432 resultados para SCROTAL CIRCUMFERENCE


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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A avaliação nutricional foi realizada em dezesseis doentes portadores de pênfigo foliáceo endêmico, sendo dez portadores da forma localizada da doença (Grupo G1) e seis portadores da forma disseminada da mesma (Grupo G2). Foram realizadas avaliações antropométricas (peso, altura, índice de Quetelét, prega cutânea tricipital, prega cutânea subescapular, circunferência braquial, circunferência muscular do braço, área do braço, área muscular do braço, área adiposa do braço) e laboratorial (eletroforese de proteínas séricas). Quanto aos parâmetros antropométricos, observaram-se as seguintes alterações: a circunferência do braço, área do braço, e área muscular do braço mostraram valores mais baixos nos doentes do grupo G2 que nos do grupo G1. O peso e a circunferência muscular do braço, por sua vez, mostraram tendência a valores mais baixos nos doentes do grupo G2 que nos do grupo G1. A eletroforese de proteínas revelou valores de albumina diminuídos em ambos os grupos, e menores nos doentes do grupo G2. Quanto às demais frações, com exceção das beta globulinas, não foram evidenciadas alterações. A análise global dos resultados permite concluir que os doentes com pênfigo foliáceo endêmico apresentam um quadro de desnutrição proteica, mas não calórica. Esta desnutrição mostrou-se mais acentuada no pênfigo foliáceo disseminado.


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Introduction: Some studies suggest that high body mass index (BMI) confers survival advantage in dialysis patients, but BMI does not differentiate muscle from fat mass, and the survival advantage conferred by its increase seems to be limited to patients with high muscle mass. Thus, discriminating body components when evaluating nutritional status and survival is highly important. This study evaluated the influence of nutritional parameters on survival in patients on chronic dialysis. Subjects and methods: Anthropometry, bioimpedance, biochemistry, and dietary recall were used to investigate the influence of nutritional parameters on survival in 79 prevalent patients on chronic dialysis. Results: Protein intake <1.2 g/kg/day and creatinine <9.7 mg/dL were independent predictors of mortality in all patients. Regarding dialysis method, protein intake <1.2 g/kg/ day was predictive of mortality among hemodialysis patients, and percent standard mid-arm muscle circumference <80% was identified as a risk factor among peritoneal dialysis patients. Conclusion: Higher muscle mass, possibly favored by a higher protein intake, conferred survival advantage in dialysis patients.


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A avaliação nutricional é ferramenta indispensável para a monitoração e acompanhamento clínico do paciente com lesão renal aguda (LRA). A perda aguda da função renal interfere no metabolismo de todos os macronutrientes, propiciando situações pró-inflamatórias, pró-oxidativas e de hipercatabolismo. As principais alterações nutricionais no paciente com LRA são hipercatabolismo, hiperglicemia e hipertrigliceridemia, que, somadas às contribuições da doença de base, complicações e necessidade de terapia renal substitutiva, podem interferir na depleção nutricional do paciente. A desnutrição em pacientes com LRA está associada a maior incidência de complicações, maior tempo de internação e maior mortalidade. Entretanto, existem poucos estudos na literatura avaliando o estado nutricional de pacientes com LRA. Parâmetros antropométricos como índice de massa corporal, circunferência do braço e pregas cutâneas são de difícil interpretação, devido à alteração no estado de hidratação desses pacientes. Os parâmetros bioquímicos geralmente utilizados na rotina clínica também sofrem influência de fatores não nutricionais, como prejuízo da função hepática e estado inflamatório. Embora não existam dados prospectivos sobre o comportamento dos marcadores nutricionais, alguns autores conseguiram demonstrar associações de alguns parâmetros com desfecho clínico. A utilização de marcadores como albumina, colesterol, pré-albumina, IGF-1, aplicação da avaliação subjetiva global e cálculo do balanço nitrogenado parecem ser úteis como parâmetros de triagem para pior prognóstico e maior mortalidade em pacientes com LRA. em pacientes com LRA em terapia renal substitutiva, uma oferta calórica em torno de 25 a 30 kcal/kg e oferta mínima de 1,5 g/kg/dia de proteínas é recomendada a fim de minimizar o catabolismo proteico e prevenir complicações metabólicas.


