169 resultados para VIRULENCE


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Pathogenic variation in Colletotrichum gloeosporioides infecting species of the tropical pasture legume Stylosanthes at its center of diversity was determined from 296 isolates collected from wild host population and selected germ plasm of S. capitata, S. guianensis, S. scabra, and S. macrocephala in Brazil. A putative host differential set comprising 11 accessions was selected from a bioassay of 18 isolates on 19 host accessions using principal component analysis. A similar analysis of anthracnose severity data for a subset of 195 isolates on the 11 differentials indicated that an adequate summary of pathogenic variation could be obtained using only five of these differentials. of the five differentials, S. seabrana 'Primar' was resistant and S. scabra 'Fitzroy' was susceptible to most isolates. A cluster analysis was used to determine eight natural race clusters using the 195 isolates. Linear discriminant functions were developed for eight race clusters using the 195 isolates as the training data set, and these were applied to classify a test data set of the remaining 101 isolates. All except 11 isolates of the test data set were classified into one of the eight race clusters. Over 10% of the 296 isolates were weakly pathogenic to all five differentials and another 40% were virulent on just one differential. The unclassified isolates represent six new races with unique virulence combinations, of which one isolate is virulent on all five differentials. The majority of isolates came from six field sites, and Shannon's index of diversity indicated considerable variation between sites. Pathogenic diversity was extensive at three sites where selected germ plasm were under evaluation, and complex race clusters and unclassified isolates representing new races were more prevalent at these sites compared with sites containing wild Stylosanthes populations.


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Extracellular matrix protein laminin binds specifically to yeast forms of Paracoccidioides brasiliensis and enhances adhesion of the fungus to the surface of epithelial Madin-Darby canine kidney cells in vitro. Immunoblotting of fungal extracts showed that the gp43 glycoprotein is responsible for adhesion. This was confirmed by binding assays using purified gp43, with a K-d of 3.7 nM. The coating of P. brasiliensis yeast forms with laminin before injection into hamster testicles enhanced the fungus virulence, resulting in a faster and more severe granulomatous disease. These results indicate that interaction of fungi with extracellular matrix elements may constitute a basis for the evolution of fungal infection toward regional spreading and dissemination.


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The pathogenicity and immunogenicity of six recently isolated Paracoccidioides brasiliensis samples derived from patients presenting distinct and well defined clinical forms of paracoccidioidomycosis (PCM) were compared as to their virulence, tropism to different organs and ability to induce specific cellular and humoral immune response in susceptible (B10.A) inbred mice. Isolates Pb44 and Pb47 were obtained from acute cases, Pb50 from a chronic severe form, Pb45 from a chronic moderate case and both Pb56 and Pb57 from chronic mild forms of PCM. Pathogenicity and tropism of each fungal sample were evaluated by LD50% estimation, examination of gross lesions on various organs at 2, 4, 12 and 16 weeks post-infection, and by colony-forming unit (CFU) counts in the lungs at week 16 post-infection of mice. Fungal tropism in human PCM and in B10.A mice was always dissociated. A well defined relationship between virulence of the fungal sample and the clinical findings of the correspondent patient was not evident, although a tendency to higher LD50% and less intense paracoccidioidic lesions was observed in mice infected with Pb56 and Pb57. The specific DTH response patterns varied according to the infectant sample, but positive DTH reactions at the beginning of the infection and a tendency to anergy or low DTH responses at week 12 and/or week 16 post-infection were always observed. A correspondence between the DTH response in humans and in mice was noticeable only when the isolates from the most benign cases (Pb56 and Pb57) were considered. The specific antibody patterns in mice and in the correspondent patients were also not analogous. Collectively, these results indicate that an association between the fungal pathogenicity and immunogenicity in the human disease and in susceptible mice was discernible only when isolates obtained from very mild cases (Pb56 and Pb57) were considered.


