147 resultados para crenças


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The family is primarily responsible for shaping behavior in oral hygiene and nutrition of children, and cultural and psychosocial factors can influence this process. Thus, we carried out this study with the aim of presenting evidence from the literature on the subject. We reviewed the databases Bireme, Pubmed and Medline without restriction of year of publication. Used as descriptors "education," "care," "behavior," "oral health" and "food habits". We emphasize the responsibility of the family practices, values and beliefs of oral health and nutrition as well as the importance of shared care between family and professionals.


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Pós-graduação em Educação - IBRC


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This essay sketches some principles according to which a research project called “Mapping of math teacher education and practice in Brazil” is been conducted by a group of researchers with the objective of understanding the way policies related to teacher education and practice are effectively implemented in different regions of the country. The main objective of this article is, therefore, to discuss the pressupositions of this project, its foundation, the basic beliefs in which it is rooted. In order to emphasize such principles, some remarks on theorization, methodology, teacher education, narratives and on the concept of mobilization/apropriation are done. The essay is based on a metaphor built on cartographical practices.


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Pós-graduação em Psicologia do Desenvolvimento e Aprendizagem - FC


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Pós-graduação em Educação Sexual - FCLAR


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Objective: This paper is intended to explore how nurses working in primary health care perceive acceptance. Method: It is based on a qualitative study conducted through interviews with 21 nurses from eight municipalities in the State of São Paulo. A phenomenological approach was used in data analysis. Results: It was found that nurses' understanding of acceptance, at certain points in time, comes close to the principles and guidelines of the Unified Health System (SUS). Conclusions: Nursing professionals manifest difficulties with the structure, organization and management of health services and express actions and beliefs related to the traditional model of care. The various stakeholders need to join forces if acceptance is to be achieved.


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Breast cancer (BC) is the most common malignancy in women worldwide, with one million new cases confirmed each year. This study aimed at identifying the knowledge of patients? relatives concerning the risk factors (RF) for BC. It is a descriptive quantitative study carried out in the Chemotherapy Technical Division of a University Hospital in São Paulo state, Brazil, from September to October 2006. Only female (30) relatives were included due to the fact that BC is more frequent in females. The major RF cited were family history for BC 33.3% (10), smoking 16.6% (5), alcoholic-drink consumption 10% (3), animal-fat-rich diet 3.3% (1). Other factors such as not breastfeeding, environmental factors, use of oral contraceptives and hormone-replacement therapy were mentioned by 10% (3) of the relatives. It was concluded that the relatives of patients undergoing chemotherapeutic treatment showed to have little knowledge concerning RF for BC. Hence, it is important to rethink the inclusion of the health education process in the family scenario. This issue reaches far beyond thesimple transmission of information. Healthcare professionals and nurses in particular, must focus on these individuals? social context, values, beliefs and needs.


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The main objective of this paper was to verify the influence of the organization and management in social responsibility the decision of adoption, choice, justification and implementation of innovation in elaborates of sugar, ethanol and energy companies of the midwestern state of São Paulo. Using multivariable analysis of principal components and clusters, the variables were analyzed and companies classified. Adapted to contemporary situations, the Freeman (1975) model of taxonomies was the parameter with research information in personal interviews by semi-structured questionnaires. The activities investigated were the existence of programs and organization to improve the welfare and quality of life to employees and family (leisure, culture, health, self-knowledge, values, beliefs etc.), program and social volunteering organization for the community, programs and organization to encourage the training of educators and extension education and incentive programs and organization to research and scientific production. It was concluded that the best companies which included, in their organization structures, management practices embodied in social responsibility.


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The hypothesis that guides this work is: in the scenario posed by the first decade of the XXI century, the private companies act to conciliate their organizational principles, mission (how they want to arrive), vision (where they want to arrive) and values to the principles of its individual members, setting a certain style of corporate culture. That culture would pass by all hierarchical levels of enterprises, promoting the creation of subjective bonds between themselves and their employees in order to create or maintain, through shared values, social conventions that would ensure the certain style of symbolic domination inside and outside the physical and relational enterprises' spaces. I have as general objective, analyze, through a socio-anthropological approach, the dimension of the culture of private companies, how this guides the market practice and, in this sense, I seek to problematize the relationship between the actions of the analyzed companies (Nestle and, more specifically, Natura) and the representations and motivations of their employees. Furthermore, this study aims, specifically, to understand how the vision, the raison of being and the beliefs of Natura configure themselves as important strategic directives for the consolidation of an emotional bond between employees and those who aspire to be part of this organization. For this, I analyzed the Report Natura 2012, the conversations with some company employees and my participation in the selection process for trainee Young Talents Natura 2014


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Até a Revolução Industrial, no século XIX, não havia preocupação com a questão ambiental, mas após esse período e com a crescente urbanização, além de outros fatores, o meio ambiente passou a sofrer com problemas como desmatamentos, queimadas e extração de recursos naturais para além da capacidade de restauração. Assim, entramos nas décadas finais do século XX com os problemas ambientais constituindo em seu conjunto uma das mais importantes questões a serem enfrentadas pela sociedade. Dentre os vários temas e focos de estudo englobados pela questão ambiental, o tema da arborização urbana tornou-se uma discussão atual importante, pois ao mesmo tempo em que continua o crescimento urbano, é preciso manter e aumentar o contingente de árvores nas cidades. No entanto, sabe-se que nem sempre a população compreende essa necessidade e considera as árvores elementos importantes. Tendo em conta a contribuição que a educação deve fornecer para enfrentamento dos problemas ambientais, é importante que toda a população seja educada quanto a esse assunto. Diante disso, este trabalho tem a finalidade de investigar as concepções de munícipes da cidade de Rio Claro, ou seja, seus conhecimentos, ideias e opiniões sobre a arborização urbana, buscando identificar e analisar as opiniões, conhecimentos, crenças e atitudes que possuem frente a esse tema, tentando descobrir seus significados para assim, identificarmos possíveis causas que levam a aceitação ou não da presença de árvores na cidade, assim como detectar aspectos que podem favorecer ou desfavorecer a realização e a manutenção da arborização urbana na cidade. Esse trabalho poderá servir de subsídio para práticas educativas voltadas a esse tema, seja em escolas ou outros espaços educativos