153 resultados para NDYVO4 SLAB LASER
The aim of the study was to determine the reproducibility and validity of DIAGNOdent in detecting active and arrested caries lesions on free smooth surfaces. Volunteers were selected from state schools of Piracicaba, São Paulo, Brazil. Overall, 220 lesions were clinically examined. Two specially trained ('calibrated') examiners performed both clinical and laser evaluations independently, and after a 1-week interval, the examinations were repeated, the intra-examiner agreement for the laser evaluation was substantial (kappa(ex1) = 0.79, kappa(ex2) = 0.71). There was almost perfect agreement between the two examiners for the clinical examination (kappa(ex1) = 0.95, kappa(ex2) = 0.85). The inter-examiner agreement showed substantial reproducibility (kappa = 0.77) for the laser examination and almost perfect agreement (kappa = 0.85) for the clinical evaluation. The validation criterion was the clinical examination of white spots, recorded as active or arrested. The sensitivity was 0.72 and the specificity was 0.73, which indicates that the DIAGNOdent was a good auxiliary method for detecting incipient caries lesions on free smooth surfaces. The utilization of both methods can improve the efficacy of caries diagnosis. Copyright (C) 2002 S. Karger AG, Basel.
A possible way of producing gravitons in the laboratory is investigated. We evaluate the cross section for electron + photon --> electron + graviton in the framework of linearized gravitation, and analyze this reaction considering the photon coming either from a laser beam or from a Compton backscattering process.
The technique of optical pumping in polar molecules is the most efficient for Far-Infrared (FIR) laser generation, providing also a versatile and powerful tool for molecular spectroscopy in this spectral region. Methanol (CH3OH) and its isotopic varieties are the best media for optically pumped FIR laser, with over thousand lines observed, and the most widely used for investigations and applications. In this sense, it is important organize and make available catalogues of FIR laser lines as complete as possible. Since the last critical reviews of 1984 [1] on methanol and its isotopic varieties [2,3,4], over hundred papers have been published dealing with hundreds of new FIR laser lines. In 1992 a review of FIR laser lines from CH3OH was presented [5]. In this communication we extend this work to the other methanol isotopes, namely CH3OD, CD3OH, CD3OD, (CH3OH)-C-13, (CD3OH)-C-13, (CD3OD)-C-13, (CH3OH)-O-18, CH2DOH, CHD2OH and CH2DOD.
Welding in the dentistry has been used for great part of the specialized dentist-surgeons in the implants area to solve prosthesis supported by implant adaptation problems. The development of new equipments Laser and TIG allowed a larger use of these processes in the prosthesis production. In this work, it was studied welded joints made by Laser and TIG, using commercial purity titanium, cpTi, applied in prosthesis supported by implants. The weld characterizations were carried out by light microscopy, EDS_elementary mapping, microhardness and tensile test. Through metallographic characterization, the weld bead presented a martensitic microstructure in the Laser welding process, originated from shear provoked by deformations in the lattice. This caused structural changes of the transformed area, which determines a fine plate-like morphology. In the weld bead from TIG, besides presenting higher hardness, was observed formation of Widmansttaten structure, which is characteristic of a geometric model, resulted of new phase formation along of the crystallographic plans. The martensitic structure is more refined than Widmansttaten structure, due to the high-speed cooling (10(3)degrees C/s) imposed by the Laser process.
In this paper we investigate the energy transfer processes in TM3+/Er3+ doped telluride glass pumped at the commercial diode laser pump wavelength similar to 800 nm. Tailoring the rare-earths content in the glass matrix, seven main energy transfer channels within the doping range considered were identified, A 6-fold enhancement of the Er3+ visible frequency upconversion fluorescence at similar to 660 nm is observed due to the inclusion of Tm3+ ions. This is evidence of the relevant contribution of the route Er-1(I-4(11/2)) + Er-2(I-4(13/2)) -> Er-1(I-4(15/2)) + Er-2(F-4(9/2)) to the process. Energy migration among pumped I-4(9/2) level reducing the efficiency of the upconversion emission rate (H-3(11/2), S-4(3/2), and F-4(9/2)) is observed for Er3+ above 1.5 wt%. The rate equations regarding the observed energy transfer routes are determined and a qualitative analysis of the observed processes is reported. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
This study was conducted to analyze the ablation rate and micromorphological aspects of microcavities in enamel and dentin of primary and permanent teeth using a Er:YAG laser system. Micromorphological evaluation has been performed in terms of permanent teeth; however, little information about Er: YAG laser interaction with primary teeth can be found in the literature. Because children have been the most beneficiary patients with laser therapy in our offices, it is extremely necessary to compare the effects of this kind of laser system on the enamel and dentin of permanent and primary teeth. In this study, we used eleven intact primary anterior exfoliated teeth and six extracted permanent molar teeth. We used a commercial laser system: a Er: YAG Twin Light laser system (Fotona Medical Lasers, Slovenia) at 2940 nm, changing average energy levels per pulse ( 100, 200, 300, and 400 mJ) producing 48 microcavities in enamel and dentin of primary and permanent teeth. Primary teeth are more easily ablated than are permanent teeth, when related to enamel or dentin. However, while this laser system is capable of slowly revealing the enamel's microstructure, in dentin only the lowest laser energies permit this kind of observation, more easily decomposing the original tissue aspect, when related to primary or permanent teeth. Statistically, the only different factor at the 5% level was an energy per pulse of 400 mJ, confirming the results found in SEM. Our results showed that dentin in both primary and permanent teeth is less resistant to Er: YAG laser ablation; this fact is easily observed under SEM observation and through the ablation rate evaluation.