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This review provides an overview of several molecular and cellular approaches that are likely to supply insights into the host-fungus interaction. Fungi present intra- and/or extracellular host-parasite interfaces, the parasitism phenomenon being dependent on complementary surface molecules. The entry of the pathogen into the host cell is initiated by the fungus adhering to the cell surface, which generates an uptake signal that may induce its cytoplasmatic internalization. Furthermore, microbial pathogens use a variety of their surface molecules to bind to host extracellular matrix (ECM) components to establish an effective infection. on the other hand, integrins mediate the tight adhesion of cells to the ECM at sites referred to as focal adhesions and also play a role in cell signaling. The phosphorylation process is an important mechanism of cell signaling and regulation; it has been implicated recently in defense strategies against a variety of pathogens that alter host-signaling pathways in order to facilitate their invasion and survival within host cells. The study of signal transduction pathways in virulent fungi is especially important in view of their putative role in the regulation of pathogenicity. This review discusses fungal adherence, changes in cytoskeletal organization and signal transduction in relation to host-fungus interaction. (c) 2005 Federation of European Microbiological Societies. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Strains (105) of Yersinia pseudotuberculosis isolated in Brazil between 1982 and 1990 mere bio-serotyped. They were also studied for plasmid profile, autoagglutination and calcium dependence at 37 degrees C, Congo red uptake, pyrazinamidase activity, esculin hydrolysis, salicin fermentation and drug sensitivity: 95.24% were biotype 2, serogroup O:3; 2.86% were biotype 1, serogroup O:1; and 1.90% were biotype 2, non-agglutinable. Plasmids were found in 77.14% of the strains (one in each strain). There was total correlation between the presence of the virulence plasmid and autoagglutination, calcium dependence at 37 degrees C and Congo red uptake. The esculin, salicin and pyrazinamidase tests were not efficient in differentiating pathogenic from non-pathogenic Y, pseudotuberculosis isolates. All strains were highly sensitive to the drugs used. These results indicate that Y. pseudotuberculosis is a potential pathogen for humans in Brazil, especially because the bio-serogroups detected among animals are those most frequently associated with human diseases.


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Paracoccidioides brasiliensis is an important fungal pathogen. The disease it causes, paracoccidioidomycosis (PCM), ranges from localized pulmonary infection to systemic processes that endanger the life of the patient. Paracoccidioides brasiliensis adhesion to host tissues contributes to its virulence, but we know relatively little about molecules and the molecular mechanisms governing fungal adhesion to mammalian cells. Triosephosphate isomerase (TPI: EC of P. brasiliensis (PbTPI) is a fungal antigen characterized by microsequencing of peptides. The protein, which is predominantly expressed in the yeast parasitic phase, localizes at the cell wall and in the cytoplasmic compartment. TPI and the respective polyclonal antibody produced against this protein inhibited the interaction of P. brasiliensis to in vitro cultured epithelial cells. TPI binds preferentially to laminin, as determined by peptide inhibition assays. Collectively, these results suggest that TPI is required for interactions between P. brasiliensis and extracellular matrix molecules such as laminin and that this interaction may play an important role in the fungal adherence and invasion of host cells.


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Intracellular and extracellular catalases of different species of Candida were investigated using different culture media. All the Candida strains produced intracellular catalase, whose enzymatic activity was detected by non-denaturating polyacrylamide gradient (4-30%) gel electrophoresis. The cell extracts presented a major 230 kDa catalase band and in some strains variants of catalase with different molecular weights were detected. Candida catalase activity was not affected by heating at 50degreesC and incubation with beta-mercaptoethanol, but treatment with sodium dodecyl sulphate inhibited or reduced enzymatic activity. Extracellular enzyme activity was not detected in any of the culture filtrate extracts tested.


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Human monocytes lacked fungicidal activity against high virulence strain of Paracoccidioides brasiliensis, even after IFN-gamma activation. However, monocytes treated with indomethacin exhibited an effective killing against this fungus, suggesting a role of prostaglandin E-2 (PGE(2)) in the inhibition process. Thus, the purpose of this work was to determine whether the effect of PGE2 in fungicidal activity was related with decrease on H2O2 release, the metabolite involved in P. brasiliensis killing, and changes in the levels of TNF-alpha, IL-6 and IL-10. Human monocytes challenged with the fungus produced high PGE(2) levels, which in turn inhibited the fungicidal activity of these cells by reducing H2O2 and TNF-alpha production. (C) 2007 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.


