576 resultados para determinação de amônia
Avaliaram-se as alterações da fração fibrosa e as características químicas dos fenos de braquiária decumbens (Brachiaria decumbnes Stapf) e jaraguá (Hyparrhenia rufa Ness Stapf) não-tratados, tratados com uréia (U-5,4% da MS), uréia (UL-5,4% da MS) mais labe-labe (Lablab purpureus L. Sweet, cv. Highworth-3,0% da MS) ou amônia anidra (NH3 -3,0% da MS). O tratamento químico com uréia ou NH3 aumentou o pH e a digestibilidade in vitro verdadeira dos fenos. A amonização não alterou os teores de fibra em detergente ácido e celulose, mas diminuiu os de fibra em detergente neutro, hemicelulose e lignina. O uso do labe-labe como fonte adicional de urease não aumentou a eficiência da uréia no tratamento dos volumosos. As avaliações do conteúdo de umidade, do poder tampão e da atividade ureática são técnicas que podem auxiliar na previsão das respostas dos volumosos à amonização com o uso de uréia.
Este estudo foi desenvolvido para se avaliarem as alterações nos conteúdos de compostos nitrogenados dos fenos de braquiária decumbens (Brachiaria decumbnes Stapf) e jaraguá (Hyparrhenia rufa Ness Stapf) não-tratados, tratados com uréia (U - 5,4% da MS), uréia (UL - 5,4% da MS) mais labe-labe (Lablab purpureus L. Sweet, cv. Highworth-3,0% da MS) ou amônia anidra (NH3 -3,0% da MS). A aplicação de amônia anidra ou de uréia aumentou os teores de N total, N insolúvel em detergente neutro, N insolúvel em detergente ácido, N não-protéico e N amoniacal. A amonização diminuiu as relações N insolúvel em detergente neutro/N total e N insolúvel em detergente ácido/N total e aumentou as relações N não-protéico/N total, N amoniacal/N total e os teores de PB. O N aplicado foi retido, principalmente, nas formas de NNP e N amoniacal.
Utilizaram-se 10 vacas lactantes HPC e mestiças H*Z, com 55 dias de parição, peso médio de 540 kg, distribuídas em um delineamento em switch-back com o objetivo de avaliar a produção e a composição do leite, o consumo e a digestibilidade aparente de matéria seca (MS), matéria orgânica (MO), fibra em detergente neutro (FDN), proteína bruta (PB), carboidratos totais (CT) e extrato etéreo (EE), e o pH e a concentração de amônia ruminal. Os animais foram alimentados ad libitum com cinco dietas contendo silagem de milho (SM), feno de alfafa (FA), feno de capim-coastcross (FCC), ½ FA+½ SM, ½ FCC+1/2 SM, na proporção de 60%, da ração total (base de matéria seca). Os consumos dos nutrientes não foram influenciados pelas dietas. As digestibilidades aparentes de MS, PB e FDN foram maiores para as dietas contendo silagem de milho. O pH e a concentração de amônia do líquido ruminal não foram influenciados pelas dietas, porém observou-se resposta quadrática para o tempo de coletas. Registrou-se maior produção de leite para os animais que receberam silagem de milho. Os teores de proteína bruta e gordura do leite não foram influenciados pelas dietas.
Com o objetivo de determinar a biodisponibilidade de duas fontes de lisina (lisina HCl e lisina sulfato), por intermédio de um ensaio de crescimento, foram alojados em um galpão de alvenaria com 56 boxes 840 pintos de corte machos com um dia de idade. Duas dietas basais foram formuladas para atender as exigências nutricionais das aves nas fases inicial e crescimento, deficientes apenas em lisina e suplementadas em 0,08; 0,16; e 0,24% pelas duas fontes de lisina. As variáveis avaliadas foram: ganho de peso, consumo de ração, conversão alimentar, rendimento de carcaça, rendimento de perna, rendimento de peito, rendimento de filé e porcentagem de gordura abdominal. Com os dados obtidos foram estimadas equações de regressão linear múltipla e, usando os coeficientes de regressão destas, foi determinada a biodisponibilidade da lisina sulfato em relação a lisina HCl, padronizada como 100% disponível. As equações obtidas que melhor estimaram a biodisponibilidade das lisinas foram Y = 544,72 + 439,62 X1 + 475,84 X2, R² = 0,90, para ganho de peso de 01 a 21 dias de idade, Y = 1824,63 + 1469,18 X1 + 1381,33 X2, R² = 0,85, para ganho de peso de 01 a 42 dias de idade, Y = 1,9623 - 0,9043X1--1,0235 X2, R² = 0,83, para conversão alimentar de 01 a 21 dias de idade, Y = 0,3766 + 0,5320 X1 + 0,4986 X2, R² = 0,88, para peso de peito aos 42 dias de idade e Y = 0,2565 + 0,4685X1 + 0,4300 X2, R² = 0,92, para peso de filé de peito aos 42 dias de idade das aves. A biodisponibilidade média encontrada para a Lisina Sulfato foi de 100,19%, mostrando não haver diferença significativa na biodisponibilidade das lisinas testadas.
