197 resultados para phosphotyrosine phosphatase
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
OBJETIVO: Analisar os efeitos das soluções de aspirina e de ácido acético, in vivo, em fígado de coelhos portadores de tumor hepático VX2, verificando o efeito histolítico e anatomo-patológico das soluções e eventuais alterações bioquímicas hepáticas. MÉTODOS: Utilizou-se 48 coelhos, divididos em 2 protocolos experimentais(3 e 4), subdivididos em 3 grupos cada. Após 4 dias da implantação do tumor no fígado, procedeu-se a laparotomia mediana, com injeção de 0,4 ml da solução de aspirina (5,0%), de ácido acético (5,0%) e solução salina; o sacrifício ocorreu apos 24 horas (protocolo 3) e 11 dias (protocolo 4); avaliou-se o peso, evolução clinica, dosagens bioquímicas, cavidade abdominal e torácica e microscopia do fígado. RESULTADOS: Não foram observadas alterações na evolução clinica, peso e nas dosagens bioquímicas, apenas elevação da fosfatase alcalina no grupo controle do protocolo 4. Observamos desaparecimento do tumor em ambos os protocolos. CONCLUSÃO: As soluções de ácido acético e ácido acetilsalicílico acarretam destruição do tumor hepático experimental.
INTRODUÇÃO: O excesso de peso na população aumentou de forma significante nas últimas décadas e as bebidas gasosas tornaram-se um fator ambiental importante no comportamento alimentar das pessoas, sendo os EUA, México e Brasil, nesta ordem, os três maiores paises produtores e consumidores de refrigerantes. OBJETIVO: Investigar os efeitos da dilatação gástrica em ratos submetidos a ingestão de água gaseificada, veículo uniforme para todos os refrigerantes, sobre parâmetros metabólicos da função hepática. MÉTODOS: Foram constituídos dois grupos de 15 ratos acompanhados por 15 semanas. Ao Grupo-I, foram oferecidos 200 g/dia de ração ad libitum e 100 ml de água não gaseificada em 3 períodos diários, ao Grupo-II, foram oferecidos 200 g/dia de ração ad libitum e 100 ml de água gaseificada em 3 períodos diários; em cada grupo,foram calculados a média (x) e o desvio padrão (s); para todos os atributos estudados foi utilizado o método estatístico de teste t pareado, comparando-se GI com GII, testando-se o efeito dos tipos de água. RESULTADOS: Os resultados identificaram que os animais que foram submetidos ao tratamento com água gaseificada (Grupo-II), apresentaram um aumento de transaminase glutâmica pirúvica (TGP) e fosfatase alcalina p<0,01), tendência de aumento da transaminase glutâmica oxalacética (TGO) (0,10>p>0,05) e aumento da área gástrica com alterações morfológicas macroscópicas como o desaparecimento do pregueamento mucoso característico. CONCLUSÃO: A água gaseificada favoreceu o aumento da área gástrica com conseqüente desaparecimento macroscópico do pregueamento mucoso do órgão, que ocasionou alterações metabólicas da função hepática.
O trabalho teve por objetivos verificar as alterações da densidade mineral óssea e as alterações bioquímicas, no hiperparatireoidismo secundário nutricional. Foram utilizados 10 gatos, sem raça definida, com idade inicial entre 2 e 3 meses e peso médio de 820 gramas. Após um período de adaptação de 10 dias, eles foram submetidos a uma dieta composta por coração bovino moído e cru durante 60 dias, sendo os exames efetuados no final do período de adaptação e a cada 15 dias. Empregou-se o método de densitometria óptica em imagens radiográficas, do rádio e ulna direitos. Não foi observada diferença estatística na densidade mineral óssea entre o final do período de adaptação e com 15 dias de alimentação com carne de coração. Aos 30 dias, houve uma diminuição significante estatisticamente, que se manteve no mesmo patamar aos 45 e 60 dias. em nenhum momento de observação ocorreu diferença estatística nos níveis séricos de cálcio e fósforo. Os níveis séricos de fosfatase alcalina variaram e estavam acima dos valores normais no 45º e 60º dia da dieta. Foi possível concluir que a densitometria óptica em imagens radiográficas é um método eficiente de avaliação da desmineralização óssea, ao passo que as análises bioquímicas séricas de cálcio, fósforo e fosfatase alcalina são de valor limitado.