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A peptide-polysaccharide, a peptide-rhamnomannan, was isolated from the pathogenic yeast form of the fungus Sporothrix schenckii. This substance, which may play a role in fungal virulence, was tested in an animal model of systemic disease, and depression of the immune response was observed in the animals between the 4th and 6th week of infection. Concomitantly, this compound showed mitogenic activity when challenged with normal lymphocytes and was also found to be involved in the inflammatory response. These results provide further information for the understanding of fungal implantation in tissues and of the pathogenicity of this systemic mycosis.


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Filamentous haemagglutinin adhesin (FHA) is an important virulence factor from Bordetella pertussis related to the adhesion and spread of the bacteria through the respiratory tract. Three distinct domains have been characterized in mature FHA, and among them, the FHA(442-863) fragment was suggested to be responsible for the heparin-binding activity. In this study, we cloned the gene encoding the HEP fragment (FHA(430-873)) in a Lactobacillus casei-inducible expression vector based on the lactose operon. The recombinant bacteria, transformed with the resulting construct (L. casei-HEP), were able to express the heterologous protein depending on the sugar added to the culture. Subcutaneous inoculation of L. casei-HEP in Balb/C mice, using the cholera toxin B subunit as adjuvant, induced systemic anti-HEP antibodies that were able to inhibit in vitro erythrocyte haemagglutination induced by FHA. This is the first example of a B. pertussis antigen produced in lactic acid bacteria and opens new perspectives for alternative vaccine strategies against whooping cough.


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Objective. - In this study strains of yeasts isolated from the blood of human patients were analyzed taxonomically, their virulence factors were determined and compared, and phenotypic markers were used to compare the samples with respect to phenotypic differences across the range of patients as well as between samples isotated from the same patient.Methods. - the study involved a total of 75 strains of yeast isolated from the blood of in-patients of the Public Hospital, Botucatu, S (a) over tildeo Paulo, Brazil, with a clinical profile of fungemia. The hospital wards with the largest number of fungemias were neonatal intensive care units (ICUs) (32%) followed by gastric surgery (13.4%) and pediatric wards (10.7%). After identification, the samples were analyzed for the production of phospholipase and proteinase enzymes, and biotyped according to their susceptibility to killer toxins.Results. - the most frequent species found was Candida albicans (38.7%) followed by C. parapsilosis (30.7%). In terms of enzyme production, 98.7% of the 75 samples of yeast presented a strongly positive activity for proteinase; however, 78.7% did not present any phospholipasic activity. Six different biotypes were identified, the most frequent being 511 and 888.Conclusion. In association with phenotypic methods, genetic analyses should also be made of the samples under study to help in the rational development of a wider range of preventive measures and better control of hospital-contracted infections. (c) 2005 Published by Elsevier SAS.


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Peripheral blood monocytes obtained from paracoccidioidomycosis patients and healthy individuals were preactivated with recombinant gamma interferon (IFN-gamma) in different concentrations (250, 500 and 1000 U/ml) and evaluated for fungicidal activity against Paracoccidiodes brasiliensis strain 18 (Pb 18, high-virulence strain) and strain 265 (Pb 265, low-virulence strain) by plating of cocultures and counting of colony-forming units, after 10 d. Monocytes from healthy individuals failed to present fungicidal activity against P. brasiliensis even after IFN-gamma activation at the three concentrations. However, patient, monocytes activated with IFN-gamma (1 000 U/ml) showed a significant fungicidal activity when compared to that obtained with non-activated or activated cells with other IFN-gamma concentrations (250 and 500 U/ml). Moreover,,patient monocytes presented higher fungicidal activity than the control, even before the activation process. These results may be explained by the activation state of patients' cells as a function of the in vivo contact with the fungus, which was confirmed by their higher capacity to release H2O2 in vitro. Unlike the results obtained with Ph 18, patient and control cells presented a significant fungicidal activity against Pb 265, after priming with IFN-gamma. These results are explained by the higher levels of TNF-alpha in supernatants of cultures challenged with Pb 265. Moreover, higher levels of the cytokine were obtained in patient cell supernatants. Taken together, our results suggest that for effective killing of P. brasiliensis by monocytes, an initial activation signal induced by IFN-gamma is necessary to stimulate the cells to produce TNF-alpha. This cytokine may be involved, through an autocrine pathway, in the final phase activation process. The effectiveness of this process seems to depend on the virulence of the fungal strain and the activation state of the challenged cells. (C) 2003 Editions scientifiques et medicales Elsevier SAS. All fights reserved.


