174 resultados para Tumores benignos da mama


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Pós-graduação em Ginecologia, Obstetrícia e Mastologia - FMB


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PURPOSE: To analyze the time between the first symptom and treatment in patients treated for breast cancer in public hospitals in the Federal District. METHODS: This was a cross-sectional analysis. We interviewed 250 women diagnosed with breast cancer treated in six hospitals of the State Department of Health of the Federal District from November 2009 to January 2011. The time intervals studied were the time between the detection of the symptoms and treatment subdivided into intervals until and after the first medical appointment. The variables were: age, menopausal status, color, educational level, average monthly household income, origin, reason for the initial consultation, staging, tumor size, laterality, metastasis to axillary lymph nodes, neoadjuvant chemotherapy, and type of surgery. The Mann-Whtney test was used to assess the association of these variables with the time intervals until treatment. RESULTS: The mean age was 52 years, with a predominance of white women (57.6%), from the Federal District (62.4%), with a family income of up to 2 minimum wages (78%), and up to four years of schooling (52.4%). The staging of the disease ranged from II to IV in 78.8% of the women. The time between the first symptom and treatment was 229 days (median). After detection of the first symptom, 52.9% of the women attended a consultation within 30 days and 88.8% took more than 90 days to start treatment. Women with elementary school education had a greater delay to the start of treatment (p=0.049). CONCLUSIONS: There was a significant delay to start treatment of women with breast cancer in public hospitals of the Federal District, suggesting that efforts should be made to reduce the time needed to schedule medical appointments and to diagnose and treat these patients.


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OBJETIVO: Avaliar a viabilidade e acurácia diagnóstica da ultrassonografia pré-operatória combinada com biopsia por agulha fina (US-PAAF) e do exame clínico da axila em pacientes com câncer de mama.MÉTODOS: Neste estudo prospectivo 171 axilas de pacientes com câncer de mama foram avaliadas pelo exame clínico e ultrassonografia (US) com e sem biopsia por agulha fina (PAAF). Os linfonodos com espessura cortical maior que 2,3 mm na ultrassonografia foram considerados suspeitos e submetidos a US-PAAF.RESULTADOS: A análise de regressão logística não mostrou correlação estatisticamente significativa entre exame clínico e axilas positivas no exame patológico. Em relação à avaliação axilar com US, o risco de achados anatomopatológicos positivos aumentou 12,6 vezes, valor Kappa de Cohen foi de 0,12 para exame clínico, 0,48 para US e 0,80 para US-PAAF. A acurácia foi de 61,4% para o exame clínico, 73,1% para os US e 90,1% para US-PAAF. Análise Receiver Operating Chracteristics (ROC) mostrou que uma espessura de 2,75 mm cortical correspondeu à mais elevada sensibilidade e especificidade na predição metástase axilar (82,7 e 82,2%, respectivamente).CONCLUSÕES: A US combinada com aspiração por agulha fina é mais precisa que o exame clínico na avaliação do status axilar no pré-operatório em mulheres com câncer de mama. Aquelas que são US-PAAF positivo podem ser direcionadas para esvaziamento linfonodal axilar imediatamente, e somente aqueles que são US-PAAF negativos devem ser considerados para biópsia de linfonodo sentinela.


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Cancer stem cells belong to a small population of cells within the tumor with properties of self-renewal and differentiation into other cell types. In this study, the behavior of both portions, mesenchymal and epithelial, was evaluated. Six carcinosarcomas (CSs), 11 carcinomas within mixed tumors (CWMTs) grade I, 11 grade II, and 10 grade III were evaluated. In the epithelial portions of the CS and CWMTs was observed immunostaining for antibodies CD44, CD24, Oct-4 and ALDH-1. In the mesenchymal portions of the CS, in the epithelial portions of CMTs grades II and III no immunostaining for ALDH-1 was found. It was concluded that the tumor stem cells are expressed in equal proportions in the epithelial and mesenchymal portions of the CS. No immunostaining in the mesenchymal portions of well-differentiated CWMTs was seen.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Pós-graduação em Medicina Veterinária - FMVZ


