235 resultados para Publicações da imprensa alternativa


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O modo como a imprensa atua em defesa da cidadania é o tema deste livro, de Murilo César Soares. Baseado em levantamento e análise de conteúdo dos jornais O Estado de S. Paulo e Folha de S.Paulo ele discute os conceitos de cidadania, esfera pública e hegemonia, com destaque para o papel do jornalismo como interface entre o Estado, a sociedade civil e a opinião pública. Ponto central da pesquisa, o conceito de jornalismo é analisado em suas diferentes facetas, como a de fiscalizador da ação do Estado - e, portanto, participante do processo político e administrativo - e a de intermediário da opinião pública. O estudo analisa ainda a mídia como meio de agendamento e de enquadramento de questões públicas, ou seja, como agente com capacidade de pautar e priorizar os assuntos para a sociedade, além de deter o poder de focar, formatar e expor esses temas ao transformá-los em material jornalístico. A atuação da imprensa em questões de cidadania é demonstrada a partir da análise detalhada de como os dois jornais paulistas agendaram e enfocaram casos envolvendo ameaça ou violação de direitos da cidadania e as atitudes e ações das autoridades públicas em relação a tais situações. A obra apresenta um painel da importância dada pelos diários à cobertura de demandas de movimentos sociais ou da precariedade de condições de vida, assim como da violação de direitos civis, como prisões ilegais, violência policial e abuso de autoridade, além da inserção dos negros na sociedade e na economia. Os resultados da pesquisa sobre a cobertura realizada pelos jornais dão suporte para o autor situar a imprensa entre os meios sociais que contribuem para a implementação dos direitos da cidadania e indicar alternativas para seu aperfeiçoamento


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A autora analisa as interpretações construídas por parte da imprensa brasileira sobre os Estados Unidos e a Argentina nos últimos anos de vigência do regime monárquico, focando particularmente os jornais A Província de São Paulo, que representava a elite política, econômica e cultural associada à campanha republicana, e o Jornal do Commercio, periódico monárquico-conservador, sediado no Rio de Janeiro, a capital imperial, que gozava de grande prestígio. A autora optou por analisar esses países porque, no conjunto de países americanos, ambos tiveram especial destaque nos periódicos analisados. Ela observa que a cobertura dos Estados Unidos se justificava por ser aquele país um parceiro comercial importante do Brasil, que representava consistente mercado consumidor para seu principal produto, o café, e, ainda, em consequência da admiração que vários setores da sociedade brasileira expressavam por seu crescimento acelerado. A Argentina era acompanhada de perto porque interessava enormemente ao Brasil entender os fatos que se desencadeavam no território vizinho, em especial no âmbito político e militar. A imprensa do período, porém, também enfatizou o crescimento econômico argentino. A imprensa refletiu as posições de grupos políticos distintos a respeito dos Estados Unidos e da Argentina, muitas vezes antagônicas. E acabaria por divulgar o debate de suas propostas sobre o lugar que o Brasil deveria ocupar na América e sobre a forma ideal de governo para o país


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O autor realiza uma detalhada análise da repercussão do processo de independência cubana na imprensa brasileira, por meio do exame dos periódicos Jornal do Commercio e O Estado de S. Paulo no período compreendido entre 1895 e 1902. Os posicionamentos e opiniões emitidos pelos jornais foram observados a partir de uma perspectiva comparada e com base na configuração política e ideológica de cada veículo. O livro também investiga, ainda levando em conta o posicionamento desses jornais, as propostas ou opiniões acerca da inserção do Brasil no âmbito das relações políticas internacionais, sobretudo no que diz respeito aos Estados Unidos. À época, este país começavam a despontar como uma das grandes potências políticas e econômicas do planeta e a consolidar um papel hegemônico nas Américas. A história da independência cubana é a mais longa do continente, e uma das mais dramáticas: Cuba chegou tarde à independência, em comparação com os outros países hispano-americanos e mesmo assim não a conquistou por completo, pois ficou por um longo período sob a tutela política dos Estados Unidos. O extenso processo de independência de Cuba culminou com mudanças importantes para a América Latina, marcando o fim da presença colonial espanhola no continente e abrindo caminho para uma nova fase da política externa dos EUA para a região, de caráter francamente imperialista