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This study aimed at learning about the nutritional profile of HIV-positive individuals undergoing antiretroviral therapy and at comparing the performance of nutritional-state indicators. A transversal study was performed on 94 patients attending the Tropical Diseases Outpatient Hospital of Botucatu Medical School (FMB)-UNESP. The body mass index (BMI) and the classification by Papini-Berto (PB) were used to evaluate nutritional state, aiming at detecting malnutrition and obesity. The waist-to-hips ratio (W/HR) and waist circumference (WC) were adopted for identification of abdominal obesity and lipodystrophy. According to BMI, most of the individuals were eutrophic, followed by 30.9% overweight and 6.4% malnourished. By using the PB classification, the frequency of malnourished increased (22.3%). The analysis of the PB classification in relation to BMI indicated that the former presented high sensitivity and good specificity for malnutrition diagnosis, namely 100% and 83%, respectively. The prevalence of abdominal obesity was 7.44% according to WC, and a higher prevalence (38.3%) was observed when taking W/HR into account. There was significant positive association between nutritional diagnosis according to PB and T CD4(+) lymphocyte. The results support the use of PB classification for malnutrition detection as well as that of BMI and W/HR for overweight and fat redistribution.


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OBJETIVO: avaliar a influência dos indicadores antropométricos sobre os marcadores de risco cardiovascular e metabólico para doenças crônicas não-transmissíveis em mulheres na pós-menopausa. MÉTODOS: realizou-se estudo clínico transversal, com 120 mulheres sedentárias na pós-menopausa (com idades entre 45 e 70 anos e última menstruação há, pelo menos, 12 meses). Foram excluídas as diabéticas insulino-dependentes e usuárias de estatinas ou terapia hormonal até seis meses prévios. Para avaliação antropométrica, foram obtidos peso, estatura, índice de massa corpórea (IMC=peso/altura²) e circunferência da cintura (CC). As variáveis metabólicas avaliadas foram colesterol total (CT), HDL, LDL, triglicérides (TG), glicemia e insulina, para os cálculos do índice aterogênico plasmático (IAP) e resistência insulínica (Homeostasis model assessment-insulin resistance, HOMA-IR). Na análise estatística, utilizara-se análise de variância one-way (ANOVA) e Odds Ratio (OR). RESULTADOS: os dados médios caracterizaram amostra com sobrepeso, com obesidade central e dislipidêmica. Sobrepeso e obesidade estiveram presentes em 77,1% e deposição central de gordura ocorreu em 87,3% das participantes. Os valores médios de CT, LDL e TG estavam acima do recomendável em 67,8, 55,9 e 45,8% das mulheres, respectivamente, com HDL abaixo dos valores adequados em 40,7%. Valores de CC >88 cm ocorreram em 14,8% das mulheres eutróficas, 62,5% no grupo com sobrepeso e 100% nas obesas (p>0,05). Os valores médios de IAP, TG e HOMA-IR aumentaram significativamente com o aumento do IMC e da CC, enquanto que o HDL diminuiu (p<0,05). Na presença da CC >88 cm, encontrou-se risco de 5,8 (IC95%=2,3-14,8), 2,61 (IC95%=1,2-5,78), 3,4 (IC95%=1,2-9,7) e 3,6 (IC95%=1,3-10,3) para HDL reduzido, hipertrigliceridemia, IAP elevado e resistência a insulina, respectivamente (p<0,05). O IMC >30 kg/m² associou-se apenas com HDL reduzido (OR=3,1; IC95%=1,44-6,85). CONCLUSÕES: a associação de duas medidas antropométricas (CC e IMC) foi eficiente para adequado diagnóstico de obesidade relacionada a alterações metabólicas em mulheres na pós-menopausa. Contudo, a simples avaliação da CC pode ser indicativo do risco cardiovascular e metabólico das doenças crônicas não transmissíveis.


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Background: Since human diets contain many components that may work synergistically to prevent or promote disease, assessing diet quality may be informative. The purpose of this study was to investigate the association between quality diet, by using Healthy Eating Index (HEI), and metabolic risk indicators in postmenopausal women.Methods: This cross-sectional study included a total of 173 Brazilian women, aged 45-75 years, seeking healthcare at a public outpatient center. Food consumption assessed by 24 h-recall food inquiry was used to calculate HEI scores: >80 implied diet good, 80-51 diet needed improvement, and <51 diet poor. Anthropometric data included: body mass index (BMI = weight/height(2)), waist-circumference (WC), body fat (%BF) and lean mass (%LM). Data on total cholesterol (TC), high density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDLC), low density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDLC), and triglycerides (TG) were also collected. Fisher's Exact test, and logistic regression method (to determine odds ratio, OR) were used in the statistical analysis.Results: Overweight and obesity were observed in 75.7% of the participants. Excessive %BF (> 35%) was observed in 56.1%, while %LM was reduced (<70%) in 78.1%. WC was elevated (= 88 cm) in 72.3%. Based on HEI values, diet quality was good in 3% (5/173), needed improvement in 48.5% (84/173), and was poor in 48.5% (84/173) of the cases. In this group, 75% of women had high intakes of lipids (> 35%), predominantly saturated and monounsaturated fat. on average, plasma TC, LDLC, and TG levels were higher than recommended in 57.2%, 79.2% and 45.1% of the women, respectively, while HDLC was low in 50.8%. There was association between HEI scores and the %BF that it was higher among women with HEI score < 80 (p = 0.021). There were not observed significant risk associations between HEI and lipid profile.Conclusion: Among the Brazilian postmenopausal women attending a public outpatient clinic, diet was considered to need improvement or to be of poor quality, attributed to high saturated fat ingestion, which probably caused a negative impact on metabolic risk indicators, namely body composition.