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Breast cancer has received an increasing attention because it is one of the most common cancer type and a leading cause of morbity and mortality among women worldwide. This disease has been considered as a heterogeneous condition, demonstrating a large spectrum of clinical and histopathological variability. In the last two decades, several studies have been conducted to identify new molecular markers of cancer cells, including the alterations of DNA methylation, which is the major epigenetic mechanism associated with the control of gene expression. The hypermethylation of promoter-associated CpG islands contributes to the loss of function of several cancer-related genes, including those encoding to the estrogen receptor (ESR) and progesterone receptor (PGR). This study aimed to determine the methylation patterns of CpG islands of the genes encoding the estrogen receptor α (ESR1 gene, promoters A and B), estrogen receptor β (ESR2 gene) and progesterone receptor (PGR gene, promoter A and B) in 15 cell lines derived from breast cancer. The DNA methylation analysis was based on the “Methylation Specific-Polymerase Chain Reaction” (MSP), which provides a qualitative assessment of the methylation status of a specific CpG island. The results revealed heterogeneous data: the promoter region of ESR1A showed complete methylation in one cell line (BT549) and only two cell lines showed partial methylation (MDA-MB-231 and MDA-MB-453), while the others lineages presented unmethylated alleles. The promoter region of isoform ESR1B was unmethylated in the cell lines BT549, SKBR3 and T47D; partial methylation were observed in the cell lines MDA-MB- 231, MCF-7 and ZR-75-30, while the others cell lines presented complete methylation. All lineages showed complete or partial methylation of the ESR2 gene. The methylation pattern of the promoter A of the PGR ...(Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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O termo “câncer” corresponde ao conjunto de cerca de 100 doenças que têm em comum o crescimento desordenado de células que invadem os tecidos e órgãos, podendo metastatisar para outras regiões do corpo. Os tumores de mama e colo do útero são os mais frequentes no sexo feminino. Neste estudo, avaliou-se o efeito tóxico de injeções intratumorais de abrina e pulchelina com ou sem β-D-galactose sobre o desenvolvimento do tumor mamário murino, verificando sua influência sobre o sistema imune. Proteínas inativadoras de ribossomos (RIPs) abrina, obtida de sementes de Abrus precatorius, e pulchelina, de sementes maduras de Abrus pulchellus subsp. tenuiflorus, foram utilizadas e como droga controle foi usada a Doxorrubicina. As RIPs foram administradas em camundongos fêmeas Balb/c. A partir dos tumores retirados dos animais em estudo, verificou-se o percentual de inibição do crescimento tumoral, medindo-se o tamanho e os pesos dos tumore. A partir de culturas de macrófagos obtidos dos animais de estudo, avaliou-se a produção de NO, TNF-α e IL-12 pelas RIPs na presença ou ausência de β-D-galactose. A IL-10 foi quantificada a partir de linfócitos esplênicos. A viabilidade celular foi verificada quando as células foram sujeitas às ações das RIPs. Com base nos resultados obtidos, observou-se que as RIPs não apresentaram potencial antitumoral, pois não houve redução do tamanho do tumor em relação ao controle, exceto pela abrina (p<0,05). Contudo, verificou-se que houve um possível efeito inibitório da toxicidade de abrina e pulchelina pela galactose sobre as células tumorais. As substâncias testadas (abrina, pulchelina e doxorrubicina) nas concentrações utilizadas nos testes de citotoxicidade ...


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Mammary cancer is a multifactorial disease that is believed to be caused by genetic and environmental factors. Among the environmental factors, pyrethroids appear to be able to participate in carcinogenesis through several mechanisms, and have been shown to be associated to mammary tumors in canines. In order to investigate the possible rule of pyrethroid on DNA lesion in mammary tissue we compare the comet assay results between mammary tumor bearing dogs with and without pyrethroid associated to the peri mammary adipose tissue or the tumor itself. The pyrethroids presence was assessed by High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) and the DNA damage was assessed by the comet assay as previously described. Despite of correlation between DNA damage and tumor histologic aggressiveness, association between the severity of DNA damage and different types of mammary carcinoma was not found. Although pyrethroids were present in 22% of tumors and peritumoral adipose tissue, no difference in the degree DNA damage between the exposed and non exposed cells to pyrethroids were found. As future perspectives for this work, our group will evaluate the relationship of pyrethroids presence in tumors with its angiogenic potential. Angiogenesis evaluation will be based on presence of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) in the tumor cells, and microvessel counts