Dois experimentos foram realizados para avaliar a digestibilidade aparente da EB, MS e PB em alimentos energéticos e protéicos utilizados para cães adultos. Foram utilizados quatro cães adultos (13,1 ± 2,0 kg), dois machos e duas fêmeas, sem raça definida, na avaliação de cada alimento. Os animais receberam a mesma quantidade de ração por unidade de peso metabólico. No experimento 1, foi determinado o valor nutritivo dos alimentos energéticos e, no experimento 2, os coeficientes de digestibilidade dos alimentos protéicos. Os coeficientes de digestibilidade da EB do milho extrusado (ME), do milho gelatinizado (MG), da gordura de coco e do óleo de soja, em dois níveis de inclusão (OS1 e OS2), e da gordura suína foram, respectivamente, 85,1; 84,4; 92,5; 92,1; 96,2 e 98,6%. Os coeficientes de digestibilidade da MS e PB do ME e MG foram, respectivamente, 84,2 e 65,3 e 84,5 e 65,0%. Na soja integral extrusada e nas farinhas de carne, de carne extrusada, de vísceras, de vísceras extrusada, de peixe extrusada e de pena extrusada, foram obtidos, respectivamente, os seguintes coeficientes de digestibilidade: 80,0; 73,3; 80,7; 87,6; 91,2; 91,1 e 79,8% da EB; 80,0; 68,4; 87,8; 86,7; 88,1; 85,2 e 76,0% da MS; e 83,7; 74,7; 82,3; 88,0; 88,9; 91,9 e 82,3% da PB.
The effects of the ammoniation of Brachiaria decumbens hay was evaluated. The hay bales were distributed into a complete randomized block design, with four replications and they were submitted to the treatments: untreated or treated with anhydrous ammonia (NH3)(2,0 and 3,0% of the DM) or with urea (3,6 and 5,4% of the DM). All the hays bales remained under plastic cover for 45 days. After three days of aeration, samples were collected for the determination of the chemical composition, nitrogenous compounds fraction and the in vitro dry matter (IVDDM) and organic matter (IVDOM) digestibility. In the metabolic study, Saanen goats breed was used in a 5x5 Latin squares design, where the apparent digestibility, the voluntary intake and the nutritive value index were evaluated. The ammoniation increased the contents of the total N, N ammonia (N-NH3) and non-protein N, with high effect on the levels of 3,0% of NH3 and 5,4% of urea. There were no differences between the level of 3,0% of NH3 and 5,4% of urea for the total N, N-NH3 and NPN. However, the treatment with 3,0% of NH3 allowed a larger fixation of N in ADIN and NDIN forms. The ammoniation increased the IVDMD and IVDMO and reduced the contents of neutral detergent fiber (NDF), hemicellulose, acid detergent fiber (ADF) and lignin, but it did not alter the cellulose and gross energy contents. The ammoniation increased the DM, OM, CP, NDF, ADF, hemicellulose, cellulose and gross energy apparent digestibility and as well as the voluntary intake of DM, digestible DM, digestible OM, digestible protein, digestible energy and the nutritive value index. The ammoniation increased the hay nutritive value index, but there were no differences between the levels of NH3 and urea.
This study was conducted to evaluate the effects of anhydrous ammonia (NH3) or urea treatment on the occurrence of fungi in hays of Brachiaria decumbens Stapf cv. Basilisk, baled and stored with different moisture contents. The following treatments were evaluated: T-1 = green forage, soon after the harvest; T-2 = hay with 25% of moisture, with evaluation before baling; T-3 = hay with 13% of moisture and untreated; T-4 = hay with 25% of moisture + .5% of NH3 in the DM T-5 = hay with 25% of moisture +1% of NH3 in the DM; T-6 = hay with 25% of moisture +.9% of urea in the DM and T-7 = hay With 25% of moisture +1.8% of urea in the DM. The treated hays stayed under plastic cover during 75 days, and samples were collected soon after the opening of the bales piles,and they were immediately analyzed in the laboratory. Eleven fungi were identified in different treatments, with high incidence of Aspergillus in the untreated hay, in the hay stored with 25% of moisture and treated with .5% NH3. The ammoniation totally reduced the occurrence of Helminthosporium and Nigrospora, but it did not control the occurrence of Cladosposrium and caused the occurrence of Penicillium in large intensity. The occurrence of Epicoccum, Curvularia, Phitomyces and Aspergillus genus were totally controlled by the treatment of hay with 1% of NH3; .9 and 1.8% of urea.
The efficiency of two methods for determining 3-hydroxybutyrate and 3-hydroxyvalerate content in the biopolymer (poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyvalerate) has been evaluated. Both methods are based on (a) the hydrolysis of polymers, (b) the esterification with methyl (method A) and isoamilic alcohol (method B) and (c) analysis of the esters by gas chromatography using flame ionization detection (GC-FID). After optimization of the analytical conditions, the main validation parameters (linearity, quantification limit, detection limit, recovery, sensitivity and precision) were determined showing that both analytical procedures can be applied to control the process of poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) production. However, method B gives better analytical results than method A and has the advantage of not using chlorinated solvents.
