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The Set Covering Problem (SCP) plays an important role in Operational Research since it can be found as part of several real-world problems. In this work we report the use of a genetic algorithm to solve SCP. The algorithm starts with a population chosen by a randomized greedy algorithm. A new crossover operator and a new adaptive mutation operator were incorporated into the algorithm to intensify the search. Our algorithm was tested for a class of non-unicost SCP obtained from OR-Library without applying reduction techniques. The algorithms found good solutions in terms of quality and computational time. The results reveal that the proposed algorithm is able to find a high quality solution and is faster than recently published approaches algorithm is able to find a high quality solution and is faster than recently published approaches using the OR-Library.
This paper is result of an analysis of the Brave New World by Aldous Huxley, made based on the perspective of discursive semiotics. For both, the elements of the generative course of meaning were applied, particularly those in works of Barros (2001) and Fiorin (2000). In view of that each of the three levels (elementary, narrative and discourse) of semiotics approach are considered capable of independent descriptions, we sought through the (re) construction of meaning of specific parts of the work and also the relationship of its thematic route with the time it was composed, found that, as a result of this work, the relationships between fiction and reality and thus the relevance of the work of Aldous Huxley
Pós-graduação em Medicina Veterinária - FMVZ
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The main goal of this monograph is to understand the questions regarding brazillian economic development during the last thirty years. Through a historic deductive method, like simple techniques of descriptive statistics, we explicit the evolution process in which brazil has taken part in this last years. However, recently, by choosing non-conventional paths, represented basically by some aspects of the heterodox theory, the conservation of this process showed itself faulty. The defense for a return of the traditional ways employed in political economy just like in strategies of development are essential for the a continuous improvement of the brazillian population' life conditions
Pós-graduação em Biociências - FCLAS
This paper aimes to contribute to the analyzes of Caldas and Wood Jr (1997) concerning to the concept of identity. That concept has been developed in Organization Studies under the propositions of Albert and Whetten (1985). In that way, identity concept has been defined by the following characteristics: centrality, distinctiveness and continuity. Nevertheless, a new paradigm has been emerging within social science. In this paper, we present a synthesis on how the concept of identity has been discussed in Social Psychology and Cultural Studies. For both theoretical perspectives, the ideas of centrality and durability are put into doubt, as identity is seen as dynamic and fragmentary. Besides that, we intend to show how the new paradigm is getting formed within Organizational Studies, especially considering international context. Considering that the emerging organizational ideas concerning identity show proximity with those proposed by Social Psychology and Cultural Studies, we raise possible questions that the new paradigm will have to face.
A tradição do novo conservadorismo nos EUA foi determinante para a ampliação do debate político durante as últimas décadas, uma vez que, a partir da década de 1950 inseriu e fomentou uma série de ideias que, até então, pareciam excluídas e marginalizadas da discussão política devido ao grande sucesso eleitoral do modelo liberal creditado ao Partido Democrata. Para aprofundar esse debate, o artigo discute a importância da campanha eleitoral de Barry Goldwater, em 1964, e sua relação com a consolidação do movimento conservador no país, compreendendo como a partir dela amarrou-se uma aliança entre variadas correntes que compunham o espectro conservador, o que possibilitou ao Partido Republicano disputar novamente as eleições em um patamar de igualdade com o partido rival. Para realizar essa análise, em um primeiro momento, partimos de uma abordagem sobre o sistema federalista, com o intuito de compreender alguns de seus princípios básicos e sua influência na formação dos EUA como nação. Esse debate serve como base para uma releitura melhor contextualizada em torno de temas presentes na campanha de 1964, principalmente, no que se refere as propostas em torno do papel do Estado e relacionadas ao discurso em defesa dos interesses dos estados e da defesa da Constituição recorrentes no pleito eleitoral estadunidense. Junto a isso, aprofundamos a análise sobre as correntes que compunham o conservadorismo no país, demonstrando como elas, embora fossem muitas vezes antagônicas, se acomodaram em um projeto político conservador.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
A má oclusão de Classe II é originária de vários fatores etiológicos e uma das características mais comum desta má oclusão é a retrusão mandibular3, por esse motivo, os aparelhos de avanço mandibular são eleitos para o tratamento e correção desta má oclusão. Um destes aparelhos é o Herbst, que apresenta várias formas de ancoragens na sua confecção10. Tradicionalmente, as bandas eram o sistema de ancoragem mais usado, no entanto, pela alta frequência de quebras as mesmas foram substituídas por esplinte metálico12. Esse aparelho quando confeccionado de cromo cobalto pelo método da prótese parcial removível, apresenta como desvantagens a quantidade de passos laboratoriais e a possível contração do metal, podendo ocasionar a má adaptação da estrutura metálica à boca do paciente. Dessa forma, este artigo apresenta um novo método de confecção do aparelho de Herbst esplinte metálico fundido com uso da Duralay e liga níquel cromo. Esse método diminui os passos laboratoriais, proporciona maior resistência à tração e minimiza a contração da estrutura metálica, pois a resina química Duralay proporciona menor expansão do que a cera2.
Objective: To evaluate, by means of a microbiologic study, two kinds of soaps suggested by surgeons for presurgical handwashing, comparing a well-known antibacterial soap with a new soap formulated from vegetable oils. Materials and methods: Ten volunteers performed handwashing according to previously established protocols for routine antisepsis in operating rooms using 3 different soaps: a common, commercially marketed soap, serving as the control group (Group 1), with no antibacterial characteristics; a soap with 2% chlorhexidine (Group II); and a new soap formulated from vegetable oils at a concentration of 20%, known as surfactant, which was designed by the Chemistry Institute (Unesp/Araraquara – Grupo de Materiais Fotônicos) (Group III). The microbiological samples were collected immediately before and after handwashing and one hour later with the volunteer wearing surgical gloves. Results: ANOVA revealed that the following significant differences are found in the number of bacterial colonies: between soap types (a smaller number of colonies in the Group II soap), between periods (reduction in the number of colonies in the Group II soap), and the significant effect of the soap versus time interaction. Conclusion: The 2% chlorhexidine soap performed better in reducing the number of bacterial colonies on the hands immediately after handwashing and after one hour with the use of surgical gloves, when compared to the 20% surfactant soap.
Since the decade of 1990's, a debate has grown about the so called creative industries. The creatives industries are build for sectors where the creativity emerges as a main input for the products elaboration which are valued by intellectual property statutes. The present monograph intends to describe Journalism as a creative activity, expose how intellectual property works in this area and analyze the function of news aggregators, like Google News, both in author rights matter terms, as about on the recent news mediator and distributor role on digital platforms
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
This paper focuses on the discussion of journalistic genres, more specifically on the comic journalism, in other words, when using humor as a tool to transmit information. Supported by the definitions proposed by José Marques de Melo (2003), based on the theories of journalism presented by Nelson Traquina (2005) and Felipe Pena (2005) and relying on the teachings of Jorge Halperín (2008) and Rafael Yanes (2004) about interview techniques, this research aimed to analyze the humor as a legitimate resource and collaborator in journalism performance. For this, we analyzed, in detail, six different frames of interviews of program The Noite with Danilo Gentili, which is broadcasted from Monday to Friday by the Brazilian Television System, SBT. In this analysis, we considered the contente of interviews, the technique and the resources used by the presenter and his team, the journalistic relevance of topics and guests and the reach of the general public to information