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Diuron (3-(3,4-Dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea) is a substituted urea herbicide widely used on agricultural crops such as soy, cotton and sugar cane. In a previous long-term study this herbicide exerted carcinogenic activity on the urinary bladder and renal pelvis mucosa of Wistar rats and breast of mice. Also, it was shown to be carcinogenic to the mice skin in a initiation-promotion assay. In 1997, the northamerican EPA evaluated Diuron as a “known/likely” carcinogen for humans (USEPA, 2004). In a previous study developed at this laboratory, male Wistar rats treated with Diuron 2500 ppm during 20 weeks presented increased indices of cell proliferation and incidences of simple urothelial hyperplasia (HS) in the urinary bladder. Under scanning electron microscopy (SEM) severe urothelial necrosis and hyperplasia were observed. However, in that study the urinary bladders of animals exposed to lower doses of Diuron were not examined under SEM. Therefore, the possible dose-response influence of Diuron on the urothelium under SEM is not known. The present study aimed to analyze under SEM the urinary bladder of male Wistar rats exposed to 125 ppm, 500 ppm and 2500 ppm doses of Diuron through diet during 20 weeks and to compare to the previous histological findings in the same material. Under SEM, 125 ppm and 2500 ppm groups presented significantly (p<0,05) increased incidences of simple hyperplasia, i.e., 7/10 and 8/10 respectively, compared to control group and the 500 ppm group The sensitivity of SEM was higher since it detected a 45% incidence of hyperplasiaswhile the histological analysis found only 27%. Considering SEM as the gold-standard, histology showed a 44% sensitivity, 86.4% specificity, a positive predictive value of 72,7% and negative predictive value of 65,5% and accuracy of 67,5%. Scanning Electron Microscopy...(Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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Cancer biology is a complex and expanding field of science study. Due its complexity, there is a strong motivation to integrate many fields of knowledge to study cancer biology, and biological stoichiometry can make this. Biological stoichiometry is the study of the balance of multiple chemical elements in biological systems. A key idea in biological stoichiometry is the growth rate hypothesis, which states that variation in the carbon:nitrogen:phosphorus stoichiometry of living things is associated with growth rate because of the elevated demands for phosphorusrich ribosomal RNA and other elements necessary to protein synthesis. As tumor cells has high rate proliferation, the growth rate hypothesis can be used in cancer study. In this work the dynamic of two tumors (primary and secondary) and the chemical elements carbon and nitrogen are simulate and analyzed through mathematical models that utilize as central idea biological stoichiometry. Differential equations from mathematical model are solved by numerical method Runge-Kutta fourth order


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Diuron (3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea) is a substituted urea herbicide widely used in crops of sugar cane, cotton and soybeans. In 1997, this agent has been classified by the United States Environmental Protection Agency as known/likely human carcinogen because it induced tumors in the urinary bladder and renal pelvis of rats, and breast and skin of mice exposed to 2500 ppm for feed for two years. A previous study from our group demonstrated dose-response relationship in the gene expression profile associated with severe necrosis on bladder urothelium and increased incidence of simple hyperplasia in male Wistar rats treated with different concentrations of diuron for 20 weeks. To check how early the molecular changes occurs, rats were fed for 7 days with diets containing diuron at 0, 125, 500 or 2500 ppm. The main observations recorded were urothelium ultrastructural alterations and disruptions of molecular pathways associated with cell-cell interaction and the tissue organization maintenance. Particularly, the gene Glypican 3 (Gpc3), a surface proteoglycan related to cellular adhesion and apoptosis induction, was down regulated on urothelium exposed to 2500ppm diuron for 7 days and 20 weeks. The aim of this study was validate by quantitative RT-PCR real time, the reduced Gpc3 gene expression in epithelial cells of the urinary bladder of male Wistar rats treated with different concentrations of diuron for 7 days and 20 weeks. The endogenous control of the quantitative PCR real time technique was the β-actin gene and the target was the gene Gpc3. The relative quantification (RQ) was obtained by the method of relative quantification 2-ΔΔCt . Animals exposed to diuron for 7 days or for 20 weeks presented reduction of Gpc3 gene expression compared to the control group. This reduction was statistically significant only for the 7 days study. Moreover, by comparing animals exposed for 7 days with the exposed for 20 weeks, it was ...