478 resultados para animal science


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In Exp. 1, we evaluated the effects of 2 lengths of progesterone exposure [CIDR (controlled intravaginal drug release); 7 vs. 14 d] before a modified CO-Synch protocol [50.0-mu g injection of GnRH 6.5 d before a 25.0-mg injection of PGF(2 alpha) followed by another injection of GnRH and fixed-time AI (TAI) 2 d after PGF(2 alpha)], with or without temporary weaning (TW) before GnRH treatments, on fertility of suckled multiparous Bos indicus cows (n = 283) and on calf performance. Timed AI pregnancy rates for cows receiving 7 d CIDR + TW, 7 d CIDR, 14 d CIDR + TW, and 14 d CIDR were 53, 47, 46, and 41%, respectively (P > 0.10). Calves submitted to two 48-h TW 6 d apart had decreased mean BW at 240 d (187.9 +/- 2.7 vs. 195.5 +/- 2.7 kg; P < 0.05), but BW at 420 d was not affected by TW (240.1 +/- 5.1 kg). In Exp. 2, we evaluated the effect of no treatment and treatment with or without a CIDR insert between GnRH and PGF(2 alpha) treatments of a modified CO-Synch protocol on pregnancy rate to TAI, and throughout a 90-d breeding season in suckled multiparous Bos indicus cows (n = 453). The inclusion of a CIDR between first GnRH and PGF(2 alpha) treatments of a modified CO-Synch protocol did not improve pregnancy rate (29 and 33% for cows receiving CO-Synch + CIDR and CO-Synch protocol, respectively), and cycling cows had poorer TAI pregnancy rates than anestrous cows treated with either synchronization protocol (21.7 vs. 40.7%; P < 0.05). However, regardless of treatment with CIDR, cows submitted to TAI protocol had greater (P < 0.05) pregnancy rates at 30 (54.8 vs. 11.2%), 60 (72.1 vs. 38.8%), and 90 d (82.0 vs. 57.9%) of breeding season than untreated cows.


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Five experiments were conducted on commercial farms in Brazil designed to develop the basis for an estrus synchronization protocol using melengestrol acetate (MGA) in Bos indicus cattle. These studies resulted in the development of the following protocol: 0.5 mg.d(-1) of MGA between d -14 and -1; 2.0 mg i.m. injection of estradiol cypionate on d -9; 48 h temporary weaning between d 0 and 2; and natural service beginning on d 0. The basis of this protocol was to induce estrous cyclicity before postpartum loss of body condition, prevent premature luteolysis, eliminate the need for labor required to detect estrus, and consequently increase the likelihood of pregnancy early during the postpartum period. This treatment effectively induced estrous cyclicity among anestrous cows, synchronized estrus activity, and prevented premature luteolysis with no negative effect on pregnancy.


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Buffalo ovaries were collected from a slaughterhouse (Frigol, Brazil) and transported to the laboratory in saline solution at 36 degrees C. The ovaries were dissected to realize the evaluations (weight, length, width and height of the ovary; corpus luteum and dominant follicle diameters). The Cumulus-oocyte complexes (COCs) were recovered by aspiration of 2-8 mm follicles. Selected COCs were matured in TCM 199 supplemented with 10% fetal bovine serum, sodium pyruvate, LH, FSH, estradiol and gentamicin. In vitro maturation was carried out at 38.5 degrees C for 22-24 h and 34-36 h. For the evaluation of the nuclear maturation the oocytes were placed in TCM 199 medium added with type v hialuronidase where the granulosa cells were extracted. The denuded oocytes were transferred to 10 mu l of Hoescht 33342 and the chromosomic configuration was evaluated. The oocytes were classified according to meiosis stage in: Germinal Vesicle, Germinal Vesicle Breakdown, Metaphase I, Metaphase II and Degenerated. The means of weight, length, width and height of the ovary were 3.83 g, 2.27 cm, 1.08 cm and 1.56 cm, respectively. The means of corpus luteum and dominant follicle diameters were 1.40 cm and 7.77 mm. The proportion of oocytes that reached metaphase II stage was: 36.68%.


