151 resultados para Sistema aquífero da Bacia do Tejo
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Watersheds are considered important study units when it comes to environmental planning, with regard to the optimal use of water resources. Water scarcity is predicted and feared by many societies, and proves to be an increasingly tangible problem nowadays. Still from the perspective of extreme events, this dissertation considers the study of flood waves in the sub-basin of the stream Claro, which belongs to the Corumbataí watershed. - SP, since thay can also have devastating effects for the population, A Decision Support System for Flood Routing Analysis in Complex Basins, ABC 6 software was applied in order to obtain hydrographs and peak flows in the sub-basin of the stream Claro, for return periods of 10 and 100 years, aiming to comprise events of different magnitudes. The model Soil Conservation Service (SCS) and the triangular SCS hydrograph were adopted for the simulations. Simultaneously, the Kokei Uehara method was applied for the obtainment of peak flow values under the same conditions, seeking to compare results. Data collection was performed using geoprocessing tools. For data entry in ABC 6, the fragmentation of sub-basin of the stream Claro was necessary, which generated 7 small watersheds, in order to fulfill a software demand, as the maximum drainage area it accepts is 50km² for each watershed analyzed. For RT = 10 and 100 years, respectively, the results of peak flow with use of ABC 6 were 46.10 and 95.45 m³/s, while for Kokei Uehara method, the results were 47.17 and 65.26 m³/s. The adoption of a single value of discretization time for all watersheds was indicated as limitation of ABC 6, which interfered in the final results. Kokei method Uehara considered the sub-basin of the stream Claro as a whole, which reduced the error accumulation probability
The Areado Group of the Sanfranciscana Basin is a Lower Cretaceous continental sedimentary system that is correlated to the Brazilian Pre-Salt beds. The Aerado Group is composed of Abaeté, Quiricó and Três Barras formations. Paleocurrent data for the Areado Group were previously presented, although not systematically which prevented significative interpretations on the basin paleogeography. This work attempts to systematically evaluate paleocurrent data, aiming to recognize depositional environment and paleogeographic reconstruction, based on the sedimentary facies and paleocurrents measurements along vertical profiles. Fluvial paleocurrents of the Abaeté Formation indicate paleoflows towards NW whereas aeolian palecurrents of the Três Barras Formation show paleowinds towards SW. The depositional systems interpreted for the Areado Group were: braided river, alluvial fan, lacustrine, playa lake, fluvial-deltaic and aeolian. The combined analyses of facies and paleocurrents allowed a reliable paleogeographic reconstruction of the basin, with paleodip towards northwest, paleowinds towards south-southwest and source-area located at southeast. These results indicate that paleowinds were orthogonal to paleostream, but parallel to depositional strike of the basin. The interpreted depositional systems characterize a desert environment during the Abaeté sub-basin times. The association of dunes and wet interdunes followed by large scale dunes and dry interdunes suggests a decrease in humidity towards the top of the Três Barras Formation, with a dry aeolian system onlapping the basement. The observed decrease of humidity in Sanfranciscana Basin may reflect local or regional paleoclimatic changes during the opening of the South Atlantic, but this assumption is only tentative
The water management in any area is highly important to the success of many business and also of life and the understanding of your relationship with the environment brings better control to its demand. I.e. hydrogeological studies are needed under better understanding of the behavior of an aquifer, so that its management is done so as not to deplete or harm it. The objective of this work is the numerical modeling in transient regime of a portion of the Rio Claro aquifer formation in order to get answers about its hydrogeological parameters, its main flow direction and also its most sensitive parameters. A literature review and conceptual characterization of the aquifer, combined with field campaigns and monitoring of local water level (NA), enabled the subsequent construction of the mathematical model by finite elements method, using the FEFLOW 6.1 ® computational algorithm. The study site includes the campus of UNESP and residential and industrial areas of Rio Claro city. Its area of 9.73 km ² was divided into 318040 triangular elements spread over six layers, totaling a volume of 0.25 km³. The local topography and geological contacts were obtained from previous geological and geophysical studies as well as profiles of campus wells and SIAGAS / CPRM system. The seven monitoring wells on campus were set up as observation points for calibration and checking of the simulation results. Sampling and characterization of Rio Claro sandstones shows up a high hydrological and lithological heterogeneity for the aquifer formation. The simulation results indicate values of hydraulic conductivity between 10-6 and 10-4 m / s, getting the Recharge/Rainfall simulation in transient ratio at 13%. Even with the simplifications imposed on the model, it was able to represent the fluctuations of local NA over a year of monitoring. The result was the exit of 3774770 m³ of water and the consequently NA fall. The model is considered representative for the...
