159 resultados para biópsia
Pós-graduação em Ginecologia, Obstetrícia e Mastologia - FMB
O diagnóstico genético pré-implantacional de embriões equinos já é uma realidade nos Estados Unidos e Argentina. Embora o Brasil seja líder mundial de transferência de embriões equinos, essa tecnlogia ainda está em fase de desenvolvimento, com poucos grupos atuando nessa área no país. O objetivo do presente projeto foi desenvolver a metodologia de micromanipulação e identificação do sexo de embriões equinos a campo. Dessa forma, selecionamos sequências específicas para padronização laboratorial dos ensaios de PCR com amostras de DNA da espécie equina. Os primers que apresentaram maior sensibilidade foram selecionados para a realização da PCR em biópsias embrionárias. Além das análises de biologia molecular, foi desenvolvida a técnica de micromanipulação de embriões equinos. Foram realizadas 105 biópsias de embriões pela técnica de microaspiração, permitindo a identificação do sexo pela técnica de WGA (Whole Genome Amplification) e posteriormente PCR seguido de eletroforese. Os embriões sexados foram transferidos para receptoras sincronizadas, permitindo a avaliação da taxa de concepção dos embriões submetidos à biópsia. Além disso, um embrião foi biopsiado, vitrificado e sexado. Após a identificação do sexo (fêmea) o embrião foi desvitrificado e transferido em receptora criteriosamente selecionada, resultando em prenhez
The aim of this study was to evaluate the clinical, tomographic, and histological similarity within the use of HA+β-TCP (Boneceramic) alone or associated with enamel matrix derived (EMD) proteins in sinus lifting procedures with subsequent dental implant placement. We selected two patients with residual bony ridges between 3 mm and 5 mm in height in need of bone grafts. Six months later, eight implants were installed (two implants at each site). Biopsies were made, and the tissue was processed and stained with HE solution. Tomographic evaluation showed bone height gain up to 10.0 mm on average. Histology showed new bone formation for both groups, with similar bone density and trabecular interconnectivity. It can be concluded that the HA+β-TCP graft isolated or associated to EMD provided bone height gain in sinus lifting procedures, with similar clinical, tomographic and histological characteristics.
The aim of this case report is present a case in which the patient had plasma cell gingivitis induced by consumption of pepper. Patient A.M.S., male, 23 years, presented himself at the Clinic of Periodontology, complaining of severe pain, bleeding gums and tooth mobility. Interview was conducted not observing anything relevant. In oral evaluation, we observed in the anterior swollen gums, bleeding, suppuration and great touch, and tooth mobility. Being an aggressive framework in relation to patient age, we performed the following laboratory tests: complete blood count, blood sugar, and coagulation, and biopsy in the anterior inferior, because a diagnosis of lymphoma. At the end of antibiotic therapy, a significant improvement of clinical symptoms, pain relief, less swollen gums and reduce the suppuration and mobility. Laboratory tests showed no change. Fifteen days later, the patient returned with worsening of clinical status. The pathological diagnosis was plasma cell gingivitis and then performed a new history by placing greater emphasis on dietary habits, and the patient reported consumption of pepper in their meals, and relate this to clinical presentation. After elimination of pepper diet the patient showed remission of clinical data.
Abstract Introduction: Indications for induction therapy is not consensual in living donors. Objective: The objective of this study was compare no induction with thymoglobulin and basiliximab induction in the incidence of acute rejection in kidney transplantation with living donor. Methods: We select all cases of renal transplantation with living donor performed in Hospital das Clínicas de Botucatu da UNESP during the period of January 2010 to December 2013. The group was divided by the type of medication used for induction. Results: A total of 90 patients were evaluated. There were no differences in baseline characteristics of age and underlying disease. The rate of biopsy-proven acute rejection was higher in the group without induction (42.9%) compared to basiliximab group (20%) and Thymoglobulin (16.7%), p = 0.04. The rejection by compatibility shows that the identical had the lower rejection rate (10%). The haploidentical group without induction had the highest rejection rates (53.3%). In all distinct group the rejection rates were similar with basiliximab or Thymoglobulin, p = NS. The use of induction therapy was associated independently with a lower risk of rejection (OR = 0.32 CI: 0.11 to 0.93, p = 0.036). There were no differences in renal function at 6 months and patient survival and graft in the three groups. Discussion: The haploidentical patients without induction were those with higher rates of acute rejection. The group of patients induced with Thymoglobulin had a higher immunological risk, however showed low rates of rejection. Conclusion: The use of induction therapy resulted in lower rates of rejection in transplantation with living donor.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Introduction: The odontogenic keratocyst tumor (OKT) derived from dental lamina rests with particularities and specific histological features, with high rates of relapse and aggressive clinical behavior. Presents certain predilection for males, affecting the mandible of 60% to 80% of cases may be related to impacted tooth 25 to 45% of cases. Objective: To highlight the clinical, histopathological and imaging procedures of the OKT, as well as discuss the treatment of this injury. Case Report: To report a case of 10 years of age to look for the orthodontist to correct anterior open bite was observed in panoramic radiography radiolucent area in the region of the body of the mandible associated with pathological inclusion of the lower premolar. It was performed an incisional biopsy of the lesion and the histopathologic diagnosis was odontogenic keratocyst tumor. It was performed a CT scan to assess the extent of the injury and its relation to anatomic structures. How to conduct, we opted for the extraction of the deciduous molar and enucleation of the lesion, preserving the premolar included. The same goes on clinical and radiographic control 18 months, after removal of OKT obtaining the eruption of premolar that was involved in the injury. Final Comments: It is necessary to adopt protocols that include dental care knowledge of oral diagnosis, medical history and careful clinical evaluation without forgetting the need for histopathological confirmation.