Foram avaliados 10 eqüinos da raça Manga Larga, machos, inteiros clinicamente sadios, submetidos à punção cecal percutânea. Analisou-se a resposta clínica, celular, bioquímica e microbiológica do líquido peritoneal por um período de 24 horas após a punção cecal, nos tempos T0, T6, T12 e T24. Foi observada elevação na freqüência respiratória em T6 e na temperatura retal entre T6 e T12. Decorridas 24 horas da punção cecal, ocorreu aumento na concentração de proteínas totais do líquido peritoneal e na atividade da fosfatase alcalina. Tanto a atividade da ALT quanto os níveis de hemoglobina apresentaram diminuição em T6. Não foram registradas alterações na celularidade do plasma ou do líquido peritoneal e obteve-se resultado negativo para a cultura microbiológica do líquido. Considerando a inexistência de efeitos adversos, além das poucas alterações descritas, conclui-se que a punção cecal percutânea é um procedimento seguro e factível, se praticada criteriosamente.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
An extracellular (conidial) and an intracellular (mycelial) alkaline phosphatase from the thermophilic fungus Scytalidium thermophilum were purified by DEAE-cellulose and Concanavalin A-Sepharose chromatography. These enzymes showed allosteric behavior either in the presence or absence of MgCl2, BaCl2, CuCl2, and ZnCl2. All of these ions increased the maximal velocity of both enzymes. The molecular masses of the conidial and mycelial enzymes, estimated by gel filtration, were 162 and 132 kDa, respectively. Both proteins migrated on SDS-PAGE as a single polypeptide of 63 and 58.5 kDa, respectively, suggesting that these enzymes were dimers of identical subunits. The best substrate for the conidial and mycelial phosphatases was p-nitrophenylphosphate, but,beta -glycerophosphate and other phosphorylated compounds also served as substrates. The optimum pH for the conidial and mycelial alkaline phosphatases was 10.0 and 9.5 in the presence of AMPOL buffer, and their carbohydrate contents were about 54% and 63%, respectively. The optimum temperature was 70-75 degreesC for both activities. The enzymes were fully stable up to 1 h at 60 degreesC. These and other properties suggested that the alkaline phosphatases of S. thermophilum might be suitable for biotechnological applications.
The antiulcerogenic activity of trans-dehydrocrotonin (DHC), a nor-clerodane diterpene isolated from Croton cajucara Benth. ( Euphorbiaceae), and its subacute ( 35 days) toxicity were studied in mice and rats, respectively. For the antiulcerogenic tests, models of gastric ulcers induced in mice by ethanol/HCl or stress were used. In both models, an oral dose of DHC ( 100 mg/kg) significantly reduced (P< 0.01) the formation of gastric lesions. DHC was also tested for its ability to scavenge free radicals, but no such action was observed in rat liver mitochondria. To assess the subacute toxicity, rats were treated orally with DHC (25, 50 and 100 mg/kg) for 5 weeks. A significant increase in liver weight was observed in male and female rats at highest doses, whereas a significant reduction in plasma alkaline phosphatase and cholesterol levels and an increase in gamma glutamyl transpeptidase were observed only at the highest dose ( 100 mg/kg) in female rats. DHC caused histopathological alterations in the liver that included a turbid tumefaction, microvacuolar degeneration and nuclear alterations. Despite the beneficial antiulcerogenic activity of DHC, our results suggest that the long-term use of this compound may induce liver damage.
