190 resultados para patients younger than forty years old


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A burn is a lesion on an organic tissue resultant from direct or indirect action of heat on the organism. The present study aimed to evaluate the nutritional, immunological and microbiological status of burn patients at the Bauru State Hospital, São Paulo state, Brazil, in 2007. Eight patients, aged more than 18 years and injured up to 24 hours, were evaluated at the moment of hospitalization and seven days later. All victims were males with a mean age of 38 years. on average, 17.5% of their body surfaces were burned and 50% of the patients were eutrophic. There were significant alterations in levels of erythrocytes, hemoglobin, hematocrit, total protein and albumin due to increased endothelial permeability, direct destruction of proteins in the heat-affected area and blood loss from lesions or debridement. At a second moment, cytokines IL-6 and TNF-alpha had augmented significantly, with IL-6 presenting elevated levels in relation to controls at the first moment. Microbiological analysis showed that 100% of the samples collected at hospital admission were negative and after one week Staphylococcus aureus was found in all cultures. Therefore, a burn patient may be considered immunosuppressed and these results indicate significant nutritional, immunological and microbiological alterations that can interfere in his recovery.


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A hanseníase é doença infecto-contagiosa para a qual, além das condições individuais, outros fatores relacionados aos níveis de endemia e às condições socioeconômicas desfavoráveis influem no risco de adoecer. Objetivou-se reconhecer o perfil socioeconômico e demográfico e o grau de incapacidade instalado dos portadores de hanseníase, atendidos no Centro de Saúde Escola de Botucatu, São Paulo, Brasil. Fizeram parte do estudo 37 pacientes. Os dados foram obtidos por meio do instrumento de consulta de enfermagem. Os resultados mostraram predominância de indivíduos com união estável (78%), brancos (92%), com idade entre 30 e 49 anos (51%), com baixo nível de escolaridade e com renda familiar per capita menor que um salário mínimo. Mais de um terço dos pacientes investigados (35%) apresentavam algum grau de incapacidade física. A associação do baixo perfil socioeconômico com a presença de incapacidades físicas imprime maior vulnerabilidade a essa população, podendo impactar negativamente a sua qualidade de vida.


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We report the occurrence of aggressive vulvar carcinoma associated with condyloma acuminata in three patients: under 33 years old. Discussion of the role of the human papilloma virus (HPV) in the development of vulvar cancer is also presented. Three patients with condyloma associated with aggressive vulvar squamous cell carcinoma, in situ (1 case) and invasive (2 cases), documented by biopsy and/or vulvectomy are presented. In situ hybridization (ISH) was used to characterize the subtypes of HPV. One patient with erythematous systemic lupus developed in situ carcinoma after 5 years. The other two cases also developed aggressive multicentric, invasive squamous cell carcinoma after 10 years of diagnosis of condyloma. In all cases HPV cytological abnormalities were seen throughout the pathological examination. HPV 16 and 18 were present in cells of invasive squamous cell carcinoma in cases 2 and 3. HPV 6 and 11 were detected only in the condyloma area in case 2. HPV 30 was seen only in the condyloma area in case 3. This report emphasizes the need for biopsies of all unusually persistent or treatment-resistant condylomas, particularly in young and/or immunoisuppressed patients.