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Research in medical education is the critical and systematic study of teaching and learning in medicine. It's a developing field with an increasing number of researchers and publications. In Brazil, the Brazilian Journal of Medical Education (RBEM) is the main journal in the area. The present study describes Brazilian scientific production in medical education by analyzing papers published by the RBEM from 2006 to 2010. In this period, the number of articles increased by 117.6%, averaging 60.4 articles per year. There was also an increase in the proportion of new research studies. The Southeast region and public institutions account for the greatest share of the articles. The most frequent keywords were medical education, medical students and curriculum. The growth of the RBEM reflects the development of research in medical education in Brazil and is in keeping with the logic of national scientific production.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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In this paper we present an alternative approach due to Bondi for the special theory of relativity. During the development, we analyse the Bondi diagrams, visual resources from which we can take some information about the analysed systems, and we discuss the K factor of Bondi's theory, which is in the core of this work. We then discuss some of the main results obtained from Einstein's special theory of relativity such as the time dilation, spatial contraction and simultaneity of spatially separated events, besides the Lorentz transformations. We also show other two important results in physics coming from K calculus: the relativistic linear momentum and the total relativistic energy.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Pós-graduação em Letras - FCLAS


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This paper presents a proposal for the teaching of cataloguing, emphasizing the problem-solving methodology. The proposal was designed for the distance-based continuing education of the professional cataloguer. It takes into account the challenges inherent to the development of interactive and inter-disciplinary tasks, as well as the development of directed self-education and critical consciousness of that professional, inasmuch as he becomes an active subject, manager of his/her own education.


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Introduction: Authority records interchange requires establishing and using metadata standards, such as MARC 21 Format for Authority Data, format used by several cataloging agencies, and Metadata Authority Description Schema (MADS), that has received little attention and it is a little widespread standard among agencies. Purpose: Presenting an introductory study about Metadata Authority Description Schema (MADS). Methodology: Descriptive and exploratory bibliographic research. Results: The paper address the MADS creation context, its goals and its structure and key issues related to conversion of records from MARC 21 to MADS. Conclusions: The study concludes that, despite its limitations, MADS might be used to create simple authority records in Web environment and beyond libraries context.


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Augmentative and Alternative Communication Resources have proven to be helpful in the insertion of students with disabilities and complex communication needs into a variety of pedagogical activities and expand the skills and competencies of the teacher in the teaching-learning. The objective of this research was to identify the perception of teachers regarding the use of augmentative and alternative communication during an intervention program in Preschool. Participants were a special class of Preschool students with disabilities and severe communication complexity, along with their teacher and the researcher. For the development of this research, a Alternative Communication Program was applied. The teacher was provided with systematic guidance concerning language and communication. In a collaborative process, three children’s songs were selected according to the teacher’s pedagogical planning and adapted resources through Augmentative and Alternative Communication Systems. During the intervention program, assisted evaluations also took place immediately after the activities with the music. The data were collected in audio recordings. For data analysis, content analysis was carried out resulting in the outlining of themes and subthemes. Results indicated that the teacher identified that Augmentative and Alternative Communication Systems can to facilitate expression abilities of students with disabilities; that Augmentative and Alternative Communication Systems can be used by children in Preschool; and that resources adapted through augmentative and alternative communication systems should be in accordance with the specificities of students.


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This study aimed to enter a training program for family members of children, youth and adults who use augmentative and alternative communication systems in the context of alternative languages . The study included families in the age group of 25-65 years in the period 2010- 2012. The activities were held weekly with duration of one hour in a alternative communication laboratory. All activities were videotaped and after that, the verbal participants’ reports were transcribed. The obtained categories were analyzed according to the steps of the program. The results indicated that families realized: the necessity of graphics systems for communication; the importance of adapted materials; and the need to understand their children’s different skills. The study reinforced the need for systematic and continuous guidance for families, as well as highlighted the use of graphics systems in the context of language.


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This study aimed to identify the post-graduation programs in Speech Pathology in Brazil, present the production of professors of these programs in the aspects of documentary typologies and present the evolution of this production up to year 2011, delineate the collaborative networks between professors and between institutions, as well as to present the indicators of networks. By accessing the Capes website, eight post-graduation programs were found, revealing a list with a total of 118 professors in Brazil. Data were extracted from the Lattes Platform using the ScriptLattes. The graphs were created in Excel, the networks were traced using the software Ucinet and the density and centrality indicators were calculated. It was observed that most courses are located in the South and Southeast regions of the country and, even though this is a recent field, it presents a significant collaborative network.