The florid cemento-osseous dysplasia is an asymptomatic lesion present in the fibro-osseous maxilla and mandible of uncertain etiology. It has higher expression in females, and patients melanoderm, middle-aged to elderly. This dysplasia is an asymptomatic condition that can be discovered when a radiograph is performed. A biopsy is contraindicated to avoid infection difficult to treat. We report the case of a white woman 52 years old, who searched the Clinic of Surgery and Traumatology Bucco-maxillofacial surgery, Faculty of Dentistry of Araçatuba with pain in the posterior portion of left mandible. After radiographic examination was diagnosed with florid cementoosseous dysplasia. Treatment was instituted clinical and radiographic.
The oral and oropharyngeal cancer is aggressive and, in Brazil, the incidence is considered one of the world’s tallest, the most common of head and neck. It affects males more intensively and 70% of cases are in adults over 50 years of age. It is located usually on the floor of the mouth and tongue. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to report a case of male patient, 78 years of age, leukoderma who sought hospital care. Reported frequent smoking and alcoholism. On physical examination headgear, there was the presence of lymph node fixed, painless 1.5 to 2 cm in diameter in the submandibular region. Physical examination intraoral ulcer was found at about 5 cm at its greatest extent, localized to the left oral floor region of the oropharynx, reddish, hardened edges, surface and bottom corrugated carton. The differential diagnosis suggested was traumatic ulcer, paracoccidioidomycosis and squamous cell carcinoma. The approach employed was obtained by incisional biopsy and the piece sent to histopathological analysis, confirming the case of squamous cell carcinoma. The treatment consisted in clarifying the patient about the disease and the need to search for an oncology center. It is concluded that the oral clinical examination is accurate in all major injuries to mouth, even if the chief complaint does not focus on this. In individuals at high risk examination should be systematic and individuals with suspicious lesions should be referred to specialist consultation.
The peripheral giant cell granuloma (GPCG) is defined as a benign disorder of uncertain etiopathogenesis and proliferative reaction of the fibrous connective tissue or periosteum, which is characterized histologically by the presence of multinucleated giant cells. The purpose of this study is to report a case of GPCG in a 56-year-old white woman presenting a bleeding nodule on palpation, a red color with small whitish ulcerated areas, defined limits, resilient consistency, a pedicled base 2.0 cm in diameter, asymptomatic, involving the permanent lower left third molar, which presented mobility. Radiographically there was significant bone loss in this tooth region, whose initial diagnosis was pyogenic granuloma. The definitive diagnosis was obtained after excisional biopsy the microscopic examination of which identified the presence of multinucleated giant cells. The clinical postoperative follow-up revealed a favorable cicatricial repair of the operated area with no recurrence after 9 months of monitoring.
The program of diagnosis and prevention of oral cancer of Univag - University Center aims to increase preventive and early oral diseases with emphasis on oral cancer, aiming to reduce the morbidity and mortality through educative actions, spreading of the auto-examination, performed by dental students of UNIVAG since the second half of 2005 to the present day. The dental students of 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th semesters were trained using practice-theoretical classes, for realization the exams preventives and diagnostics, such as self-examination, exfoliative cytology and biopsy of oral mucosa, and even present educative actions. Analyzing the preliminary results were observed increase in the number of diagnoses and referral of diagnosed with oral cancer for treatment in referral services. It was concluded that the program of diagnosis and prevention of oral cancer can make possible early diagnosis and adoption of preventive measures, consequently improving survival rates and life quality in population.
