385 resultados para Shoot Meristem
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
This study aimed to evaluate the effect of indolyl-3-butyric acid (IBA) in promoting the rooting of blackberry shoots derived of root cuttings. This work was conducted from June to August 2010, at UNESP, Botucatu, São Paulo state, Brazil, under the randomized block design, with six concentrations of IBA and six replications of 12 shoot cuttings per plot. The treatments consisted of six concentrations of IBA, as a solution: T1= 0 mg L(-1), T2= 250 mg L(-1), T3= 500 mg L(-1), T4= 1000 mg L(-1), T5= 2000 mg L(-1) and T6= 4000 mg L(-1) applied on the basis of shoots cuttings for ten seconds. After 60 days, the percentage of rooting, the root fresh weight, the root dry weight, the length of root and the survival percentage, were evaluated. The concentration of 250 mg L(-1) IBA favored characteristics as fresh and dry weight of roots originating from roots of blackberry. The highest concentrations of IBA inhibited root development and characteristics ??? (please, verify the 'Resumo") of the shoots cuttings.
Coffee (Coffea arabica L.) plants were grown in small (3-L), medium (10-L) and large (24-L) pots for 115 or 165 d after transplanting (DAT), which allowed different degrees of root restriction. Effects of altered source : sink ratio were evaluated in order to explore possible stomatal and non-stomatal mechanisms of photosynthetic down-regulation. Increasing root restriction brought about large and general reductions in plant growth associated with a rising root : shoot ratio. Treatments did not affect leaf water potential or leaf nutrient status, with the exception of N content, which dropped significantly with increasing root restriction even though an adequate N supply was available. Photosynthesis was severely reduced when plants were grown in small pots; this was largely associated with non-stomatal factors, such as decreased Rubisco activity. At 165DAT contents of hexose, sucrose, and amino acids decreased in plants grown in smaller pots, while those of starch and hexose-P increased in plants grown in smaller pots. Photosynthetic rates were negatively correlated with the ratio of hexose to free amino acids, but not with hexose content. Activities of acid invertase, sucrose synthase, sucrose-P synthase, fructose-1,6- bisphosphatase, ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase, starch phosphorylase, glyceraldehyde-3-P dehydrogenase, PPi : fructose-6-P 1-phosphotransferase and NADP : glyceraldehyde-3-P dehydrogenase all decreased with severe root restriction. Glycerate-3-P : Pi and glucose-6-P : fructose-6-P ratios decreased accordingly. Photosynthetic down-regulation was unlikely to have been associated directly with an end-product limitation, but rather with decreases in Rubisco. Such a down-regulation was largely a result of N deficiency caused by growing coffee plants in small pots.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Potassium (K) is required in high doses by the banana (Musa sp.) plant and interacts with other nutrient elements in which banana tissues are maintained under in vitro condition as a consequence modifications in the plant metabolism take place mainly in nitrogen (N) compounds, such as proteins, amino acids, and secondary compounds. When K is present in concentrations lower than that required, diamines such as putrescine and poliamines are formed. This metabolic disorder can also be correlated with the presence of different inorganic N forms, such as nitrate (NO3) and ammonium (NH4), and the ratios between both ions as well. In order to follow the physiological performance of the interrelationships, K/putrescine and of the NO3/NH4 ratio in the tissue of banana vitroplantlets, shoot apex of two banana cvs. Nanica and Prata Ana were maintained in modified MS medium in the presence of six different doses of K: 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30 mM. After the period of tissue proliferation the cultures were transferred to rooting media containing the same different K doses. Dry matter, K, putrescine, and spermidine contents and their accumulation were determined in the shoots and roots of the vitroplantlets and in the shoot apex of the explant donor cultivar as well as the corresponding values for the whole vitroplantlets calculated. The data were statistically analyzed. The contents and accumulations of putrescine and spermidine in banana tissues were enhanced as K concentration decreased in the medium: four times (0.19% of the dry matter) for cv. Nanica and eight times (0.25% of the dry matter) for cv. Prata Ana. This behavior was not only related to the K depletion but to the NO3/NH4 ratio as well.
