158 resultados para descritores
The demand for esthetic restorations has resulted in an increased use of dental ceramics and is the main alternative restorative material to tooth structure due to its favorable properties. Therefore, the aim of this work is to study the evolution of ceramic systems, involving different types and properties, indications, and clinical issues as aesthetic, cementing and longevity. In a detailed and advanced search in the database PubMed, 98 articles were found using the following key words: dental porcelain dental all-ceramic and ceramic according to the criteria for inclusion and exclusion left only 35 articles for review. Several ceramic systems are available in the market, making the prosthetic professionals need a constant recycling about their properties and directions, since good results are due to the selection of the best material for a particular case in all the skill of the practitioner.
The maintenance of Implant-supported Prosthesis is essential to the success of dental implants. Therefore, the aim of the study was to conduct a review the literature addressing maintenance Implant-Supported Prosthesis in order to guide planning for the longevity of oral rehabilitation. We conducted a detailed search strategy for the Pubmed / Medline Dentistry and Oral Science, used as descriptors: “Oral Hygiene“ and “Dental Implant until July, 2013. The results were grouped together in topics (Clinical Exam and Oral Hygiene) and discussed. Conclusion: A regular maintenance program for oral patient implantprosthesis is essential to the longevity of the treatment. Different methods and devices are effective for cleansing. However one orientation (in writing) must be offered to patients, since inadequate cleaning can create regions of abrasion on the surfaces of abutments and dental implants.
The identification and treatment of peri-implant infections are an essential stage in the maintenance of dental implants, reflecting the longevity of rehabilitation. Therefore, the aim of the study was to conduct a literature review addressing peri-implantitis in dental implants in order to guide planning for the longevity of oral rehabilitation. It was conducted a detailed search strategy by the PubMed / Medline Dentistry and Oral Science, it was used as descriptors: “peri-implantitis” and “Dental Implant”, until July 2013. From 566 articles, after a review, according to the inclusion criteria, 34 articles were selected. The results were grouped together in topics (concept, etiology, diagnosis, surgical and nonsurgical, and aspects of oral rehabilitation) for further discussion and conclusions. Conclusions: The accumulation of plaque has been associated with a higher propensity to peri-implantitis. There is a higher incidence of the peri-implantitis disease among patients with previous history of periodontal disease. The local administration of antibiotics and association with mouthwashes / topical use are indicated as suitable for the treatment of moderate peri-implantitis.
OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to gather information and discuss the predictability of implant-supported prostheses in patients with bruxism by performing a literature review. METHODS: In order to select the studies included in this review, a detailed search was performed in PubMed and Medline databases, using the following key words: bruxism, dental implants, implant supported prosthesis, and dental restoration failure. Items that were included are: case reports, randomized controlled trials, in vitro studies, literature and systematic reviews, with or without meta-analysis, of the last 20 years that addressed the theme. Articles without abstracts, animal studies, articles in languages other than English and articles from journals unrelated to the dental field were excluded. RESULTS: after analysis according to inclusion and exclusion criteria, 28 articles were selected from a total of 54. It is known from the array of scientific articles which have assessed, either through retrospective, prospective or experimental studies, that the biomechanical and biological impact of bruxism on implant-supported prostheses is small, and that the literature has contributed little to exemplify the prosthetic limits of safety for the specialist from a clinical point of view. CONCLUSION: Although there is still no general consensus on this matter, most of the literature review articles do provide clinical guidelines that contribute to implant supported prostheses longevity and stability in patients with bruxism.
The aim of this study was to review the current scientific literature to discuss the biomechanical behavior and characteristics inherent to both cast post and core and the prefabricated posts used in the practice of restoring endodontically treated teeth. To identify studies of this review, it was performed a detailed and advanced search strategy to the databases PubMed and Medline. It was used as descriptors: endodontically treated teeth, post, core, fiber post and metal post. Inclusion criteria were: clinical trials, randomized controlled trials, in vitro studies, literature reviews and systematic reviews with or without meta-analysis of the last 10 years that addressed the theme. Exclusion criteria were: articles without abstracts, animal studies, articles whose language was not English and articles from journals that do not belong to the Dentistry field. Of a total of 35 articles, after an analysis according to inclusion and exclusion criteria, 23 articles were selected. Most of the current scientific literature indicates that the prefabricated fiber reinforced and ceramic posts should be appointed for endodontically treated teeth that have a minimum height of 2mm ferrule. As for the cast metal cores, along with pre-fabricated metal represent a good prosthetic option, when weakened teeth have to be restored for any reason. Despite the large number of studies, there is still a lack of longterm prospective studies that evaluate the effectiveness of these posts in the treatment of endodontically treated teeth.
