217 resultados para spinal reflexes


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The present paper aims to analyze and problematize the manner that Brazilian gastronomy is treated in didactic books of Portuguese as Foreign Language. To reach such objective, it will be considered, specially, the approaches and the methodologies of four of those books, from distinct periods of publication: Fala Brasil (1989); Aprendendo Português do Brasil (1993); Passagens (2002); Bem-Vindo! (2009). From this analysis, it’s possible to think of new possibilities to insert the Brazilian gastronomy in a Portuguese class for foreigners, considering that the aspects of Brazil’s culture are also held inside its language; this language shows a universe beyond linguistics structure and maintains the habits and history of its people inside itself


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This work offers an overview about didactic reflections in the introduction of the electrical field concept in Physics Teaching activities aimed to the High School by means of a teaching methodology based in a low cost experiment (FERREIRA E RAMOS, 2008). We analyzed the particular use of an experiment named electrostatic vector and its use in the teaching of the line force ideas, proposed by Faraday in 19th century. In the frame of this work we analyzed how this unconventional approach differs of the methodology generally presented in the didactic textbooks. We discussed that the use of low cost experiments, will not cause the student to learn, but the work of the teacher, offering an interaction between the student and the electrostatic vector, play an important role in the classroom


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Le présent travail intitulé « Réflexions sur l’enseignement de la langue portugaise aux étrangers et sur l’enseignement de la langue portugaise aux natifs », a eu pour objectif d’enquêter sur les consensus et les désacords dans l’enseignement de la langue portugaise aux differents interlocuteurs. Des lectures préalables sur des textes de difusion scientifique qui ont pour but de divulguer des expériences sur l’enseignement du portugais aux étangers ont révélé l’importance atribuée à la connaisance de la culture quand il s’agit d’enseigner une langue donnée à de tels interlocuteurs. La connaissance de la culture est très importante dans ce cas de figure car il s’agit d’une conception plus ample : celle de l’interculturalisme. C’est pourquoi, nous faisons des lectures préalables dont la méthodologie proposée pour l’enseignement de la langue portugaise aux étrangers s’organise d’une telle façon que l’interlocuteur se trouve immergé dans la culture locale. Néanmoins, quand il s’agit de réfléchir à l’enseignement de la langue portugaise dédié aux natifs et basé sur les propositions curriculaires de la langue portugaise au collège et au lycée, datés de 1993 e 1998, qui constituent des textes de vulgarisation scientifique, on peut constater la préoccupation à réfléchir sur les conceptions de langage, langue, discours, texte et grammaire, des connaissances considérées comme importantes à la proposition de methodologies de l’enseignement de la langue portugaise dans le contexte très formel de l’enseignement scolaire. Le principal objectif de ce travail a consisté à analyser l’importance de la culture dans l’enseignement de la langue portugaise aux étrangers et natifs, le rapport entre culture, language, langue, discours, texte et grammaire dans l’enseignement du portugais aux étrangers et du portugais aux natifs, ainsi qu’à identifier le poids ...


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The difficulties related to physics teaching are related to methodology, that hinder learning, because some physical concepts beyond the common sense of most students. Just as poor training of some physics instructors in teaching is pedagogical difficulties. And also factors of infrastructure, heterogeneity in students' previous training etc.. It is proposed aim of this work to use reflection of teaching practice as a methodology. Practiced in a private school, mostly state and, in high school in Rio Claro. The method consists of preparing a daily pedagogical practice in parallel to the development of teaching, for analysis and identification of factors that result in improving the teaching of physics and physics teacher qualification


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In this work, is discussed the importance of experimental activities in Education of Physics in Basic Education from the experience of Supervised Stage and the work with the Initiation of Teaching in the Program PIBID CAPES, in this case linked to the Department of Education of the Institute of Biosciences, Campus Rio Claro, São Paulo State, in partnership with three schools of basic education in the city. At first, based on the work of Ferreira with Instrumentation for Teaching Physics, consider the electrostatic theme. The focus is the searching for equipments constructed with low cost materials and easy access. Were developed and promoted strategies of the use of such materials in Physics’ Teaching, with a view to reintroducing experimental teaching activities in Public Basic Education, in the form Workshop Learning and Teaching of Physics, as well as lessons of Laboratory with the help of script and also in the form of an Experiments Library. These experimental activities were critically analyzed with a focus on playfulness. The focus of work in experimental activities for the Physics’ Teaching allowed to redeem, critically, didactic materials. From the standpoint of playfulness, playful moments and interaction of individuals with the knowledge that provides the experimental material when used strategically, they seem to be of great relevance to the Physics’ Teaching in Basic Education. It is possible to use experiments in Physics’ Teaching in public schools