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
This study aimed to evaluate a period of 38 years, the use and soil occupation of the Paradise River watershed, inserted in the citys of São Manuel and Areiópolis-SP using aerial photographs for the year 1972 and TM image (Thematic Mapper) obtained by the Landsat-5 satellite, in 2010, using geoprocessing techniques. The watershed in question is very important for the city of São Manuel-SP, because its urban area is inserted in its divisors which part of it belongs to the Environmental Protection Area (APA) Perimeter Botucatu-SP, considered a recharge area of the aquifer Guarani. Today, the development of agriculture faces challenges, which is to produce more food without impacting the environment. Allied to this concern, research institutions have sought new technologies that allow the detection and quantification of human actions, enabling interventions in order to minimize possible damage to the environment. Among these technologies can be cited Geographic Information Systems (GIS), which a large volume of data and information stored in a region at different times can be evaluated in the same time, suggesting different approaches to the planning of land use. The results of the mapping of areas of use and soil occupation result nine classes in 1972, and the coffee culture showed the biggest occupation (37.94%) of the total area. The 2010 mapping formulated twelve classes of use, which demonstrated the predominance of sugar cane (37.94%), on the areas occupied by coffee and pasture before. The land use maps of 1972 and 2010 showed results that show intense human activity in the modification of natural landscape.
The increasing expansion of agricultural activities, without considering the potential and limitations of soils is a potential source of environmental degradation. Thus, the present study assessed the variation of use and occupation in 49 years, between 1962 and 2011 scenarios of watershed of São Caetano - Botucatu (SP). geoprocessing techniques were used in this study. In a Geographic Information System (GIS) - IDRISI – it was integrated information from IBGE digital cards, scale 1:50,000, plus aerial photographs (1962) and satellite images LANDSAT - 5 (2011). In the study area, we can view the progress of the urban area, which in 1962 was not present in the watershed. In 2011, the urban area occupied 21.37% of the total area. Even with this breakthrough occurring in the period of 49 years, there was an increase in the area of natural vegetation, which once occupied only 12.33% of the area (1962), and in 2011 represents 25% of the total area of the watershed, showing an increase in awareness on the importance of preserving nature. Thus, we can conclude that the analysis tools based on GIS enabled us to analyze variations in space and time and to propose alternatives to the correct use and occupation of land.
The study aimed to obtain the land use of the watershed Ribeirão Santo Antonio - São Manuel (SP), through the thematic map of the satellite image. The cartographic databases were planialtimetric letter in digital format used in georeferencing and the satellite image. Geographic Information Systems (GIS) -IDRISI Andes 15.0 was use to perform the image georeferencing and to do the thematic map obtained from the visual interpretation the satellite image. The map of land use showed that the culture of sugar cane occupies most of the area (81.00%), when analyzing the satellite image. This result show us the predominance of agricultural occupation in the region. The thematic map obtained by the classification screen, using GIS, allowed the mapping of land use, generating data that will assist in future planning area recovery. The results of the study showed the efficiency, speed and reliability of the tools used, these being very useful for future projects.
The use of geographic information systems (GIS), combined with advanced analysis technique, enables the standardization and data integration, which are usually from different sources, allowing you to conduct a joint evaluation of the same, providing more efficiency and reliability in the decision-making process to promote the adequacy of land use. This study aimed to analyze the priority areas of the basin agricultural use of the Capivara River, Botucatu, SP, through multicriterial analysis, aiming at conservation of water resources. The results showed that the Geographic Information System Idrisi Selva combined with advanced analysis technique and the weighted linear combination method proved to be an effective tool in the combination of different criteria, allowing the determination of the adequacy of agricultural land use less subjective way. Environmental criteria were shown to be suitable for the combination and multi-criteria analysis, allowing the preparation of the statement of suitability classes for agricultural use and can be useful for regional planning and decision-making by public bodies and environmental agents because the method takes into account the rational use of land and allowing the conservation of hydrics resources.
The objective of this work was to evaluate the sediment production in the initial part of the Pardo River Basin - Botucatu/SP from 1994 to 1999, using the mathematical hydrological model SWAT. It was used topographic maps and satellite data manipulated in GIS using the software SPRING 5.1.6. The simulation of sediment production was generated with the aid of an interface between the hydrological model SWAT 2009 with ArcView ®, version 9.3. The maps of Soil, Land Use and Digital Elevation Model (DEM) were generated in the GIS-SPRING 5.1.6 and exported to ArcSWAT 2009. The tabular data related to the parameters of soil and meteorological parameters were entered directly to the SWAT. The model allowed to estimate the sediment production. A sediment average production rate of 33.866 ton ha-1 over the six years of study was computed in the point of discharge of the basin.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
This work has the objective to elaborate the potentialities of the farming expand diagnosis of the Capivara River Hydrographic basin, in the Botucatu – SP municipal district, to obtain an interpretation of the system actual situation through the historical trajectory and possible evolution with the assistance of the SIG Ilwis 3.4 and orbital images CBERS 2B, in the pancromatics bands, obtained in 12/07/2008. The potentialities of the farming expand diagnosis was obtained through the physical mean modeling, of the farming expand presents in the studied environment and shows possible line actions to minimize the impacts e reach a sustainable development to the region. The Capivara river basin presents more than 70% of your areas occupied by the anthropic expanding, with the extensive farming predominance, forestall planting, orange and sugar cane. In the potentiality diagnostic analyses notes the good quality of the basin to the farming expand, except the region comprehended by the Botucatu Cuesta and the meadows area. The basin until has a good environmental quality and this diagnosis must serve for a start point to the realization of the territorial ordination as quick as possible to the environment conditions finds remains the same, granting the recovery capability.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Pós-graduação em Geociências e Meio Ambiente - IGCE