The peripheral giant cell granuloma (GPCG) is defined as a benign disorder of uncertain etiopathogenesis, and proliferative reaction of the fibrous connective tissue or the periosteum, which is characterized histologically by the presence of multinucleated giant cells. The purpose of this study is report a case of GPCG in a white women, with 56 years old, presenting nodule bleeding to the touch, red and white with small ulcerated areas, defined limits, resilient consistency, pedicled base with 2.0 cm diameter, asymptomatic, involving the permanent lower left third molar, that it was presented with mobility. Radiographically there was significant bone loss in this tooth region, whose initial diagnosis was pyogenic granuloma. The definitive diagnosis was obtained after excisional biopsy in which microscopic examination it was identified e presence of multinucleated giant cells. The clinical postoperative presented favorable cicatricial repairing of the operated area without recurrence after two years of monitoring.
To determine the profile of the patients who participated in the program of oral cancer diagnosis and prevention in Mato Grosso, from 2008 to 2009. Materials and Methods: The medical records of the treated patients were examined. Results: 1.293 records were analyzed, with a predominance of female patients (60%) and a greater participation of patients from 10 to 19 years of age (20%). Reports of pre-existing illnesses amounted to 302 recorded cases. In addition, 292 variations of normality could be also identified. During the period, 25 participants were recommended for exfoliative cytology and 133 for biopsy, as they presented oral lesions that raised the suspicion of malignancy. Conclusions: Campaigns to raise awareness of and prevent oral cancer are very important and should be extended to the entire population of the state of Mato Grosso, either by means of the local University Center (UNIVAG), or by other agencies and health institutions.
The Squamous Cell Carcinoma is what more happens among the oral cancers, being considered sweats incidence in more than 90%. As important prognostic factor competes the early diagnosis and the immediate institution of the treatment, that it can involve radiotherapy and chemotherapy besides the surgery. The initial lesions don’t offer great diagnostic difficulties and now complemental laboratory exams define the diagnosis quickly, In the present report, the initial medical conduct was inadequate, with incomplete interpretation of the laboratorial result and adoption of inadequate therapeutic conduct, what resulted in constant evolution of the lesion. The patient came to the consultation with that medical history, after six months of the first attendance accomplished in another center. To the physical exam, infiltrative ulcerated lesion was observed in the lower lip, with having accentuated tissue loss superficially. The patient accused spontaneous pain and she did use an ointment, recommended six months ago for occasion of the first attendance. As diagnostic conduct was indicated the accomplishment of cytology and biopsy, being defined the diagnosis of Squamous Cell Carcinoma. The patient was immediately guided to the medical service of its municipal district for manegement of the specialized oncologic treatment. The patient was submitted the surgery followed by radiotherapy, being verified involvement of another structures by contiguity. Now, the patient meets abed, without viable perspectives of cure. The present report emphasizes the importance of the clinical knowledge and professional responsibility in attendance of cases of that nature.
A displasia cemento-óssea é o tipo mais comum dentre as lesões fibro-ósseas, podendo apresentar-se de 3 maneiras: periapical, focal e florida. Paciente parda, de 53 anos, compareceu com queixa de “secreção na gengiva” e histórico de exodontia na região há 8 meses. À inspeção apresentou uma leve tumefação na região vestibular posterior esquerda da mandíbula e uma pequena fístula drenando pus. Realizou-se uma radiografia panorâmica, que revelou uma lesão de radiopacidade mista na região de molares inferiores direitos, medindo 2 cm de diâmetro; outra lesão radiopaca na região de pré-molares esquerdos, de 6mm de diâmetro - ambas bem delimitadas; e outra área radiolúcida com radiopacidade central, com halo radiopaco na região infectada, medindo 1,5 cm de diâmetro. O diagnóstico presuntivo foi de displasia cemento-óssea infectada, cisto periapical infectado associado à displasia e osteomielite. Após antibioticoterapia, realizou-se biópsia e curetagem da área. Microscopicamente apresentou áreas de tecido cemento-ósseo em forma trabecular e no local onde deveria haver tecido fibroso, presença de biofilme bacteriano, conteúdo hemorrágico e restos necróticos. No tecido de granulação removido observou-se intenso infiltrado inflamatório e áreas de calcificação cementóide. As características microscópicas juntamente com os achados clínicos e radiográficos levaram ao diagnóstico de osteomielite aguda supurativa secundária a lesão fibro-óssea, sugestiva de displasia cemento-óssea florida.