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Objective. to evaluate anthropometric indicators of body fat and their association with metabolic risk markers in postmenopausal women.Methods. A cross-sectional study with 80 Brazilian women (40-70 years) was carried out. Body mass index (BMI = weight/height(2)), waist circumference (WC) and waist-to-hip ratio (WHR) were obtained for anthropometric evaluation. Trunk fat mass (TFM) was measured by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry. The following metabolic variables were evaluated: total cholesterol (TC), HDL, LDL, triglycerides (TG), as well as glycemia and insulin to determine insulin resistance (HOMA-IR).Results. Overweight and obesity were observed in 81% of the women. Values of WC >88 cm were observed in 68.5% of the women. on average, TC, LDL and TG levels were above normal levels in 60, 50 and 42.5% of the women, respectively; and HDL was normal in 82.5%. IR was observed in 37.5% of the women. Positive correlations were found between anthropometric indicators and TFM (P < 0.05). WC was most correlated with TFM (r = 0.92), followed by BMI (r = 0.88) and by WHR (r = 0.48; P < 0.05). All anthropometric indicators and TFM showed significant negative correlations with HDL and significant positive correlations with HOMA-IR (P < 0.05). Only WHR was significantly associated with dysglycemia (R(2) = 12%), hypertriglyceridemia (R(2) = 17%) and decreased HDL (R(2) = 27%). WC was significantly associated with HOMA-IR (R(2) = 34%).Conclusion. WC and WHR are anthropometric measures that showed strong correlation with TFM and with metabolic risk markers in postmenopausal women.


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Objective To evaluate the prevalence of metabolic syndrome (MetS) and its associated risk factors in Brazilian postmenopausal women.Methods In this cross-sectional study, a total of 368 postmenopausal women, aged 40-75 years, seeking health care at a public outpatient center in Southeastern Brazil, were included. According to the US National Cholesterol Education Program Adult Treatment Panel III (NCEP ATP III) guidelines, MetS was diagnosed in subjects with three or more of the following: waist circumference >= 88 cm, blood pressure >= 130/85 mHg, triglycerides >= 150 mg/dl, high density lipoprotein cholesterol <50 mg/dl and glucose >= 110 mg/dl. Data on past medical history, tobacco use, anthropometric indicators, and values of C-reactive protein (CRP) were collected. Multivariate analysis, using a logistic regression model (odds ratio, OR) was used to evaluate the influence of various simultaneous MetS risk factors.Results The prevalence of having at least three, four and five MetS diagnostic criteria were met in 39.6%, 16.8% and 3.8% of the cases, respectively. The most prevalent risk factor was abdominal obesity, affecting 62.5% of women. The risk of MetS increased with a personal history of diabetes (OR 5.95, 95% confidence interval (CI) 2.82-12.54), hypertension (OR 4.52, 95% CI 2.89-7.08), cardiovascular disease (OR 2.16, 95% CI 1.18-3.94) and high CRP (>1 mg/dl) (OR 3.35, 95% CI 1.65-6.79). Plasma CRP levels increased with the number of MetS components present. Age, time since menopause and smoking had no influence, while hormone therapy reduced MetS risk (OR 0.64, 95% CI 0.42-0.97).Conclusion Metabolic syndrome was highly prevalent among Brazilian postmenopausal women seeking gynecologic health care. Abdominal obesity, diabetes, hypertension and high CRP were strong MetS predictors and hormone therapy appeared to play a protective role for this condition.


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Purpose. To evaluate whether menstrual irregularity in morbidly obese women is indicative of metabolic dysfunction.Patients and Methods. Fifty-seven women with morbid obesity were evaluated. They were divided into two groups: one comprising women without menstrual dysfunctions or hirsutism (Group 1), and another obese women showing menstrual dysfunction with or without hirsutism (Group 2). The following were evaluated: age, colour, childbirth, marital status, profession, socio-economic level, education, age at menarche, body weight, height, body mass index, presence of hirsutism (Ferriman Gallwey Index), abdominal circumference, hip circumference, waist-to-hip ratio, menstrual cycle, blood pressure, presence of acanthosis nigricans, insulin resistance (IR), fasting glycaemia, total cholesterol, HDL-C, LDL-C, triglycerides, thyroid-stimulating hormone, free T4, luteinising hormone (LH), follicle-stimulating hormone, prolactin, total testosterone, dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate, insulin and the Homeostasis Model Assessment (HOMA test).Results. Clinical and epidemiological aspects did not present statistical differences. Clinical and laboratory parameters did not show statistically significant alterations; however, HOMA test values for Group 2 were significantly higher than those for Group 1.Conclusions. The presence of IR in class III obese women can cause menstrual dysfunctions such as amenorrhoea or oligomenorrhoea even in the absence of hyperandrogenism, suggesting that IR plays an important role in the ovarian mechanisms involved in the menstrual cycle control.