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With reference to curricular changes proposed by the CNE Resolution 1 /2002 and CNE 2/2002 on Teacher Education in Basic Education teaching degree - this study aims to analyze the new professional profile proposed in curriculum pedagogy , Physical Education , Science Biology , Mathematics , Physics and Geography . Within the curriculum guidelines was observed in a more normative articulated curriculum, focused on action-reflection- action. A guided design in practical rationality and the skills set without breaking the commitment of the public university with emancipation and quality education . Although there is this understanding we must also attend to the care that must be given to the new guidelines , based on the same reveal great concern with vocational training , with its instrumentation , with the pragmatic and utilitarian dimension of the training process . It is noteworthy that throughout the twentieth century in Brazil , where he fought for educational policies that were to solidify the construction of teacher identity , but the gains have largely remained restricted to the issue of educational reforms and a roster of disciplines , called pedagogical varnish . Therefore, this work is to deepen this thematic perspective , studying the identity of the teacher in the new curriculum design presented by undergraduate courses . Therefore , the central objective seeks to understand how the identity of teacher ( professional profile ) was presented in the proposals for teacher training , as well as the different elements that make up this identity process . Specifically if you want to ( a) identify the proposals of courses for Teachers of Primary Education , UNESP / RC - Institute of Biosciences and Geosciences and Exact Sciences - Biological Sciences , Physical Education , Physics , Geography , Mathematics and Pedagogy - the proposed profile and ( b ) analyze the fundamental knowledge that this professional listing the elements...


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Este estudo teve por objetivos constituir o ciclo de vida da Revista Educação & Sociedade e apresentar uma discussão sobre a temática Formação de Professores no interior desse periódico. Optou-se metodologicamente pela pesquisa bibliográfica, embasada na leitura, análise e interpretação de artigos presentes no periódico Educação & Sociedade, assim como de outros autores que tiveram seus trabalhos voltados para a formação docente. O trabalho de investigação foi feito na Biblioteca do Instituto de Biociências da UNESP – Campus de Rio Claro. Neste processo identificaram-se 33 periódicos, sendo que dentre eles, escolheuse a Revista EDUCAÇÃO & SOCIEDADE, período de 1978 a 2005, por ser considerada uma revista quadrimestral (1995), reconhecida como um periódico de nível internacional, tendo um forte corpo editorial nacional e internacional, publicando textos em português, inglês, francês, alemão e espanhol relacionados a área de Ciência da Educação, divulgando trabalhos que incentivam a pesquisa acadêmica e o debate amplo sobre a educação nos diversos prismas de sua relação com a sociedade. Sobre o ciclo de vida do periódico observou-se que este foi publicado, inicialmente, pela Editora UNIVERSIDADE ESTADUAL DE CAMPINAS em convênio com a Editora CORTEZ & MORAES (1978); depois: de responsabilidade do Centro de Estudos Educação e Sociedade (CEDES), publicada e comercializada pela Editora Cortez & Moraes (1979) e publicada e comercializada pela CORTEZ EDITORA e AUTORES ASSOCIADOS (1980-1981); publicada e comercializada pelo CORTEZ EDITORA (1982-1989); editada e publicada pela EDITORA REVISTA DOS CEDES TRIBUNAIS Ltda (1990-1996); sendo que a partir de 1997 passou a ser publicado via on line e financiada com recurso de Programa de Apoio a Publicações Científicas (MCT, CNPq e FINEP) com responsabilidade editorial, de publicação e vendas pelas CEDES, perdurando até o presente. No seu primeiro ano de vida ...


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The present work intends to situate in a psychoanalytical way the relationship between teacher and student in the human sphere. For such a purpose, two data sources will be compared and mixed up, so to say: empirical data collected from school students and teachers; and a theoretical-figurative model concerning questions we focused on, as well. As a result, very important reflexions and statements on the problem are expected to be made, therefore enriching the teaching practice


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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In this paper, we tried to understand the place of taboo words and their importance in the language. We focused questions about the taboo and how words can be prohibited. We elected swear words as our object of research because these words have an important place in the lexicon of many speakers, and they are present in books and movies, as well as in the everyday speech. Therefore, we tried to show that they must be analyzed with attention and also free from prejudices. We found out that the use of bad words can be very different in the languages selected and they reflect thus the culture of the languages involved.


