150 resultados para ProJovem Programa Nacional de Inclusão de Jovens


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A Educao de Jovens e Adultos na Unesp de Bauru, teve incio em 1999, com um projeto de extenso para atender funcionrios do Campus e comunidade. Dois anos depois, a PROEX organizou um Programa de Educao de Jovens e Adultos com duas dimenses: atender aos funcionrios da universidade e comunidade. Seus objetivos so: reconstruir a identidade pessoal, social e a cidadania por meio da escolaridade; possibilitar aos alunos do Curso de Pedagogia e de outras licenciaturas experincia de organizar e desenvolver projetos de alfabetizao de jovens e adultos; articular atividades de capacitao, pesquisa e discusso de polticas pblicas junto ao Centro de Educao de Jovens e Adultos (CEJA) da Secretaria Municipal de Educao de Bauru. Desde 2002 adotou-se a metodologia de parcerias com instituies, associaes e igrejas que atendiam s comunidades perifricas, incluindo levantamento da demanda e espaos comunitrios para serem usados como salas de aula. O desenvolvimento do processo educacional tem sido trabalhado por alunos universitrios bolsistas e voluntrios sob orientao de professores do Departamento de Educao da Faculdade de Cincias Unesp/Bauru. A universidade promove tambm cursos de formao para todos os campi envolvidos no PEJA. Os resultados obtidos em Bauru apontam para a realizao dos objetivos propostos, para a constituio da identidade social dos participantes e sua insero na sociedade enquanto cidados e para a formao dos alunos universitrios e seu papel como educadores.


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O relato apresentado enfoca uma anlise acerca de alguns aspectos inicialmente detectados no processo de retomada das atividades do Programa de Educao de Jovens e Adultos (PEJA), no Campus da UNESP em Araraquara/SP. Situando a relevncia das atividades de extenso universitria frente aos graves problemas que afetam a qualidade da escola e da educao no Brasil, em particular a Educao de Jovens e Adultos, e considerando que o enfrentamento dessa realidade deva se dar sob a perspectiva da formao articulada com a pesquisa, a reflexo feita busca apresentar o perfil dos alunos que se interessaram em participar do processo de reorganizao do grupo de professores alfabetizadores, os passos iniciais nesse processo de formao de salas de aula e as manifestaes e impresses manifestas por duas bolsistas integrantes do PEJA quanto s atividades que passaram a realizar, na atuao docente frente a uma sala de aula. Destacando pontos positivos e dificuldades detectadas, as anlises empreendidas pelas participantes revelam o valor das atividades de extenso, intimamente relacionadas pesquisa e formao profissional, bem como do pistas sobre elementos que poderiam enriquecer e engrandecer a formao inicial em cursos de licenciaturas.


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A educao financeira, tema constante de programas de TV de grande audincia, analisada nesta obra como uma crena produzida pelo mundo das finanas, segundo a qual a financeirizao um processo que envolve valores morais, culturais, polticos, simblicos e sociais presentes no mercado e que se configuram e se reconfiguram, colaborando assim para a transformao cognitiva da sociedade e do capitalismo contemporneo. No Brasil o tema ganhou relevncia durante o Governo Lula, com a criao da Estratgia Nacional de Educao Financeira, em 2007, e do Comit Nacional de Educao Financeira, em 2010. As iniciativas foram seguidas pelo setor privado, com a instituio pela Bolsa de Valores de So Paulo, em 2011, do projeto Bovespa Vai At Voc, visando a democratizao e popularizao do mercado de capitais. a partir desse programa, que a bolsa paulista institui o programa Mulheres em Ao, voltado para o pblico feminino. A autora observa que a criao de uma nova crena que esteja em consonncia com o mundo das finanas essencial para que o capitalismo se produza e se reproduza. E cita o socilogo Roberto Grn: [...] o Brasil vive no incio do sculo 21 a instaurao de um modo de dominao financeiro. Mais que um simples money talks, estamos diante da dominao cultural das finanas, que impem a proeminncia das suas maneiras de enxergar a realidade brasileira e enquadrar os problemas do pas. Tomando como base esse contexto, a autora realiza uma abordagem sociolgica do tema, privilegiando as questes sociais, culturais e simblicas pertinentes. Mais que analisar uma suposta mudana de hbitos das mulheres que procuram pelo curso de educao financeira da BM&FBovespa, o objetivo do estudo enfatizar estratgias e mecanismos utilizados pela bolsa de valores para atra-las. Entre estes, est o Mulheres em Ao, projeto que adota com...


