188 resultados para Processo de projeto


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This research project aims to study the relationship between the myths and the automobile, the contributions to the literature of fairy tales and the possible contributions of the heroes of fairy tales can bring to the process of teaching and learning defensive behavior in traffic. Traffic is a phenomenon so common to modern societies that often do not pay attention to their relevance as synonymous with social space and contains diversity of people and behaviors. To counter the image of fatalistic accidents and transgressions, will support us in the virtues of the hero figure to culminate in a collective tale in which children want to rethink their behavior, becoming citizens, with a more preventative and better quality of life. The research will be held in four rooms of elementary school in a city public school that serves children from families of the urban popular classes. The research will seek to analyze how the design of transit for the children and what the increase attributed to the theme, after the establishment of a collective story


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The proposed work aims to analyze the due process of demographic transition and pronounced population aging present in the city of Rio Claro-SP and the implications that such situation entails the locality. Given that the city is at an advanced point of this phenomenon is noticed a large contingent of people aged over 65 years living on site, so they depend on actions in order to live with dignity. Therefore, the project has the aim of investigating the evolution of population, mainly focusing on the plot elderly, verifying the importance of state enterprises that were present in the town in the lives of citizens, for example, FEPASA and Cesp


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A biodiversidade pode ser considerada como uma base da existência por proporcionar recursos e regular os processos naturais responsáveis pela manutenção da vida. Nas últimas décadas, a biodiversidade vem sendo perdida rapidamente, apresentando taxas de decréscimo nunca antes vistas, o que reduz a capacidade de aporte de recursos naturais para as gerações futuras. Em relação às estratégias de conservação da biodiversidade, os orgãos ambientais brasileiros têm empreendido diversos esforços na sistematização de dados e informações sobre biomas, ecossistemas e espécies ameaçadas com a finalidade do estabelecimento de indicadores e diretrizes para a conservação da diversidade biológica direcionados à tomada de decisões por parte de gestores públicos e privados, como aquelas que são deflagradas no âmbito dos processos de licenciamento ambiental. Dentre os instrumentos de gestão ambiental, o licencimaneto ambiental é aquele responsável pela autorização da implantação de empreendimentos potencialmente causadores de significativo impacto ambiental, como é o caso de usinas hidrelétricas. Para isso, o licenciamento ambiental deve estar baseado em estudos ambientais realizados a partir dos procedimentos metodológicos de avaliação de impacto ambiental, os quais devem preconizar os aspectos que caracterizam a vulnerabilidade ambiental da localidade geográfica onde está planejado o empreendimento. Neste sentido, o presente trabalho objetivou analisar de que forma os dados, informações, indicadores e diretrizes sobre a diversidade biológica brasileira, produzidos e estabelecidos pelo governo federal estão sendo utilizados no processo de licenciamento ambiental da usina hidrelétrica de Tijuco Alto do rio Ribeira de Iguape.


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Here we present the introduction of a range of science´s experimental activities, designed and developed with a focus on the investigative methodology in an interdisciplinary context. The activities have as main theme water and covers topics of heat and temperature, density and states of matter. The relevance of this project is to promote the first contacts of children with Science in an attractive way, and correctly of the scientific point of view, respecting the cognitive level of each child, trying to stimulate the development of hypotheses, creativity and critical thinking, as well as the development of the narrative, descriptive language and drawing. We developed seven lesson plans that were applied in the year of 2012, during three weeks in a school for early childhood education in the city of Bauru. The activities were conducted with fifteen children aged four to six years old together with the teacher responsible for the group. As main contributions in the teaching learning process we cite: acquiring of new vocabulary, progress in the development of hypotheses, development of collective work, evolution of knowledge of the topics covered, and use of the acquired knowledge to new problems and situations