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The objective of the present study was to characterize ovogones, primary oocytes and preantral follicles of buffalo fetus in different ages of gestation. For this, 29 fetuses were collected from a slaughterhouse (Frigol, Brazil) and crown-rump lengths were measured to estimate the fetal age (0-3, 4-6, 7-10 months of gestation). The ovaries were removed and ovarian tissue was processed for classic histology and transmission eletron microscopy examination. The structural evaluation demonstrated that in the first period of the gestation (0-3 months) the buffalo fetus showed ovogones (in mitotic division) and in some cases, the primary oocytes surrounded by somatic cells. In the second period (4-6 months), it was verified that the preantral follicles were completely formed. In the last period (70 month to the end of gestation) the ovaries contained a large amount of preantral follicles, and in some fetuses, antral follicles were observed. The ultrastructural analysis of the ovogones, primary oocytes and preantral follicles showed that these cells have few organelles and the quantity of mitochondria, endoplasmatic reticulum and apparatus Golgi complex is increased as the germinative cells passing from one stage to another.


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The objectives of the present study were to estimate the population of the normal and degenerated preantral follicles of buffaloes in different reproductive phases and to classify the different types of degeneration of ovarian preantral follicles. For this, 18 ovaries were divided in three groups: prepubertal, non pregnat and pregnant adult females. The ovaries were collected from a slaughterhouse (Frigol - Brazil) and processed for classic histological examination. The follicular population was estimated according to Cahill et al. (1979) and calculated according to Gougeon & Chainy (1987). Young buffaloes, pregnant and non pregnat adults presented an average number of 15.5, 3.7 and 8.9 preantral follicles with normal morphology and type I (the degeneration was observed just in oocyte) and II (oocyte and granulosa cells were degenerated) degeneration, respectively. This experiment demonstrated that the proportions of primordial, primary and secondary follicles were affected by reproductive phase. A significant difference was observed considering the proportions of preantral follicles with normal morphology and Type I degeneration in all reproductive phases evaluated. The primary follicles presented more percentage of Type I degeneration that the others follicles and the primordial and primary follicles presented more percentage of Type II degeneration in three reproductive phases evaluated.


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The objective of the present study was quantifying the spermatic production per gram and daily rate of the testicular parenchyma. Testis of 12 crossbred Murrah buffaloes aged 24 to 48 months created under extensive conditions in the State of São Paulo/Brazil were analyzed. Animals were divided into groups based on the testicular shape (long and long-moderate) and testicular sides (right and left) and the studied parameters were: length and testicular width, weight and volume of the albuginea and mediastinum and net weight of the testicular parenchyma, gonadic sperm reserves, spermatic production/g of testicular parenchyma, daily spermatic production/g, total daily spermatic production, resulting into the values: 8.16 +/- 0.87 and 4.29 +/- 0.50 cm; 9.09 +/- 1.91 g and 8.77 +/- 1.88 mL; 0.97 +/- 0.39 g and 0.90 +/- 0.38 mL; 112.91 +/- 18.85 g; 14.32 x 10(9) +/- 0.15; 13.42 x 10(6) +/- 0.17; 27.40 x 10(6) +/- 0.35 and 2.92 x 10(9) +/- 0.30, registering no difference between right and left testis in relation to the parameters (P>0.05). There was no relation between testicular biometry and spermatic production (P>0.05). According to the obtained values, all animals were considered sexually mature and presented an efficient spermatic production per gram of testicular parenchyma and total daily production.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar a taxa de maturação nuclear in vitro de oócitos provenientes de gatas doméstica púbere e pré-púbere. Foram utilizadas 15 fêmeas felinas, 10 púberes e 5 pré-púberes; sendo os oócitos obtidos por aspiração quantificados e classificados. Os oócitos classificados como excelentes e regulares foram reunidos em grupos de 10, em meio de cultura, recobertos em óleo mineral em Placas de Petri siliconizadas e descartáveis. Após permanência em estufa, a 38°C e 5% de CO2 por 48 horas, os oócitos foram submetidos a duas lavagens com solução de hialuronidase a 0,4%, fixados em metanol/acido acético e corados com orceína acética. A avaliação da configuração cromossômica de oócitos maturados in vitro resultou em 44,68% das células em metáfase II no grupo das fêmeas púberes e 25,32% no grupo das doadoras pré-púberes, indicando que a puberdade influencia a capacidade dos oócitos se desenvolverem in vitro.