Objective: the aim of this study was to assess, through Raman spectroscopy, the incorporation of calcium hydroxyapatite (CHA; similar to 960 cm(-1)), and scanning electron microscopy (SEM), the bone quality on the healing bone around dental implants after laser photobiomodulation ( lambda 830 nm). Background Data: Laser photobiomodulation has been successfully used to improve bone quality around dental implants, allowing early wearing of prostheses. Methods: Fourteen rabbits received a titanium implant on the tibia; eight of them were irradiated with lambda 830 nm laser ( seven sessions at 48-h intervals, 21.5 J/cm(2) per point, 10 mW, phi similar to 0.0028 cm(2), 86 J per session), and six acted as control. The animals were sacrificed 15, 30, and 45 days after surgery. Specimens were routinely prepared for Raman spectroscopy and SEM. Eight readings were taken on the bone around the implant. Results: the results showed significant differences on the concentration of CHA on irradiated and control specimens at both 30 and 45 days after surgery ( p < 0.001). Conclusion: It is concluded that infrared laser photobiomodulation does improve bone healing, and this may be safely assessed by Raman spectroscopy or SEM.
Background: Low intensity laser therapy has been recommended to support the cutaneous repair; however, so far studies do not have evaluated the tissue response following a single laser treatment. This study investigated the effect of a single laser irradiation on the healing of full-thickness skin lesions in rats.Methods: Forty-eight male rats were randomly divided into three groups. One surgical lesion was created on the back of rats using a punch of 8 mm in diameter. One group was not submitted to any treatment after surgery and it was used as control. Two energy doses from an 830-nm near-infrared diode laser were used immediately post-wounding: 1.3 J cm(-2) and 3 J cm(-2). The laser intensity 53 mW cm(-2) was kept for both groups. Biometrical and histological analyses were accomplished at days 3, 7 and 14 post-wounding.Results: Irradiated lesions presented a more advanced healing process than control group. The dose of 1.3 J cm(-2) leaded to better results. Lesions of the group irradiated with 1.3 J cm(-2) presented faster lesion contraction showing quicker re-epithelization and reformed connective tissue with more organized collagen fibers.Conclusions: Low-intensity laser therapy may accelerate cutaneous wound healing in a rat model even if a single laser treatment is performed. This finding might broaden current treatment regimens. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Background and objectives: To assess the microhardness of dentin subsurface after Er:yttrium-aluminum-garnet (YAG) and Nd:YAG laser irradiation. Study design/materials and methods: Twenty-four bovine incisors, without pulp, were used. The vestibular surface was worn out until the dentin was reached and divided in mesial and distal regions. The samples were divided into two groups: GI-distal, irradiated by Er: YAG laser, and GII-distal, irradiated by Nd: YAG laser. The mesial area was protected so as to not receive the laser irradiation. The measurements were made on Vickers digital microhardmeter. Results: For GI-there was no significant statistical difference, Cl(-4.59 to 0.78), between the values of irradiated (55.61 +/- 4.38) and unirradiated (57.51 +/- 4.00) areas. For GII-the values were higher for the irradiated (62.21 +/- 6.48) compared to the unirradiated (57.82 +/- 5.42) area, CI(1.65 +/- to 7.13). Conclusions: There was an increase of dentin microhardness when the Nd: YAG was used, but the Er: YAG did not cause significant alterations in dentin microhardness. (c) 2007 Laser Institute of America.
The thermal conductivity of several commercial ZnO-based varistor systems was determined based on the laser-pulse method, a technique that proved extremely useful and easy to apply. Using this technique, the thermal conductivity was found to be dependent on the microstructural features of the devices, involving the mean grain size and phase composition. Among the phases existing in commercial ZnO-based varistors, ZniSb2O12 and Bi2O3 were found to contribute strongly to the thermal conductivity of the devices. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Erythroplakia is considered to represent a premalignant condition and is felt to be at high risk to progress to oral cancer development. When the lesion presents with red and white mucosal alterations concomitantly, the term erythroleukoplakia is used. However, in erythroleukoplakia lesions, the red or erythroplakia areas have been shown to be most likely to demonstrate dysplastic changes compared to the white hyperkeratotic areas. We present a case of patient with erythroleukoplakia involving the lower lip that was treating with carbon dioxide laser radiation (CO2) with 0.8 mm focus, 5 W, power density of 2.5 W/cm(2) in continuous. After the surgery, the vaporized surface was protected with a fibrinolisine + chloramphenicol cream. To date, after 6 months, there has been no clinically evident recurrence on the vermilion area. The functional and esthetic results observed were judged to be excellent.