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Background: Elderly patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) usually have a compromised nutritional status which is an independent predictor of morbidity and mortality. To know the Resting Energy Expenditure (REE) and the substrate oxidation measurement is essential to prevent these complications. This study aimed to compare the REE, respiratory quotient (RQ) and body composition between patients with and without COPD.Methods: This case-control study assessed 20 patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease attending a pulmonary rehabilitation program. The group of subjects without COPD (control group) consisted of 20 elderly patients attending a university gym, patients of a private service and a public healthy care. Consumption of oxygen (O-2) and carbon dioxide (CO2) was determined by indirect calorimetry and used for calculating the resting energy expenditure and respiratory quotient. Body mass index (BMI) and waist circumference (WC) were also measured. Percentage of body fat (%BF), lean mass (kg) and muscle mass (kg) were determined by bioimpedance. The fat free mass index (FFMI) and muscle mass index (MMI) were then calculated.Results: The COPD group had lower BMI than control (p = 0.02). However, WC, % BF, FFMI and MM-I did not differ between the groups. The COPD group had greater RQ (p = 0.01), REE (p = 0.009) and carbohydrate oxidation (p = 0.002).Conclusions: Elderly patients with COPD had higher REE, RQ and carbohydrate oxidation than controls.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Background: Metabolic Syndrome (MS) is defined as the association of numerous factors that increase cardiovascular risk and diet is one of the main factors related to increase the MS in the population. This study aimed to evaluate the association of diet on the presence of MS in an adult population sample.Methodology: 305 adults were clinically screened to participate in a lifestyle modification program. Anthropometric assessments included waist circumference (WC), body fat and calculated BMI (kg/m(2)) and muscle-mass index (MMI kg/m(2)). Dietary intake was estimated by 24 h dietary recall. Fasting blood was used for biochemical analysis. MS was diagnosed using NCEP-ATPIII (2001) criteria with adaptation for glucose (>= 100 mg/dL). Logistic regression (Odds ratio) was performed in order to determine the odds ratio for developing MS according to dietary intake.Results: An adequate intake of fruits, OR = 0.52 (CI:0.28-0.98), and an intake of more than 8 different items in the diet (variety), OR = 0.31 (CI: 0.12-0.79) showed to be a protective factor against a diagnosis of MS. Saturated fat intake greater than 10% of total caloric value represented a risk for MS diagnosis, OR = 2.0 (1.04-3.84).Conclusion: Regarding the dietary aspect, a risk factor for MS was higher intake of saturated fat, and protective factors were high diet variety and adequate fruit intake.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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OBJETIVO: Analisar o padrão de crescimento de prematuros de extremo baixo peso (EBP) até 24 meses de idade corrigida, a influência da displasia broncopulmonar (DBP) e os fatores de risco para falha de crescimento. MÉTODOS: Coorte de prematuros <1.000g de gestação única, nascidos e acompanhados em um centro terciário. O crescimento foi avaliado por meio de escores-z para peso, comprimento e perímetro cefálico ao nascimento, com 40 semanas, aos 3, 6, 12, 18 e 24 meses de idade corrigida. Dentre 81 sobreviventes, 70 foram estudados e estratificados em dois grupos: DBP (n=41) e sem DBP (n=29). Foi realizada análise bivariada com teste t ou Mann-Whitney, qui-quadrado ou Exato de Fisher, e análise multivariada com regressão logística. RESULTADOS: em ambos os grupos, o escore-z de peso diminuiu significantemente entre o nascimento e 40 semanas. Houve um pico de incremento nos escores-z de peso, comprimento e perímetro cefálico entre 40 semanas e três meses. No grupo sem DBP, os escores-z atingiram a faixa normal a partir dos seis meses e assim permaneceram até 24 meses de idade corrigida. Crianças com DBP tiveram menores escores-z de peso e perímetro cefálico no primeiro ano, mas equipararam-se às sem DBP no segundo ano de vida. A regressão logística mostrou que catch-down no escore-z de peso com 40 semanas foi fator de risco para falha de crescimento. CONCLUSÕES: Prematuros EBP apresentam catch-up precoce do crescimento nos primeiros dois anos. Crianças com DBP têm pior crescimento ponderal. A restrição do crescimento pós-natal prediz a falha de crescimento nos primeiros anos.