Estudou-se a lixiviação (leaching) de potássio em folhas destacadas de várias plantas através das superfícies adaxial e abaxial sob luz e obscuridade. Os resultados indicam que no lado mais rico em estomatos a lixiviação é maior tanto na luz como na obscuridade, embora as diferenças sejam bem mais acentuadas na obscuridade.
ANALYSIS OF CLAYS BY INDUCTIVELY COUPLED PLASMA OPTICAL EMISSION SPECTROMETRY AFTER CLOSED-VESSEL MICROWAVE-ASSISTED ACID DECOMPOSITION. In this work a closed-vessel microwave-assisted acid decomposition procedure for clays was developed. Aluminum, Ca, Fe, K, Mg, Na, Si, and Ti were determined in clay digestates by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry. The most critical parameter for total decomposition of clays was the composition of the reagent mixture. The applied power and the heating time exerted a less critical influence. Best decomposition conditions were attained using a reagent mixture containing 4 mL aqua regia plus 3 mL HF and the heating program was implemented in 12 min. The accuracy of the results was demonstrated using two standard reference materials and a paired t-test showed a good agreement between determined and certified values at a 95% confidence level.
The objective of this work was to evaluate the nutritional composition (raw protein, ether extract, raw fiber, FDA, FDN and ash) of the POS 09/100 strain of Pleurotus ostreatus grown in three combinations of residues (pseudo-stem, leave and pseudo-stem + leaf) and four banana tree cultivars (Thap maeo, Prata ana, Pelipita and Caipira). The basidiomata harvested were submitted to dehydration in a forced ventilation stove with temperature adjusted to 40 degrees C until reaching constant weight, being then grinded in a knife mill. The method proposed by Kjeldahl (1883) was used to determine total nitrogen. The Weende method (AOAC, 1997) was employed to determine crude fiber, acid-detergent fiber (ADF) and neutral detergent fiber (NDF). According to the results obtained, crude protein, ash, ADF and NDF contents varied with the kind of residue and banana tree cultivar; the substrate prepared with leaves of banana tree (Prata Ana cultivar) yielded the highest crude protein (35.4%) and ash (6.7%) contents in the basidiomata of P. streams; the substrate prepared with pseudo-stein of banana tree (Prata Ana cultivar) provided the highest ADF (31.6%) and NDF (41.9%) contents in the basidiomata of P. ostreatus. Ether extract and crude fiber contents of P. ostreatus didn't vary in function of the treatments, with averages of 2.45 and 11.27%, respectively.
The authors studied the lateral positional desviations of the mandible, in relation to the facial median line in 30 (thirty) full edentulous patients, with the purpose to verify the influence of the unstrained guided (chinpoint guidance) and deglutition methods for the determination of centric relation. According the results obtained they conclude that the unstrained guided method produced a mandibular lateral desviation with a mean value of the 0.752 mm and in the deglutition method the mean value observed was 1.109 mm. The statistical analysis of the results revealed for the unstrained guided method a proportion of the points to the right and left of the median line not statistically significant, while for the deglutition method the difference was statistically significant at a level of 5%.
A late survey of the renal function was performed in eighteen patients with paracoccidioidomycosis treated with amphotericin B, according to the glomerular filtration rate (RFG). The method was compartment analysis by single injection using EDTA Cr51, determined by its 'half biological life' and dosages of blood urea nitrogen and creatinine. The patients were seventeen males and one female. They were from 22 to 76 years old. Ten of these patients received 2 g of amphotericin B and eight of them received 4 g. There were no expressive difference between the two groups, taking into account age, dose in mg/kg of weight/day, time of conclusion of the treatment, urea, creatinine, glomerular filtration was smaller than the normal, and average of the half biological life of the EDTA Cr51 was large than the normal. The achieved results permitted us to consider that the amphotericin B determines deficit of renal function. However, by the present study, it hasn't been possible to affirm if the modifications are definitive.
It was evaluated the Vickers hardness of five high-copper casting alloys, in their original package form and after casting, according to the casting method used. That way, ten ingots, supplied by the manufacturers of each alloy, were included in self-curing acrylic resin, polished, numerated and submitted to Vickers hardness test at load of 200 g during 30 seconds. Afterwards the numerated ingots were removed from the acrylic resin and five of those were cast in an electrical casting machine and the other five in a centrifugal casting machine with an air/gas torch. The specimens obtained were included in self-curing acrylic resin, polished and submitted to Vickers hardness test. As a result it was verified that there is a variation of hardness among the alloys tested, and the use of the electrical casting machine produced lower hardness values than those produced when used the centrifugal casting machine with an air/gas torch. Also, there is a decrease of hardness of the cast alloys when they are tested in their original form and after casting.