The effects and interaction of drought and UV-B radiation were studied in sunflower plants (Helianthus annuus L. var. Catissol-01), growing in a greenhouse under natural photoperiod conditions. The plants received approximately 1.7 W m(-2) (controls) or 8.6 W m(-2) (+UV-B) of UV-B radiation for 7 h per day. The UV-B and water stress treatments started 18 days after sowing. After a period of 12 days of stress, half of the water-stressed plants (including both UV-B irradiated or non-irradiated) were rehydrated. Both drought and UV-B radiation treatments resulted in lower shoot dry matter per plant, but there was no significant interaction between the two treatments. Water stress and UV-B radiation reduced photosynthesis, stomatal conductance and transpiration. However, the amplitude of the effects of both stressors was dependent on the interactions. This resulted in alleviation of the negative effect of drought on photosynthesis and transpiration by UV-B radiation as the water stress intensified. Intercelluar CO(2) concentration was initially reduced in all treatments compared to control plants but it increased with time. Photosynthetic pigments were not affected by UV-B radiation. Water stress reduced photosynthetic pigments only under high UV-B radiation. The decrease was more accentuated for chlorophyll a than for chlorophyll b. As a measure for the maximum efficiency of photosystem II in darkness F (v)/F (m) was used, which was not affected by drought stress but initially reduced by UV-B radiation. Independent of water supply, UV-B radiation increased the activity of pirogalol peroxidase and did not increase the level of malondialdehyde. on the other hand, water stress did not alter the activity of pirogalol peroxidase and caused membrane damage as assessed by lipid peroxidation. The application of UV-B radiation together with drought seemed to have a protective effect by lowering the intensity of lipid peroxidation caused by water stress. The content of proline was not affected by UV-B radiation but was increased by water stress under both low and high UV-B radiation. After 24 h of rehydration, most of the parameters analyzed recovered to the same level as the unstressed plants.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Intraspecific variation in seed size is common in wild plant populations and has important consequences for the reproductive success of individual plants. Multiple, often conflicting evolutionary forces mediated by biotic as well as abiotic agents may maintain such a variation. In this paper we assessed seed size variation in a population of the threatened, commercially important palm Euterpe edulis in southeast Brazil. We investigated (i) how this variation affects the probability of attack by vertebrate and invertebrate post-dispersal seed predators, and (ii) if seed size influences the outcome of seeds damaged by beetles in terms of seed germination and early survival of seedlings. Euterpe edulis seeds varied in diameter from 8.3 to 14.1 mm. Neither insects nor rodents selected the seeds they preyed upon based on seed size. Seed germination and total, shoot and root biomasses of one-year seedlings were significantly and positively affected by seed size. Root biomass and seedling survival were negatively affected by seed damage caused by a scolytid beetle (Coccotrypes palmarum) whose adults bore into seeds to consume part of the endosperm, but do not oviposit on them. Seed size had a marginally significant effect on seedling survival. Therefore, if any advantage is accrued by E. edulis individuals producing large seeds, this is because of greater seed germination success and seedling vigor. If this is so, even a relatively narrow range of variation in seed size as observed in the E. edulis population studied may translate into differential success of individual plants. (c) 2006 Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Anadenanthera peregrina var. falcata (angico-do-cerrado), uma leguminosa arbórea, forma associações simbióticas com bactérias fixadoras de nitrogênio (rizóbios) e com fungos micorrízicos arbusculares. Com o objetivo de avaliar a eficiência da inoculação de fungos micorrízicos e rizóbios no crescimento inicial de plantas de angico-do-cerrado, crescidas em solo autoclavado e em solo não autoclavado com e sem inoculação, foi desenvolvido um experimento em casa de vegetação, utilizando raízes micorrizadas de milho e uma mistura de isolados de rizóbios como inoculantes. O crescimento das plantas foi influenciado positivamente pela concomitante inoculação do fungo micorrízico e do rizóbio, tendo as plantas desse tratamento apresentado biomassa cerca de 60 % maior do que o controle no décimo mês. A inoculação de apenas um dos microssimbiontes, entretanto, não provocou diferença na produção de biomassa das plantas. A percentagem de colonização micorrízica foi significativamente mais alta e o número de nódulos maior nas raízes das plantas crescidas no solo não autoclavado, ocasionados pela população de fungos e rizóbios nativos. Nesse tratamento, houve pequeno acúmulo de matéria no xilopódio, provavelmente em virtude do dreno fotossintético por parte dos microssimbiontes, e a concentração de P na parte aérea e xilopódio dessas plantas foi cerca de 1,2 e 8 vezes maior, respectivamente, por causa da colonização micorrízica.
A toxicidade do alumínio (Al) é um dos fatores mais limitantes para a produtividade. Esta pesquisa foi realizada para avaliar a influência do Al, em solução nutritiva, na altura de plantas, no peso da matéria seca e nas alterações morfoanatômicas de raízes e folhas de milho (Zea mays L.). O experimento foi conduzido em casa de vegetação com tratamentos constituídos de cinco doses de Al (0; 25; 75; 150; e 300 µmol L-1) e seis repetições. As soluções foram constantemente aeradas e o pH foi ajustado a 4,3, inicialmente. A matéria seca da parte aérea e das raízes e a altura das plantas diminuíram significativamente com o aumento da concentração de Al. As raízes de plantas de milho cultivadas em soluções com Al tiveram seu crescimento inibido e apresentaram menos raízes laterais e desenvolvimento do sistema radicular inferior, em comparação com as das plantas-controle. As folhas das plantas crescidas em soluções que continham 75 e 300 µmol L-1 de Al não apresentaram muita diferença anatômica em relação às das plantas-controle. A bainha da folha das plantas exposta ao Al apresentou epiderme uniestratificada revestida por uma fina camada de cutícula e as células da epiderme e do córtex foram as que menos se desenvolveram. No feixe vascular, o metaxilema e protoxilema não tinham paredes secundárias, e o diâmetro de ambos foi muito menor quando comparado com os das plantas-controle.
Actinocephalus exhibits perhaps more diversity in habit than any other genus of Eriocaulaceae. This variation is largely a result of differences in the arrangement of the paraclades. Based on the analysis of stem architecture of all 25 species of Actinocephalus, the following patterns were established: (1) leaf rosette, with no elongated axis, instead the axillary paraclades originating directly from the short aerial stem, (2) rosette axis continuing into an elongated axis with spirally arranged paraclades, (3) an elongated axis originating from a rhizome, with ramified paraclades, and (4) an elongated axis originating from a short aerial stem, with paraclades arranged in a subwhorl. The elongated axis exhibits indeterminate growth only in pattern 4. Patterns 3 and 4 are found exclusively in Actinocephalus; pattern I occurs in many other genera of Eriocaulaceae, while pattern 2 is also found in Syngonanthus and Paepalanthus. Anatomically, each stem structure (i.e., paraclade, elongated axis, short aerial stem, rhizome) is thickened in a distinctive way and this can be used to distinguish them. Specifically, elongated axes and paraclades lack thickening, thickening of short aerial stems results from the primary thickening meristem and/or the secondary thickening meristem. Thickening of rhizomes results from the activity of the primary thickening meristem. (c) 2008 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.