148 resultados para RESIDUOS PELIGROSOS
Pós-graduação em Microbiologia Agropecuária - FCAV
Pós-graduação em Microbiologia Agropecuária - FCAV
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Agricultura) - FCA
Pós-graduação em Ciência Florestal - FCA
Composting is considered a process that enables adding value to organic solid waste turning them into organic fertilizer. In this process, factors such as mishandling the windrow, failed to control the temperature, aeration and moisture content will result in the quality of waste decomposition, and thus affect the quality of the final compound. Decentralized systems such as home composting, composting in restaurants, food courts and schools are one of the solutions for valuing these waste in a non expensive way and with greater quality. For this purpose, the project aims to analyze the conditions for composting of solid waste of the University Restaurant of Rio Claro- SP, through two different composting systems: manual revolving windrow and static pile. It was found that in University Restaurant (RU) on average 33% by weight of the total waste generated in the property are capable of composting. In this sense, in order to investigate the preliminary process operation parameters were mounted one manual windrow composed of 100% of the UR waste and a static pile composed of 60% of the UR waste and 40% of pruning and grass residues (PG). This study analyzed the manual revolving windrow and static pile systems for the parameters: moisture content, pH, C / N ratio and temperature. The study of the proportions of the PG and UR waste pointed to the need for pruning and grass residues addition for composting, considering that the manual revolving windrow composed by 100% of the UR waste had no satisfactory performance due to low temperatures measured during 60 days analysis. The best ratio for manual revolving windrow method analyzed in this study was 60% of the UR waste and 40% of PG waste, in dry weight. From this proportion a static pile was assembled, composed of 60% of UR waste e 40% of PG waste from the maintenance activities of the green area of the university. The biological activity in the static pile reached the maximum temperature of ...
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
In dentistry, the technic and radiographic processing incur the possibility of cross infection and environmental contamination. The dentist is responsible for the patient and dental team. For this reason he needs to take a protocol to prevent the spread of microorganisms and environmental exposure to risk factors. The protocols are introduced in the dentistry school as an important teaching tool, whose learning and application reinforce the importance of continuity of these actions in the professional activity. The objective of this paper is to present the biosafety and waste management protocol used in the dental radiology clinic of Araçatuba Dental School, including procedures for the prevention of biological and environmental contamination.
The incineration of municipal solid waste has become a very interesting, in order that incineration reduces the amount of solid waste, which would be accumulated in dumps and / or landfill. Furthermore, it is possible to generate electrical energy by use of clean well known technology. To verify the feasibility of installing a plant for the incineration of solid waste with energy recovery, we must consider some basic requirements. For this reason, will be presented in this paper some factors that influence the project to install a plant of incineration with energy recovery.
The use of digesters has become an important alternative for the proper disposal of organic agricultural wastes, serving as a solution to some environmental and health problems. Furthermore, the process of digestion provides commercially valuable by products such as biogas and bio fertilizer. The generation of biogas from agricultural waste, and its use in power generation systems has aroused great interest in rural areas because it enables supply in whole or in large part the energy demand of ownership by reducing production costs. The advent of technology has brought new forms of energy conversion of biogas, as the use of micro turbines specifies to be fuelled with biogas derived from the decomposition of organic matter in digesters, since it has a low level of methane in its composition, and high degree of impurities such as hydrogen sulphide, which are harmful to equipment and reduce the calorific value of biogas. The use of micro turbines behind other advantages like low emissions, great fuel flexibility and low maintenance. This paper presents an analysis of the feasibility of using biogas generated from cattle manure in micro turbines to generate electricity. Behind also an assessment of the energy potential that each animal has on various uses of biogas, and forms of energy recovery from the exhaust gases of the micro turbine. Also conducts an evaluation of the energy savings that the use of biogas aggregates properties.
The present article is an investigation / action regarding the working conditions for pickers of recyclable waste in a medium-sized city in the state of São Paulo, mainly on the health / illness process, problems related to social security and conditions of autonomy and citizenship. We use the constructs of social psychology as theoretical. The recycling of urban garbage, as the literature indicates, is not being treated as just part of the solution to environmental problems, but also has been characterized as a source of income and livelihood for many people, with no other options in life. From the interviews were semistructured, and with the method of analysis the meaning core were identified issues related to the holding of by scrap collectors, prejudice existing in relation to the activity performed, poor housing conditions, the need to social recognition and the difficulty of recyclable garbage collectors in forming a group in which they can articulate and fight for their demands. With this study, we intended to indicate suggestions for improvements in these health professionals and encourage individual and collective reflections on the condition of meetings and also through the distribution of leaflets.
Pós-graduação em Ciência Florestal - FCA
The current socio-economic situation has brought a need to look for alternative ways to get energy that allow reducing the high dependence on fossil fuel sources while deflect from the climate change arising from the result of the use of these energy resources. Renewable sources of energy, low and medium temperature appear as high potential of energy resources, which have a major influence on the way of life of the people to enable decentralized energy production. In Brazil, in particular, have also the need to decentralize the energy grid, currently focused on energy from water source. The current water crisis, exemplifies the urgency of betting on other energy sources, as a way to help in emergency situations such as the current one. Therefore, this study evaluates the possibility of using biomass as a heat source in a Rankine Cycle Organic where instead of water; it uses thermal fluid as working fluid, was compared the urban areas of the city of Guaratinguetá with the urban area of the metropolitan region of São Paulo. Thus, it was established two scenarios, so it was possible to establish the cycle to be used
As atividades exercidas em uma Instituição acadêmica resultam na formação de diversos tipos de resíduos entre eles um volume considerável daqueles provenientes de celulose, principalmente variedades de papel e papelão, sendo o primeiro utilizado em larga escala para a confecção de objetos para os mais variados fins, de atividades didáticas, usos para fins de limpeza, até documentos. O presente trabalho foi realizado integrado às práticas do projeto PGR (Plano de Gerenciamento de Resíduos) desenvolvido no campus da Unesp de Rio Claro, tendo como objetivo o diagnóstico do gerenciamento dos resíduos de papel e papelão, tais como as práticas de descarte, reciclagem e/ou reutilização vigentes para posterior elaboração de um manual para o gerenciamento ambientalmente correto de tais tipos de resíduos. Para esse levantamento foi elaborado um questionário (Check-list) que foi aplicado nos diferentes setores da UNESP entre Novembro de 2014 e Abril de 2015. A partir desse levantamento preliminar e da quantificação aproximada do montante de resíduos e das porcentagens reutilizadas/recicladas e as descartadas, visou-se propor melhorias no processo de gerenciamento deste tipo de resíduo. O montante de resíduos provenientes de papel gerado nos 50 setores avaliados, sendo 27 do Instituto de Biociências, 21 do Instituto de Geociências e Ciências Exatas e dois de uso comum entre os dois institutos, foi de aproximadamente 190kg de material, embora observado que na maioria das vezes os papéis tenham sido eliminados junto a resíduos de outra natureza, até mesmo orgânicos. Também foram constatadas a proporção de setores que procuram reduzir e reutilizar seus resíduos, sendo que a reutilização de papéis diversos para rascunhos e a utilização de caixas de papelão para o armazenamento de variados objetos foram as práticas mais comumente observadas, sendo apresentadas em maior ou menor grau em 62% dos setores visitados