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Comorbidity studies have shown an important association between panic disorder (PD) and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). The aim of the current study was to evaluate the prevalence of obsessive-compulsive symptoms (OCS) and OCD in patients with PD. Forty-eight consecutive PD cases (DSM-IV diagnostic criteria) referred to a Brazilian university hospital clinic were studied. The Yale Brown Obsessive Compulsive scale (Y-BOCS) checklist was used to identify the OCS. Subclinical OCD was considered when subjects met all but one DSM-IV criteria for OCD (symptoms did not cause significant distress and interference, did not last more than 1 hour per day, or were not considered excessive or irrational), and OCS when only the criterion for presence of obsessions or compulsions was met. Twenty-nine (60.4%) of the 48 patients evaluated (19 men and 29 women) had at least one OCS: nine (18.8%) had mild OCS, 11 (22.9%) had subclinical OCD, and nine (18.8%) had comorbid OCD. Therefore, 41.7% of the patients had either clinical or subclinical OCD. OCS occurred more frequently in women and, in 70.4% of the cases, preceded the onset of PD. Our results suggest that it is important to evaluate systematically the co-occurrence of OCS in patients with PD, due to the considerable overlap found in symptoms, which may have therapeutic implications. As panic symptoms are usually the main complaint, OCS are often found only when directly investigated. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Background The prevalence, sociodemographic aspects, and clinical features of body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) in patients with obsessivecompulsive disorder (OCD) have been previously addressed in primarily relatively small samples. Methods We performed a cross-sectional demographic and clinical assessment of 901 OCD patients participating in the Brazilian Research Consortium on Obsessive-Compulsive Spectrum Disorders. We used the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV Axis I Disorders; Yale-Brown Obsessive-Compulsive Scale; Dimensional Yale-Brown Obsessive-Compulsive Scale (DY-BOCS); Brown Assessment of Beliefs Scale; Clinical Global Impression Scale; and Beck Depression and Anxiety Inventories. Results The lifetime prevalence of BDD was 12.1%. The individuals with comorbid BDD (OCD-BDD; n = 109) were younger than were those without it. In addition, the proportions of single and unemployed patients were greater in the OCD-BDD group. This group of patients also showed higher rates of suicidal behaviors; mood, anxiety, and eating disorders; hypochondriasis; skin picking; Tourette syndrome; and symptoms of the sexual/religious, aggressive, and miscellaneous dimensions. Furthermore, OCD-BDD patients had an earlier onset of OC symptoms; greater severity of OCD, depression, and anxiety symptoms; and poorer insight. After logistic regression, the following features were associated with OCD-BDD: current age; age at OCD onset; severity of the miscellaneous DY-BOCS dimension; severity of depressive symptoms; and comorbid social phobia, dysthymia, anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and skin picking. Conclusions Because OCD patients might not inform clinicians about concerns regarding their appearance, it is essential to investigate symptoms of BDD, especially in young patients with early onset and comorbid social anxiety, chronic depression, skin picking, or eating disorders. Depression and Anxiety 29: 966-975, 2012. (C) 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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OBJETIVO: Foi realizado um estudo transversal, por amostragem de escolares, frequentadores das escolas estaduais de Bauru, São Paulo, com o objetivo de detectar possíveis portadores de tracoma. MÉTODOS: Foram examinadas 1.749 crianças do ensino fundamental, de 6 a 14 anos, durante o ano de 2005. As escolas foram escolhidas por sorteio, de acordo com o número de estudantes e com a localização da escola dentro do setor da cidade (centro, região intermediária e periferia). O diagnóstico dos casos foi clínico, seguindo as normas da Organização Mundial de Saúde (OMS), confirmado laboratorialmente pelo método da imunofluorescência direta para detecção de Chlamydia trachomatis. RESULTADOS: A prevalência de tracoma inflamatório foi de 3,8%, tendo sido diagnosticado tracoma folicular em 3,7% e tracoma intenso em 0,06% das crianças examinadas. As crianças com tracoma moravam principalmente na região intermediária e periférica da cidade, áreas onde o fornecimento de água pode ser descontínuo e o tratamento do esgoto pode estar ausente. Um programa de controle foi desenvolvido e os comunicantes foram diagnosticados e tratados. CONCLUSÃO: A prevalência de tracoma inflamatório em Bauru - Estado de São Paulo - é de 3,8%. Além da oportunidade de reconhecer e tratar os portadores e contatantes, os autores realçam o fato positivo da mobilização da comunidade bauruense no sentido de prevenir a cegueira pelo tracoma.


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This study evaluated cytogenetic damage by measuring the frequency of micronucleated cells (MNC) in peripheral blood and buccal mucosa of head-and-neck cancer patients undergoing radiotherapy.MNC frequencies were assessed in 31 patients before, during, and after radiotherapy, and in 17 C, healthy controls matched for gender, age, and smoking habits. Results showed no statistically significant difference between patients and controls prior to radiotherapy in cytokinesis-blocked lymphocytes or buccal mucosa cells. During treatment, increased MNC frequencies were observed in both cell types. Micronucleated lymphocyte levels remained high in samples collected 30 to 140 days after the end of treatment, while MNC frequency in buccal mucosa decreased to values statistically similar to baseline values. There is controversy over the effects of age, smoking habit, tumor stage, and/or metastasis on MNC frequency. However, increased frequency of micronucleated buccal mucosa cells was seen in patients under 60 years old and in those with tumors >4cm.In conclusion, the data show that radiotherapy has a potent clastogenic effect in Circulating lymphocytes and buccal mucosa cells of head-and-neck cancer patients, and that the baseline MNC frequency in these two tissues is not a sensitive marker for head-and neck neoplasm.


