283 resultados para stingless bee


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This research presents a comparative study of enzymatic activity of the hypopharyngeal gland extracts from workers of Apis mellifera in three physiologic stages: newly emerged, nurse and forager workers, with the objective of contributing to the comprehension of the gland function. In order to determinate the enzymes present in the extracts, the Api Zym kit (Bio Merieux) was used to test the activity of 19 different enzymes. The enzymes found in larger amounts only in the hypopharyngeal glands from certain individuals were the following: in newly emerged workers, the N-acetyl-double down arrow-glucosaminidase that may be digesting the chitin of some food ingested by the bee; in forager workers, the acid phosphatase that is likely acting in authophagic processes, the a-glucosidase, in the processing of nectar into honey, and the double down arrow-glucosidases, in the pollen digestion.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The silk glands of bees are a good model for the study of cell death in insects. With the objective to detect the nuclear features during glandular regression stage, larvae at the last instar and pre-pupae were collected and their silk glands were dissected and processed for ultrastructural analysis and histologically for cytochemical and imunocytochemical analysis. The results showed that the cellular nuclei exhibited characteristics of death by atypical apoptosis as well as autophagic cell death. Among the apoptosis characteristic were: nuclear strangulation with bleb formation in some nuclei, DNA fragmentation in most of the nuclei and nucleolar fragmentation. Centripetal chromatin compaction was observed in many nuclei, forming a perichromatin halo differing from typical apoptotic nuclei. With regards to the characteristics of autophagic-programmed cell death, most relevant was the delay in the collapse of many nuclei. (C) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The mite Varroa destructor (Anderson & Treuman 2000) has caused extensive damage to beekeeping worldwide. In Brazil, weather conditions and the strains of bees do not provide ideal conditions for mite parasitism, which is reflected in the low number of deaths of colonies caused by varroatosis well as the stability of infestation levels. The aim of this study was to evaluate the damage caused by the mite infestation in hives maintained in natural conditions. For this purpose the number of mites per bee was calculated and used to quantify the level of infestation in each colony. To record the mortality rates of parasitized bees during development daily checks were performed. The data were analyzed by G test of independence and a Test of Proportions. The results indicate that the rate of mortality of pupae and larvae was proportional to the degree of infestation in each colony, and all colonies showed mortality rates significantly higher than the control rate. A significant interaction among death rates recorded between the third and fourth days of larval life and the total death of larvae was found (G Test = 50.22; P < 0.0001). So, it can be concluded that bee inbreeding contributed significantly to the increase of the larval rate of mortality. In Africanized honeybee colonies infested by the mite Varroa destructor mortality rates in conditions of natural infestation varied from 6.65 to 9.89% in pupae (<(x)over bar>= 8.78%) and from 6.13 to 13.48% in larvae ((x) over bar = 9.91%), against 3.85% and 3.74% in the control colony, respectively. Therefore, in the infested colonies the average rates of mortality caused by the harmful effects of the mite were, respectively, 2.28 times and 2.65 times greater in those two developmental stages.


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Many animals behave as robbers or thieves of floral resources, causing damage to floral tissues or consuming resources used to attract pollinators, or producing effects similar to emasculation by reducing the pollen load in the anthers (which generally results in losses in terms of sexual reproduction). The present work examined the direct and indirect impacts caused by nectar-robbing on the reproductive success of Sparattosperma leucanthum. Different manipulations of the flowers were tested to determine if fruit production was influenced by the perforations made in the floral tissues (direct damage), and if there were changes in visitation frequencies or in the behaviors of effective pollinators (indirect damage). Perforations made by nectar robbers did not lower the reproductive success of the plant species studied. The bee Trigona spinipes was the most frequent visitor and caused the largest perforations in the calyx and corolla of S. leucanthum. Additionally, we noted the occurrence of pollen theft by this same bee in flowers that had been protected against nectar-robbing. These results suggest that if S. leucanthum had developed a mechanism of resistance to robbery by T spinipes it would probably have experienced even lower pollination levels as a result of reductions in the quantities of pollen available for transfer by effective pollinators. We were not able to evaluate if nectar depletion through robbery modified the behavior of the effective pollinators (bumblebees of the genus Bombus).


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The mechanism of silk formation in Apis mellifera salivary glands, during the 5th instar, was studied. Larval salivary glands were dissected and prepared for light and polarized light microscopy, as well as for scanning and transmission electron microscopy. The results showed that silk formation starts at the middle of the 5th instar and finishes at the end of the same instar. This process begins in the distal secretory portion of the gland, going towards the proximal secretory portion; and from the periphery to the center of the gland lumen. The silk proteins are released from the secretory cells as a homogeneous substance that polymerizes in the lumen to form compact birefringent tactoids. Secondly, the water absorption from the lumen secretion, carried out by secretory and duct cells, promotes aggregation of the tactoids that form a spiral-shape filament with a zigzag pattern. This pattern is also the results of the silk compression in the gland lumen and represents a high concentration of macromolecularly well-oriented silk proteins.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Adenocalymma bracteatum is a shrub of dense foliage and yellow flowers, easily found on grasslands areas in Central Brazil. The aim of this study was to determine the reproductive biology and the flower visitors of A. bracteatum in a pasture area nearby Ivinhema city, MS (Brazil). The flowering peak occurs in winter. The flower reflects ultraviolet light. Anthesis begins at 6:30h, and pollen and nectar are the resources to visitors. We captured 1,038 floral visitors. The bees Apis mellifera (L.), Trigona sp., Trigona spinipes (Fabricius), (Hymenoptera: Apoidea) and the ant Cephalotes sp. (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) were the main visitors. The reproductive tests indicate that A. bracteatum is self compatible, justifying its expansion in altered environments; however, the largest reproductive success was dependant on cross-pollination and self-pollination, evidencing the pollinators importance. Adenocalymma bracteatum presents melittophilous syndrome and bumblebees were the main pollinators in the area. The correlations observed between the climatic variables and the main pollinator species were low or medium.


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The present paper reports the presence of an electrondense material of unknown nature distributed under the viteline membrane of Scaptotrigona postica egg. The dorsal side layer is thicker then the ventral one. In eggs newly oviposited the material is gradually distributed inside the plasmalema invaginations. Later on (12 hs after oviposition) when a blastoderm is already formed around the egg, the material moves to the intercellular space. on the sequence of the development there was no more indication of the material under the membrane.