The purpose of current implantology is to ensure that implants maintain its state of full health, proper function and aesthetics. The aim of this paper is to discuss, through a literature review, the importance of keratinized mucosa in relation to cleaning, gingival maintenance, aesthetics involving dentistry implant and evaluating some options to provide a keratinized mucosa when it is insufficient. For the studies identification, it is included or considered in this review, Pubmed database with the following keywords: implant and mouth mucosa and, according to the criteria for inclusion and exclusion, 27 articles were selected. According to the reviewed articles, it was found that the keratinized tissue does not influence the survival of the implant, but it facilitates the cleaning, decreases the irritation of the peri-implant tissues and promotes aesthetics in anterior regions.
The root resorption is one of the possible sequels of greater complexity to the orthodontist, the difficulty of detection and be asymptomatic. The presence, during the orthodontic treatment, is linked to a multifactorial origin, a complex combination of biological activities, anatomical, physiological, genetic variables and mechanical forces. Thus, the aim of this study was perform to critical literature review related to root resorption in orthodontic movement. Were included articles published between 2004 to 2014, indexed in the PUBMED database. Used descriptors contained in the Mesh, being adopted as inclusion criteria: clinical trials in humans, only articles that had clear ideas and objective, articles with English language. The search strategy used resulted in 24 articles and after applied the inclusion and exclusion criteria, 11 articles remained. Based on the results of this study it was concluded that heavy forces of intrusion, inclination and torque leads to a greater degree of root resorption; its etiology is multifactorial, the periodic radiographic control during treatment is needed and further studies are suggested to identify more specifically the causes and risk factors for root resorption.
Normally, the last teeth to erupt are the ones which remain impacted or semi-impacted, and that is the case of the canines. This study aimed to report a few options of treatment, aiming at esthetic and functional maintenance of the affected area before a impacted canine, discussing its indications, contraindications, advantages and disadvantages. This study also aims to emphasize the accessibility the patient would have in case his/her option were one of the approached ways of treatment. In order to identify the studies included or analyzed in this review, a detailed search strategy was performed for the database used: Pubmed, Bireme, Scielo, Cochrane, and Dentistry Oral Science up to 2011. We used non-erupted teeth, canine, and therapeutics as descriptors. The criteria of inclusion were clinical and review articles that approached the theme. Through this review, it was found that the surgeon dentist’s lack of technical and scientific knowledge and the financial impossibility of most population are some hindrances for the establishment of the right planning for the impacted canine.
The family is primarily responsible for shaping behavior in oral hygiene and nutrition of children, and cultural and psychosocial factors can influence this process. Thus, we carried out this study with the aim of presenting evidence from the literature on the subject. We reviewed the databases Bireme, Pubmed and Medline without restriction of year of publication. Used as descriptors "education," "care," "behavior," "oral health" and "food habits". We emphasize the responsibility of the family practices, values and beliefs of oral health and nutrition as well as the importance of shared care between family and professionals.