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Objective. To compare clinical response to initial empiric treatment with oxacillin plus ceftriaxone and amoxicillin plus clavulanic acid in hospitalized children diagnosed with very severe community-acquired pneumonia (CAP).Methods. A prospective randomized clinical study was conducted among children 2 months to 5 years old with a diagnosis of very severe CAP in the pediatric ward of São Paulo State University Hospital in Botucatu, São Paulo, Brazil, from April 2007 to May 2008. Patients were randomly divided into two groups by type of treatment: an oxacillin/ceftriaxone group (OCG, n = 48) and an amoxicillin/clavulanic acid group (ACG, n = 56). Analyzed outcomes were: time to clinical improvement (fever and tachypnea), time on oxygen therapy, length of stay in hospital, need to widen antimicrobial spectrum, and complications (including pleural effusion).Results. The two groups did not differ statistically for age, sex, symptom duration before admission, or previous antibiotic treatment. Time to improve tachypnea was less among ACG patients than OCG patients (4.8 +/- 2.2 versus 5.8 +/- 2.4 days respectively; P = 0.028), as was length of hospital stay (11.0 +/- 6.2 versus 14.4 +/- 4.5 days respectively; P = 0.002). There were no statistically significant differences between the two groups for fever improvement time, time on oxygen therapy, need to widen antimicrobial spectrum, or frequency of pleural effusion.Conclusions. Both treatment plans are effective in treating very severe CAP in 2-monthto 5-year-old hospitalized children. The only analyzed outcome that favored amoxicillin/clavulanic acid treatment was time required to improve tachypnea.


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OBJETIVOS: verificar a freqüência de infecção urinária recorrente (ITU) e avaliar os fatores associados à recorrência da ITU em crianças. MÉTODOS: estudo retrospectivo de 95 pacientes com seguimento de um ano (68 meninas e 27 meninos, mediana de idade três anos). As variáveis estudadas foram: sexo, idade, febre, constipação, tipo de bactéria, refluxo vésico-ureteral (RVU), anormalidades na cintilografia renal com ácido dimercaptosuccínico (DMSA). RESULTADOS: infecção urinária recorrente ocorreu em 49,5% crianças (19 com trato urinário normal, 19 com RVU e 9 com estenose da junção pielocalicial). Comparando o grupo com ITU recorrente com o grupo sem ITU recorrente não se encontrou diferença significativa entre sexos, presença de febre, constipação e anormalidades na cintilografia renal com DMSA. A ITU recorrente foi significativamente maior nas crianças com um ano ou menos, naquelas menores de dois anos com RVU, nas com bactéria diferente da Escherichia coli e sem profilaxia antibacteriana. Os fatores de risco significativos para a recorrência ITU foram idade < 2 anos (OR = 3,83) e refluxo vésico-ureteral (OR = 4,95). CONCLUSÕES: por causa da elevada freqüência de ITU recorrente é importante o seguimento regular de grupo de crianças com fatores de risco para ITU recorrente.


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OBJETIVO: verificar a incidência de cicatrizes renais em crianças com refluxo vesicoureteral primário, comparando com sexo, idade no diagnóstico, infecção febril, grau do refluxo e tipo de bactéria. MÉTODOS: estudo retrospectivo de 58 crianças, com idade entre dois meses a 11 anos, apresentando refluxo vesicoureteral primário, detectado pela uretrocistografia miccional, após episódio documentado de infecção urinária. Diagnóstico de cicatriz renal foi obtido pela cintilografia com DMSA cinco meses, no mínimo, após o tratamento da infecção urinária; em 40 crianças, o exame foi repetido após período de seis meses a seis anos. RESULTADOS: 45 crianças (77,6%) eram meninas e 13 (22,4%) eram meninos, 51,7% com idade menor ou igual a 2 anos. A incidência de cicatriz renal foi de 55,2%. Houve maior proporção significativa de cicatrizes renais no sexo feminino, na presença do sintoma febre e no refluxo dilatado (III, IV e V). Presença de febre e sexo feminino foram fatores de risco significativos na ocorrência de cicatriz renal (febre - OR= 6,19, e sexo feminino - OR= 4,12). Houve tendência da presença de cicatriz renal em maiores de 2 anos. O intervalo entre início dos sintomas e a primeira consulta foi maior nas crianças com cicatrizes renais. Novas cicatrizes renais foram observadas em 12,5%. CONCLUSÃO: a presença de febre e sexo feminino foram fatores de risco para presença de cicatrizes renais, principalmente no refluxo vesicoureteral dilatado. A alta incidência de cicatrizes renais neste estudo pode estar relacionada ao retardo do diagnóstico do refluxo vesicoureteral.