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This work presents a framework for full-time education in Brazil, analyzing the levels of proximity and distance of the Brazilian regions in relation to achieving target paragraph 06 of the bill of the new National Education Plan, which establishes the offer of full-time education in at least fifty percent of public schools, and at least twenty-five percent of students in basic education. It aims to determine the contribution of the Mais Educao (More Education) Program of the federal government in fulfilling this goal.


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A Agricultura exerce papel fundamental na economia de um pas, seja ela para emprego de mo de obra e gerao de renda, seja para produo de alimentos destinados para a exportao e consumo interno. No Brasil a Agricultura familiar responsvel por produzir uma parcela importante de alimentos consumidos pela populao nacional. Durante a dcada de 1990, polticas pblicas foram sendo implantadas para auxiliar o desenvolvimento rural, tendo como pblico alvo a agricultura familiar e incidindo sobre entraves para o seu desenvolvimento, como a questo da comercializao dos produtos advindos desse segmento. Em 2003, O Programa de Aquisio de Alimentos (PAA), foi institudo pelo artigo 19 da lei federal 10.696, que tinha como objetivo promover a inclusão social e econmica no campo por meio do fortalecimento da agricultura familiar, atravs da aquisio de alimentos desses produtores. Tais alimentos adquiridos so destinados a aes de alimentao empreendidas por entidades das redes scioassistenciais, Bancos de Alimentos e para famlias em situao de vulnerabilidade social. O presente trabalho consistiu em um estudo de caso, que teve como objetivo diagnosticar a influncia do PAA no municpio de Rio Claro (SP), quantificando o nmero de agricultores que participavam do programa no municpio, e, identificando a diversidade e quantidade de alimentos produzidos destinados ao PAA. Foram tambm analisados os valores destinados ao programa desde sua implantao. Alm disso, foram mapeadas as entidades scio-assistenciais que receberam os alimentos destinados ao programa. Com base na leis de n 10.696/2003 e n 11.326/2006, e os Decretos de n 6.447/2008 e n 6.959/2009, que do providncias ao PAA, foram realizadas coletas de dados e informaes junto s Secretarias de Ao Social e ao Banco de Alimentos do municpio de Rio Claro... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrnico abaixo)


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This work carried through an exploratory study with nine students with Special Educational Needs (SEN) that had passed for the scholarship in last the ten years and who were registered in the modality of Education for Young people and Adults (EYA). The objective was to identify the effect of the inclusive education, with regard to access and equity in education, in relation to the acquisition of reading, writing and calculation, having as reference the initial cycle of literacy. The research was developed with students aged between 16 and 46 years, in a city in interior of So Paulo (Brazil). About the participants, three were attended the Term I: (1 and 2 series), three the Term II (3 e 4 series) and three the Term III: (5 series). An Instrument of Evaluation was elaborated, with specific questions of Portuguese language and mathematics. The study found that in the last ten years, of the investigated group, few students had frequented regular school and those who attended were for a short period of time. The great majority studied, in recent years, only in special school, against the current legislation of inclusive education policy in the Brazilian educational system. Although the students receive the classification of students with SEN, the scholar system demonstrate difficulties in taking care of these students in theirs specific demands of learning and remain, still, the necessity of adequate training of teachers to work in the inclusive schools and to attend the diversity present in the classroom.