A greenhouse study was conducted to determine the number of microbial populations and activities in sewage sludge and phosphate fertilizer-amended dark red latosoil for cultivation of tomato plants. Sewage sludge was applied at doses of 0, 10, 20, 40, 80 and 160 t ha(-1), and phosphate (P2O5) at doses of 0, 100, 200, 400 and 800 kg ha(-1). The bacterial populations increased as a function of sewage sludge and phosphate application. Fungal populations were not affected by the application of phosphate alone but were increased by the application of sewage sludge. Phosphate doses higher than 100-200 kg ha(-1) in combination with sewage sludge inhibited both bacterial and fungal growth. The responses determined by microbial counts were reflected in the microbial biomass values, with a more significant effect of sewage sludge than of phosphate or of a combination of both. These results confirm the need for a carbon and energy source (represented here by sewage sludge) for microbial growth in a soil poor in organic matter. Dehydrogenase and urease activities reflected the results of the microbial populations due to the effect of sewage sludge and phosphate, but no satisfactory result was obtained for phosphatase. Urease activity was expressed by a linear regression equation as the result of the effect of sewage sludge, and by a quadratic regression equation as the result of the effect of phosphate. All parameters investigated showed a significant correlation with bacterial counts but not with fungal counts, indicating a greater effect of sewage sludge and phosphate on bacteria than on fungi.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The effects of prolonged oral administration (21 days) of fumonisin B(1) (FB(1)) and aflatoxin B(1) (AFB(1)) were evaluated on male Wistar rats. The animals were housed in individual metabolic cages and submitted to the following treatments: 1-0 mug AFB(1) + 0 mg FB(1)/100g bw.; 2-72 mug AFB(1)+ 0 mg FB(1)/100 g bw; 3-0 mug AFB(1) + 0.5 mg FB(1) g bw; 4-0 mug AFB(1) + 1.5 mg FB(1)/100 g bw; 5-72 mug AFB(1) + 0.5 mg FB(1)/100g bw; 6-72 mu gAFB(1) + 1.5 mg FB(1)/100g bw. on day 21, the rats were sacrificed for evaluation. The results showed that treated animals presented differences in body weight and absolute/relative weights of liver and kidney as well as altered hepatic function and cholesterol blood levels. Rats fed with the greatest doses of AFB(1) and FB(1) gained less weight (2.79 g/day) at the end of the experimental period; their blood concentrations of liver enzymes aspartate aminotransferase (AST) and alkaline phosphatase (AP) were above control levels (130.35 mu /l and 471.00 mu /l, respectively). Blood cholesterol increased in the groups treated with the highest dose of FB(1) or FB(1) associated with AFB(1). Histopathology revealed the occurrence of apoptosis in the liver of rats exposed to FB(1). The association of aflatoxin B(1) with fumonisin B(1) at higher dose probably potentiated the effects of the higher dose of fumonisin B(1)acting singly.
BACKGROUND. The present report was carried out to determine whether alcohol intake could induce prostate lesions.METHODS. We tested male rats for 300 days. Animals were divided into three groups: controls received only tap water as liquid diet; the chronic alcohol intake group received only ethanol solution in semivoluntary research; and the withdrawal group received the same treatment as chronic alcohol intake until 240 days, after which they reverted to drinking water.RESULTS. Chronic alcohol intake increased lipoperoxide concentrations and acid phosphatase activities. Cu-Zn superoxide dismutase (SOD) was decreased at 60 days, but approached controls values at 300 days following treatment. The serum increased alkaline phosphatase, and alanine transaminase activities reflected the chronic toxic effect of ethanol.CONCLUSIONS. Since SOD activity was unable to scavenge superoxide radical and lipoperoxide formation, we can conclude that superoxide is an important intermediate in prostate damage of chronic alcohol intake. (C) 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
The harmful effects of nicotine on male genital system fertility have been reported in experimental and clinical studies. However, its effects on prostatic cells and glandular pathogenesis remain unclear. The aim of the present study was to analyse the histological, histochemical and ultrastructural alterations, in addition to stereology, of the ventral lobe of the prostate of rats, submitted to chronic nicotine administration, as well as to establish the relationship between these changes and prostate diseases. Twelve male Wistar rats (Rattus norvegicus) were divided into two experimental groups: group I (nicotine) and group II (control). Samples of the ventral prostate were collected, processed and submitted to histological analysis, acid phosphatase histochemistry and ultrastructural analysis by transmission and scanning electron microscopies. The results showed that in the nicotine group, the secretory epithelial cells of the ventral lobe of the prostate were atrophied, and prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia occurred and reduced the expression of acid phosphatase. The disorganisation of organelles involved in the glandular secretory process, accompanied by biomembrane destructuring, was also observed. In conclusion, nicotine causes drastic alterations in the secretory epithelium of the ventral prostate, compromising its function. Furthermore, nicotine also induces premalignant lesions in the prostate gland, thus representing a risk factor in the development of prostate diseases.