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OBJETIVO: avaliar a concordância dos diferentes parâmetros urodinâmicos comparados à cistometria simplificada, permitindo uma diminuição na relação custo-benefício no diagnóstico da incontinência urinária de esforço (IUE) na mulher. MÉTODOS: foram coletadas e avaliadas retrospectivamente as informações contidas dos prontuários de trinta pacientes acompanhadas, no período de janeiro de 2000 a março de 2001. Todas foram submetidas a exame físico geral e ginecológico. O estudo urodinâmico foi realizado pela técnica convencional, utilizando-se aparelho Dynograph Recorder R-611. A cistometria simplificada foi realizada com auxílio de um equipo em Y de PVC (pressão venosa central), conectado a um sonda de Foley 14 F, que permitia tanto a infusão de soro fisiológico como a captação da pressão intra-vesical. Foram analisados os parâmetros: volume residual, capacidade vesical, complacência, presença de contrações involuntárias do detrusor e perdas urinárias aos esforços. Para determinação da proporção de concordância entre os métodos foram utilizados o teste de concordância de Pearson e o teste de Wilcoxon, para amostras relacionadas. RESULTADOS: a média de idade foi de 50 anos, com extremos variando de 28 a 70 anos. O índice de concordância entre os estudos, na demonstração das perdas urinárias aos esforços, foi de 67%. Para a detecção das contrações involuntárias do detrusor, a proporção de concordância foi de 90%. A média do volume residual encontrado na cistometria simplificada foi de 16,8 ml contra 2 ml da urodinâmica convencional, com diferença significativa (p < 0,01). A média de capacidade vesical máxima no estudo urodinâmico foi de 440,5 ml, enquanto que, na cistometria simplificada, foi de 387 ml (p < 0,05). A complacência vesical foi, em média, significativamente maior na cistometria simplificada (43,0 ml/cmH2O) quando comparada ao estudo urodinâmico (31,5 ml/cmH2O), com p < 0,01. CONCLUSÃO: Avaliações preliminares sugerem que a propedêutica uroginecológica associada à cistometria simplificada é uma opção a ser considerada na avaliação clínica e pré-operatória de pacientes com IUE em substituição à urodinâmica convencional, particularmente onde esta última não se encontra disponível. A cistometria simplificada é um exame acessível que é capaz de detectar contrações involuntárias do detrusor, assim como identificar perdas urinárias com relativa sensibilidade, proporcionando ao examinador noções fidedignas do comportamento vesical.


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The aim of the present study was to investigate genetic parameters for racing time in Thoroughbred horses racing at distances between 1000 and 1600 m subdivided into 100-m intervals. The data provided by TURFETOTAL Ltda comprised races that occurred in the Gavea and Cidade Jardim race tracks over a period of 11 years (1992-2002) and consisted of 32 145 races and 238 890 time records. The variance components necessary to obtain the heritability and repeatability estimates of the traits studied were estimated with the MTDFREML program, and animal age at race (3 years old or younger, 4, 5 and older than 5 years), sex (male and female), number of races (1-32 145), and postposition at start (1-11) as fixed effects, and animal and permanent environmental random effects were included in a one-trait animal model. Males were significantly superior to females at all distances. Excluding the 1100 m distance, animals 4 years of age were significantly faster than the mean of the other ages for all distances analysed. Horses older than 5 years showed a significantly lower performance than the mean of the other ages for all distances analysed, except for the 1100 m. Postpositions one and two did not differ significantly from one another for any of the distances analysed. These two inner positions both together varied from the other positions depending on race length. The components of additive genetic and permanent environmental variance varied in a similar way, tending to decrease with increasing racing distance, and the other temporary environmental variance almost doubled from 1000 to 1600 m. As was the case for the additive genetic and environmental variances, heritability and repeatability estimates tended to decrease with increasing distance, indicating that selection based on racing time will be less successful when the racing distance increases.


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Dental trauma has been considered as a public health problem that affects mainly children and youngsters and due to its impact on the patient's quality of life. This study presents the results of a 6-year survey of the occurrence and characteristics of dental trauma in patients admitted to the Service of Surgery and Oral and Maxillofacial Traumatology of the School of Dentistry of Aracatuba (UNESP, Brazil) after emergency care in hospital facilities in the region of Aracatuba, SP, Brazil. For such purpose, the clinical files of patients treated at the Service between 1999 and 2005 were reviewed. Information regarding gender, age, number of traumatized teeth, etiology and diagnosis of the trauma was collected from the files of patients with tooth injuries and recorded in case report forms specifically designed for this purpose. The results showed that from a total of 4112 patients admitted to the Service within the surveyed period, 266 (6.5%) had tooth injuries (172 males - 64.7%; 94 females - 35.3%). The total number of traumatized teeth was 496. Most patients belonged to the 16-20 year-old age group (20.3%) and the most frequent causes of tooth injuries were bicycle accidents (28.6%), motorcycle accidents (19.2%) and falls (18.8%). Injuries to the periodontal tissues were the most frequent type of tooth injuries (408 teeth; 82.26%), occurring in 118 primary and 290 permanent teeth. Among the injuries to the periodontal tissues, avulsion was the most common (32.86%) (29.41% for primary and 34.0% for permanent teeth), followed by extrusive luxation (19.15%) (25.21% for primary and 17.24% for permanent teeth). In conclusion, in the surveyed population, cases of tooth injuries were more frequent in males aged 16-20 years old due to cyclist accidents with predominance of injuries to the periodontal tissues, in particular, avulsions.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)