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Relata-se neste artigo o caso de tétano em um gato macho de 3 anos 8 dias após a realização de orquiectomia bilateral, onde o histórico do animal associado aos achados clínicos e laboratoriais propiciaram a definição do diagnóstico. Mesmo após tratamento, o quadro evoluiu para tetania generalizada e óbito. Neste caso, a ação da neurotoxina na musculatura estriada esquelética do esfíncter uretral foi um fator agravante para a doença, levando à retenção vesical e azotemia pós-renal.


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Com o objetivo de identificar a microbiota existente no leite de éguas normais ou portadoras de mastite subclínica, coletaram-se amostras (10 a 15 ml) de leite de 38 animais, que foram examinadas pelo teste de Whiteside, após a homogeneização das amostras dos dois tetos de cada animal. Os resultados foram negativos. Os exames microbiológicos realizados em meios de ágar sangue bovino 10% e ágar MacConkey revelaram presença de bactérias do gênero Staphylococcus spp. e Streptococcus spp. A contagem de células somáticas de amostras individuais de cada teto revelou números superiores a 500.000 células/ml de leite em somente 9,3% das 73 amostras de leite examinadas. Os resultados sugerem a realização de novos estudos objetivando-se a padronização do número de células somáticas no leite de éguas.


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Em 12 fêmeas e 12 machos da raça Puro Sangue Inglês com idade média de 12 meses, avaliou-se os valores normais da densidade mineral óssea do carpo acessório em milímetros de alumínio (mmAl) até o momento do fechamento completo da epífise distal do rádio, por meio do método de densitometria óptica em imagens radiográficas. A avaliação foi realizada por meio de um programa computacional (software) especialmente desenvolvido para medida de densidade óptica em filmes de raios-X, o qual contém a imagem radiográfica do osso carpo acessório, região de partes moles adjacente ao carpo acessório e os degraus de uma escala de alumínio (phatom), que permitiu a medida de densidade mineral óssea, sendo esta a média aritmética da região de interesse determinada no osso carpo acessório correspondente ao valor em milímetros da escala. Os valores da densidade mineral óssea em mmAl do acessório do carpo em função da idade não apresentaram diferenças entre os sexos (p=0,86) permitindo que uma equação de reta fosse ajustada para ambos os sexos (densidade mineral óssea (DMO) mmAl = 3.109 + 0,056 x idade em meses), na faixa etária estudada.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Considerando a importância do sêmen na transmissão da leptospira bovina, foi realizado o presente estudo que teve como objetivo aplicar a reação em cadeia pela polimerase (PCR) para a detecção de leptospiras em sêmen bovino experimentalmente contaminado. A reação de PCR foi capaz de amplificar um fragmento de DNA específico de 330 pares de bases a partir de cultivos puros de 26 sorovares de Leptospira spp. A contaminação experimental de sêmen com Leptospira interrogans serovar hardjo revelou que a técnica de PCR conseguiu detectar 10 bactérias/ml, concentração sensivelmente mais baixa que as 1.000 bactérias/ml detectadas através do cultivo microbiológico. Os resultados observados revelam o grande potencial da reação de PCR para a detecção de Leptospira spp. em sêmen bovino, notadamente em centrais de inseminação artificial.