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The specific delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) response was evaluated in resistant (A/SN) and susceptible (B10.A) mice intraperitoneally infected with yeasts from a virulent (Pb18) or from a non-virulent (Pb265) Paracoccidioides brasiliensis isolates. Both strains of mice were footpad challenged with homologous antigens. Pb18 infected A/SN mice developed an evident and persistent DTH response late in the course of the disease (90th day on) whereas B10.A animals mounted a discrete and ephemeral DTH response at the 14th day post-infection. A/SN mice infected with Pb265 developed cellular immune responses whereas B10.A mice were almost always anergic. Histological analysis of the footpads of infected mice at 48 hours after challenge showed a mixed infiltrate consisting of predominantly mononuclear cells. Previous infection of resistant and susceptible mice with Pb18 did not alter their DTH responses against heterologous unrelated antigens (sheep red blood cells and dinitrofluorobenzene) indicating that the observed cellular anergy was antigen-specific. When fungal related antigens (candidin and histoplasmin) were tested in resistant mice, absence of cross-reactivity was noted. Thus, specific DTH responses against P. brasiliensis depend on both the host's genetically determined resistance and the virulence of the fungal isolate.


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Renata G. Vieira R.G. & Acqua Coutinho S.D. 2009. Phenotypical characterization of Candida spp. isolated from crop of parrots (Amazona spp.). Pesquisa Veterinaria Brasileira 29(6):452-456. Curso de Pos-Graduagdo em Imunopatologia Veterinaria, Universidade Paulista, Rua Agariba 48, São Paulo, SP 05053010, Brazil. E-mail: selene@uol.com.brThe purpose of this study was to characterize Candida isolates from crop of parrots. Forty baby parrots of genus Amazona, species aestiva and amazonica that were apprehended from wild animal traffic were used: 18 presented ingluvitis and 22 other alterations, but showing general debilitation. Samples were seeded on Sabouraud dextrose agar with chloramphenicol after be obtained by the introduction of urethral probe through the esophagus. Based on morphology and biochemical reactions (API 20C) Candida was confirmed; it was still searched the production of proteinase and phospholipase, virulence factors for Candida species. Candida spp. were isolated from 57.5% parrots, being 72.2% from birds with ingluvitis and 45.5% from without ones. Twenty-five strains of Candida were isolated, 60% and 40%, respectively from parrots with and without ingluvitis, and were speciated: 28% C. humicola, 24% C. parapsilosis, 20% C. guilliermondii, 20% C. famata, and 8% C. albicans. These results demonstrate that C. albicans is not the most frequent species isolated, and it is the first report that shows C. guilliermondii, C. famata, and C. humicola causing infection in parrots. Many isolates presented filamentation (76%), 100% produced proteinase and 68% phospholipase. The observation of Candida spp. producing virulence factors reinforce the pathogenic role of these yeasts in the cases studied.


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Leprosy is a chronic infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium leprae, a low virulence mycobacterium, and the outcome of disease is dependent on the host genetics for either susceptibility per se or severity. The IFNG gene codes for interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma), a cytokine that plays a key role in host defense against intracellular pathogens. Indeed, single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in IFNG have been evaluated in several genetic epidemiological studies, and the SNP +874T > A, the +874T allele, more specifically, has been associated with protection against infectious diseases, especially tuberculosis. Here, we evaluated the association of the IFNG locus with leprosy enrolling 2,125 Brazilian subjects. First, we conducted a case-control study with subjects recruited from the state of So Paulo, using the +874 T > A (rs2430561), +2109 A > G (rs1861494) and rs2069727 SNPs. Then, a second study including 1,370 individuals from Rio de Janeiro was conducted. Results of the case-control studies have shown a protective effect for +874T carriers (OR(adjusted) = 0.75; p = 0.005 for both studies combined), which was corroborated when these studies were compared with literature data. No association was found between the SNP +874T > A and the quantitative Mitsuda response. Nevertheless, the spontaneous IFN-gamma release by peripheral blood mononuclear cells was higher among +874T carriers. The results shown here along with a previously reported meta-analysis of tuberculosis studies indicate that the SNP +874T > A plays a role in resistance to mycobacterial diseases.