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The present work refers to graduation media with specialization in Public Relations and intends to observe the potential for social transformation present in the work of the Community public relations and critical development of the profession in a community, from the perspective of economics concepts creative. Specifically highlights this practice in the community and region of Bauru from observation and evaluation of the work done by the author for two and a half years in project Taquara extension, along with Project Bamboo, which has bamboo as a focus of study and its extension actions. Encompasses the perceptions of the author on existing work in the third sector challenges and observes the realization of a participatory planning process and creating a communication plan as a contribution to the growth of the project


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In recent years the development based on a pattern of production and consumption in large-scale, established relations with degrading the environment, jeopardizing the availability of natural resources. From then on, it became necessary to integrate the environmental dimension to the other planning issues, appearing then the Environmental Planning. The objective of the Environmental Planning generally defined by society, aims help in making decisions; subsidized by a diagnosis at the same time identify and define objectives more environmentally suitable to assist in developing public policy. Thus, the development of prospective scenarios together by experts and stakeholders assists in public policy development and decision-making. In 2007, seeking to structure environmental management in the State, the Department of the Environment of São Paulo has created 21 Strategic Environmental Projects, including the project Cenários Ambientais 2020 with the goal of developing public policy proposals for medium and long term from prospective environmental scenarios. This paper reviews the methodologies used in constructing the scenarios in this project; sought to evaluate the construction process according to what is proposed by Alcamo and Henrichs (2008); and investigated the context that encouraged the development of the project


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Nowadays, in business environment, organizations seek to differentiate through special programs and plans, taking the concepts of sustainability, performance and benefits generated for society. Based in this competitive environment, as companies depend on the use of subcontractors to perform services for your different customers, the work performed by them is directly related to the vision created by the final customer’s vision of the company responsible for the project. Considering that the supplier hired to execute the project does not share the strategic concepts related to the level of services to be offered to the final customers, thus creating the need to develop methods that enable the alignment between the project owner, responsible for preparing the executive project, and the supplier, responsible for the execution of the work. Tangent to this need, it was necessary to create a method of evaluation and categorization for suppliers to hired for the projects. As a result it has been proposed a process of categorization of suppliers, through the restriction of possible companies to be hired for a project designed to promote alignment between strategies and continuous improvement of the solutions offered to the market


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This work has a focus on project execution DMAIC ( Define Measure Analyze Implement Control) , using the statistical and quality tools to identify , analyze and implement improvements in a given process in order to reduce costs telephony transport of a multinational consumer goods . The multinational consumer goods to be studied has outsourced carriers who perform the distribution of its products , which may lead them straight to their factories or one of its distribution centers to the points of sale ( supermarkets , bakeries , gas stations , convenience cafeterias , among others ) . Whenever there is an unexpected situation or some problem at the time of delivery of the goods to the customer opens an occurrence , ie , the carrier responsible for contacts ( 0800 ) with the contact center company of consumer goods which in turn registers the occurrence, analyzes and sends a response action to the carrier . This work will study the problem with a high number of connections to handle occurrence , through analysis and data collection , identify improvement opportunities, implement them and monitor the results to ensure that the gain and loss reduction are sustainable


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This study aimed to assess knowledge of nursing professionals (nurses, technicians and nursing assistants) on the Project Sentinel Hospitals in a state hospital in the interior of and identify the occurrence of under-reporting of hospital products and the reasons that prevented the team to notify them. This is a study of a descriptive and exploratory, held in a public hospital in the interior of which serves only patients of the Unified Health System (SUS). The study sample consisted of 245 nurses. Data analysis revealed that the majority of nurses and nursing assistants refers knowledge about Project Sentinel Hospitals. In relation to the Practical nurses less than half know Hospitals Project Sentry. Knowledge of the four spheres of Hospitals Project Sentinel is higher among nurses. Among the practical nurses and nursing assistants prevailing knowledge in the area of Pharmacovigilance. The nurses have more knowledge about the process of notification and are major notifiers. Technicians and nursing assistants are those who have greater interest in learning content as a whole Hospitals Project Sentry. The nurses were the professionals who witnessed the most under-and under-reporting associated with the fear, lack of knowledge on the subject, insecurity and lack of time. It can be concluded that the study identified the knowledge of nurses on Project Sentinel Hospitals and the procedure for notification of technical defects and adverse events related to health products as well as identify the presence of under-reporting among professionals. In addition, the study shows the importance and need for greater disclosure of the activities developed by Project Sentinel Hospitals among nursing professionals through meetings, lectures, brochures, among other outlets