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This article presents part of a study that analyzed the concepts, feelings and attitudes of children without disabilities about mental retardation and inclusion and evaluated the effects of an informative program that deals with the issue. The study included forty children from two first grade classrooms in a public school in Marlia-SP. One classroom participated as a control group. All children underwent pre and post tests in the form of interviews on the subject and a scale of children's social attitudes towards inclusion was applied. The experimental group participated in the informative program, composed of thirteen weekly meetings, in which the limitations and possibilities of people with mental retardation, specialized care, their schooling and family and social aspects, were discussed, using various educational and recreational strategies. The data collected in the interviews were categorized and content analysis was conducted. With the scale, individual scores were obtained. Statistical calculations were performed to verify the significance of differences between groups. In this paper we discuss the data obtained with the scale which were crossed with interview data. The results of the interviews and the scale indicated several changes in children's attitudes towards inclusion, but relations between many of these data could not be statistically confirmed. These results indicate the importance of expanding the research on the relationship between the phenomena presented.


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Fundao de Amparo Pesquisa do Estado de So Paulo (FAPESP)


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The aim of this article is to discuss and compare the goals and objectives for the youth and adult education (EJA) present in the National Education Plan (Law No. 10.17201), whose term ended in January 2011, with the new proposal for a National Education Plan, produced by the brazilian Ministry of Education (MEC), which is in course in Congress. Our discussion if run through by the comparison between what the goals that, in general, were reached, which were partially reached and which ones were not reached, this analysis will result, in a certain way, in a portrait of the current situation of youth and adult education (EJA) in Brazil.


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Fundao de Amparo Pesquisa do Estado de So Paulo (FAPESP)


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Ps-graduao em Cincias da Motricidade - IBRC


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The Urban Solid Residues are the rests of human activity, popularly known by trash and considered by population like useless, undesirable and disposable. On the other hand, for the waste pickers, solid residues are the beginning of a cycle: they see in the other's people trash the only income, an economic value. Currently, in brazilian cities, one million collectors act, alone or in cooperatives, socially excluded by the work they do. The National Policy of Solid Residues (PNRS), instituted in 2010, established guidelines to the execution of integrated residues management, with should be practiced by city halls and other governmental institutions. This policy has, besides other things, goals of residues reduction and inclusion of waste pickers in the mechanism of selective collect and recycling. However, this and other public policies created for residue management are benefic only for cooperated waste pickers. That could negatively affect most of this class, since 90% are waste pickers working in a precarious way on the country's streets. This study has for objective show that most of waste pickers that work in a precarious way on the brazilian territory has a huge potential for the solid residues recycling chain and how they should be valued for the environmental services they provide, so they can be included with dignity on the society, ensuring economic and social benefits for this workers. The methodology adopted was based on the amount of residue collected by the 44 cooperated members of the Rio Claros waste pickers cooperative to estimate the potential of collect and recycling did by 210 autonomous waste pickers who are active on city streets. It was observed that the cooperative collects the equivalent of 10.2% of all recyclable residues generated by city population. However, with the potential that these autonomous waste pickers have, which together could contribute 465 tonnes of solid residues per month, or 5,570 tons a year...


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The housing issue in Brazil is'nt a recent problem and has been discussed, worked and questioned in the institutional framework, especially with regard to the critical considerations on the topic and urban problems involved. We as milestones in the Brazilian housing policy the National Housing Bank - BNH, 1964, the height of the military regime in Brazil, and the Minha Casa, Minha Vida, in 2009. Both have questions that approach and distance themselves regarding changes in the Brazilian housing policy, where we have the emergence of new forms of knowledge production and housing consumption. Thus we have a number of advances in ways of acquiring social housing, even at different times, it is characterized as capitalist forms of this issue. Thus the spatial process of housing developments arising from these programs reflect the change in space - time that they lay down, turning the urban space of the cities in this case the city of Presidente Prudente / SP