Coulomb gauge. Constituent quark masses are obtained by solving a gap equation, and baryon and meson bound-state wave functions are obtained using a variational method. We derive a low-energy meson-nucleon potential from a quark-interchange mechanism whose ingredients are the quark-quark and quark-antiquark interactions and baryon and meson wave functions, all derived from the same microscopic Hamiltonian. The model is supplemented with (σ, ρ, ω, a0) single-meson exchanges to describe the long-range part of the interaction. Cross sections and phase shifts are obtained by iterating the quark-interchange plus meson-exchange potentials in a Lippmann-Schwinger equation. Once coupling constants of long-range scalar σ and a0 meson exchanges are adjusted to describe experimental phase shifts of the K+N and K0N reactions, predictions for cross sections and s-wave phase shifts for the D̄0N and D-N reactions are obtained without introducing new parameters. © 2013 American Physical Society.


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