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This article aims to show the results of an institutional research in Applied Linguistics, which tries to comprehend how the initial teaching practice occurs in diversely figured contexts of foreign language teaching-learning (on-site and virtual), as well as how such contexts may mutually favor and encourage reflective and critical training of the language teacher in/for a contemporary world. It´s possible to notice a reflective attitude of four Brazilian foreign language (Spanish, English and Italian) teachers in initial training, especially regarding some aspects related to the teaching-learning languages process, such as roles of the participants; relevance of meaningful interaction; engaged cultures; teaching of a foreign language and mother tongue teaching as foreign one; teaching and learning typologically similar languages; constitution of the place to learn-teachIt´s possible to notice a reflective attitude of four Brazilian foreign language (English, Italian and Spanish) teachers in pre-service education, especially about some aspects of language teaching and learning process, such as the role of the participants; the relevance of significant interactions; the involved cultures; the teaching of a foreign language and the teaching of the mother tongue as a foreign language; the teaching of similar languages as Portuguese and Spanish; and the constitution of the place of teaching and learning languages. The results indicate that the experience of experiencing the dynamics of a conventional didactic context of language teaching (classroom), alongside to the experience of teaching and learning in a context of virtual educational settings (teletandem), it was especially important for the critical training of the future language teachers and to the awareness about the practice of teaching languages in times of technological innovation.


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In this paper, we present a discussion on the class of Discourse Markers (DMs), aiming at providing some specific contributions to studies on the grammaticalization of DMs. We highlight the fact that DMs do not constitute a grammatical class, and then we formulate a few insights on the adequacy of the notion of the “grammaticalization of DMs”.


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This paper presents the analysis and the methodological procedures adopted in order to compile a parallel corpus comprised of two short stories by David Roas (2007; 2010), originally written in Spanish “Tránsito” and “Das Kapital”, and their translation into Portuguese carried out both by a native speaker of Spanish (fluent in Portuguese) and a native speaker of Portuguese (fluent in Spanish). We analyzed the texts translated by them, focusing on the most frequent vocabulary and its semantic implications on their respective contexts. The theoretical and methodological approach was based on corpus linguistics, corpus based translation studies (BAKER, 1996; HUNSTON, 2002; LAVIOSA, 2002; BERBER SARDINHA, 2004; MEYER, 2004; OLOHAN, 2004) and some concepts from Fantastic Literature (ROAS, 2001, 2011; TODOROV, 2003; ALAZRAKI, 2001). The data were extracted by using the WordSmith Tools Suite®. Results show that dialogue and focus on lexicon, making use of computer corpus, play an important role in understanding the translation process. It is also important to mention that while exploring translation possibilities presented by the two translators this approach unlocked a window to reflect on translation pedagogy based on corpus.


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O texto apresenta os traços da cultura caipira, enfatizando a importância das consequências do comércio bovino para a sua circularidade pelos espaços urbanos do Centro Sul brasileiro. Além disso, propõe reflexões sobre as maneiras pelas quais as elites trataram as expressões desta cultura em dois momentos distintos: fins do século XIX e a onda nacionalista vigente após o governo de Getúlio Vargas, em 1930. Para tanto, parte da experiência histórica registrada em Barretos, cidade do interior paulista.


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Ao observarmos o cotidiano nas escolas é possível constatar que nem sempre se reconhece e se valoriza a diferença e a singularidade que caracteriza cada sujeito envolvido, pois ocorrem situações de negação mútua entre alunos, entre alunos e professores e entre outras relações do espaço escolar que ferem a dignidade humana. Uma alternativa a essa realidade é a promoção de vivências dialógicas. Nesse sentido, objetivamos com este trabalho: Refletir sobre as contribuições teórico-conceituais desenvolvidas por Paulo Freire e por Humberto Maturana acerca da vivência do diálogo, suas possibilidades e impasses nas relações sociais e na relação educativa; e identificar, a partir de um estudo de caso realizado em uma escola da Rede Pública Estadual, as concepções dos educadores sobre a prática dialógica no cotidiano escolar. Para Freire, o diálogo é o encontro e a partilha de concepções de A com B e não de A sobre B ou vice versa, sendo que nesta relação é importante que ambos se disponham à escuta mútua reconhecendo a diversidade de concepções que estimula a curiosidade epistemológica. Para Maturana, a partir da Biologia, cada ser vivo se constitui como uma organização autopoiética, ou seja, tem a tarefa de produzir-se a si próprio, estabelecendo relações com o meio. Na existência humana, essas interações com o meio e entre os humanos se estabelecem num entrelaçamento de emoções e ações, que ele nomeia de conversação. A partir das reflexões pelos autores e o diálogo estabelecido com sujeitos da pesquisa destacamos: 1) As relações sociais se mantêm quando há aceitação do outro como legítimo outro na convivência, o que implica a aceitação de si próprio; 2) O diálogo cria um clima de aceitação para com a história e a diferença do outro, o que favorece relações de partilha de ideias e de releitura coletiva do mundo. Tanto Maturana e Freire, quanto os entrevistados valorizam o ...