The study aimed to identify pharmacoeconomic studies in pharmacovigilance and to observe the economic outcomes in post-marketing surveillance. Therefore, a bibliographic survey was performed in databases Lilacs, PubMed/ Bireme. The search strategy was done by using scientific health descriptors [ "adverse drug reaction reporting systems " OR " medication errors " OR "product surveillance, postmarketing" OR " sentinel surveillance" ] AND [ " cost-benefit analysis" OR "cost efficiency analysis " OR " costs and cost analysis " OR " hospital costs " OR " cost-effectiveness " OR " cost-effectiveness evaluation " OR " drug costs " ]. Manuscripts published in the last 10 years were selected. We chose 13 articles, of which 12 corresponded to cost-benefit analysis and only one to cost-effectiveness assessment. In only one study there was no economy, all the other ones generated savings, ranging from 13.7 to 30% in spending valued service. Surveillance actions were: continuing education; active search through tracking devices and / or implementation of round; teamwork and multidisciplinary deployment; computerized security services management, enabling traceability of information and alerts. The results of the proposed actions have led to the prevention of adverse drug reactions, to decline of risks to the patient, to the reduction of inappropriate prescriptions, as well as the length of hospital stay spending valued service. Surveillance actions were: continuing education; active search through tracking devices and / or implementation of round; teamwork and multidisciplinary deployment; computerized security services management, enabling traceability of information and alerts. The results of the proposed actions have led to the prevention of adverse drug reactions, to decline of risks to the patient, to the reduction of inappropriate prescriptions, as well as the length of hospital stay
Objective: Identifying the main causes for underreporting of Adverse Drug Reaction (ADR) by health professionals. Method: A systematic review carried out in the following databases: LILACS, PAHO, SciELO, EMBASE and PubMed in the period between 1992 and 2012. Descriptors were used in the search for articles, and the identified causes of underreporting were analyzed according to the classification of Inman. Results: In total, were identified 149 articles, among which 29 were selected. Most studies were carried out in hospitals (24/29) for physicians (22/29), and pharmacists (10/29). The main causes related to underreporting were ignorance (24/29), insecurity (24/29) and indifference (23/29). Conclusion: The data show the eighth sin in underreporting, which is the lack of training in pharmacovigilance. Therefore, continuing education can increase adherence of professionals to the service and improve knowledge and communication of risks due to drug use.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pesquisas apontam que 15% das crianças brasileiras, entre 5 e 9 anos, são obesas. Os fatores indicados como responsáveis desse cenário são a má alimentação e a falta de exercício físico. Hábitos como alimentação saudável e prática de atividades físicas são, em sua maioria, constituídos na infância, principalmente em crianças com idade escolar e tendem a estender para a vida adulta. Considerando que as crianças passam mais de um terço de sua infância na escola, acredita-se que esse ambiente seja um facilitador para a mudança do comportamento saudável dos alunos. Este estudo tem por objetivo realizar um levantamento de pesquisas sobre aquisição de hábitos saudáveis na escola, mapeando a produção no campo da Educação Física, com ênfase em intervenções sobre atividade física e hábitos alimentares. Foi realizada uma revisão da produção de conhecimentos em teses e dissertações bem como da publicação de artigos em periódicos nacionais e internacionais publicados entre os anos de 2004 até 2014, com os seguintes descritores e variações destes: educação física, hábitos saudáveis, escola. Foram consultadas as seguintes bases de dados: Banco Digital de Teses e Dissertações, Banco de Teses da Capes e Bireme. Com resultado foram encontradas 27 teses e dissertações, sendo apenas sete pertencentes a Educação Física, das quais três apresentavam intervenção. Quanto aos artigos, entre os sete recuperados, apenas dois apresentam intervenções com interfaces nas aulas de Educação Física. Em termos de impacto, os resultados dessas intervenções variam de baixo à efetivo, sendo que apenas um dos trabalhos apresenta um resultado efetivamente positivo. Dessa forma pode-se perceber o baixo número de publicações sobre a temática na área da Educação Física, além da existência de barreiras para um resultado positivo nessas intervenções. As pesquisas apontaram mais barreiras que facilitadores...
Education is a basic right of every citizen guaranteed by the Federal Constitution of 1988, so that everyone is able to exercise their civil, political, economic and social. But in Brazil, this right has not yet been effected in all its concreteness and current privatization strategy have brought change to the right to education. Recent research from GREPPE (Group of Studies and Research in Educational Policy) identify different modalities of privatization of basic education, with emphasis on the privatization of supply, management and organization of the pedagogical work through the adoption of private educational systems. This study aimed to identify and discuss how the issue of privatization of education in Brazil is currently being treated in journal articles contained in the database SciELO - Scientific Electronic Library Online. SciELO is an electronic library covering a selected collection of Brazilian scientific journals. The research is qualitative and the same descriptors privatization were used + education
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Genética e Melhoramento de Plantas) - FCAV