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This paper is part of a larger project that is being developed at our university, whose goal is to enable students of Literature and Translation to detect and analyze linguistic phenomena based on electronic corpora, consisting of original texts and texts translated, which show the general language, literary language and specialized language. One of its aspects is the analysis of medical abstracts and their translation process. Thus, this undergraduate research project, we seek to observe the technical-scientific English language by performing translations of abstracts of scientific articles of Neurology and Oncology.


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In this work are discussed the main types of rivets, their characteristics and applicability within the Aeronautical Industry branch. Here are highlighted the solid rivets, showing off its layout, forms and limits of installation, that are required by aviation regulators. The riveting is a popular and simple procedure of fixing and joining two or more parts, and like any other manufacturing process is subject to process deviations that in some situations are beyond the limits of tolerance. One of these deviations is when the hole diameter exceeds the one proposed in project and which is limited by the rule of edge distance. The overall objective here is to study a possible solution to this problem: the installation of a rivet that has his diameter previously increased by compression. Observe the hole filling after riveting, detect the presence of cracks, discover the yield curve of the fasteners and their the crushing limits for failure prediction are tools used to verify this proposal. They demonstrate, at the end of study, the inefficiency of this procedure, with results that go against the safe fixing of parts in a structure


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On the grounds of the great advances achieved over recent years, the process HF/ERW (High-Frequency/Electric Resistance Welding)welded pipe have played an active role in the oil and gas industry for deep water applications, at high and extremely low temperatures, under high pressure and in highly corrosive environments, gradually replacing manufactured pipes by other processes. However, studies have shown that defects in the welded joints are a the leading causes of pipelines failures, which has required the determination of toughness values in this region, in compliance with the strict recommendations of the codes and standards with manufacturers and construction companies, on the oil and gas sector. As part of the validation process required toughness values, this research project focuses on a microstructural analysis in HF / ERW tubes microalloyed, steel grade API 5CT N80, designed to explore oil and gas in deep waters, the subject of strategic relevance to the country because of the recent discoveries in the Santos mega fields: Tupi and Libra (pre-salt). In this scientific work will be presented and discussed the results of mechanical tensile and Charpy, a few CTOD tests curves (showing the trend of toughness values to be obtained), and the microstructures of the base material obtained by optical microscopy, with special emphasis on the formation of non-metallic inclusions in the welded joint


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This study aimed to analyze the process of developing and implementing a politicalpedagogical project for rural schools in the city of Araraquara, focusing on one of the schools served. This is an ethnographic qualitative study. The instruments of data collection were participant observation, semi-structured interviews and documentary analysis. It was observed are a change in the community organization throughout the process, with regard to a more active attitude on the part of its members, who have pursued other means to claim the fulfillment of their demands by the Government and relevant institutions, which points to the pedagogical character of participation in the movement to fight for the education they desire. It was also noticed a process of re-signification by the subjects, of their own community identity while seated in an agrarian reform project, as well as a more effective participation of those in everyday life and school organization. It was also observed changes in indicators of school, with an increase in the achievement of students as well as reducing the dropout rate to zero, and the reduction of absenteeism of teachers.


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The article presents São Paulo State University Corporate Education Program – UNESPCorp – whose target is to evolve the staff of institution in order of their professional improvement, using distance education technologies (D-learning). The UNESPCorp pilot project started with the Improvement in Bidding and Public Employment curse. The curse was taught on the second semester of 2012 and received 130 employees representing all UNESP campuses. The text was divided in two parts, the first part recovers historical context which introduces the Corporate University. The second part presents challenges and advances represented for the first version of course, even as its pedagogical structure of operation.